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BW, the Shadow's changes in Intangible Spirit is very unfortunate for PVP


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I'd like to see your Team Ranked SR to be honest, or even better: I'd like to see you stream your gameplay so that we can see what an awesome "I can counter everything" - Player you are.




Just because you cant do any thing does not mean it impossible.

Edited by Neoforcer
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There is not a counter to everything. If you forcibly exhaust your escapes there can be a point in time where there just is no exit. The ability to find and exploit this is what separates good players from great players.


Lol there just no exit for bad shadows AKA shadows the get stealth capped in the first 45 Secs of the match by one Sin in void star.When you were hopping servers before server mergers so yep theirs no counter... The class is now unplayable according to you now you go back on my ignore list bads will continue to be bad..

Edited by Neoforcer
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If I'm about to get globalled, I do nothing anymore. Why should I defend myself when I get globalled anyway ?

I tried out PvP a few days ago just for the Achievement, now I'm staying wway from that again. At least until the "patch dust" has settled.


This is why you get globalized I did not say the counter are easy some of you have no idea that legal hardware out there that give you the advantage. Mouse and keyboard in this day an age don't cut it any more. I let you wonder on what hardware i talking about and it is legal with the TOS.

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This is why you get globalized I did not say the counter are easy some of you have no idea that legal hardware out there that give you the advantage. Mouse and keyboard in this day an age don't cut it any more. I let you wonder on what hardware i talking about and it is legal with the TOS.

Okay, so you're basically insulting peoples because they cannot do what a completely separate app or hardware has to do for you in order to success ? :rak_02:

Lol, just lol. :rolleyes:

Next topic please ! :D

Edited by supertimtaf
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Marauders dont have perma stealth, they have 4 seconds, and they do not drop out of combat at all, you have to wait for 20 or seconds before you come out of combat and you'll been visible for 16 or so seconds to drop out of combat. Marauders dont have force cloak like Assassins, and they don't have perma stealth like Assassins and Operatives.


If the enemy team doesn't find you after you reappear after 4 seconds, they're clueless because they can see where you are on the mini map display [red dot]. You can see where Sorcs are when they use Phasewalk in the same exact manner. Not that hard to look at the mini map for the red dot.


There isn't any class that can't heal itself out of combat, Marauders are no different in that regard. Apples and Oranges.


That said, nerfing Assy's defenses like they just did in 5.6 is BS, much like the Carnage nerf, and PT.



And by the by, you lose some credibility in saying that this meta is anything but the Merc/Sniper meta.


Not all Maras are Fury, and it's Fury that's over the top some in PVP since thier buff. Anni got nerfed and Carnage got nerfed to hell and back. Fury has the anti-cc passive, as a Carnage marauder i'm CCed every three seconds, and slowed about half the time.


People need to learn the differences in the specs before pointing fingers. There isn't one spec that's gotten nerfed more than Carnage in 5.x, Deception coming in right after them in terms of nerfs.


They do not care about how the destroy specs, thier combat team is incompetent on a scale that buggers the mind. Melee gets it the wazoo, and Mercs and Snipers get a slap on the wrist so small that they might as well have just left them the way they were before 5.6, after seeing the melee specs get ripped apart, the merc/sniper 'nerf' is an insult. Snipers should be like marauders as the other pure dps class, but they're not, they get heals, and they shouldn't at all.


Class balance is worse now that before they started it.


Another thing that's BS, Assassin's shouldn't have to pay a utility point for their raid wide buff [Assassin's Shelter]. That's BS too. Either they should get it for free or every other spec should have to spend a utility point for their raid wide buffs.


Problem is actually getting OUT OF COMBAT! I know on my sin if i cloak out its a crap shoot on whether it breaks combat. Most of the time it don't and I endup uncloaking only to find I can't heal cause I'm still in combat.


Shouldn't have to spend a point on instant cast of whirl wind either after all we were suppose to be going to a instant cast for all our abilities. bioware the epic fail of mmo's

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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