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•The Yavin 4 Warzone will temporarily pop more frequently than other Warzones.


So you can change how often they pop? :D


So wait, are all other WZs normally equal?


Should they be?


Can you set Hypergate to pop less? :p

Edited by Foambreaker
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Don't the huttball maps together have the same chance as just one huttball map popping? I seem to remember people with bad taste complaining about huttball popping too much so they just had both count as one or something.


I'd rather see the Odessen one pop less. I don't mind it occasionally but it's too gimmicky to still be fun after doing it 3 times in a row.

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Don't the huttball maps together have the same chance as just one huttball map popping? I seem to remember people with bad taste complaining about huttball popping too much so they just had both count as one or something.


Maybe, that would be dumb but I somehow believe it.


And Odessen should be ripped out of the game completely. Period.

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I rarely fully agree with Exilove, this is one such time. More Huttball, less Odessen.


I don't really mind the map all that much, the only thing I really don't like about it is when you end up having to run around in circles trying to find the enemy and just keep missing em for some reason, bad timing or whatever.


My only real objection to the map [and it doesn't stop me from playing it when it pops] is the faction mixing. I hate that. If I wanted to fight side by side with Jedi I wouldn't have become a Sithlord. I don't want to fight side by side pubs, I want to kill pubs.


It's called the Darkside for a reason, and that reason is not because you play nice with others.


I get in the storyline we're temporarily at truce with the Republic, which is a big part of the reason I hate the Eternal Empire. It isn't that the notion is so far fetched, it's just not Star Wars. It was okay for a twist, but it's been going on way to long now and it's time to get back to the bread and butter of Star Wars. Sith vs Jedi, Red lightsabers hissing off blue lightsabers. Pubs fighting in the name of 'justice' and democracy and Imps fighting in the name of Imperial justice and tyranny. That's what it's all about.


We're mortal enemies, we should act like it.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Am I the only one that likes Odessen?


It isn't my absolute favorite map and I wouldn't want to play it several times in a row, but I do like it being in the mix. It's also needed if you queue at an odd hour Rep side. (say, 6:00 AM server time)



This. Ecept for the rep side thing (Have never played rep side since i started this game)

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They are in waves but not equal. There is a hour dominated by Voidstar, and later and can be a hour-or-two with Civil War, etc. Heck, once per week it can be a Huttball hour.


Sometimes Voidstar or Hypergates can stuck and you are doomed to play on them (5-6 Voidstars in a row for example). I have never seen queue streaks with anything else but Voidstars and Hypergates. :rak_02:


I saw it on TRE for years and now on Darth Malgus. :)

Edited by Glower
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I don't really mind the map all that much, the only thing I really don't like about it is when you end up having to run around in circles trying to find the enemy and just keep missing em for some reason, bad timing or whatever.


My only real objection to the map [and it doesn't stop me from playing it when it pops] is the faction mixing. I hate that. If I wanted to fight side by side with Jedi I wouldn't have become a Sithlord. I don't want to fight side by side pubs, I want to kill pubs..

The only problem is Odessen is that some people seem to have never grasped how to actually play in this map. The good thing is most of them quit at the start if they decide not to play (except for the occasional morons who rather AFK a full warzone than quit and try to get a new one), that usually results in the quitters being replaced by people who do not hate the warzone and they can enjoy it, so not a big problem.

However, if the only reason that you dislike it is merging groups with the republic, I am afraid you might one day dislike all warzones, because it is apparently only a matter of time until all war zones are remodeled to host cross-faction (I think I saw somewhere they said that the main problem is just the lack of voiceover for this). In this aspect, BioWare rather listen to the complaints about faction imbalance than the complaints about the role-play behind the warzone getting less realistic. Even if they eventually don't remodel all warzones, I highly suspect role-lacking warzone such as huttballs will be cross-faction eventually, and not in the too far future.

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My only real objection to the map [and it doesn't stop me from playing it when it pops] is the faction mixing. I hate that. If I wanted to fight side by side with Jedi I wouldn't have become a Sithlord. I don't want to fight side by side pubs, I want to kill pubs.


Finally someone talks sense. I love you.

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When a new map gets introduced, yes they up the frequency of it popping. But after a short time they throw it in the normal queue. They have never stated how that normal queueing works though, because as others have stated too many times to count I've gotten Voidstar a few times in a row & I do believe years ago it was a Hypergate set. (Those darn Hypergate Irregularities got in there & messed things up. lol)


As for Huttball, NO. Just no. I can't stand those maps. It's nothing but a joke too many times in those maps. Old Huttball one side just dominates most the time. Quesh ball, too many weird places to almost glitch out. (And hackers like that one too. Seen that too often in that match.)

Odessen would be great if people actually understood it & didn't just run like idiots. And if the interrupts worked correctly.

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So you can change how often they pop? :D


So wait, are all other WZs normally equal?


Should they be?


Can you set Hypergate to pop less? :p


Dunno how this is news, they have done that every single time they released a new warzones for the first few weeks it's out. I remember how painfull it was when they released queshball and you had to play queshball all the time...

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They are in waves but not equal. There is a hour dominated by Voidstar, and later and can be a hour-or-two with Civil War, etc. Heck, once per week it can be a Huttball hour.


Sometimes Voidstar or Hypergates can stuck and you are doomed to play on them (5-6 Voidstars in a row for example). I have never seen queue streaks with anything else but Voidstars and Hypergates. :rak_02:


I saw it on TRE for years and now on Darth Malgus. :)


Interesting. Was that confirmed by a dev somewhere?


I've had days where I seem to keep getting one particular map, but just chalked it up to bad luck with RNG. Multiple Voidstars are the worst, by the way. Even one Voidstar seems to take forever and a day to finish. Several back-to-back are brutal.

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My only real objection to the map [and it doesn't stop me from playing it when it pops] is the faction mixing. I hate that. If I wanted to fight side by side with Jedi I wouldn't have become a Sithlord. I don't want to fight side by side pubs, I want to kill pubs.


This is why we can't have nice things..

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