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Please give us better tools to combat general chat toxicity


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I first saw a thread warning that Harbinger Trolls were going to wreck the gameplay experience for Begeron Colony people a full week before the mergers. I was too excited about a population increase to pay too much attention, but they were right.


I had forgotten that Guild Flagships were linked to Fleet Chat.

...this is no longer a perk. :(

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Still odd to me how it's mainly just the one server.🤔 And I thought TRE was bad.


Its really bad on Star Forge, which is odd because it was almost non-existent (it happened but was somewhat rare) on the servers that were merged into it (perhaps because their populations were much lower overall). Satele Shan is about the same as Harbinger was. It's crude and at times crosses the line but oddly, it is Star Forge that has developed a very nasty trolling community. Star Forge does appear to be the bigger server by quite a bit so maybe that has something to do with it (and when server transfers open up again it will probably swell even more). Over the last couple of days I have spent some time on Darth Malgus because people have been saying they are not seeing the trolling going on there. I have to agree at this point that Darth Malgus does not appear to have the same problem (although when I'm playing it is the middle of the night in Europe). Even with the high ping and lag spikes I can play the solo content there and the community is much friendlier.

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OK this thread has REALLY set me OFF. Trigger warning?? Hahaha!


To all those saying "i love the toxicity makes game better" PLEASE! How are we letting ourselves treat kids these ways?


Ignore list full 24/7, if i clean it then they will just end up right back on it and im back to full list... AGAIN! Why people like playing with people who ruin the ambiance?

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Its really bad on Star Forge, which is odd because it was almost non-existent (it happened but was somewhat rare) on the servers that were merged into it (perhaps because their populations were much lower overall). Satele Shan is about the same as Harbinger was. It's crude and at times crosses the line but oddly, it is Star Forge that has developed a very nasty trolling community. Star Forge does appear to be the bigger server by quite a bit so maybe that has something to do with it (and when server transfers open up again it will probably swell even more). Over the last couple of days I have spent some time on Darth Malgus because people have been saying they are not seeing the trolling going on there. I have to agree at this point that Darth Malgus does not appear to have the same problem (although when I'm playing it is the middle of the night in Europe). Even with the high ping and lag spikes I can play the solo content there and the community is much friendlier.


I see, I thought you all were still mainly talking about SS. Didn't know Starforge was bad too, as people seemed to be happy at first.

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Its really bad on Star Forge, which is odd because it was almost non-existent (it happened but was somewhat rare) on the servers that were merged into it (perhaps because their populations were much lower overall). Satele Shan is about the same as Harbinger was. It's crude and at times crosses the line but oddly, it is Star Forge that has developed a very nasty trolling community. Star Forge does appear to be the bigger server by quite a bit so maybe that has something to do with it (and when server transfers open up again it will probably swell even more). Over the last couple of days I have spent some time on Darth Malgus because people have been saying they are not seeing the trolling going on there. I have to agree at this point that Darth Malgus does not appear to have the same problem (although when I'm playing it is the middle of the night in Europe). Even with the high ping and lag spikes I can play the solo content there and the community is much friendlier.


True. Star Forge feels like Harby... :(

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Ignore is a messy solution. If it gets overused (which it eventually will, if for no other reason than the number of alts we all have), people will be responding to half a conversation and general will become less useful than it already is.


Well, I can see how even half of the conversation would be bad if you are having trouble i.e. finding groups due to the amount of talking, but apart from that, I don't really see what you mean by general becoming even less useful. Personally, I use general to talk to other players, joke with other players and group with other players. People in my ignore list are the ones I do not wish to talk to, joke with or group with, so ignoring them is very much useful to me.

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With the increase in population as a result of the server merges a dark undercurrent has started to develop in general chat. The vulgarity and other EULA violations were always there but they have gone up a notch since the mergers. It is to the point where I am embarrassed to let my children play this game during prime time.


I use profanity filter. If I see an EULA violation I use the report function. I've not seen them on SS.


Can we get a right click interface that has a longer range to report inappropriate chat or at least a better way in game to capture what has been said to place in reports.


I support development efforts that improve gameplay. Chat is very far down in the areas I would like to see my money spent. Policing chat is not high on my wishlist. I'd like them to finish the raid they started. Balance the game.


The chat that goes on now is a huge negative for this game and undermines the effort to keep people in the game and bring in new players. A new player arriving on the fleet for the first time is confronted by racist, sexist, and other vulgar chat that often pushes the limit of an R rating much less a T rating. That player is likely to look at that and say, why do I want to play with these people. Fleet is the first large social area where players congregate and it is putting a very bad face forward for this game.


I don't think chat has any impact at all. I've seen the same thing in Roblox and minecraft. I don't see any impact at all to the game.


A lot of people say "It's the internet" or "it's an MMO" or "MMO X has the same problem" but that does not mean that SWTOR has to be the same. We need to make it better than those other MMOs.


Thanks for anything you can do to help the game community police behavior that is detrimental to the game.


I find its the same people on the same accounts. I use ignore to avoid the ones I don't like. I see almost no truth to this issue of chat being hard to police with the tools I already have and see no need for bioware to spend 1 nickel of my subscriber dollars on chat.

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I find its the same people on the same accounts. I use ignore to avoid the ones I don't like. I see almost no truth to this issue of chat being hard to police with the tools I already have and see no need for bioware to spend 1 nickel of my subscriber dollars on chat.


One could take an alternate position in that I don't find PVP or OPs enjoyable at all so I don't want any of my subscriber dollars to go to that content. If we go that direction we are going to have to have questionnaires to fill out each time we make a subscription payment to determine what it can and cannot pay for.


The cost of policing chat is severely exaggerated. It does not need a 24/7 presence. One person once a week in chat on a random server during that server's prime time with the power to ban/squelch/warn people on the spot would clear it up pretty fast. If you don't know if someone is watching you are going to be a lot more thoughtful about what you type in chat.

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I use profanity filter. If I see an EULA violation I use the report function. I've not seen them on SS.
...pretty sure you're lying. You can't go to Fleet on Satele Shan and NOT see something that violates the EULA.



I support development efforts that improve gameplay. Chat is very far down in the areas I would like to see my money spent. Policing chat is not high on my wishlist. I'd like them to finish the raid they started. Balance the game.
Right now, the state of Chat is very high on my wishlist. There's plenty of things wrong with the game, I'll agree... but for me, the pure toxicity of the Chat is the biggest reason I'm not logging in these days.



I don't think chat has any impact at all. I've seen the same thing in Roblox and minecraft. I don't see any impact at all to the game.
Probably the Roblox and Minecraft forums have their own requests for chat moderation... but I don't care, because I don't play either game. I play SWTOR, and right now, SWTOR Gen Chat is a sewer.



I find its the same people on the same accounts. I use ignore to avoid the ones I don't like. I see almost no truth to this issue of chat being hard to police with the tools I already have and see no need for bioware to spend 1 nickel of my subscriber dollars on chat.
If ignore were account wide, that would immediately make a difference. Right now, a bunch of people that like trolling (I'm sure) will make an account, and then troll until too many people stop reacting to that specific character trolling, they delete the character and create a fresh troll.

...if people knew that their Troll Character's trolling could cause people to ignore their "respectable" character, leading to them being locked out of PvP or Ops groups, this would immediately cut down on a lot of the trolling we see.

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