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Do NOT Empty Your Legacy Bank


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I have no idea whether he's trolling or not, but I owe him some thanks. His outrageous, over the top spin motivated me just moments ago to have a spontaneous solo dance party in my underwear to:


"You spin me right, round baby right round (like a record) baby, right, round, round baby" by Dead or Alive.


Great Song! Great Spin Foam! :rak_03:



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I have no idea whether he's trolling or not, but I owe him some thanks. His outrageous, over the top spin motivated me just moments ago to have a spontaneous solo dance party in my underwear to:


"You spin me right, round baby right round (like a record) baby, right, round, round baby" by Dead or Alive.


Great Song! Great Spin Foam! :rak_03:




And you've inspired me to do The Safety Dance by Men Without Hats. :D You can dance if you want to...

Edited by kodrac
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On Satele Shan, I followed the guidance and I have every single item. On Star Forge, due to the fact I had a few legacies merging, I didn't spend the time and instead focused on power leveling. I prayed to Lord Mergeus and my sacrifice apparently wasn't good enough. Empty legacy storage. I've checked every toon. Empty guild storage on both factions (I had solo guilds on these servers). Totally empty.


I trust it will be sorted out, but my gosh it was pretty obvious at the time that the steps others outlined to protect stuff made perfect sense...

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In other words, you're paranoid that something will go wrong and spreading it.


On Satele Shan, I followed the guidance and I have every single item. On Star Forge, due to the fact I had a few legacies merging, I didn't spend the time and instead focused on power leveling. I prayed to Lord Mergeus and my sacrifice apparently wasn't good enough. Empty legacy storage. I've checked every toon. Empty guild storage on both factions (I had solo guilds on these servers). Totally empty.


Okay, who is paranoid now ?

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I should have emptied my legacy banks.


Hopefully the magic overflow tab button will be patched in soon so I can get my legacy weapons back.


Yes, you should have emptied your legacy. Listening to the OP or even to bioware was a mistake.


Apparently you're not getting your stuff back till next week. Hope you didn't need it.


Hey folks,


The team has worked out what is going on. For starters, you do not need to panic, all of your items are actually there, you just can't see them currently. The issue was if a player had a Legacy Cargo Hold on more than one server, one of them could now appear missing. This only happened in rare instances, which is why not everyone was experiencing it. We will have a fix for this in a patch next week.


We apologize for any frustration this has caused, we’ll get you fixed as soon as possible. More updates to come.



Edited by Quraswren
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Given the multiple threads now on the forums with people reporting they didn't receive items from their legacy bank... I hope OP is ready to eat a heaping helping of crow after his little "You're all fearmongering!" fit. At the very least he should come on and admit he was wrong to discourage people from taking reasonable precautions.


I hope OP stays away. The forum is like a pack of rabid wolves looking to rip someone apart aka blame game. You might accept an apology but others may not.


Dear forum,


If someone told you to drink boiling water, would you? If someone told you to jump off a cliff, would you? Are you getting my point?!




If you choose to follow some random's advice, that's on you. (That said I'm pretty sure bw said this would be ok & I'm pretty sure bw can recover your missing items)

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im still trying to remember if my toon on shadowlands actually had something in the legacy bank or if i had even gotten a stronghold there. I do remember that she is a trooper and about level 48; and the legacy was in the upper 30s..maybe early 40s before i moved my sniper back to EH. it was a few months, i think, but the folks i moved to game with at Girrada the Hutt dumped the game and i stayed on through the merge with Shadowlands, but jumped back to EH, i believe, just round the time SHs came out.


two days prior i wanted to get a CM armor set. i had little money (still) on Shadowlands so i divested nearly everything on EH to buy it there then unlock it so i could have it on Shadowlands. i wore it for two days before it struck me as odd looking. a day or so later i longed for some RP and decided to transfer back to EH. the realization of what i had done had struck me like a brick. so many CM items vendored. what a fool....i limped back to EH...nearly broke and rebuilt my holdings and toons. my BH was now my oldest toon (made shortly after launch) followed by my sniper followed by that Trooper on shadowlands reunited with the fold after 3+years.


side note: the trooper is identical to the first toon I made pre-launch as something to do while some friends had to wait for launch day. so, in spirit, she is really the Matriarch of my characters (in spirit)


what a long strange trip its been. too much dayquil in my system right now. wish they would find someone to delete that edi so that i can get the new one sent...argh.

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And you've inspired me to do The Safety Dance by Men Without Hats. :D You can dance if you want to...


I had that damned not just the song but the _______ video (arguably one of the worst EVAH) in my head for the last 24 hours thanks to you.


You were in the running to get my next referral (Esh got my very first even though I don't need the starter benefits) but now you are decidedly NOT! Currently, because I know everyone cares, it's a toss-up between Tsillah, Eli, and Transcend now! YOU FAIL. Just to tick you off...and I hope this song (and worse the video) sticks with you for the next 24 hours...




Oh, and Foam, for the record -- Quras PWNED you with Eric's latest quote.



Edited by Jdast
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The good news:

I now have so many different strongholds on the same planets it's almost tempting to run around each of them in just my underwear.

The bad news: My characters might just as well be wandering around ion their underwear because the legacy banks was where they stored all their good clothes... and some cartel stuff... and some other useful stuff...


It's like going to sleep in a big villa, only to wake up in a crack-den while two drugged-up hobo's are fighting over which one gets to take the only shoe that you have left.

And it's not one of those fun hobo fights, either.

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I hope OP stays away. The forum is like a pack of rabid wolves looking to rip someone apart aka blame game. You might accept an apology but others may not.


Dear forum,


If someone told you to drink boiling water, would you? If someone told you to jump off a cliff, would you? Are you getting my point?!




If you choose to follow some random's advice, that's on you. (That said I'm pretty sure bw said this would be ok & I'm pretty sure bw can recover your missing items)


Actually the Op went in to other threads that were posts stating what people were doing as precautions and tried to flame them saying they were paranoid and purposely fear mongering trying to frighten others. He also started this thread telling people not to do anything precautionary and said anyone stating otherwise was giving bad advice. Now that something that has come to pass which people had tried to warn was a possibility, he denies it stating it was something the individuals did wrong. He needs a little attention in many peoples minds.

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I'm not sure why you all are that much in his face, really. Yes, he was over the line with that thread, but at that time, we also had a dev post essentially saying all of that (moving things to inv, moving characters to fleet) was not necessary since it was not like a normal transfer. So to be fair he had at least some "backing".
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I'm not sure why you all are that much in his face, really. Yes, he was over the line with that thread, but at that time, we also had a dev post essentially saying all of that (moving things to inv, moving characters to fleet) was not necessary since it was not like a normal transfer. So to be fair he had at least some "backing".


Meh, if he'd just said that he didn't think it would be needed, nobody would've tripped over it. Starting with the title, which presents the precaution as not just something he suspected would be unnecessary, but a mistake, and accuses someone who literally said that they were just listing what they were doing to minimize risk of something going wrong of what he himself was doing.


Making everyone who gives up a little convenience for the sake of avoiding problems sound like they're being insane (before that dev post you mentioned, I might add), while people were just having a calm discussion, was either trolling or very foolish, but in the end he was just trying to win an argument that couldn't be won. Earned him a spot on my ignore list, anyway.

Edited by cyrusramsey
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Is anyone actually surprised that this bug happened with the Legacy holds being combined? I'm not, but it still sucks for those that are affected and that may lose items that are impossible to get anymore, plus they said no fix for a couple of weeks? UGH!!! :mad:


I only had one legacy hold to deal with so I moved everything to my characters the night before the mergers. Being a hardcore crafter there was no way I was going to risk it. The time it took to create and combine everything was huge.


People actually had 3 different full legacy holds combine together? I'm guessing nostalgia and items no longer available? Or is it a case of being a very bad packrat? I can't even imagine losing that much stuff . . . :eek:




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