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Please remove Huttball - Request of 80% of the players


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I love huttball, so thanks for speaking for the 80%, guess that makes me the 20%. It needs more arenas, but dev's should be encouraged to try different things. Although I have no clue between wow and swtor there isn't a single team deathmatch style battleground (not arena's larger scale).
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I absolutely hate Huttball and it makes me sigh whenever it gets picked for my Warzone. I actually barely join Warzones because of Hutball. I could fight on Alderaan all day long, but this is just disgusting. It's long and very, very annoying, plus its not even eye pleasing. Just sad. I wish it was deleted forever and I would not miss it.
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Let me applaud OP on his amazing psychic abilities. Can you imagine being able to know the thoughts of every other player? Amazing!


I don't understand why he is spending his time posting here and not marketing his talents to political think tanks. We are fortunate.


FWIW, I like Huttball.


Go FrogDogs!

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Huttball is honestly the greatest warzone/bg I have ever played simply because it's so incredibly team oriented. I feel as a community we have hardly realized its potential, there is no clear right or wrong way to play this game, nor do I feel there ever will be. I think bioware did an amazing job designing it, you can roll with any combination of classes and be competitive as long as you work together and communicate. I also believe there is no particular class that has an all around advantage over the others, each class has its pros and cons. Jk & sw's make amazing ball carriers and can cover more ground, faster than any other class not to mention force chokes over fire, pushes off ledges, or into fire and acid. si & jc's are great at killing obviously and slowing down ball carriers, cc etc. stealth classes can wait in the on the opposite side and pop out only to catch and score, snipers make deceiving good carriers taking cover making then immune to charges, grapples, grips. once I let go of stats I had more fun playing than ever before, I forgot about about my damage medals, or deaths and concentrated solely on winning. That is where I find my enjoyment and that quite simply is all that matters or they wouldn't bother keeping score correct? I will sacrifice myself multiple times a game if I have to Ill run through fire or jump in the middle of acid and grapple the ball carrier killing us both sometimes, I honestly don't care. Or doing little things for the good of the team like throwing the ball in the dirt before I die if no one is available. Better to take your chances at neural ball than giving up possession. At the end of the round I know I contributed more to my team than that little sorcerer douche who goes out of his way, jumps three stories down just to get the kb on when I'm at low health. I just think if people played selflessly and saw the beauty in huttball there wouldn't be forums like this hating on it. But I too really want a way to select warzones simply because I want everyone to enjoy swtor as much as I do but in their own way.
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Huttball is my favorite Warzone. In my opinion, it has the most potential for team-based skill and quick coordination. Once you master passing (with your guildies/buds of course, not pugs), Huttball is the best game ever.


Every single time I see the Huttball map when entering queue, I yell "GET READYY FOR HUTTBALLL". Because it's too damn awesome.


I've also found that most of the people who hate Huttball are kind of bad. Interesting connection.

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This Warzone is terrible, Worst mechanics I have ever seen in my 15 years of MMO PvPing, I have not met 1 player yet that actually enjoys playing this game, It just has fail all over it.


I know its your attempt to make a Unique version of CTF but this is why there is no other version it has been tried and tested over years.


Im in a PvP Guild and Hutball alone deters alot of players from Queing just because of how bad it is.


Also add some sort of rating Warzone about 90% of the ones I am forced to play huttball, cant even choose


Dont speak for me bro I love Huttball.

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Just to give some information on this subject: (and if it was said I'm sorry for repeating I just don't feel like digging through this thread reading mind-numbing posts)


Huttball is basically playing against the same faction. Meaning Empire vs Empire and vice-versa. The reason YOU are getting more often than other Warzones is because your server at the time you are playing or in general does not have a balanced ratio of opposing factions. This means to keep the que to shorter they throw the higher ratioed side Huttball. If you want to rarely ever get Huttball then reroll on the opposite side you are playing, otherwise quit que'ing for Warzones or wait until your server balances out.

Edited by Drezak
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Huttball is honestly the greatest warzone/bg I have ever played simply because it's so incredibly team oriented. I feel as a community we have hardly realized its potential, there is no clear right or wrong way to play this game, nor do I feel there ever will be. I think bioware did an amazing job designing it, you can roll with any combination of classes and be competitive as long as you work together and communicate. I also believe there is no particular class that has an all around advantage over the others, each class has its pros and cons. Jk & sw's make amazing ball carriers and can cover more ground, faster than any other class not to mention force chokes over fire, pushes off ledges, or into fire and acid. si & jc's are great at killing obviously and slowing down ball carriers, cc etc. stealth classes can wait in the on the opposite side and pop out only to catch and score, snipers make deceiving good carriers taking cover making then immune to charges, grapples, grips. once I let go of stats I had more fun playing than ever before, I forgot about about my damage medals, or deaths and concentrated solely on winning. That is where I find my enjoyment and that quite simply is all that matters or they wouldn't bother keeping score correct? I will sacrifice myself multiple times a game if I have to Ill run through fire or jump in the middle of acid and grapple the ball carrier killing us both sometimes, I honestly don't care. Or doing little things for the good of the team like throwing the ball in the dirt before I die if no one is available. Better to take your chances at neural ball than giving up possession. At the end of the round I know I contributed more to my team than that little sorcerer douche who goes out of his way, jumps three stories down just to get the kb on when I'm at low health. I just think if people played selflessly and saw the beauty in huttball there wouldn't be forums like this hating on it. But I too really want a way to select warzones simply because I want everyone to enjoy swtor as much as I do but in their own way.


wtb paragraphs

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  • 2 months later...

Good day everyone:


For the past two days when I've queued for war zones, 80% of the time I was getting thrown into Hutt Ball.


While I understand there are those that do like Hutt Ball, I would prefer to opt out of it or at least have it set that when I queue for wz, I do get variety.


BTW, if Hutt ball was removed from the game, I would join those cheering.


Thank you.

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At first I didn't like Huttball. But when forced to play it to advance I learned that the game has a ton of depth. Don't get me wrong I do not want to play it all day long but for me it was an acquired taste. I don't think most people start understanding the game until they have played it about 20 times.


Did you understand American Football or Rugby or Cricket the first time you watched it, let alone played it?


People should have the option to pick what warzones they want to play. They wont do this because they fear the backlash of all the Imp subs having to wait forever for a queue to play in other warzones.

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