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Is it just me???


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It was just something BW strangely never paid much attention to.



I've been on this forums long and the thread I read about it is ancient history but there was a dev post few years ago that they won't be including those events because it did not fit in the star wars universe.


We only get Life Day because it has a connection to the star wars universe.

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I've been on this forums long and the thread I read about it is ancient history but there was a dev post few years ago that they won't be including those events because it did not fit in the star wars universe.


We only get Life Day because it has a connection to the star wars universe.

Which again is super, super weird. I actually agree with that, by the way. It doesn't really fit in the Star Wars Universe but this is an MMO. You include certain things for gameplay purposes and for content. You're making an MMO first, not slavishly following the lore.


There are things in LOTRO that make no sense at all for the LOTR Universe. But Turbine included them because they have to make a good and fun game first. EVERYTHING else is secondary to that.


That's what I meant by a troubling sign early on. BW's design philosophy was just...off.

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I've been on this forums long and the thread I read about it is ancient history but there was a dev post few years ago that they won't be including those events because it did not fit in the star wars universe.


We only get Life Day because it has a connection to the star wars universe.


Well THIS universe shouldn't have cross-bladed light sabers, because they won't be invented until Kylo Ren shows up a few thousand years from now, but eh.

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I can't see this happening unfortunately, but IMHO it would be nice if they had more things like Life Day - holidays within the lore of the game. I mean. the Empire and Republic don't have Halloween, but I'm sure they celebrated something else, like the anniversaries of meaningful victories, birthdays of legendary leaders or milestones in their history or something. It would be nice for each faction to have its own in-game holiday along those lines. For that matter, the Alliance could commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Odessen or Valkorion's defeat.
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Even if they did easy stuff like making FP in the dark. Mando raiders with the lights off. Just a few key spooky lights.

Or, a scavenger hunt in the DK temple. :D There's so many small things they could do just for fun. Ghosts on fleet.

I love Halloween. I'll never stop being a kid for this holiday. :)

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And why precisely do you imagine that the cross-bladed light saber just happened to be released the same time as the movie and never before? Wasn't canon until it hit the movie.


The version of Kylo Ren yes but there's another version dating years before the movie. The only difference is that Kylo had 2 vents, Roblio Darté (star wars comics) his version had 1.


That dual-bladed we have in the game is ridiculous though. You would commit suicide if you activate the vents slitting your own wrist if not extreme careful. :D


And the game is not canon. Hence a wonderful time now to request new events.

Edited by Kirameki
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Lore to the game or lore to the holiday? They have an all-red bathrobe for the holiday. 400cc to unlock.


Every thing should fit the lore, that's why between Halloween and Life Day/Christmas, I prefer Life Day because they tried to link it with the settings.


Btw it's not necessarily holidays, there could celebrations of battles, of peace/end of war, big changes, birth of important people.

Like there could be once a year, a celebration of the end of the mandalorian wars on republic side or a celebration of the day the Sith came to Dromund Kaas for the Imps.

Edited by Nyla
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Even if they did easy stuff like making FP in the dark. Mando raiders with the lights off. Just a few key spooky lights.

Or, a scavenger hunt in the DK temple. :D There's so many small things they could do just for fun. Ghosts on fleet.

I love Halloween. I'll never stop being a kid for this holiday. :)


How about a nice trip to Nathema exploring some chasms while some weird stuff is happening. Since the Force there is void/hollow it could do crazy thing with your mind.

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Hallow's End in WoW is my absolutely favorite virtual holiday. I'm a Halloween-lover in general though my country doesn't really celebrate it yet. That said, I don't feel many traditional real world holidays suit the Star Wars universe. Life Day is done nicely and that's cool but I'm not really expecting Hoppy the Easter Droid to make a showing soon, or for Darth Marr to start trolling the fleet as the ghost of the Headless Horseman (actually that could be entertaining...). And just imagine the Life Day snowflakes thing but then as hearts for each Valentines and there you are poofing hearts out of your backside at each turn.


Nah, I'm okay with them not doing anything for Halloween or many of the other holidays. We do usually get something in early May which feels more appropriate.


Ohh! Yes! +1 for poofing hearts, I need that!

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Even if they did easy stuff like making FP in the dark. Mando raiders with the lights off. Just a few key spooky lights.

Or, a scavenger hunt in the DK temple. :D There's so many small things they could do just for fun. Ghosts on fleet.

I love Halloween. I'll never stop being a kid for this holiday. :)

Exactly my point. They basically have an entire haunted house called the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas they could've done something with. They have tombs on Korriban. Obviously those are Empire worlds so they would have to figure out a way to get Republic players there but they could put a "teleport" (shuttle) at the entrance or something.


Don't even have to call it a holiday. Just call it the Dark Temple Challenge or something. Make it through the DT and face the ghost boss at the and. You get cool cosmetic stuff and maybe a mount for completing it. And the event always happens around Halloween. Done.


Seriously, that's what I mean. The early thinking by the devs for this game was just so odd.

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How about a nice trip to Nathema exploring some chasms while some weird stuff is happening. Since the Force there is void/hollow it could do crazy thing with your mind.
And here's another great idea. Even better than Dromund Kaas or Korriban because Nathema is neutral and everyone can get there. Same as Ziost.


There are a ton of creepy places in this game that are already haunted and scary. Throw an event in there around Halloween and you're already better than half the games on the market in terms of holiday content.

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This game is Ghoulish!

And here's a THIRD great idea. The Rakghoul Event. Basically space zombies. Make it recur every Halloween. Done. Again, just a ton of stuff they could have done that fit the lore of the game.

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And here's a THIRD great idea. The Rakghoul Event. Basically space zombies. Make it recur every Halloween. Done. Again, just a ton of stuff they could have done that fit the lore of the game.

Good idea actually...activate it on every planet (current event planets) at the same time during Halloween.

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Its a Star Wars game. Halloween was never a thing in Star Wars. The SW christmas special made lifeday a thing but its a whole other world and doesn't really lend itself to halloween. To me it would seem very out of place in this game so I am glad they dont. Im also not american so dont much care for it myself as I am sure is the case for many in other countries that dont really do halloween.

Im glad they dont shove it down our throats.

Edited by Suzsi
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And here's a THIRD great idea. The Rakghoul Event. Basically space zombies. Make it recur every Halloween. Done. Again, just a ton of stuff they could have done that fit the lore of the game.

That's an excellent idea.

They can also chuck in some halloween style stronghold decorations. I need pumpkins!

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Its a Star Wars game. Halloween was never a thing in Star Wars. The SW christmas special made lifeday a thing but its a whole other world and doesn't really lend itself to halloween. To me it would seem very out of place in this game so I am glad they dont. Im also not american so dont much care for it myself as I am sure is the case for many in other countries that dont really do halloween.

Im glad they dont shove it down our throats.


If I was playing a game made in a country other than my own, I'd be pretty excited to celebrate their holidays. Sounds fun to me?

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If I was playing a game made in a country other than my own, I'd be pretty excited to celebrate their holidays. Sounds fun to me?


If it was a modern day game, sure. Its fun in the secret world and makes sense. Not a world where its out of place. I dont think any of the SW characters would ever have heard of halloween.

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