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BW, the Shadow's changes in Intangible Spirit is very unfortunate for PVP


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Before the changes in PVP, e.g when a marauder force chocked me and burst all his best cd's, I was usually 20-40% HP when free of the grip to escape. Now you have taken away that 30% damage reduction from us, i.e given the marauder a solo kill button against shadows. Infiltration has no healing like commando, operator, sniper, guardian or sage, and no 99% damage reduction like marauder or operator. Yes, we have a 3 sec resilience, but it only really works stopping dot's every 1 min. Server lag is a problem when timing other uses.


Reduction of damage taken from area of effect attacks by 30%: In ranked, nobody uses aoe to kill their target. They stun and single target burst. What use do I have of the 30% aoe damage reduction in that situation? Give us back the 30% damage reduction taken while stunned!


Additionally, other classes have abilities that prevents me from force cloaking, the only thing that could save me to heal up (if I'm lucky to get out of combat mode).


The imbalance now is totally mental. Not happy.

Edited by Lirtoo
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Before the changes in PVP, e.g when a marauder force chocked me and burst all his best cd's, I was usually 20-40% HP when free of the grip to escape. Now you have taken away that 30% damage reduction from us, i.e given the marauder a solo kill button against shadows. Infiltration has no healing like commando, operator, sniper, guardian or sage, and no 99% damage reduction like marauder or operator. Yes, we have a 3 sec resilience, but it only really works stopping dot's every 1 min. Server lag is a problem when timing other uses.


Reduction of damage taken from area of effect attacks by 30%: In ranked, nobody uses aoe to kill their target. They stun and single target burst. What use do I have of the 30% aoe damage reduction in that situation? Give us back the 30% damage reduction taken while stunned!


Additionally, other classes have abilities that prevents me from force cloaking, the only thing that could save me to heal up (if I'm lucky to get out of combat mode).


The imbalance now is totally mental. Not happy.

So now, the only viable melee DPS classes for ranked are marauder and operative.

Ty BW for **** on us.

Edited by RafaelPeretz
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Yep. Very easy to see that this is what was going to be the result of the change. Probably one of the most idiotic changes they've ever made (and the list is long). This needs to be reversed ASAP, not only from us, but from all the DPS classes they changed this utility for.


Please BW, you could have fixed this prior to release, as you were warned, but now that it's actually live, understand how you've ruined us and reverse this utility madness.

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Yeah, it's very sad for me that after being gone for over a year and then taking almost three months of casual play to gear out my deception sin in 248s, after yesterday I have decided to shelve that sin and move whatever mods I can over to another toon and start over.


This discipline already takes such finesse to play well, to be competitive and it certainly does not have the 2nd life defensives numerous other disciplines/classes have -- this move makes no sense.


The only solution for me is not to play my class any more. I guess it's time to go full Immortal skank dps Jugg now that I got a pretty much free 30% stun reduction and the free 3s root on Saber Throw is now on a utility I was already taking instead of the 10% Intercede damage... woot!


Thanks for ruining one of my two favorite disciplines again, a discipline I've been playing since I beta tested it for you on Malak. :(




Edited by Monterone
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Thanks for the Lawls you all must not know how to play shadow or sin very well with utilities infiltration has no healing that makes me laugh a little... What are you guys using over charge saber for the extra damage to our charge? when it proc at most it like 6k instead of 4k. It your Heal to win button hit that and a med pack at 1/4 health and heal to full and make them pay... If your not using the utility that give force run a 60% damage reduction across the board then it a failed utility spec using defection in between https://i.imgur.com/nNmaFRC.jpg is the way to win.


Now please read The patch notes


Formless Phantom utility has been redesigned and now reduces damage taken from area of effect attacks by 30% for the Deception and Hatred disciplines and reduces damage taken while stunned by 30% for the Darkness discipline


Entropic Field no longer reduces damage taken from area of effect attacks by 30%


If you all thought you were getting single target damage reduction with those 2 changes i have to laugh I am sorry. The only nerf was -30% from area effects on Entropic Field so sin and shadows had 60% reduction on AOE effects this was making us LOL stand in snipers AEO and I win spec. That's the only nerf to the class in 5.6 damage reduction. Just FYI been playing main sin since beta in PvP... Sorry to laugh at you guys but please for the love of all thing sin and shadow read your abilities before posting stuff like this. you have lost no single target damage reduction any were is Tuesdays patch.


What is happening is some of us saved boxes so long that we got a lot of the new aug mats which with now 3 stats on augs hurt like hell compared to 228 augs...

Edited by Neoforcer
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So now, the only viable melee DPS classes for ranked are marauder and operative.

Ty BW for **** on us.


Carnage is total and utter garbage now.


Say Fury, because that's what you are really referring too, they got Buffed, Anni got nerfed and Carnage got a double dps nerf, the only spec in the game that happened too. It's garbage now.

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It's not unfortunate, it's just nonsensical. Its a straight up nerf to DPS Assassins survivability where it didn't need one.


All Bioware seems to see though is that they gave both dps specs access to an AoE DR rather than just 1 of the 2.

But forgot to consider the consequences in the process.


I gave a little more depth to my post on reddit.

Edited by Evolixe
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It's a good change. Sins were overperforming. the ability to just escape combat and heal to full is too strong.


Would love to see you pull that off effectively against good players or an average ranked comp (merc or mara). Really. :)

If stealth is that big of an issue, remove it from marauders and operative, no ? Never saw a post that asked to remove stealth from mara though, even if they are on top of the current meta. But it seems that, strangely, a 1min15 stealth out that can be broken by almost every aoe (even an ataru strike) is more powerfull than a 45sec stealth from marauders, which cannot be broken by attacks.


Sorry man, I don't see your logic at all here. :)

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It's a good change. Sins were overperforming. the ability to just escape combat and heal to full is too strong.


You can do it but you have to leave combat, half the time you are stuck in combat for another 10 seconds, then you have to heal up which takes 12 seconds, then come back. That's 30 seconds of your team being at 3v4 and 30s of you unable to deal damage which is frankly a huge disadvantage. In a T/D/D/H comp it can be forgiving but in a 4 DPS match it's straight up death for your teammates. Against mercs especially more than 1 semi-competent merc it's impossible to pull off because of nets. Compare that to mercs 3 lives or Mara 30 seconds quasi immunity to damage while still dpsing and you can see that the sin escape is really not that OP

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You can't purge everything and the healer can be subjected to cc all the same.


Ya that can happen but if you Global again it is your problem not the change bad player's will be bad. There is a counter to every thing and since you all can't figure out how to counter cc global. I sit back and eat popcorn...

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Ya that can happen but if you Global again it is your problem not the change bad player's will be bad. There is a counter to every thing and since you all can't figure out how to counter cc global. I sit back and eat popcorn...


There is not a counter to everything. If you forcibly exhaust your escapes there can be a point in time where there just is no exit. The ability to find and exploit this is what separates good players from great players.

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Ya that can happen but if you Global again it is your problem not the change bad player's will be bad. There is a counter to every thing and since you all can't figure out how to counter cc global. I sit back and eat popcorn...


I'd like to see your Team Ranked SR to be honest, or even better: I'd like to see you stream your gameplay so that we can see what an awesome "I can counter everything" - Player you are.



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Would love to see you pull that off effectively against good players or an average ranked comp (merc or mara). Really. :)

If stealth is that big of an issue, remove it from marauders and operative, no ? Never saw a post that asked to remove stealth from mara though, even if they are on top of the current meta. But it seems that, strangely, a 1min15 stealth out that can be broken by almost every aoe (even an ataru strike) is more powerfull than a 45sec stealth from marauders, which cannot be broken by attacks.


Sorry man, I don't see your logic at all here. :)


Marauders dont have perma stealth, they have 4 seconds, and they do not drop out of combat at all, you have to wait for 20 or seconds before you come out of combat and you'll been visible for 16 or so seconds to drop out of combat. Marauders dont have force cloak like Assassins, and they don't have perma stealth like Assassins and Operatives.


If the enemy team doesn't find you after you reappear after 4 seconds, they're clueless because they can see where you are on the mini map display [red dot]. You can see where Sorcs are when they use Phasewalk in the same exact manner. Not that hard to look at the mini map for the red dot.


There isn't any class that can't heal itself out of combat, Marauders are no different in that regard. Apples and Oranges.


That said, nerfing Assy's defenses like they just did in 5.6 is BS, much like the Carnage nerf, and PT.



And by the by, you lose some credibility in saying that this meta is anything but the Merc/Sniper meta.


Not all Maras are Fury, and it's Fury that's over the top some in PVP since thier buff. Anni got nerfed and Carnage got nerfed to hell and back. Fury has the anti-cc passive, as a Carnage marauder i'm CCed every three seconds, and slowed about half the time.


People need to learn the differences in the specs before pointing fingers. There isn't one spec that's gotten nerfed more than Carnage in 5.x, Deception coming in right after them in terms of nerfs.


They do not care about how the destroy specs, thier combat team is incompetent on a scale that buggers the mind. Melee gets it the wazoo, and Mercs and Snipers get a slap on the wrist so small that they might as well have just left them the way they were before 5.6, after seeing the melee specs get ripped apart, the merc/sniper 'nerf' is an insult. Snipers should be like marauders as the other pure dps class, but they're not, they get heals, and they shouldn't at all.


Class balance is worse now that before they started it.


Another thing that's BS, Assassin's shouldn't have to pay a utility point for their raid wide buff [Assassin's Shelter]. That's BS too. Either they should get it for free or every other spec should have to spend a utility point for their raid wide buffs.

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Would love to see you pull that off effectively against good players or an average ranked comp (merc or mara). Really. :)

If stealth is that big of an issue, remove it from marauders and operative, no ? Never saw a post that asked to remove stealth from mara though, even if they are on top of the current meta. But it seems that, strangely, a 1min15 stealth out that can be broken by almost every aoe (even an ataru strike) is more powerfull than a 45sec stealth from marauders, which cannot be broken by attacks.


Sorry man, I don't see your logic at all here. :)


Oh, it's very simple. Everything that's not him deserves a nerf. His class is of course weak and downtrodden and needs to be buffed.

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Marauders dont have perma stealth, they have 4 seconds, and they do not drop out of combat at all, you have to wait for 20 or seconds before you come out of combat and you'll been visible for 16 or so seconds to drop out of combat. Marauders dont have force cloak like Assassins, and they don't have perma stealth like Assassins and Operatives.


If the enemy team doesn't find you after you reappear after 4 seconds, they're clueless because they can see where you are on the mini map display [red dot]. You can see where Sorcs are when they use Phasewalk in the same exact manner. Not that hard to look at the mini map for the red dot.


Honestly dude, I'd take the Marauder Combat Stealth over my own any day when it comes to 4v4.

Also, it lasts 6 seconds with the utility. Which every marauder and his mother grabs for the only place that this discussion even matters to.


It's not as simple as just "looking for the red dot" In order to stand any chance at all of stopping any well time stealthregen, you have to start walking in a direction you thought the marauder in case likely went to. But while you can sometimes succeed.. you may just as well be running in the opposite direction. At which point its not even worth the time or effort to stop the marauder in the first place.


The thing is that it can be used at any time, without any regard for splashdamage. As an Assassin, I first have to look for a moment in which I either LoS most of the enemy team, or time my restealth in between their global cooldowns. Which is not hard against 1 person.. but it gets undoable against 4. You don't have to worry about this one bit.


Hell, we forcibly take a utility that gives us Force Shroud upon using Cloak because if we don't.. it doesn't matter how good you are.. Your cloak will outright fail more than half the time even with just 1 person on you.

Edited by Evolixe
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Marauders dont have perma stealth, they have 4 seconds, and they do not drop out of combat at all, you have to wait for 20 or seconds before you come out of combat and you'll been visible for 16 or so seconds to drop out of combat. Marauders dont have force cloak like Assassins, and they don't have perma stealth like Assassins and Operatives.


If the enemy team doesn't find you after you reappear after 4 seconds, they're clueless because they can see where you are on the mini map display [red dot]. You can see where Sorcs are when they use Phasewalk in the same exact manner. Not that hard to look at the mini map for the red dot.


There isn't any class that can't heal itself out of combat, Marauders are no different in that regard. Apples and Oranges.


That said, nerfing Assy's defenses like they just did in 5.6 is BS, much like the Carnage nerf, and PT.



And by the by, you lose some credibility in saying that this meta is anything but the Merc/Sniper meta.


Not all Maras are Fury, and it's Fury that's over the top some in PVP since thier buff. Anni got nerfed and Carnage got nerfed to hell and back. Fury has the anti-cc passive, as a Carnage marauder i'm CCed every three seconds, and slowed about half the time.


People need to learn the differences in the specs before pointing fingers. There isn't one spec that's gotten nerfed more than Carnage in 5.x, Deception coming in right after them in terms of nerfs.


They do not care about how the destroy specs, thier combat team is incompetent on a scale that buggers the mind. Melee gets it the wazoo, and Mercs and Snipers get a slap on the wrist so small that they might as well have just left them the way they were before 5.6, after seeing the melee specs get ripped apart, the merc/sniper 'nerf' is an insult. Snipers should be like marauders as the other pure dps class, but they're not, they get heals, and they shouldn't at all.


Class balance is worse now that before they started it.


Another thing that's BS, Assassin's shouldn't have to pay a utility point for their raid wide buff [Assassin's Shelter]. That's BS too. Either they should get it for free or every other spec should have to spend a utility point for their raid wide buffs.


I was mentionning Fury at first, almost everyone plays this spec right now. But still, carnage and anni aren't in a super bad spot in PvP right now. Sure carnage's changes are bad in PvE, but in PvP right now I see some of them who are pretty good now. Worst right now could be Anni, with way too soft dots. But yeah, I was speaking mostly of Fury :)


As for the raid buff, the issue is that it's not a stat boost, like BloodThirst or Tactical Superiority. It's more like a Predation, or the reflect on mass taunt used by PT. The problem with this is that it's mostly worthless to take. It don't heal for more than 3k, and we have way better utility to take. Right now as dps, our utility are set in stone, this isn't one of them :/

Honestly, this should be a better utility than what it is currently for us to consider taking it as dps :)

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Ya that can happen but if you Global again it is your problem not the change bad player's will be bad.


If I'm about to get globalled, I do nothing anymore. Why should I defend myself when I get globalled anyway ?

I tried out PvP a few days ago just for the Achievement, now I'm staying wway from that again. At least until the "patch dust" has settled.

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