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the future and possible new faction


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I have stated this before this game is due for a new faction, then again it won't happen this game is on life support

With a skeleton crew and dying servers, with star wars movies coming out and with all the spin offs you think e.a would invest more into this game to bring life back into it or is there plan to let it die and start a new anyway on to the topic..


When this game was in development it should have been broken down into three factions, seems more logical then what we ended up with. Not all smugglers are with the Republic, not all bounty hunters are aligned with the empire.


Republic -

Jedi knights

Jedi consulars



Empire -

Sith warriors

Sith inquisitor



Hutt cartel-


Bounty hunters


We should get a third faction in a upcoming expansion so we can see the point of view from their point of view

And see the aftermath of events on a much larger scale. If they gave us a new expansion and it was the hut cartel not sure what they would put in it since smugglers, and bounty hunters are already aligned hmmmm what could the next faction be?


Galactic traders



Or a faction with the starting story that you start as a Jedi and at conclusion turn to the dark side or a sith who finds redemption and turns to the light side ect...


what other factions can you think of that might be possible at this stage of the game? I know this will never happen but on can dream right

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That would be nice, seriously.


But, judging from the way things are now, I surmise that SWTOR doesn't have the resources to pull off a third faction, at least in the way you're thinking.


We could always start a kickstarter or GoFundMe on behalf of BW/EA so they can have some $$$ to make it happen though :)

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I love the idea of another faction.

A way to get around the voice actor issue is to create something similar to a Hero Class in WOW.


And unrelated question, because its driving me nuts, how do we know that they have a skeleton crew and low funds? I can't find ANY reliable source that confirms this. All I found was BioWare Austin lending their workforce out to both Andromeda and Anthem.

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I love the idea of another faction.

A way to get around the voice actor issue is to create something similar to a Hero Class in WOW.


And unrelated question, because its driving me nuts, how do we know that they have a skeleton crew and low funds? I can't find ANY reliable source that confirms this. All I found was BioWare Austin lending their workforce out to both Andromeda and Anthem.


You're right. There isn't any PUBLIC information about this.


I said

But, judging from the way things are now, I surmise that SWTOR doesn't have the resources to pull off a third faction, at least in the way you're thinking.

Surmise is just a fancy word for guess to put it simply (google the definition if curious).


Why do I "surmise" that SWTOR doesn't have a lot of resources?

Pretty much after 3.0, we've been getting less and less quantity and quality of content. For example, In 2.4, we got 2 FULL ops and a daily area all wrapped in the conclusion of a side story (dread masters). And that was just 1 update. This whole year, they couldn't even bring out one full op.

Is it really that big of a leap to think that less and less content means less and less people working on the game? Less SWTOR staff implies less budget because of the cost of salaries and other things related to hiring and keeping people employed.

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I agree completely on the concept, though perhaps not on the details.


I would like whatever the third faction to be a "gray" force or even none force faction.


My Bounty Hunter for example is light sided, completely, brings them in alive and never kills unless he has to kind of thing... it literally makes very little sense for him to be imperial. But there is also those people that are very much in the middle in terms of light/dark.


I would have loved to see a system that wasnt class centric and made your actions decide. Light side 5 for example would casue you to be expelled from the Imperial fleet and moved to the Republic.


Plus i hate hutts, lol


Otherwise i support the idea

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Yeah... this is never going to happen. If WoW is Orcs vs. Humans, SWTOR is Sith vs. Jedi.


...as for Bioware running on a skeleton crew, they were founded in my home town. They just moved their office from a Strip Mall to an Office Tower. So... probably not.

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For this game it sure seems like it, was not talking the company as a whole,

Yeah... this is never going to happen. If WoW is Orcs vs. Humans, SWTOR is Sith vs. Jedi.


...as for Bioware running on a skeleton crew, they were founded in my home town. They just moved their office from a Strip Mall to an Office Tower. So... probably not.

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