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A plea to the SWTOR community


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Using the Kinder Egg example--I think a route they could take to circumvent any sort of laws that might crop up is by always giving us the "chocolate". I've played RIFT a lot. Their gambling boxes, while usually garbage, ALWAYS contain whatever the current tier is in gear currency (once it was "Void Stones", for example), plus other currency necessary to purchase things in game. In SWTOR's case, I could see them simply tacking on UC and maybe another couple of currencies to the boxes and saying, "Well, see, they ALWAYS get the same approximate amount of currency..." They could then claim the RNG portion is just an added bonus. Like the Kinder toys to the chocolate.


Just my two cents.


My understanding is that this is all they would have to do. Every country has a different idea of what defines gambling and that's fine so arguing about it here is kinda meaningless as everybody is more or less correct no matter what side of the coin they land on. Adding some sort of hard guarantee to the loot boxes would side step most legal arguments and add some consistent value to loot boxes which is a win for those that enjoy buying them now


On the flip side, adding in-game gear currency to the boxes shifts them to pay to win boxes

Edited by LrdScorpio
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