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Is it me or is the storyline boring?


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Warrior: Star of the show. Yes you're playing the bad guy, the anti-Jedi, and that puts some people off, but it's so much more fun than the goody goody Jedi. They delve into his/her motivations and is more of a character than the one-trick-pony good guys. Voice acting is superb. Companions, other than the gurgling rug from Hoth, are fantastic as well.



Overall: Empire 3.7/4, Republic 2.3/4


Spot on the Warrior Story was the best one and the voice acting is always excellent through out. Well worth playing through and you get a number of chapters recruiting your apprentice to make it far more meaningful than oh here is a companion that many others get.

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I've tried a few classes already, i didn't get very far but no matter what i do, the game just boring my highest is 22 which is a bounty hunter. Thought as a BH i would do some bounty quests here and there but im doing this lame melee game thing. I dunno if i should just use one of the boosted characters


It just takes so long to level and maybe the game is not for me


If you think BH story is bad, you may want to NEVER try Trooper and Smuggler. :t_eek:

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For years people have debated the best story especially on VOIP and the slippery slope is insisting someone will 'love this one the best'. It's really up to them to discover it. Tell them they'll love it and the expectation will be high or tell them it sucks and they will suspend judgement.


Short Answer: All the Class Stories have Good, Average, & Boring Chapters


Best Advice: You feeling 'meh' about where the story is going just make a new toon different class. Keep doing that until you find one that grabs you.


This I agree wholeheartedly with. Nobody can decide for you, we can only summarize things. Put out a list of pros / cons, have / have nots etc.

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Well, my original post was primarily a response to my suspicion that you're trolling -based on the other posts I've seen from you this past week. Also, the notion that you're apparently a founder, but also asking seemingly ingenuous questions about playing the game.


At the same time though... if you've been around as long as you have, and you find that none of the stories are grabbing you, and also, that you find leveling slow (honestly, the problem, if anything, with SWTOR is that leveling is too quick). SWTOR probably isn't for you.

...if you find Sith Warrior to be a good match for you, great. If not, you probably ought to move on.


Where are you going?

Yesterday, around this time, forums were down, and I assumed that the game was down as well (for emergency maintenance). So... where did I go? I downloaded Blade & Soul. This game might be for you. I'm more of a story type player... and, actually, I'm finding the story to be fairly compelling. At the same time, I think that the Action Combat they have is something that would appeal to your play style. I started leveling a Destroyer; an axe-wielding fighter. I see a lot of game reviewers talk about "impactful" combat. Nothing says Impactful like charging someone, knocking them down, picking them up by the throat, smashing their face into the flat of your axe a bunch of times, and then either slamming them onto the ground, headbutting them, or hammer-throwing them as far as you can.


...and I'm actually a little disillusioned with SWTOR these days. This may very well be "where am I going."

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take too long to level ? really? :eek:


Yeah I hate to tell the guy but if he's 22 and still working towards the grand melee he's ahead of the curve. Historically that was around level 16. He's probably doing side quests too which bog things down and make it easy to get distracted and forget what's going on in your personal story.

Edited by kodrac
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I love the story, but between expansions we only get a tiny bit of it with each update, so it's a little off putting when it's over in an hour or less. I would almost rather they conclude a story in the expansion, or in the first 2 or 3 updates after it, and focus on content development in between expansions, or have the story installments be meatier, or released two chapters at a time, or something so it felt more substantial. It always gets a bit dull between expansions, though. It always has.


If the OP is only level 22, maybe they should play a different classes story, I personally loved Agent/Inquisitor/Smuggler stories more than the other classes.

Edited by Jesira
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You think i should i should boost a character? would i get confused with either their story or abilities or should i just suck it up and just try to get through it


Considering you're new to the game? No I don't think you should. You're just going to get blasted with a bar full of abilities with little understanding of the class mechanics.


It doesn't take that long to level in this game. They have increased the main story quests xp by insane amounts. You don't even need to do side quests anymore. Personally I suggest you do the agent story if you're finding BH to be boring. Best stories imo are Agent, Inquisitor, Warrior and Knight. The rest are kind of hit or miss. I liked all of them, but most will say sage and BH are the most boring.

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Sounds to me like this person was expecting an action MMO like Blade & Soul or the like. While I think there is a place for an action Star Wars MMO, that is not this game.


This is a game for people who love Star Wars and aren't deterred by the method of combat. Philosophically I don't think this person is going to find enjoyment, especially since the end the game is all about rotations, when it comes to combat. And if he already doesn't enjoy the story, I see nothing that would keep him here.

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Sounds to me like this person was expecting an action MMO like Blade & Soul or the like. While I think there is a place for an action Star Wars MMO, that is not this game.


This is a game for people who love Star Wars and aren't deterred by the method of combat. Philosophically I don't think this person is going to find enjoyment, especially since the end the game is all about rotations, when it comes to combat. And if he already doesn't enjoy the story, I see nothing that would keep him here.


I know about rotation i do it all the time on wow endgame. I also actually prefer tab targeting vs action combat on PC anyway (action combat i would like on console mmos)


I also love star wars. and as i said previously the reason i dislike the truckload of abilities is because i get them too quick. i also said i didn't mind them when I'm at end game and i like to ease into them instead of getting 4-5 abilities at say level 4.

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A one hand saber sith warrior is a juggernaut, so the tree I think that will make it the easiest for you is as I said vengeance. Enjoy, its a fun story with many chances to butcher, though I don’t recall a ton of chance to flirt.


When i was going to get my saber from the tomb, a woman outside wanted me to get her friends body and all i did was flirt with her. it was funny. Her "can you bring his body back to his father please" me "hey baby" lol

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It just takes so long to level and maybe the game is not for me


This is a new one usually people say they level too fast.


If you do ONLY the class mission you can reach level 70 in about 4 to 8 days, if you add all the explorer missions you can drasticly reduce that time to only a couple of days, that is not a long time. Most other games to reach max level can take MONTHS not DAYS.


There are 4 major disciplines with 2 sub classes for each. With Republic and Empire that gives you 8 unique story lines that you can pursue. I am sure that ONE of those will be to your liking. If not then like others have said Star Wars is not for you.


As far as boosting a character to level 70 sure you can do that but you will be totally useless not only to your own game play but to anybody else that you group with. If you do not know your character or how to play the class then you will quickly be singled out and will never be invited to or will be insta-kicked from groups. I don't think that is something that you would like. So NO boosting your character would not be a good idea.

Edited by denavin
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