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In 6 months will....


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In 6 months will you remember that you didnt get in on day 1? On day 2?


No, you wont. You will be rollin with your guild farming raids or instances or working on crew skills or rolling alts. Some of you will still be in the starter area because you only play an hour or two a day and still havent decided on a main character. Some of you will have gotten bored and moved on. But NONE of you will still be sitting there whining about how you didnt get in early access on day 1. It simply wont matter anymore.


So is it really worth making a fool of yourself now for something that wont really matter in just a couple months time?

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6 months is optimistic. I planned to wait and see after 3 months if there was enough content to keep subbing.


I expect launch issues, it is amusing to see self-inflicted issues though. I am playing my DK until I get the email so not fussed. If I could forgive the WoW 5 minute loot lag on launch, I can forgive timid developers who are afraid to get out of first gear. :p

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I also remember the launch of every mmorpg I have played. They should have followed rifts example and I don't even play it anymore, at least the launch was good and fair, not flaring contempt and disappointment. The launch of this game will forever be remembered as the most disappointing and unnecessarily frustrating launch by a AAA mmorpg. Edited by Annobal
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6 months?


I am to angsty-ragey to see past 6 minutes!!!1!






OK, got that out of my system. I wanted to see what it felt like to walk in the other guys' moccasins for a change. Didn't really care for it much.


To the OP, yes I'll remember, but it won't matter at all.

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If I can get into a RP-PVE sever and the name that I want, I'll remember it but laugh about it. If I get in and the servers are full and all the good names are taken with level 50's running around. Yeah I will bitterly remember it. Edited by CadeAssant
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The launch of this game will forever be remembered as the most disappointing and unnecessarily frustrating launch by a AAA mmorpg.


You CLEARLY did not play the AoC launch. That is by FAR the worst launch ever. Game virtually did not work beyond the starting area. Almost half the features ON the box/website not in the game. Billing issues from the start. I could go on. I understand its human nature to over react. The amount of over reaction though is mind blowing. The worst being the "I'm canceling" group.

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Yes, and every time I look at my character forced to be named Ewok2348 because all the names I wanted were already taken. :rolleyes:


I'm exaggerating, but the point remains. What's in a name? It's your character's "picture frame." Have you seen a painting without a frame? It's just not the same.




Day 1 is ALWAYS memorable. I still remember day 1 of games I played 20 years ago.

Edited by Fifelaw
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TBH im pretty sure with the amount of rage Ive seen about this, no matter who is in the right, this is a day that will easily be remembered for quite some time. After all we are Star Wars fans. You know how we do. All I can say is...launch day better be flawless or I think what we saw here today is nothing compared to what that will be.
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I also remember the launch of every mmorpg I have played. They should have followed rifts example and I don't even play it anymore, at least the launch was good and fair, not flaring contempt and disappointment. The launch of this game will forever be remembered as the most disappointing and unnecessarily frustrating launch by a AAA mmorpg.


Oh we've got another one...just hold on, little one, we'll get you a bottle...shhhh....there there...

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Except that the official launch of TOR is on the 20th, so I guess you'll be remembering this day for no reason. Good for you.


The launch you speak of, the launch that will not be considered a launch by anyone but the most devoted fanboy, will be forgotten compared to the true launch, this launch. That is why Bioware referred to this as a launch.

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In 6 months will you remember that you didnt get in on day 1? On day 2?


No, you wont. You will be rollin with your guild farming raids or instances or working on crew skills or rolling alts. Some of you will still be in the starter area because you only play an hour or two a day and still havent decided on a main character. Some of you will have gotten bored and moved on. But NONE of you will still be sitting there whining about how you didnt get in early access on day 1. It simply wont matter anymore.


So is it really worth making a fool of yourself now for something that wont really matter in just a couple months time?



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You CLEARLY did not play the AoC launch. That is by FAR the worst launch ever. Game virtually did not work beyond the starting area. Almost half the features ON the box/website not in the game. Billing issues from the start. I could go on. I understand its human nature to over react. The amount of over reaction though is mind blowing. The worst being the "I'm canceling" group.



I consider not letting every pre order play as a worse launch then any ingame issues. It was unacceptable then and it sure as hell is unacceptable now. Though, if we are talking about game quality that is a different subject.

Edited by Annobal
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