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Two weeks is unacceptable for unplayable game


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Most of us have been hanging on for two months, first waiting for a roadmap, then waiting for content. Nowhere did it say that west coast was going to become east coast. Nowhere. We have been misled and now given the silent treatment after a "please wait 2 weeks with our now unplayable game to see if it improves." I just want to play that Chiss flashpoint Sam wrote in November, but with massive ability lag due to extra long distance to connect I don't know that it'll be possible. You said to let you know if there were issues. 360+ isn't playable. I wrote messages, I contacted CS. You all have remained silent. You want me to pay for 2 weeks for a game that is currently unplayable?
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I hope they'll step up and give those who are negatively affected an answer. I'm quite surprised it's taking as long as it is while both Musco and Keith both have been active on their accounts. But alright, maybe they're busy trying to figure something out or writing a super long statement.


Good luck and hopefully it won't be two long weeks of bad ping.


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