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Please remove Huttball - Request of 80% of the players


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I apologize for not reading all the other posts in this thread, but I will say my piece.


Huttball is the only thing that keeps empire Q's down. If you don't like it leave every huttball you get (no penalty for doing so) and enjoy the hour it takes to get a non-huttball match. You could re-roll republic if you want to deal with huttball less than 10% of the time.


I rather enjoy huttball I played for several months as empire during beta and loved getting huttball 24/7, I only rolled republic for faster q's since they were very under-represented.

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I love huttball. I'd probably like it better if I didn't get it so often, but that's a server balance problem, not a problem with the instance itself. It would also be great if certain classes weren't so insanely strong in it. (If you have multiple forms of charge and multiple stuns, or you have force speed, you have to be a moron to not be good at huttball.)


All that said, the design of it is by far my favorite of the three battlegrounds. Huttball is great.

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Yes, huttball is so fun...

Whats better in a wz than having a 50lvl enemy premade with tank and healer and LOL VENT to communicate vs ppl of 20lvl and lower, that dont have a clue where their teamates are to pass to them....


I wouldnt mind much if the rewards for completing WZ was like before, but now after patch, if u lose u get almost nothing... Thanks bioware for "Forcing" ppl to create premades with vent so they ll steamroll the casuals"

Edited by unicornfive
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Basically if you're a ranged class - especially Bounty Huntard or Sorcerer you'll want to be playing HB all the time to faceroll your way to the top of the board every game. Melee classes will prefer the other 2 warzones where it's a bit more of a level playing field.
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I hate Huttball for two reasons:


1. I get that WZ 95% of the time on my server due to faction imbalance

2. It certainly gives certain specs/classes a massive advantage compared to others. Yes, they are actually even more OP in there.


Just my opinions and observations.

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Basically if you're a ranged class - especially Bounty Huntard or Sorcerer you'll want to be playing HB all the time to faceroll your way to the top of the board every game. Melee classes will prefer the other 2 warzones where it's a bit more of a level playing field.


I play a Sorc and a Trooper and I hate hutball with a passion.


Nothing about it is enjoyable, it is like WSG but worse (something i never imagined was possible) because atleast if you are on the weaker team in WSG you can put up a good defence.

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Wonder if those who hate Huttball are the same people who don't understand that you can't just kill like a madman to win. That you need *gasp* strategy and teamwork to win.


Noticed that:


Groups that focus on killing the other team lose.

Groups that work together (IE pass, protect/heal the ball carrier) win.



There is NOTHING sweeter than to get out of a stun lock, pass the ball for a score. You may have died but odds are I put the game that much more out of reach for your team.

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Thread summary:


1) Ranged classes saying how Huttball favors melee.


2) Melee classes saying how Huttball favors ranged.


3) Lots of people saying Huttball sucks but nobody actually giving a reason why it's "bad" except that they get it all the time because they don't want to roll Republic.


4) Lots of people saying they love Huttball and giving reasons why it's a lot of fun.


5) Lots of people making fun of the OP.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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Remove hutball? Hell no.


Honestly speaking, its my least favorite map, yet i see the most potential for teamplay there and its getting more fun and fun the more you are getting used to it.


Playing 5 Hutballs in a row gets a little tiring, but its not fault of the map itself, its lack of Republic on most of the servers.

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