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Do NOT Empty Your Legacy Bank


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If anyone's gotten any stuff back, hasn't hit me yet. I've flipped through 50+ toons, no mail, no red blinking item in legacy or personal inventory.


Luckily I ignored Foambreaker's advice completely and I took all the non-stackable items like my Dark Vs. Light armor and my legacy gear and all that and transferred them all to one server before the transfers ended, so by performing my own pre-merge, I've reduced my headache quite a bit. Only wish I had had the cartel coin to move all the mats over. 6 tabs of mats. Should have created more side-guilds to hold everything. Oh well.


Hopefully everyone will get restored soon.

I removed the most valuable items like Black/Black dye and the Legacy Gear same as you. I'm now wishing I had not believed a word bioware said and gone with the scaremongerers advice as all my remaining Progenitor bank is gone. And as far as I can see they have no intention of looking into is as its working as intended according to their info (based on Musco's post in Dev Tracker). Legacy bank was the only thing I didn't empty - everything else I assumed would go horribly wrong so I took precautions. Meh to the merger.

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I removed the most valuable items like Black/Black dye and the Legacy Gear same as you. I'm now wishing I had not believed a word bioware said and gone with the scaremongerers advice as all my remaining Progenitor bank is gone. And as far as I can see they have no intention of looking into is as its working as intended according to their info (based on Musco's post in Dev Tracker). Legacy bank was the only thing I didn't empty - everything else I assumed would go horribly wrong so I took precautions. Meh to the merger.


Mats, which I'm guessing are 90% of what I lost, are replaceable enough. Thank God I moved Dark vs. LIght armor and other legacy gear.

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Talk about showing one's true colors!


Because this is a real serious problem that COINCIDENTALLY only hit people who had been arguing in this thread and the CODE miraculously worked different for different people.


This is user error and in some cases exaggeration, if the legacies had failed there would be a dozen threads.


Also the devs already posted there was no problem.

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Because this is a real serious problem that COINCIDENTALLY only hit people who had been arguing in this thread and the CODE miraculously worked different for different people.


This is user error and in some cases exaggeration, if the legacies had failed there would be a dozen threads.


Also the devs already posted there was no problem.


*buzzer* Wrong. The various threads posted about the legacy bank merge problem feature lots of people, not just people criticizing your behavior.


Here's your serving of crow. Time to eat it, because guess what? You were wrong!

Edited by AscendingSky
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*buzzer* Wrong. The various threads posted about the legacy bank merge problem feature lots of people, not just people criticizing your behavior.


Here's your serving of crow. Time to eat it, because guess what? You were wrong!




You mean those 2 threads on page 2?


It was user error :p

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There's multiple threads in the General forum, as well as multiple threads in the Bug Reporting forum. The 'lots' I'm referring to are the amount of people posting they're having this problem. I also see lots of people in fleet general chats talking about the same issue. But sure, go ahead, keep claiming the problem doesn't exist. Keep citing a phantom dev post saying there's no problem... which doesn't exist, checked the Dev Tracker, nothing about it there!


Blaming 'user error' for legacy banks not merging properly? I don't see how any kind of 'user error' could be involved in the server merge code not working properly. But hey, believe your own lies if that helps assuage your conscience about giving people bad advice.


I'll just leave the crow here. Just to warn you, it won't taste any better after it gets cold. :rolleyes:

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I doubt the OP hasn't had any issues with this. It's happened to too many people. He gave bad advice but can't own up to it, so now he's just trolling, saying that it's their own fault, to piss people off. :rolleyes:


You mean like the guy in the DM thread who just "discovered" all his items in his inventory after a WZ?




Seriously, l o l :p


Did you lose stuff or are you just trolling?>

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I doubt the OP hasn't had any issues with this. It's happened to too many people. He gave bad advice but can't own up to it, so now he's just trolling, saying that it's their own fault, to piss people off. :rolleyes:


It's pretty laughable, yep. He's trying to claim I'm somehow the only one posting threads about missing legacy items... despite my not missing any legacy items. I cleared out my legacy bank, GTN listings, mailboxes, etc., since EA's code so often craps out, so I lost nothing.


Yet somehow he's claiming I'm responsible for this thread.


And this thread (where OwenBrooks actually says it's a known issue that's been brought up on the EA Answer support forums).


Also this thread as well.


This thread here is pretty short and redundant, but I'll include it for completeness' sake.


Oh, but can't forget this thread in the Bug Report forums! Also this little one too.


But nope, this problem totally doesn't exist, and it's just me posting about a nonexistent problem... right? Because a phantom dev post that isn't in the tracker told him so... :rolleyes:

Edited by AscendingSky
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You are such a troll, I see you went to each of those threads and linked this thread and even then you are the only one posting.


Don't be so butt hurt :D


That's not true. I can confirm it's happening and have seen lots of people reporting it on social media, here, in guild chat, and on the fleet on Star Forge. No call for nastiness.

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You mean like the guy in the DM thread who just "discovered" all his items in his inventory after a WZ?




Seriously, l o l :p


Did you lose stuff or are you just trolling?>


How does that example support your case? It just shows that the system is messed up.


And no, I didn't lose anything because I had time, and enough sense, to clear out one of my two legacy banks.

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How does that example support your case? It just shows that the system is messed up.


And no, I didn't lose anything because I had time, and enough sense, to clear out one of my two legacy banks.


I see, so you have zero experience with the "problem" and are just trolling.

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I don't see you reporting a loss, are you just trolling too?


Why don't you tell us what happened to you and worry less about me, mine worked great.


Do you have trouble reading? I already stated twice I wasn't missing anything. I was just pointing out your advice was wrong. I've even linked all the threads with people reporting how your advice was wrong, because they are missing items from legacy banks. You're the one trolling here, by blaming 'user error' for merger code screwups. :rolleyes:

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I see, so you have zero experience with the "problem" and are just trolling.


And again, you have no idea. How do you know I have zero experience just because I, myself, didn't experience it? I'm not the only one in my household that plays the game.


The more you respond, the more your credibility drops.

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And again, you have no idea. How do you know I have zero experience just because I, myself, didn't experience it? I'm not the only one in my household that plays the game.


The more you respond, the more your credibility drops.


The guy's going to more and more desperate and trolling efforts to avoid acknowledging he was wrong, and that people are legitimately experiencing problems with the merger. He made a mistake, and instead of just admitting it he's blaming 'user error' for legacy bank overflow not working for some people--something players have ZERO control over. It's just sad.

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And again, you have no idea. How do you know I have zero experience just because I, myself, didn't experience it? I'm not the only one in my household that plays the game.


The more you respond, the more your credibility drops.


Ahh so your brothers friends step fathers sisters son had the issue?


Don't lie.

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So another troll who is bashing others for a problem he didn't even have.


It's not 'trolling' to link to evidence of you being wrong, dearie. You made a mistake, you gave some bad advice, and you really should just eat your crow and get it over with rather than kicking up a tantrum and citing nonexistent dev posts and accusing everyone posting in the multiple threads I linked of being liars. The problem exists, the code didn't work perfectly... that's life. :rolleyes:

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Ahh so your brothers friends step fathers sisters son had the issue?


Don't lie.


Since you still seem to be having problems reading, let me relink everything to you:


It's pretty laughable, yep. He's trying to claim I'm somehow the only one posting threads about missing legacy items... despite my not missing any legacy items. I cleared out my legacy bank, GTN listings, mailboxes, etc., since EA's code so often craps out, so I lost nothing.


Yet somehow he's claiming I'm responsible for this thread.


And this thread (where OwenBrooks actually says it's a known issue that's been brought up on the EA Answer support forums).


Also this thread as well.


This thread here is pretty short and redundant, but I'll include it for completeness' sake.


Oh, but can't forget this thread in the Bug Report forums! Also this little one too.


But nope, this problem totally doesn't exist, and it's just me posting about a nonexistent problem... right? Because a phantom dev post that isn't in the tracker told him so... :rolleyes:


So are you saying that every single person posting in every single one of those threads is just making up a nonexistent problem for funsies? Or are you just incapable of admitting you were wrong?

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Didn't your momma ever teach you not to feed a troll? Any acknowledgement counts as food. Walk away with some dignity.


(I see the irony of me giving acknowledgement to it, and I await it's response with great anticipation)

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Since you still seem to be having problems reading, let me relink everything to you:




So are you saying that every single person posting in every single one of those threads is just making up a nonexistent problem for funsies? Or are you just incapable of admitting you were wrong?


No he's trolling. He was trolling when he made the thread, he is trolling now.

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