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So what do you think will happen to the game once the servers shut down for good?


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No MMO lasts forever, and at the rate SWTOR is losing population and money, EA is liable to just pull the plug. And EA only has the Star Wars license until 2023.


With all the content and story arcs in the game that put some purely single player games to shame, what do you think might come of SWTOR when the inevitable shut down happens?


Convert it to a single player RPG (like KOTOR), or will the game disappear like so many other MMO's before it? It would be a shame to lose all the work put into SWTOR.

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When Swg closed we thought it was the end but some people have revived SWG, though there are two different versions of SWG (SWG-pre nge and after nge) Both of them exists and people are playing but the catch is you can't charge people subs, you can take donations so it would depend if they can find the code once it closes and if anyone wants to do that or not.

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When Swg closed we thought it was the end but some people have revived SWG, though there are two different versions of SWG (SWG-pre nge and after nge) Both of them exists and people are playing but the catch is you can't charge people subs, you can take donations so it would depend if they can find the code once it closes and if anyone wants to do that or not.


Who would want to keep playing this game in this state ? :p

Especially without the CM to keep the players playing space barbie ? ^^'


Honestly, once it's gone, then it's gone. Not a big deal, sure it was fun, I had some great moments, but every game must come to an end one day. Swtor ending doesn't mean that I'll stop talking to the players I met here. :rak_03:

Maybe we'll see a successor, but I doubt it. Too expensive, given EA's standards. :rolleyes:

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Exactly lol. What happens is, it becomes a memory...like SWG is, like Tabula Rasa is, like CoH is...it's just done.


What were you thinking they'd do OP? It's kind of a silly question...I guess I'm not sure what you are thinking might happen??

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Who would want to keep playing this game in this state ? :p

Especially without the CM to keep the players playing space barbie ? ^^'


Honestly, once it's gone, then it's gone. Not a big deal, sure it was fun, I had some great moments, but every game must come to an end one day. Swtor ending doesn't mean that I'll stop talking to the players I met here. :rak_03:

Maybe we'll see a successor, but I doubt it. Too expensive, given EA's standards. :rolleyes:


You be surprised how many people are playing SWG. I know the one my boyfriend and I play from time to time have quite a few people playing. We play the NGE one so it would depend on the person or persons.

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Exactly lol. What happens is, it becomes a memory...like SWG is, like Tabula Rasa is, like CoH is...it's just done.


What were you thinking they'd do OP? It's kind of a silly question...I guess I'm not sure what you are thinking might happen??


Which of those games you listed have lengthy, intricate story lines for each in game class? None. That's what I was thinking.

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Which of those games you listed have lengthy, intricate story lines for each in game class? None. That's what I was thinking.

Just because there are 8 individual stories, doesn't mean it will be treated any differently when it closes down. It'll close and it'll be gone forever...just like all the MMO's that have preceded it.

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You be surprised how many people are playing SWG. I know the one my boyfriend and I play from time to time have quite a few people playing. We play the NGE one so it would depend on the person or persons.


I was talking about swtor, not swg. I know peoples are still playing it, since I have been too. :p

The issue with swtor is that currently it doesn't have much appeal to be kept. Sure, there is plenty of story and everything, but the content itself is not good enough, cleverly designed or balanced for me to keep playing on a private server after it's closed. :)

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if they were to pull the plug due to lack of money , it probably be like they did with the BSN forums . the cheapskate will just erase it like it never existed .


Agreed. I record the cutscenes/conversations in my playthroughs for when that day comes and the game no longer exists.

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I learned a very valuable lesson from swg. Never get too attached to a video game because it will break your heart when it closes.
I thought I had learned that after what EA did to Westwood Studios and Earth & Beyond ... until EA did the same thing to Bioware and this one. The lessons in all of this for me are that (a) no IP - no matter how popular or wholesome - is safe from ruin, (b) the more faithful devotees are to an IP the more susceptible they are to getting fleeced, and © the longer they remain faithful the more painful it is for them when that light bulb goes on.


On topic, solo KOTOResque RPG fans will always have a game to play. Not so with Star Wars MMO fans. Disney won't allow a vanilla SWTOR EMU, and I doubt we'll ever get another real MMO even remotely close to the one we had up until Dallas Dickinson and Daniel Erickson were sent packing. I have a sneaking suspicion Disney will likely try avoiding any more AAA MMO nightmares after dealing with the ones EA created for them. Battlefront may well be the future of Star Wars multiplayer gaming.


So what happens when the SWTOR servers go down will be little more than a sad postmortem of what could have been; followed by the remaining player base realizing that the $100s (if not $1,000s) they blew on CC purchases ... as well as what they bought with them ... are all permanently gone too. Epiphanies rife with depression will abound I think.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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If this game dies it will have some kind of remake, they are remaking KOTOR, and the original KOTOR was launched in XBOX recently, the KOTOR franchise is still doing well no reason to let it die, regardless of how well this game does.


Besides if the next head clown at the EA circus decides to give SWTOR more money it can bounce back.


They should really consider remaking the whole game in another engine, the amount of bugs introduced with each new upgrade and the time it takes to fix then makes me think that this game is hard to code, plus it looks like BWA is understaffed to handle the game even with a smaller population.

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Then it ends I guess, nothing we can do about it. Hopefully they make a sequel that is a much improved version of the game that everyone can gravitate to as a replacement, and attract new players, etc. They're not going to just drop the IP altogether, so I honestly don't think it will be the last of TOR games by BioWare. Edited by Jesira
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EA will do what EA has always done. Close the doors, do NOT release the sources, do NOT allow private servers or free servers to continue the legacy.


Remember motor city online? How about the-sims-online? Should I keep listing....?


Thank you for the money, now get the freeeek out.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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