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Is it me or is the storyline boring?


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Ok will try and remember all of your comments


So i have played


Wow is so far my longest running mmo

The other mmos i have not reached max level but i played a decent amount of them


Tera, BDO, digimon masters, Final fantasy, wildstar, champions online


The longest apart from wow i spent on an mmo is Champions online and digimon master, however, microtransactions ruined most of the mmo i played



I dont want an i win button i just want a smoother play experience and using my way which dunno, why people are upset about, is how i play all my mmos. i cant stand using wsad side


The classes i have played is sith assassin (first toon forgot to choose discipline) dual wield jedi combat bounty hunter mercenary arse

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I am not aware about any class in that game that has what you want. No class can be utilized even at 30% by using 4 skills only, not to mention the extremely useless keyboard+mouse layout you are using. It seems you want an "I WIN" button and I am happy to inform you that we don't have such in SWTOR.


Ah heck he could easily level a guardian or juggernaut his way. I leveled a knight to 65 no issue before they required advanced classes and that is pretty much either one using only limited choices of their powers.


You want a sith with a lightsaber that jumps in has an aoe and can get away with only 9 power they use, go for juggernaut, you want a Jedi go for guardian.


I don’t know the sith attacks by name but you could level only using 4 attacks as a guardian here are the powers you could use......strike, blade dance, plasma brand, and for aoe force sweep. Leap in blade dance, plasma brand, blade dance then use strike till one of those recharges and build focus. I hope I got the powers names right but that would work well enough.

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Ah heck he could easily level a guardian or juggernaut his way. I leveled a knight to 65 no issue before they required advanced classes and that is pretty much either one using only limited choices of their powers.


You want a sith with a lightsaber that jumps in has an aoe and can get away with only 9 power they use, go for juggernaut, you want a Jedi go for guardian.


I don’t know the sith attacks by name but you could level only using 4 attacks as a guardian here are the powers you could use......strike, blade dance, plasma brand, and for aoe force sweep. Leap in blade dance, plasma brand, blade dance then use strike till one of those recharges and build focus. I hope I got the powers names right but that would work well enough.


Awesome answer i was looking for, ill try one of them and see how it goes if I'm not bombarded with 20 abilities by level 4 (exaggerating i know but that's how it feels). What discipline should i use

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Awesome answer i was looking for, ill try one of them and see how it goes if I'm not bombarded with 20 abilities by level 4 (exaggerating i know but that's how it feels). What discipline should i use


Vigilance as a guardian or vengeance as a juggernaut. And about all the powers just move them to the side and use the four I listed as you attacks, for the other powers I would suggest your leap and a couple defenses.

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I've tried a few classes already, i didn't get very far but no matter what i do, the game just boring my highest is 22 which is a bounty hunter. Thought as a BH i would do some bounty quests here and there but im doing this lame melee game thing. I dunno if i should just use one of the boosted characters


It just takes so long to level and maybe the game is not for me


Going from what you've said in other posts I suspect this is not the game you're looking for.


The vanilla game story remains the biggest draw and some of the best Star Wars story telling I've found in computer games. Over the six years the game has been out the levelling time has been significantly reduced and you can now bypass non-essential missions focusing just on the story.


If you're just in the game for solo content, levelling a character through the story then I'm not sure why you're even bothering with a rotation. As soon as you get level synced to a planet any difficulty disappears. Pop your companion to healing stance and you can happily click your basic attack to dispatch 90% of mobs, the few silvers and golds you'll run in to might need you to go to one of the higher damage abilities. If i'm feeling really lazy doing heroics I'll set my companion to tank and then just use AOE. It's not the most efficient but it's a one click rotation.

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Going from what you've said in other posts I suspect this is not the game you're looking for.


The vanilla game story remains the biggest draw and some of the best Star Wars story telling I've found in computer games. Over the six years the game has been out the levelling time has been significantly reduced and you can now bypass non-essential missions focusing just on the story.


If you're just in the game for solo content, levelling a character through the story then I'm not sure why you're even bothering with a rotation. As soon as you get level synced to a planet any difficulty disappears. Pop your companion to healing stance and you can happily click your basic attack to dispatch 90% of mobs, the few silvers and golds you'll run in to might need you to go to one of the higher damage abilities. If i'm feeling really lazy doing heroics I'll set my companion to tank and then just use AOE. It's not the most efficient but it's a one click rotation.


Yeah probably the reason im been doing all the side missions and the story is taking too long per planet


What side has a better story though the jedi guardian or the mirrored sith side?

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Yeah probably the reason im been doing all the side missions and the story is taking too long per planet


What side has a better story though the jedi guardian or the mirrored sith side?

The Sith Warrior story line is in my opinion the best of the eight.

The Jedi Knight just felt somewhat predictable and generic.


That said all of the class storylines have highpoints, even the consular.


When I'm running a new character through the game for story I tended to make the character then leave it in a stronghold/ rest area to accrue as much rested xp as possible. Then I'd wait for a double xp event and hit the heroics. Pretty much level 1-70 just running the heroics with the bonus of their quick transport.

Then at level 70 I'd go back to the story and just run the story missions. I already went through the planetary and sidequests numerous times from launch.

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Awesome answer i was looking for, ill try one of them and see how it goes if I'm not bombarded with 20 abilities by level 4 (exaggerating i know but that's how it feels). What discipline should i use


Do you know that you DON'T HAVE TO LEARN an ability just because it is there? Example: I don't imagine my Mercenary being able to lug a big Fusion Missile around(he is more of a space Angel Eyes). So, guess what I do? I DON'T LEARN Fusion Missile! Simple, no? Average rotation has like 6-7 abilities(some have more, some have less).


As for the rest...


So, a Knight, an Inquisitor and a BH. It's kinda odd you weren't pulled by either Knight or BH. Especially by Knight, it tries to be so epic, it can get too much. But it pulls in 90% of people no problem. BH...if you don't get outraged on Hutta, yeah this'll get boring. It's not the most interesting of stories and now with Bounty Hunting events...why does it even exist lol? An Inquisitor...it's a VERY SLOW BURN story. But don't fret, it's not very good. It's just...this happened then that happened and you are just conveniently there to reap the rewards. Pointless. Has a very good male voice acting though(Euan did his job properly).


It's interesting that you weren't satisfied with Knight. Maybe try other classes? Here's the deal:


Consular: Wouldn't suggest it, it doesn't seem you are looking for a philosophical thesis(what Consular Act 1 is)

Trooper: You could like it. The entire Act 1 is interesting, there is action, tough choices abound...

Smuggler: I...don't know. It is a fun romp looking for lost treasure, and the writing is PHENOMENAL! But at the same time it's kinda basic. I would try it at the very least until the end of Coruscant.


Warrior: Yeah, I'd suggest this one. It's straightforward, Act 1 is the best Act 1 in the game(imo), plenty to do, ****** feeling...but it WANES so hard. Act 3 is...lol.

Agent: While it is good and I recommend trying it until the end of DK...I don't think you'd like it. Something tells me you are looking more for Knight / Trooper / Warrior feeling and not for James Bond like clandestine cloak-y / dagger-y stuff. Still give it a go.


If you do decide to try those classes:


Trooper: Commando -> Gunnery(Republic version of Arsenal) / Vanguard -> Tactics(when I better think, you could like this one ; also later on you could like the Tank)

Smuggler: Scoundrel -> Scrapper(very easy, it consists of like 4-5 abilities and that's at the end) ; overall you could like Scoundrel very much


Warrior: Jugger -> Immortality(tank with DPS AMEs ; very easy to play, you use like 4-5 attacks)

Agent: Operative -> either ; emphasis on Concealment(Operative's an Empire version of Scoundrel)

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I've tried a few classes already, i didn't get very far but no matter what i do, the game just boring my highest is 22 which is a bounty hunter. Thought as a BH i would do some bounty quests here and there but im doing this lame melee game thing. I dunno if i should just use one of the boosted characters


It just takes so long to level and maybe the game is not for me


Curious. Please outline a story plot that you would find not boring.


What elements of a story (conflict, tension, suspense, character development, story arc, message) would make the story lines not boring for you?


Just for an example, on the Jedi sage story line (were you to play it) with the early drama of Yuon Par and Parkanis and the shielding effect, what part of that would make it not boring for you?

What specific element would you add that would the Jedi Sage story line more interesting? What plot point?


You see, the problem with saying "the story is boring" without giving specifics of how to improve it, you're leaving the writers to assume on their own what constitutes not-boring story lines, which is what they tried to with KOTFE, by shaking things up a bit with the Alliance, and funny, people like to rag on the story line.


Why? Because the story line diverges from their set of expectations about the game they're playing.

So. If you really wish to contribute to the conversation about improving the game's story line, explain the plot points, conflicts, etc., that you'd find as not-boring.

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Curious. Please outline a story plot that you would find not boring.


What elements of a story (conflict, tension, suspense, character development, story arc, message) would make the story lines not boring for you?


Just for an example, on the Jedi sage story line (were you to play it) with the early drama of Yuon Par and Parkanis and the shielding effect, what part of that would make it not boring for you?

What specific element would you add that would the Jedi Sage story line more interesting? What plot point?


You see, the problem with saying "the story is boring" without giving specifics of how to improve it, you're leaving the writers to assume on their own what constitutes not-boring story lines, which is what they tried to with KOTFE, by shaking things up a bit with the Alliance, and funny, people like to rag on the story line.


Why? Because the story line diverges from their set of expectations about the game they're playing.

So. If you really wish to contribute to the conversation about improving the game's story line, explain the plot points, conflicts, etc., that you'd find as not-boring.


I don't think he knows anything about Consular, so don't spoil it for him.

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This one is easy.... If you have tried a few classes and you haven't enjoyed any of them, the game is not for you. If you think leveling is too slow and every storyline is boring, the game is not for you.

Skip the drama momentus and look for another way to entertain yourself.

^This is exactly right. If you're finding several of the class stories boring then swtor is not the game for you. You will still need to learn how to play your class even if you boost a character to 70. This game is primarily about the story with other typically mmo elements added in. You need a different game.

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Im trying sith warrior one hand saber spec, and if i only use certain abilities then im sure ill enjoy it. Im gonna be a ruthless sith killing people who cross me except for female characters, ill flirt with all and spare them if necessary.


Kill the men flirt with the women, this is my character's philosophy

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Im trying sith warrior one hand saber spec, and if i only use certain abilities then im sure ill enjoy it. Im gonna be a ruthless sith killing people who cross me except for female characters, ill flirt with all and spare them if necessary.


Kill the men flirt with the women, this is my character's philosophy


A one hand saber sith warrior is a juggernaut, so the tree I think that will make it the easiest for you is as I said vengeance. Enjoy, its a fun story with many chances to butcher, though I don’t recall a ton of chance to flirt.

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Republic got the shaft on class stories. They all suck. Imp side is the best side.


Personally Knight and Agent were the best. In the Knight story you were the hero, the one Jedi saving the galaxy, very much in the Star Wars tradition (It's just not Star Wars without a Jedi Knight battling evil). In the Agent, you were the super spy, kind of like James Bond. Those two were by far the best stories.


To me, the Trooper storyline made me feel like a UPS driver. It was all go here, do this, come back to Coruscant, rinse and repeat. The Bounty Hunter and Inquisitor stories really lacked anything engaging. The Great Hunt could have been good, but in the end it seemed lackluster. The Warrior story was ok at times but seemed more like a weaker version of the Knight story (I actually started with the Warrior story so it made the Knight story seem stronger). It might have been more fun if you could have actually changed the story with dark and light choices. The smuggler story was,well, just a smuggler story, kind of middle of the road. The Consular story was sort of the same. It had its moments but was really like 3 different stories rather than a complete arc.

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I think you might enjoy the Smuggler storyline. Your character is very snarky and self absorbed, the storyline is humourous, and it's not hard to get into. (plus, you get tons of flirt options, not as much as the Agent, but still a couple per planet). The combat is pretty simple, (no epic lightsaber combat though) I mostly use the basic shot and Dirty Kick. Overall, I think you would enjoy it as a change of pace.




You get a southern farmboy who loves his blasters, a Leia-esque sarcastic princess (plot point), a wookie, a tough as nails Zabrak mandolorian, and a Mon Calamari (Think Admiral Akbar)


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Since y'all are quoting me I'll give my take on the stories. I've played them all at least twice, if not more. Starting with the Republic:


Smuggler: Chapter 1 was great. Fun, witty, fast paced, great antagonist. But once it's over and you've done the thing and recruited the girl it becomes a completely different story. Now I'm a space pirate for the good guys? What? We go from the best antagonist to some other guys that are, like, bad and stuff. Or something. But there's a twist! The good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys! Oh FFS. Moving on. Loved Guss.


Trooper: Yup. UPS driver with a BFG. For Christ's sake can I just make a holo call to Garza? I've done the story two and a half times and I still couldn't tell you what it's about. All I really remember is after Chapter 3 Saresh pissed me off. Can't remember why anymore and because I can't force myself to play it through again I won't remember. Running around shooting things with a rifle or cannon is good fun tho. Very fun class to play.


Consular: I enjoyed Consular. The voice actors didn't bore me like everyone always claims. It's pretty much what I thought a Jedi would do when they're not being a kick *** knight. Investigating, using the force to uncover secrets, helping people, etc. Interesting and entertaining, but not exciting.


Knight: The hero. KOTOR 3 basically. Was good up until the Emperor got involved. Then it just got weird. Couldn't they have come up with a more believable Apocalypse you have to save the universe from? Which only leads to more *** moments in later expansions.


Now the Empire:


Inquisitor: Fun because of Force ghosts, artifacts and lightning, but you're basically a moron that keeps walking into traps over and over. If it wasn't for your great great grand pappy talking sense into you you'd be dead before leaving DK. Some plot holes but otherwise fun and engaging.


BH: Love it or hate it. I loved it. I had fun hunting my targets, although after a while you do sense a pattern repeating itself. It's basically the same story each chapter with a different motivation for doing the same things. I'm sure I lost some brain cells on Hoth it was so dumb. It's kind of like binge watching your favorite TV show though. Would do it again before doing any pub story. If you love Mako you'll hate Skadge. If you hate Mako you'll love Skadge.


Warrior: Star of the show. Yes you're playing the bad guy, the anti-Jedi, and that puts some people off, but it's so much more fun than the goody goody Jedi. They delve into his/her motivations and is more of a character than the one-trick-pony good guys. Voice acting is superb. Companions, other than the gurgling rug from Hoth, are fantastic as well.


Agent: Easily the best story in the game. Oddly enough though it's the least Star Warsy. It's more what would 007 be like in a Star Wars setting. It put me off at first but after playing more classic Star Wars themes with the Knight and Warrior it made the Agent stand out. Way out. Like whichever creative mind thought of doing this and doing it this well should get a promotion to Lead Writer - but didn't.


Overall: Empire 3.7/4, Republic 2.3/4

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Since y'all are quoting me I'll give my take on the stories. I've played them all at least twice, if not more. Starting with the Republic:


Smuggler: Chapter 1 was great. Fun, witty, fast paced, great antagonist. But once it's over and you've done the thing and recruited the girl it becomes a completely different story. Now I'm a space pirate for the good guys? What? We go from the best antagonist to some other guys that are, like, bad and stuff. Or something. But there's a twist! The good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys! Oh FFS. Moving on. Loved Guss.


Trooper: Yup. UPS driver with a BFG. For Christ's sake can I just make a holo call to Garza? I've done the story two and a half times and I still couldn't tell you what it's about. All I really remember is after Chapter 3 Saresh pissed me off. Can't remember why anymore and because I can't force myself to play it through again I won't remember. Running around shooting things with a rifle or cannon is good fun tho. Very fun class to play.


Consular: I enjoyed Consular. The voice actors didn't bore me like everyone always claims. It's pretty much what I thought a Jedi would do when they're not being a kick *** knight. Investigating, using the force to uncover secrets, helping people, etc. Interesting and entertaining, but not exciting.


Knight: The hero. KOTOR 3 basically. Was good up until the Emperor got involved. Then it just got weird. Couldn't they have come up with a more believable Apocalypse you have to save the universe from? Which only leads to more *** moments in later expansions.


Now the Empire:


Inquisitor: Fun because of Force ghosts, artifacts and lightning, but you're basically a moron that keeps walking into traps over and over. If it wasn't for your great great grand pappy talking sense into you you'd be dead before leaving DK. Some plot holes but otherwise fun and engaging.


BH: Love it or hate it. I loved it. I had fun hunting my targets, although after a while you do sense a pattern repeating itself. It's basically the same story each chapter with a different motivation for doing the same things. I'm sure I lost some brain cells on Hoth it was so dumb. It's kind of like binge watching your favorite TV show though. Would do it again before doing any pub story. If you love Mako you'll hate Skadge. If you hate Mako you'll love Skadge.


Warrior: Star of the show. Yes you're playing the bad guy, the anti-Jedi, and that puts some people off, but it's so much more fun than the goody goody Jedi. They delve into his/her motivations and is more of a character than the one-trick-pony good guys. Voice acting is superb. Companions, other than the gurgling rug from Hoth, are fantastic as well.


Agent: Easily the best story in the game. Oddly enough though it's the least Star Warsy. It's more what would 007 be like in a Star Wars setting. It put me off at first but after playing more classic Star Wars themes with the Knight and Warrior it made the Agent stand out. Way out. Like whichever creative mind thought of doing this and doing it this well should get a promotion to Lead Writer - but didn't.


Overall: Empire 3.7/4, Republic 2.3/4


Who was the main enemy in Trooper Act 1?


I don't understand why people complain so much about returning to Coruscant. It's like 3-4 times. THE EXACT SAME # of TIMES Knight returns to Tython! But nobody complains about that! NOBODY!


Why is that?

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For years people have debated the best story especially on VOIP and the slippery slope is insisting someone will 'love this one the best'. It's really up to them to discover it. Tell them they'll love it and the expectation will be high or tell them it sucks and they will suspend judgement.


Short Answer: All the Class Stories have Good, Average, & Boring Chapters


Best Advice: You feeling 'meh' about where the story is going just make a new toon different class. Keep doing that until you find one that grabs you.

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Who was the main enemy in Trooper Act 1?


The commander with the afro and sweet 'stache that I couldn't care less about. I went on a full rampage tracking down someone I had zero investment in.


I don't understand why people complain so much about returning to Coruscant. It's like 3-4 times. THE EXACT SAME # of TIMES Knight returns to Tython! But nobody complains about that! NOBODY!


Why is that?


It's not as bad now that they added in the QT point inside the Senate building and let you QT from inside the starport. Back in the day running through the starport and then through the senate building... tedious. Versus shuttle down to Tython hang a left and you're at the Counsel door. Wham bam thank you ma'am.

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