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So what do you think will happen to the game once the servers shut down for good?


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"nothing chiss related?" There was lore about Chiss politics, Chiss force users, Chiss homeworld, etc. Maybe you should pay attention to the positives for once.



Since I seem to have missed, please answer some of my story related questions in the flash point, not with what you think but where it said in the flashpoint why these things happened.


Why did we land on a holiday resort filled with Chiss, so far from any objective?


Why did we have to kill so many Chiss, yet couldn't bring the eternal fleet when we went their and murdered 90% of the Chiss we saw?


Why did we have to fight some Chiss leader who seemed to be abandoned by Theron, why was she trying to stop us getting to him?


What was the role of each of the named Chiss in the flash point within Chiss politics? I have no idea what Chiss politics made it alright to send a two man team in to kill everyone where a war ship in orbit to kill everyone would have been bad?


Why was Temple sent along to observe and ensure Chiss interests and then said nothing to help you understand anything to do with Chiss politics. I understand some lightside options are very bad for the Chiss but I wouldn't know why from Temple being along.


How is it that Lana is able to land right at the Temple and Theron able to take off from it, yet we had to land the far side of the pleasure resort?


How is it Theron is allowed on the planet that no non chiss is allowed on, yet we get attacked on sight?


Why is it that we didn't bring any ships to capture Theron should he decide to try and escape?


You say there was talk of Politics, all I saw was some likely meaningless comments about killing someone and then possible consequences of your actions that will probably have no bearing on anything. I learnt more about Chiss politics reading outbound flight and Thrawn than anything explained in this flashpoint. I sure wouldn't have know the consequence of my actions from having been briefed on any ramifications.


Some how though I missed it, so I look forward to you showing where in the 3 or so cut scenes and possibly comments made such as Temple talking about reading Theron's file where all this deep story telling and Chiss Lore came in. Cause I'm still at a loss of how a covert mission involved nothing covert and basically killing a lot of blue skinned humans sat around what appeared to be a vista on Makeb.

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Which of those games you listed have lengthy, intricate story lines for each in game class? None. That's what I was thinking.


coh had plenty of story. But the important point is that star wars is a Disney property. I dont know what loophole swg private server exist under but between EA and Disney they will want money to keep servers running.

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Since I seem to have missed, please answer some of my story related questions in the flash point, not with what you think but where it said in the flashpoint why these things happened.


Well, seeing as you didn't bother addressing the rest of my points, why should I give you another chance of a red herring?


But I'll do it because I have the patience for now, even though I only played the FP once so i'm sure there would be at least one error or two.


Why did we land on a holiday resort filled with Chiss, so far from any objective?


Because the Chiss told us Theron is there.


Why did we have to kill so many Chiss, yet couldn't bring the eternal fleet when we went their and murdered 90% of the Chiss we saw?


The Chiss wanted us to use a strike team to avoid a war. If a fleet would have been used, a LOT more chiss would have died.


Why did we have to fight some Chiss leader who seemed to be abandoned by Theron, why was she trying to stop us getting to him?


She and Theron were working together and she was protecting her associate's escape. Why did she protect him? Because she thought she could and you killed some of her men, notice she did give up at the end and didn't sacrifice herself for his sake.


What was the role of each of the named Chiss in the flash point within Chiss politics? I have no idea what Chiss politics made it alright to send a two man team in to kill everyone where a war ship in orbit to kill everyone would have been bad?


Again, you didn't kill that many people in the grand scale of things. When planets like Coruscant are home to 2 trillion people, killing 50 Chiss "traitors" on Copero isn't that big of a deal. As for Valss's position within Chiss politics, i don't think it was stated.


Why was Temple sent along to observe and ensure Chiss interests and then said nothing to help you understand anything to do with Chiss politics. I understand some lightside options are very bad for the Chiss but I wouldn't know why from Temple being along.


She was there as an observer, not an ambassador. It was never stated her job was to make you understand stuff, but to ensure Chiss interests. Which she did when she opened a holocall with the Chiss dude after you defeated the traitor.


How is it that Lana is able to land right at the Temple and Theron able to take off from it, yet we had to land the far side of the pleasure resort?


You were closer to the temple than Lana at the time you figured out Theron was there. As for why was she late, who knows. Lots of plausible explanations (got the message late, speeder took a while to get there, she was in the toilet)


How is it Theron is allowed on the planet that no non chiss is allowed on, yet we get attacked on sight?


Theron had Valss's backing and offered them alliance intel.


Why is it that we didn't bring any ships to capture Theron should he decide to try and escape?


Sure, i'll give you that.


You say there was talk of Politics, all I saw was some likely meaningless comments about killing someone and then possible consequences of your actions that will probably have no bearing on anything. I learnt more about Chiss politics reading outbound flight and Thrawn than anything explained in this flashpoint. I sure wouldn't have know the consequence of my actions from having been briefed on any ramifications.


I wouldn't expect this flashpoint to give more info about Chiss lore than two books. What makes you think your actions will probably have no bearing on anything? If the traitor lives, the Chiss who gave you the tip loses a lot of power as the traitor could then use the intel gathered on the alliance to broker a deal with the empire to favor her faction within the Chiss.


Now, are you gonna address all of my previous points or just pick a red herring out of these FP-related ones?

Edited by Eli_Porter
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You've never witnessed a game die have you? It's not as climactic as you think. It happens gradually you notice small things happening to the game that you brush off as nothing. Eventually the devs open up to the community and give them warning about the game shutting down. They'll have some special event happen in game and then a final countdown to when the servers will shut down for good.


After that the game ceases to exist. That's all there is. Independent developers can revive the game and put up legacy servers if they wish and have consent from the company who still owns it but other than that it's gone. Everything you did meant nothing. That's how every MMO is.

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You've never witnessed a game die have you? It's not as climactic as you think. It happens gradually you notice small things happening to the game that you brush off as nothing. Eventually the devs open up to the community and give them warning about the game shutting down. They'll have some special event happen in game and then a final countdown to when the servers will shut down for good.


After that the game ceases to exist. That's all there is. Independent developers can revive the game and put up legacy servers if they wish and have consent from the company who still owns it but other than that it's gone. Everything you did meant nothing. That's how every MMO is.


I think many are comparing it to the demise of SWG, which took years from death to final shut down when SOE finally couldn't justify keeping it on life support.

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He won't be able to do group ranked tho, I feel bad for him :(


Sure he will. He'll be able to summon 3 companions for his team, and 4 other companions to play the opposition because the "rules of the game" don't apply to him. And he'll be able to change them up, to keep it interesting.

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No MMO lasts forever, and at the rate SWTOR is losing population and money, EA is liable to just pull the plug. And EA only has the Star Wars license until 2023.


With all the content and story arcs in the game that put some purely single player games to shame, what do you think might come of SWTOR when the inevitable shut down happens?


Convert it to a single player RPG (like KOTOR), or will the game disappear like so many other MMO's before it? It would be a shame to lose all the work put into SWTOR.


It will go the way of the dodo...

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Sadly it happens, even to games loved by the players like this is. I remember when City of Heroes/City of Villains shut down like that, I had a lot of characters there too :(
I just feel sorry for the folks who sunk a ton of real cash into the Cartel Market because the money they spent, as well as the stuff they purchased, will all be gone as well. If they're smart they'll start building a screenshot library to preserve the memories. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Well, seeing as you didn't bother addressing the rest of my points, why should I give you another chance of a red herring?


But I'll do it because I have the patience for now, even though I only played the FP once so i'm sure there would be at least one error or two.




Because the Chiss told us Theron is there.


You missed the point why did we land so far from the objective? What was the explanation in the story to land the strike team on a covert assault the far side of a pleasure resort to track someone down.



The Chiss wanted us to use a strike team to avoid a war. If a fleet would have been used, a LOT more chiss would have died.


How so we killed 90% of Chiss we meet, there was nothing covert about it. We made no effort not to kill any Chiss nor was there anything about not kill them in any of the cut scenes. So this is an assumption. Please only stick to the story from the flashpoints.



She and Theron were working together and she was protecting her associate's escape. Why did she protect him? Because she thought she could and you killed some of her men, notice she did give up at the end and didn't sacrifice herself for his sake.


She never said anything of the kind. She said Theron betrayed her, no explanation was given of why she stood in your way to protect someone that had betrayed her. Please do not assume her motives and only stick to what was said in the flashpoint.


Again, you didn't kill that many people in the grand scale of things. When planets like Coruscant are home to 2 trillion people, killing 50 Chiss "traitors" on Copero isn't that big of a deal. As for Valss's position within Chiss politics, i don't think it was stated.


Why did you have to kill any? Why was it okay in Chiss politics to use a strike team to kill Chiss on their own planet but not alright to use the eternal fleet to do a strategic strike on one ship as it left orbit. Once again where it says it in the story not what you assume is the reason. You stated that I had missed Chiss politics but I have yet to see where any Chiss politics is explained.


She was there as an observer, not an ambassador. It was never stated her job was to make you understand stuff, but to ensure Chiss interests. Which she did when she opened a holocall with the Chiss dude after you defeated the traitor.


So that was the only Chiss interest in the entire mission to open a holocall? She did nothing but help you kill Chiss the entire time and opening a holocall justifies that in the story. Her place was to ensure Chiss interests, yet not once did she even mention what was best for the Chiss.


You were closer to the temple than Lana at the time you figured out Theron was there. As for why was she late, who knows. Lots of plausible explanations (got the message late, speeder took a while to get there, she was in the toilet)


Not plausible retcon explanation, where was it stated in the flashpoint what the reason was. You said I should pay attention to the positives, but it seems that the story that I should have paid attention to was plausible explanations that I make up to justify how they bolted some cut scenes round a stand alone flashpoint to try and tie it into the story.


Theron had Valss's backing and offered them alliance intel.


How did he manage to convince her to allow him to land for some intel, yet you with the entire eternal fleet and all that same intel have to kill them. If it werent for the mission objectives there was nothing in the story to even say you were assaulting the factory in an effort to fight her, you don't even know why your fighting her till after you have defeated her. No where in the story is it explained how a SIS spy with a massive bounty on his head makes contact in Chiss space yet the Chiss didn't bring him to you as a fellow Imperial and claim the bounty. Its a ham fisted, Oh Theron made contacts and sold some secrets so they sided with him over you.


I wouldn't expect this flashpoint to give more info about Chiss lore than two books. What makes you think your actions will probably have no bearing on anything? If the traitor lives, the Chiss who gave you the tip loses a lot of power as the traitor could then use the intel gathered on the alliance to broker a deal with the empire to favor her faction within the Chiss.


It didn't give any information on Chiss, some vague notion that they don't like force sensitive people and the brother should have been exiled is the sum total of the structure of the Chiss politics, their views on warfare or conquest, how the Chiss here has betrayed the Chiss Ascendancy or what would happen if you took her prisoner, let her live or killed her until after the fact with no way to know if that is typical or specific to the circumstance.


Now, are you gonna address all of my previous points or just pick a red herring out of these FP-related ones?


That you think they care and that GSF is great. Good for you. I got fleet admiral title, and it took days waiting for a match to pop and they were always imbalanced, so I'm guessing less people feel GSF is great but if you enjoy it and think its a vital pillar of the game then great.


That you like that ranked PvP is poping more as people far mats, congrats.


Were those points I was supposed to say something about. Really I just hope your investing heavily in the game at the moment, so the bottom line which is what EA care about shows this is a good direction the game is going in. Given they are now down to five servers and it looks like after the pvp map is added next week we wont see anything else new till 2018 Im not sure the direction is the right one but unless they release figures who knows.

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I'm not interested in trying to guess WHEN it will be shut down. That's not what this thread was about.


I think the OP is referring to the hours and hours of voice acting and cut scenes that still might be considered worth something. Sort of like TV show reruns.


It isn't too far out to think it could be "converted" to a single player game. I can't even begin to guess how you'd do that technically, would it be easy/hard/impossible? Has that ever been done before?

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You missed the point why did we land so far from the objective? What was the explanation in the story to land the strike team on a covert assault the far side of a pleasure resort to track someone down.


It wasn't that far? You can only go so close to an enemy base, did you expect to land right smack in the middle of it?


How so we killed 90% of Chiss we meet, there was nothing covert about it. We made no effort not to kill any Chiss nor was there anything about not kill them in any of the cut scenes. So this is an assumption. Please only stick to the story from the flashpoints.


The covert part was not using a massive army to take out 50 chiss. That would be seen as an act of war and a clear affront to the empire rather than squashing some traitors.


She never said anything of the kind. She said Theron betrayed her, no explanation was given of why she stood in your way to protect someone that had betrayed her. Please do not assume her motives and only stick to what was said in the flashpoint.


Like I said, you just breached her base and killed a bunch of her men. What did you expect her to do, treat you to a cup of tea?


Why did you have to kill any? Why was it okay in Chiss politics to use a strike team to kill Chiss on their own planet but not alright to use the eternal fleet to do a strategic strike on one ship as it left orbit. Once again where it says it in the story not what you assume is the reason. You stated that I had missed Chiss politics but I have yet to see where any Chiss politics is explained.


I learned that Chiss have no problem killing their own kind for political gain. I learned that Chiss are divided by houses and each houses are fairly independent. I learned that Chiss are still leaning between the Empire and the Alliance and can't show loyalty to one or the other by inviting their fleet to take out a group of traitors.


So that was the only Chiss interest in the entire mission to open a holocall? She did nothing but help you kill Chiss the entire time and opening a holocall justifies that in the story. Her place was to ensure Chiss interests, yet not once did she even mention what was best for the Chiss.


Why should she mention it to you? She has no obligation to give you any info. Her interests were also later revealed to be to take out the traitor, but she couldn't exactly do that with you there so she made the call.


Not plausible retcon explanation, where was it stated in the flashpoint what the reason was. You said I should pay attention to the positives, but it seems that the story that I should have paid attention to was plausible explanations that I make up to justify how they bolted some cut scenes round a stand alone flashpoint to try and tie it into the story.


Her being further away than you wasn't retconned, you only learned of the temple later into the FP. Why she was late can be all sorts of plausible reasons, saying she should have been there in time is a retcon in itself.


How did he manage to convince her to allow him to land for some intel, yet you with the entire eternal fleet and all that same intel have to kill them. If it werent for the mission objectives there was nothing in the story to even say you were assaulting the factory in an effort to fight her, you don't even know why your fighting her till after you have defeated her. No where in the story is it explained how a SIS spy with a massive bounty on his head makes contact in Chiss space yet the Chiss didn't bring him to you as a fellow Imperial and claim the bounty. Its a ham fisted, Oh Theron made contacts and sold some secrets so they sided with him over you.


Valss is a Chiss, seemingly a very powerful one. You don't think he could convince her to take Theron's offer?


It didn't give any information on Chiss, some vague notion that they don't like force sensitive people and the brother should have been exiled is the sum total of the structure of the Chiss politics, their views on warfare or conquest, how the Chiss here has betrayed the Chiss Ascendancy or what would happen if you took her prisoner, let her live or killed her until after the fact with no way to know if that is typical or specific to the circumstance.


Just because it's not much to you as a reader of two books about Chiss doesn't mean the info isn't there for those uninitiated with Chiss politics, stance on force sensitivity and power structures.


That you think they care and that GSF is great. Good for you. I got fleet admiral title, and it took days waiting for a match to pop and they were always imbalanced, so I'm guessing less people feel GSF is great but if you enjoy it and think its a vital pillar of the game then great.


Days to pop? Have you played GSF recently? Maybe give it another try?


That you like that ranked PvP is poping more as people farm mats, congrats.


The matches have all been a blast for me. Almost 20 matches and no team has given up as soon as the fighting started. Again, give it another try.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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No MMO lasts forever, and at the rate SWTOR is losing population and money, EA is liable to just pull the plug. And EA only has the Star Wars license until 2023.


With all the content and story arcs in the game that put some purely single player games to shame, what do you think might come of SWTOR when the inevitable shut down happens?


Convert it to a single player RPG (like KOTOR), or will the game disappear like so many other MMO's before it? It would be a shame to lose all the work put into SWTOR.


I dont know if this has been said but DISNEY can RIP the IP from EA with EASE and it is written in the contract if they do harm to DISNEY'S IP and it has done great harm

8 billion dollars EA has lost since the BF2 pay to win and then EA covers it with one BS lie after another and they keep getting caught and it hasnt even begun

Any software EA has remains their forever though this one DISNEY could rip from them and they have every right to since STAR WARS is DISNEY'S and well I hope DISNEY does end EA and STAR WARS anything.

Most think Disney can do nothing but they have no clue it was already written into the contract when Lucas sold controlling rights to DISNEY though LUCAS still make a ton of money off HIS STAR WARS DISNEY retains all rights PERIOD and the MOUSE vs EA it isnt even a match the MOUSE will win and EA will fall and it does need to happen. EA has messed up so many good games and companies


I been saying 2017 is when it all begins and oh did that happen bigger then I could have imagine.

WE wont be getting many updates or fixes EA is in a emergency lock down mode and we are not a massive amount of revenue for them to worry much about.



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