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Guardian PvP - Vigilance or Focus


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Hey all,


Recently returned and am wondering what the community thinks as to what the better spec is for DPS between Vigilance or Focus for PvP. Thanks in advance


With the changes coming Tuesday focus has the burst advantage and will have similar survivability to vigi (which will still be pathetic compared to the ranged classes my prediction).


I personally will be staying vigi when i go dps because, quite frankly, I don't feel like learning focus.

Edited by KendraP
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With the changes coming Tuesday focus has the burst advantage and will have similar survivability to vigi (which will still be pathetic compared to the ranged classes my prediction).


I personally will be staying vigi when i go dps because, quite frankly, I don't feel like learning focus.


Thanks for the response. Yeah i prefer the gameplay of focus so was just wondering if it was underperforming compared to Vigilance. From the few warzones i did the survivability of the guardian has gone downhill from what i remember it.

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They always get focused first and drop pretty quick.


Oooo yup, I main a Vigi Guardian and started to do a little season 9 ranked recently, and yup if you're the only Guardian or the less geared DPS Guardian in the group, you'll be one of the first to fall :eek:


As regards to Vigi/Focus - play whichever one you enjoy the most ;)

Edited by Master-Paulus
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Neither. Go tank in dps gear. New patch will make it a bit harder to tunnel you, too.


While this is certainly the most survivable way to go (and is what I hate myself for doing), I wouldn't want someone who doesn't actually tank to do this.


I hate seeing skanks running around with no one guarded trying to kill enemies, for example.

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