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forced character renames, how many did you all get stuck with?


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All 15 of my names survived. I would not have liked to have to use alt codes if any were taken, so I was relieved last night. Was the only reason I wanted to log in. The nonsense in SS's fleet chat upon server open was enough to give me a headache after 30 seconds, so I didn't stay on long.
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Well I kinda got screwed from my main name, while I was on Ebon Hawk a long time inactive user (lvl 33 scoundrel) had it from the last server merge and has not logged in since, so I asked nicely by sending in a ticket to bioware if I could get that name before this merge and they refused. so now that I'm on Star Forge a lvl 11 jugg has it, so I got screwed out of the name I wanted most of all.


It just shows how terrible the naming policy is in this game and can understand the frustration aspect of it

Edited by RaithHarth
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Was forced to change my main's name. Annoyed, because its obviously due to the server merging, but also slightly shocked because in all the time playing only one person picked up on where the name was from. Not particularly happy with the new character name, but it will do... ><
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My current Main I've been playing non stop was from Ebon Hawk and was named after a Persian Queen in the 5th Century BC. Atusa Achaemenid, Then I had to rename this character and I was quite furious because I thought it was obscure enough to have been safe, but someone else on the republic side has it. I managed to get a rename to an accent on the last A ,so it's close enough as most people dont even look at that. I did however get to grab the sorcerer name I've wanetd since launch Darth SCÁHTH. (I had to add an extra H to the name but that's better than what I had before which was SCHÁTH)
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I didn't lose a single name. I was a bit worried about my Theron clone but apparently Tharon Zhan was creative enough to keep him safe. I have three toons on EU servers that I never play. I haven't checked them, but I don't really care if they did.


I ended up with duplicates of Corsucant and Nar Shaddaa because I made a toon to take advantage of the chance to get those strongholds. I only purchased them on Jedi Covenant, didn't unlock anything else and when the merge happened they were fully unlocked. I wasn't thrilled with the merge happening but I'm very happy with the way it turned out.

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None. I checked all my names on different servers and had 4 potential 'competitors' but 3 of them were all low level (sub 50) so obviously there was little-to-none threat they would have higher playtime than me even if the owners resubbed.


The 1 name I was concerned about also belonged to a lvl 60 on another server. If that was the owner's Main back in the day they could've easily had higher playtime than my character (who's just an alt and logs occasionaly for new content/expansions and stuff). If the owner resubbed (as some did) I would likely lose the name but it didn't happen fortunately.


The name I lost was Qorben, which I was a bit surprised about since it was already a pretty bizarre spelling to begin with and the character was level 65. I have the feeling I'm going to have a tough time renaming him now. Thankfully, he was a lesser played alt, so I'm not too broken up about it.

Lesser played alt is probably what did it. PVPing/Opsing characters have very high playtimes, even from years back. If the owners are subs or resub, the occasional alt will likely lose Edited by Pietrastor
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I lost 20.




I had identical legacies on 2 west coast servers and 2 east coast servers. I had 10 identical names on each server. All at least level 65. I stopped playing alts with 5.0 last year. However, I did not lose any names to anyone else just myself :p


So does that count?

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Shockingly... none. The one I was really worried about was the name Raidou. I had it for years, and when the legacy system was introduced I took the legacy name Kuzunoha to fit it. Reason I was worried is because literally the day before they announced the server merges I decided I wanted to remake that character, so I deleted and re-created him. He is now sitting at level 2 because I kept getting side tracked. But I got lucky I guess.
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Only lost two on my secondary non-subbed account. Changed them easy peasy - although one didn't get a new name until the third try - and off I went. No sweat and no worries. Interesting, though, that four of my names were taken. Rarely happens in any game where the names I have been using for decades are already used by others. But that's life, eh?


Amazing how NOT a really big deal this is after all.

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When the merge was announced, I made characters on the other servers to check names and levels on conflicting servers. I had identified 7 out of 25 names where the character on a merging server had a higher level than mine. In the end I only had to change 1 out of 25 names, and it was a level 5 character I made on one of the merging servers to check the names! What was surprising was the last time I checked as of this past Saturday, that name was open on both servers merging into mine. It's amusing that the name sat open for all this time and someone decided to make a new character with that name in the days leading up to the merge and leveled them past 5. I'm not upset about losing it though, just amused about how it happened.


The majority of names I was in danger of losing were low-level characters that I intend to play but haven't gotten to yet. If I lost those I knew they went to a player who deserved them, so no sweat. The only name I was REALLY concerned about losing was one I created on day 1 of early access, a level 70 DPS sorc. I checked the other servers and that name was taken on both as a level 65 on one and a level 70 on the other. I farmed play-time like mad for the past 2 weeks in the hopes it would be enough to keep him and sure enough, I did. I'll be honest and admit I let out a loud cheer when I logged in for the first time yesterday. I lucked out but I feel for the other 2 that were obviously subs at some point and lost out.

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