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Defying Destiny


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It is often nice to have quieter moments and this tied up some loose ends.



Given Cyara's regard for Ravage, it was fitting for Eliza to put her grievances aside for the sake of her daughter.


Theron shouldn't sell himself short with the understanding part. Relatively speaking, the force-blind must often make decisions based on good or evil, akin to light and dark. He should understand, as well, that sometimes evil must be done for the sake of good. He should understand the paradox quite well and even the overwhelming drives of mere humans for revenge or salvation can cause internal conflict. It's all a matter of degrees, perhaps Sith experience such things more intensely, but the basis is technically the same. He should listen to Jonas and seek clarity if that's what he needs. Sometimes it's best to start at the lowest common denominator and work up from there. (not sure I explained that right, but you get the gist. ;))


I felt very bad for Doc when learning of Kira's death. It is the smart thing for him to go to Odessen to mourn where he can be close to what remains of her.


Fah, Kaliyo. Good for Charlie to tranq her a.ss. The Ratattaki is a real piece of work, best left unconscious.



Enjoyable chapter, providing insights and moving the story along. Looking forward to the next.

Edited by MishaCantu
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Well, filler chapters can still be interesting, as this one was. I enjoyed it, especially Charlie's way of resolving the problem with Kaliyo at the end:)

I can't stand Kaliyo, it was hard writing lines for her and I would have preferred just skipping her altogether but oh well, another challenge down. :) Thank you so much Rose.


The chapter is fine. Every story needs quieter moments to let the reader catch their breath. :)



I like the approach you took in loading the casket and preparing a respectful funeral for the child's sake. She would be too young to understand what happened and for her sake it's needed to help her move on from his death.

He was never mean to her, so I think it's appropriate to do for Cyara.


I also appreciated Theron's candid moment where he confessed to Jonas that he has concerns about the darkside. Jonas gives some pretty sound advice.


I despise Kaliyo and resented that she had such a big part in the game story. You handled her well. I know I appreciate seeing as little of her as possible, definitely not one of my favorites. The bit about having to don the disguises was amusing. :)


It was nice to see Doc again, and I felt very badly for him. Poor guy. He lost so much. I like that Charlie dealt with Kaliyo as she deserved.

:) Nicely done.

It felt appropriate. No matter his many wrongdoings, he was wonderful toward Cyara and she truly loved him. It's a no-go to explain to her what he's done and I think even if she was old enough to understand, Eliza wouldn't want to take those memories from her daughter so it mattered to handle his dead properly.


Theron's realizing there are certain things he doesn't quite get. He understands the basics of good/evil, light/dark but he's unsure of how much impact and effect that dark side has on Eliza and he loves her dearly, he wants to be able to support her but is feeling a little unsure of how to.


Pff, Kaliyo. I'd considered just skipping her entirely so I wouldn't have to deal with her but that's making it too easy on myself so meh. Now she'll be locked up instead, just as well. :D


Thank you for taking the time to read and reply. :)


It is often nice to have quieter moments and this tied up some loose ends.



Given Cyara's regard for Ravage, it was fitting for Eliza to put her grievances aside for the sake of her daughter.


Theron shouldn't sell himself short with the understanding part. Relatively speaking, the force-blind must often make decisions based on good or evil, akin to light and dark. He should understand, as well, that sometimes evil must be done for the sake of good. He should understand the paradox quite well and even the overwhelming drives of mere humans for revenge or salvation can cause internal conflict. It's all a matter of degrees, perhaps Sith experience such things more intensely, but the basis is technically the same. He should listen to Jonas and seek clarity if that's what he needs. Sometimes it's best to start at the lowest common denominator and work up from there. (not sure I explained that right, but you get the gist. ;))


I felt very bad for Doc when learning of Kira's death. It is the smart thing for him to go to Odessen to mourn where he can be close to what remains of her.


Fah, Kaliyo. Good for Charlie to tranq her a.ss. The Ratattaki is a real piece of work, best left unconscious.



Enjoyable chapter, providing insights and moving the story along. Looking forward to the next.

*smiles* You're absolutely right in the comparison you made about good/evil, light/dark and how Force blinds struggle with such things too. And I think Theron knows and gets that part but he isn't quite certain how it works in her, to what degree it affects her and what she needs to better deal with it. He wants to help her with achieving that harmony, that symbiotic relationship Marr spoke of but he has no idea how to. But yes, he needs to just say so, there are plenty of people around who'd be willing to help him understand better.


I know, poor Doc. :( I feel terrible for him and in a way, he is in the same situation Eliza was. Hoping for so long only to discover his wife died in his absence and there was nothing he could have done. It's really rough on him.


Thank you for leaving such a lovely response. :)



Note: I am going to skip my Monday chapter. This stomach flu, or whatever is causing this pain and exhaustion really has me down and in bed almost non stop so please forgive me for skipping a post.

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I'm still not 100% so the addition is a little short and I do apologize if there are some blatant errors that my foggy brain has overlooked.


Also, as of today, I will only be posting once per week to give myself more time to work on the story while balancing real life at the same time. I've chosen Thursdays as my regular slot, smack bam in the middle of my two idols, so if you're following the story you can expect updates now once per week on Thursday. :)




:: Chapter Thirty One ::



The moment they approached Athiss it became clear only a superiorly skilled pilot would be able to reach the planet’s surface. Chunks of debris, from vessels that had attempted to protect Athiss against the Eternal Fleet’s assault, floated aimlessly through orbit around the planet. Tempted by gravity yet remaining perpetually frozen in space.


A vast shroud of smoke, toxic fumes, and microscopic particles blanketed the atmosphere making visual navigation nigh impossible as even a week later, the Fleet’s destruction marked Athiss’ current, macabre state. Malavai Quinn was forced to rely on his instrumentation.


“It’s worse than I’d thought,” sighed Lord Cytharat in a whisper, his stomach knotting with dread.


“Don’t lose faith, my Lord,” Malavai uttered and unintentionally fell into professional habit while most of his concentration went to guiding them through safely.


A lost engine and a tied, netted, stack of cargo crates drifted straight in their direction and Malavai veered to the side just in time to avoid collision. He slowed the engines down significantly, drifting through the minefield of rubble and wreckage to penetrate the near black veil covering Athiss.


The nose of their ship pierced the murky shroud and the planet came into a hazy view. Burning in a sunset-orange, not just due to the natural color of the surface but through the fires that still razed. Trapping all life in a never-ending sundown, exotically beautiful and yet deadly if things stayed this way for much longer.


“Best bring our respirator masks once we deplane, and spare oxygen supplies to be safe,” Me’ghan remarked and excused herself to pack all the necessary equipment.


Down below, just beyond a still-smoldering crater, Malavai found a vast and clear area to land the Fury closest to the coordinates that Lord Cytharat had provided.


The Pureblood, desperate for his family and stuck to the viewport like a fly caught on a windshield, spoke with a modicum of hope, “Their farm still stands.”


In the far distance, the silhouette of high, terracotta tinted walls formed a fortification around the property belonging to the Cytharats with tall Ash trees rising even further above. From their position, it appeared entirely undamaged though not far beyond the property, a blazing fire drew closer.


“We should hurry,” Praven said and handed both Malavai and Lord Cytharat a rucksack with their gear.


Armed with anything they might need—water flasks, ration bars, medical supplies, glow rods and more—they disembarked and set foot on the dry desert sands of Athiss. A dust devil whirled over the surface and Me’ghan lowered her shades to align with her respirator mask.


Despite being able to spot the farm in the distance, it was still quite a hike until they finally reached the front gates and Lord Cytharat strained to push the durasteel port open, feeling something on the other side resist. Pots and pans clattered across the pathway while solid, wooden table feet etched four lines in the sand when the gateway finally opened.


“They must have barricaded fearing Skytroopers and Knights would follow the assault,” Malavai reasoned while they followed Lord Cytharat onto the square courtyard.


Me’ghan swallowed the gasp that threatened to escape her upon seeing the residence itself. While the walls guarding the property had remained perfectly intact, the not-so-humble homestead had crumbled to its bare foundations.


The largest part of the dome rooftop had broken down, crashed into the various rooms beneath and blown several sections of wall wide open. Sand, grit, and dust coated every piece of furniture, darkened the broken windows and left an ominous fog to linger in each section of the home.


“It’s… destroyed…” Lord Cytharat gasped out and ran to the nearest room, the family’s study overlooking the courtyard.


He leaped the crumbled wall, nearly tearing his jacket open on a piece of broken wood from the window frame, and began a frantic search for life. The others followed, running in after him and splitting up to cover as many rooms as possible, as quickly as they could.


Life was nowhere to be found. A toppled cooking pan on the kitchen floor and the previously edible substance that had leaked out indicated just how abruptly the Eternal Fleet’s attack had begun and how little time the family must have had to find shelter.


“They’re not here,” Praven concluded when everyone reunited.


“No, they’re not, but I haven’t found any bodies or traces of blood either. That’s good news, right?” said Lord Cytharat though a mild panic rang clear in his voice.


Malavai knelt down, his index finger tracing the outlines of a footstep imprinted in dust but by now, too many had accumulated, including their own, to properly track where the owners of the house could have gone.


“Is there anywhere they might have found shelter? A refugee center, any neighbors?” asked Me’ghan.


“Not that I…” Lord Cytharat stopped, sliding his shades up and removing his glove to rub a burning sensation from his eyes while he considered each and every possibility. “The cellar!”


He ran from their presence a second time and disappeared into the supply room adjacent to the kitchen.


The hatch he was looking for was blocked by several wine cabinets and a toppled shelf. Broken bottles and glass littered the floor and with Praven’s help, he began to clear the way until the hatch door revealed itself. They had it opened in no time and Me’ghan, Malavai, and Praven followed Lord Cytharat’s descend down a single, and steep, wooden ladder.


The lights down in the cellar refused to illuminate the pitch dark area and both Malavai and Praven activated their glow rods, shining one in each direction.


“Mother? Father? Liyana?” Lord Cytharat called out, following the light of Praven’s glow rod.


A distressed cough echoed from the far back of the cellar and he rushed over. “Liyana?!”


“T-Tally… is that you?” A young girl, nearly ten years his junior, blinked her eyes against the sudden bright light, fending it off with her hand while she tried to see.


She rose up, with difficulty, her knees quaking and Lord Cytharat caught her in his arms. “Thank the Force… Liyana, I thought I’d lost you. Where are mother and father?”


“R-right here.” She sniffled and coughed a second time.


Together, they crouched back down and now he saw both his parents in a near comatose state. Huddled up under a blanket and lost to the world. Their lips cracked and dry, their bodies decrepit and their pulse severely weakened.


Malavai sunk down to the floor and immediately began unpacking the supplies they’d brought. He handed a ration bar and a water thermos to Lord Cytharat’s sister then tended to both their parents.


“Small sips my Lord,” he warned Liyana and searched the mother’s arm for a vein.


“Liyana, what happened, why are you still down here?” asked Lord Cytharat while he cradled her in his lap.


“They attacked, that fleet, out of nowhere… we barricaded the front gate and came down here for shelter but the assault shook the planet to its core and everything came crashing down,” she explained while taking tiny sips of her water.


“When hours later we wanted to see if it was safe again, father couldn’t get the hatch to open. We’ve been stuck all week.”


Concerned, Me’ghan knelt down as well and took Liyana’s wrist to check her pulse, then ran a scanner down the frail girl’s body.


“How did you survive?” she asked, her tone sweet and gentle as though she was speaking to her own daughter, even while Liyana appeared in her late teens.


“We keep spare rations down here. Not much, mother and father gave me the last of it yesterday…” Liyana cast a fearful look at her parents and Malavai.


“Will they be okay?”


“Yes, I believe so but for their sake, we should return to the ship,” he kept his voice steady but gave Lord Cytharat a look of urgency.


“Then let’s get out of here.” Lord Cytharat lifted his sister in his arms to carry her away.


“Tally?” she mewled and rested her head on his shoulder, “are these the friends you always write about?”


“They are and when we get back to the ship, I’ll introduce you properly.”


Liyana lowered her voice to a whisper and despite her troubled state, she cracked a tiny smile, “And the one carrying father, is that him?”


Lord Cytharat glanced back over his shoulder, sighing with relief seeing Praven right behind him with his father. “Yes, that’s my nulis.”


“He’s handsome.” She kissed her brother’s cheek and approved.


Less than an hour later, they were back aboard the Fury and on their way to the Zorfe Trete hyperlane. Malavai, with Me’ghan’s aid, tended to Lord Cytharat’s parents while the latter sat with his sister in the common area, seeing to it that she ate and replenished on her fluids.


“Everything happened so fast. We’d just finished breakfast and father was about to visit Lord Mandor’s estate—he tutors their little boy—when the Eternal Fleet appeared out of nowhere, filling the sky like diamonds at first but then they came closer and launched their assault,” she explained in between small nibbles.


“The sirens wailed but were shot down in seconds, even before the emergency protocol broadcast started. Father ushered us to the cellars then went back up to barricade the front gate. He’d just gotten back to us when we heard a massive explosion, like an eruption and we felt the ground shake.”


Liyana huddled up against her brother, hugging his arm. “It was terrifying Tally, I’d never seen father so frightened before, you know? We didn’t think anyone would find us or that we’d ever see you again.”


“I’m here now, yunoks sessuo, and we’ll bring you somewhere safe,” Lord Cytharat’s fingers gingerly brushed her hair while he made his promise.


“No! You can’t leave us again, I want to come with you and your friends. I could help, I’ve gotten really good at psychometry and illusions.”


“I don’t want to leave you either but the most important thing now is your safety, which I can’t guarantee at the base.”


“But I want to meet Eliza and everyone else and I want to fight the Eternal Empire!”


“Akir, it’s not safe. Now, finish your meal, please?”


His teenage sister pouted, though she relented for the time being and continued eating quietly, each bite reminding her of just how hungry she was. By the time she’d finished, Malavai re-appeared and informed them both of very welcome and positive news.


“Both your parents are expected to make a full recovery. They’re resting, I have them on artificial hydration and nutrition but you can go and see them if you’d like to—they’re awake.”


“Thank you, Malavai,” said Lord Cytharat as he rose from the half circular booth.


“Yes, thank you, uhm…” Liyana eyed the decorations on his uniform and inclined her head. “Major Quinn.”


He favored her with a bow, unwilling to take liberties with a Sith he barely knew, even if he was a friend of her brother’s. “My Lord.”


“Always the professional,” teased Me’ghan after stepping aside to let Lord Cytharat and Liyana into the medbay and giving them privacy.


“Yes. I believe you once called it one of my more, adorable, qualities?” Malavai smiled her way.


“Mmhm. At least, it became adorable when I finally found myself in your arms but before then?” She grinned and exhaled an exaggerated sigh. “Frustrating trying to pierce that shell of yours, Major.”


“And yet, worth it?” His arms lured her in close.


Me’ghan rose to the tips of her toes and welcomed his kiss. “Oh, every single microscopic second.”




Whereas some Sith families could be cold by nature, the Cytharats were the vast opposite and both parents embraced their children with a surplus of warmth and affection when they reunited in the medbay.


“It is such a relief to see you both,” Lilija thanked the Force and kissed her son and daughter on the forehead.


Valdis, their father, nodded and beckoned his son over. “Your Commander, she could spare you?” he asked, relieved and yet concerned Lord Cytharat had lost his place in the Alliance.


“She insisted,” he promised and took his father’s hand.


“You don’t have to worry, jaarvek. She’s also offered the choice of bringing all three of you with us to the base or for us to take you to her safehouse on Rishi. Major Quinn’s parents and the two children are there as well.”


“A tough decision,” mused Lilija, “is anywhere in the galaxy safe at this point?”


Liyana climbed onto the medical bed and curled up at her mother’s side. “No, motina, but at least at their base we’d be surrounded by people who can fight back, we wouldn’t be helpless, right, Tally?”


“True but the Commander has a target on her back, especially now. Our base may soon be the least safest place in the galaxy.”


“It would give me a chance to join your fight,” argued Liyana, stubbornly clinging to her desire to join her brother on Odessen. “I felt so useless on Athiss…”


Both parents exchanged a brief glance and Valdis smiled at his daughter. “It is clear what your wishes are, akir.”


“Perhaps we can compromise?” suggested Lilija with an eye on her husband. “We’ll first return with Tallis to his base, and meet the Commander—she is family after all—then, without overstaying our welcome, we travel to Rishi ourselves?”


“Yes!” Liyana cheered, “Oh please, vicha, can we?”


“Tallis?” Valdis turned to his son before promising his daughter anything. “Could that be arranged?”


Lord Cytharat stroked his chin and thought. “I think it could be. I will contact the Commander and see.”


“Good.” His mother reached out her hand and beckoned him over. “Now, where is this handsome man of yours? Your father and I have been curious to meet him at last.”







nulis - love

yunoks sessuo - little sister

akir - sweetheart

jaarvek - father

motina - mother

vicha - papa




I hope you feel better very soon. Although I'm going to miss my Monday reading, it's more important that you take time to rest and recover. Be good to yourself. *hugs* :)

Thank you so much for the endless support, *hugs*!

Edited by JennyFlynn
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The beginning had me worrying about the ending. :)



You really captured the devastation of Athiss, and I appreciated all the details, like the burning surface as well as the description of colours and smells and the need for the respirators in all that destruction.


The rescue was well thought out and I was happy to see supplies being brought in for the injured. I actually expected the worst, despite their farm being in fairly decent shape, all things considered.


I was relieved that Cytharat's family turned out to be all right. Most especially I enjoyed the small exchange between Quinn and Me'ghan.


I can see how they'd be worried about where to go next, no place really is safe, and especially not Odessen. I'm glad they've decided to go to Rishi after seeing Eliza. I hope that trip will go well and that they'll be safe together with the rest of the family.


Lovely chapter, I'm glad you managed it, given that you've been unwell. I was worried about how it would end for Cytharat's people given the start. I'm glad they made it. Well done. :)


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You had me worried for a bit.



I think you did a great job in capturing the complete devastation of Athis; the smoke, particulates, haze, and all the corresponding horror of planetary bombardment. It's probable that Cytharat's family would not have survived had they been on the surface, even if they weren't directly hit because they wouldn't have been able to breathe. They were fortunate to have the shelter and get beneath it all. Smart of Me'ghan's group to take breathers and supplies with them.


I enjoyed the little exchange between Quinn and Me'ghan. It added a bit of fluff exactly where it was needed.


I'm relieved that Cytharat's family is safe and that they openly approve of his relationship with Praven. And they are right, no place is truly safe, but Rishi is safer than most and surely more than Odessen, although I think Liyana is going to be greatly disappointed.



I'm glad you felt well enough to post, it was a lovely addition to the story and helps fill in some blanks for a few side characters, which is always nice.

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The beginning had me worrying about the ending. :)



You really captured the devastation of Athiss, and I appreciated all the details, like the burning surface as well as the description of colours and smells and the need for the respirators in all that destruction.


The rescue was well thought out and I was happy to see supplies being brought in for the injured. I actually expected the worst, despite their farm being in fairly decent shape, all things considered.


I was relieved that Cytharat's family turned out to be all right. Most especially I enjoyed the small exchange between Quinn and Me'ghan.


I can see how they'd be worried about where to go next, no place really is safe, and especially not Odessen. I'm glad they've decided to go to Rishi after seeing Eliza. I hope that trip will go well and that they'll be safe together with the rest of the family.


Lovely chapter, I'm glad you managed it, given that you've been unwell. I was worried about how it would end for Cytharat's people given the start. I'm glad they made it. Well done. :)

It was a little tricky trying to decide and figure out the sort of destruction brought to the planet. How far it would reach, what it would look like now, how/if it were possible anyone survived etc. I ended up thinking along the lines of Jedha's destruction and a volcanic eruption to get an idea and felt anyone far, far from the city could be capable of surviving under the right circumstances. Hope it made sense anyhows. :)


I'd considered not having them survive, and perhaps tragedy would have been more challenging for me as a writer but honestly, I couldn't do that to Cytharat lol. But, no place is safe right now no and Rishi could have been part of the five planets but in my eyes, its considered a bit of a backwater planet no one pays much attention to so I'd imagine it is safer than other locations, especially Odessen.


That little moment between Meg and Quinn just kinda snuck in there all on its own but it made me smile. Love that man. ♥


Thank you so much for your wonderful comment and the support. :D


You had me worried for a bit.



I think you did a great job in capturing the complete devastation of Athis; the smoke, particulates, haze, and all the corresponding horror of planetary bombardment. It's probable that Cytharat's family would not have survived had they been on the surface, even if they weren't directly hit because they wouldn't have been able to breathe. They were fortunate to have the shelter and get beneath it all. Smart of Me'ghan's group to take breathers and supplies with them.


I enjoyed the little exchange between Quinn and Me'ghan. It added a bit of fluff exactly where it was needed.


I'm relieved that Cytharat's family is safe and that they openly approve of his relationship with Praven. And they are right, no place is truly safe, but Rishi is safer than most and surely more than Odessen, although I think Liyana is going to be greatly disappointed.



I'm glad you felt well enough to post, it was a lovely addition to the story and helps fill in some blanks for a few side characters, which is always nice.

Initially, I wasn't sure whether I'd actually write out and cover their trip to Athiss but I adore Cytharat and it felt like a nice change from everything-Eliza. I'm glad it panned out and thank you for proof-reading and helping with the whole atmospheric circumstance of Athiss, I was nervous the stuff I'd imagined wouldn't make a lick of sense lol.


The fluff came out of nowhere, it was done before I even realized I was writing it so to speak but it's Quinn... those moments just kind of happen. :D


It felt important to me they discussed Praven briefly. I think among especially Purebloods there is still a bit of an old-fashioned attitude at times (like the arranged marriage discussion in previous chapters) and I wanted it to be clear that they approve of Praven and the love between him and their son. It matters. :)


Thank you for the help and wonderful comment. ♥

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:: Chapter Thirty Two ::



“Foolish, absolutely foolish,” Jarak muttered his repetitive disapproval while he rotated several slides under his microscope to study Lord Scourge’s blood cells and skin tissue.


“I’ve sent a vial of our most successful concoction to the Emperor! What if that particular formula is the one causing your body to degenerate now, huh? I’ll have killed him!”


The mere thought caused Lord Scourge to smirk as he lay strapped to the examination table. “Pity.”


“Pity?! He’ll have my head!”


The Anomid scientist was in clear distress, panicked after he’d uncovered Lord Scourge’s missing teeth and became aware of the Sith’s deceptive plan.


“Naturally. He’ll rise from the grave just to exact his vengeance upon you.” Heavy sarcasm dripped from Lord Scourge’s voice.


Amusement these days was a rare occurrence and while the humor of the situation failed to tickle him in all the right places, he appreciated it nonetheless.


“Silence!” barked Jarak.


For good measure, he activated the Sith’s shock collar for five straight seconds and eagerly awaited for the writhing he expected to follow but Lord Scourge’s pain receptors barely took notice of the shocks at all. A thing, Lord Scourge realized, could become quite dangerous—his bones could break, his body could deteriorate completely and he wouldn’t even feel it or become aware unless he saw or experienced the change.


“You shouldn’t have deceived us! Your body is in a terrible state while I am meant to keep you alive and it’ll take me days to figure out which mixture caused this change!”


‘I do hope you’ve poisoned your precious Emperor,’ thought Lord Scourge and his smirk remained while otherwise, he kept mute.


Jarak, frustrated and at his wits end racing to discern which of his formulas put the Sith’s body in a deteriorating state, accidentally knocked over a few of his vials and swore in his native tongue. He released a droplet of a maroon substance onto the skin tissue he’d been examining and watched it decay under the lens of his microscope.


“Curious…” he mused, mostly to himself and he checked his records to verify the contents of his mixture.


“The Xesh-0178 compound I extracted from your white blood cells years ago appears to have mutated and is now attacking your system. It must have had an adverse reaction to… ah, yes, I see…”


Jarak sighed his relief, “Fortunately, this is not the mixture I presented to our Emperor.”


Your Emperor,” snarled Lord Scourge. “Pity.”


“It is strange, however,” the scientist carried on, ignorant to his remark, “it appears to have taken years slowly turning your immune system hostile. So gradual my tests never detected the changes.”


‘Or perhaps you’re not as skilled as you’d have people believe. Even that moron Doc could have done better than this,’ the comment sat on the tip of Lord Scourge’s tongue but he swallowed it.


“Now, if I can uncover what caused the mutation, I may be able to reverse the effects and perhaps even boost… mmm, yes…”


Jarak busied himself with his monologue and recorded every word spoken. As if saving his discoveries for prosperity and a published article even while this type of knowledge would never reach the common world, nor should it.


While he muttered and mused, Lord Scourge let his mind drift to better days—the very first days he had ever spent with Eliza and the crew after escaping Vitiate’s fortress.






“Arielle,” he heard the little ginger whisper, “are you sure about this? It’s several days to Tython, what if he decides to murder us in our sleep?”


Lord Scourge smirked a sardonic grin. “If I were going to murder you, I’d want you to be awake for it so I could delight in the terror I’d see in your eyes.”


The Jedi graced him with a smile and turned to her padawan. “I believe him, Kira. Not a single word from his lips has been a lie, I felt no deception.”


“Perhaps our guest should remain confined to his quarters for the duration of the trip,” suggested Sergeant Rusk with a wary eye on the Sith.


“No,” said Arielle, “he’s our guest and he’ll be treated as such until the Council has passed their judgment.”


Her decision was final, that much everyone understood and yet, her crew didn’t silence their protest or concerns regarding his presence aboard the Defender.


With his bags in hand, Lord Scourge sauntered toward the quarters he’d been assigned and made a sharp turn at the door. “Leave it, Jedi, I’m hardly keen for the company. Inform me when we’ve arrived.”


He shut the door before the woman in charge of the crew could argue but he couldn’t hide from the fierce sentiments he picked up on through the Force.


A strange jealousy and resentment, combined with fear, permeated even through the closed door and reeked of the man others had called ‘Doc’. The padawan exuded an air of worry and distrust while torn between her own inclination to want the Sith gone while at the same time, desiring to show faith in her Master’s instinct. He also sensed the presence of darkness within the padawan which tickled his curiosity.


The Sergeant appeared mostly blank in both thought and sentiment yet Lord Scourge could tell he was closest to him in proximity than any other and he suspected the Chagrian had taken to guard his quarters.


It was the Jedi, however, who demanded most of his attention. Both a mystery and an open book as he sensed her every emotion, near heard the call of her thoughts and yet he couldn’t discern which emotion went paired with what thought. As if she teased him through the Force, drawing him in with the smallest glimpse and yet keeping him at bay by guarding the full extent of her silent musings.


Two days he spent alone in his quarters, only every so often visited by Ceetwo who’d offer him a tray of beverages and food which Lord Scourge left untouched each time. On the third day, an already too familiar stench reached him through the Force and he loathed to allow Doc into his quarters.


“Arielle’s asked me to draw up your medical chart, just in case, I guess…” the, in his eyes, unimpressive man muttered.


“There’s no need.”


“She insists.”


“As do I. Out.” Lord Scourge held the door open still and glowered at Doc.


Doc glanced into the hallway, swallowed hard, averted his eyes to the datapad he held and let out a deep sigh while trying to gather his courage.


“We’ve noticed you haven’t touched your dinner… which is fine yanno, more for me, heh. But, Arielle’s concerned and insists you’re a guest. If you’re unwell—”


“I’m in perfect shape,” growled Lord Scourge in a threatening tone, “would you like me to demonstrate?”


“That won’t be necessary.” Arielle appeared and inclined her head at Doc, silently suggesting he give her and the Sith some privacy.


“It’s not the greatest quality, I know, dinner in space never is but…” she began while allowing herself into his quarters and shutting the door. “It’s all we’ve got really.”


Lord Scourge looked on as she pulled up the chair sitting by his desk and made herself comfortable. “I don’t need anything. Please, leave, doesn’t anyone respect privacy aboard this vessel?”


“You had two days of privacy. Besides, while these are your quarters, they’re aboard my ship so, I win.”


She appraised him with kind eyes and a tender smile. “Why won’t you eat?”


“I rarely need to and I don’t want to. When will we arrive on Tython?”


“In a few days. Why don’t you need to?”


“That’s my business, why do you care?”


“You have important information to share and you are, for now, an ally and my responsibility.”


Lord Scourge raised one of his deeply defined ridges brows—he knew there was more to it, he could almost see the inquisitiveness and fascination she held for him cloaked around her. “And?”


“And? Why don’t you need to eat?”


She was headstrong, just as he was and he soon realized that if he remained unwilling to lower his walls and guard, she never would either.


“I was born in the year 3976,” he admitted, his arms crossed over his chest as he stood before her and smirked at the curious shock on her face. As if she was doing the math on the spot and slowly, her jaw dropped.


“That… no, you can’t be. That would make you, 334 years old?”


He nodded and as a teacher educating his pupil, began sharing the story of his immortality—everything from his service to Darth Nyriss to his betrayal of Revan and how he came to be the ghostly assassin people now knew as the Wrath.


By the end of his story, Arielle sat awestruck gaping at him. Unable to fathom all he’d done and the lengths the Emperor would go to, the atrocities the ruler of the Sith had already committed by sacrificing his own people.


“Now do you see why I, and we, must make every sacrifice, pay any price to ensure this galaxy’s survival, to end his reign?”


Arielle smiled solemnly and rose up from her seat. She reached out and caressed a hand down his arm before taking his hand, completely unexpected in a gesture of well-intended comfort and kindness he’d not experienced in centuries.


“Then I’m with you until the bitter end. We won’t rest until the Emperor’s been defeated and I will make sure the Council sees reason.”


The sensation of her touch was odd and he resented it. He could see her hand in his and yet failed to feel it, not even the gentlest tickle. He withdrew and took a step back.


“And if they do not?”


“Well…” She made no further effort to approach him again and instead circled his quarters, her eyes exploring the various book titles he’d placed on a shelf. “We’ll just have to do it without their permission then, won’t we?”


“You would defy your Masters for this cause?” He frowned.


“If I had to, yes. This concerns us all, it’s bigger than the warring between our two sides.”


It was the kind of support he hadn’t expected. Centuries he’d spent wondering when the Jedi from his vision would come along, how she’d react and whether she’d be willing to hear him out at all, much less cooperate with him.


Perhaps it was her overt light teachings that shaped dedication to the cause even above loyalty to her Jedi Council or maybe it was that delectable flavor of the dark side he’d sensed buried deep within her when their eyes first met on Quesh. In any case, her promise to go above and beyond in order to deal with the Sith Emperor marked the change in their relationship from that day forward.


Arielle would visit his quarters often in the following days. Entertaining conversation and debate while sharing dinner in privacy rather than with the rest of the crew. She even had Doc show her how to write up a medical chart and created one for Lord Scourge as she was the only whose touch he’d allow.


Every so often, in the midst of a discussion, silence would fall when their eyes met and in those quiet seconds resided an unspoken truth neither of them would become aware of until years later—the love and unique bond between them that promised to change both their futures in unimaginable ways.





Eliza closed her eyes and exhaled a deep sigh of joyful reminiscence. Doc’s presence on Odessen had brought back many distant memories of days that now seemed to be of another lifetime and experienced by another person, someone so vastly different to who she was today.


“Credit for your thoughts?” Doc fell in at her side to gaze out over the Odessen Wilds, watching Sana Rae and Senya work with the Sith and Jedi who’d joined their alliance.


“You, actually, and Kira… Scourge. His first day aboard our ship. Do you remember?”


“Mm, all too well. Kira and I often wondered if those days marked the beginning of the end… no offense.” He gave her the faintest of smiles.


“No, I understand. His presence changed everything for all of us,” Eliza agreed, unaffected by the confession she understood only too well. “I know it was hard for you both.”


“It was, yes and I never really took a liking to the guy but, I’m sorry he was taken from you.”


“Thank you. We’ll find him, one of these days.”


Doc put an arm around her shoulder, an attempt at comfort for both their sakes, his heart still heavy with his own loss. “Is there any news?”


“No, but after some consideration, I’ve ordered Lana to narrow her search to the Outer Rim territories first, near the Esstran and Corva sectors.”




“Well, I think we can count all of Wild Space out—if Nathema was anywhere in these regions then Vitiate would have formed this Eternal Empire far sooner,” Eliza reasoned.


“Hutt space or the Core Worlds? It just strikes me as unlikely and consider all that we know. The Seat of the Empire is part of the Outer Rim territories. Oricon, Yavin, Ziost… Nathema has to be near somewhere near those sectors.”


“Sounds possible…” Doc considered. “I don’t suppose the uninvited guest in your head is in any way willing to cough up the coordinates, huh?”


“Would I be standing here if he was?”


“No, I guess not.” He grinned sheepishly. “And Theron, how does he feel about all of this?”


“It’s not easy for him, I know, and he’s being so supportive but I do worry at times… you know, he’s made mention of defecting…”


“Really? I thought the Republic was in his blood.”


“So did I and, I mean, I get it in a way, he has justified reasons…”




Eliza gave a gentle shrug. “He said his home is with me but, would he still defect if it weren’t for me? What if he one day regrets it and it comes to stand between us? What would his life in the Empire be?”


“Well, he could run Intelligence or something, right?”


“Stars no.” She laughed at the mere idea. “He’s brilliant at what he does but he would hate being in charge of anyone other than himself and he’d want to do the work, not have someone else do it for him. Theron needs to move freely, have his own space to do what he does best. No leadership above him and no leading.”


“Yeah, I get that.”


“I don’t know… I want to be with him, and I intend to be but I want to make sure he is happy as well. Not just with me but with his life there, if that makes—”


“Commander,” Koth interrupted and came running, “Jenna and her crew have returned and they’ve brought guests.”


“Guests? Who?” asked Eliza.


“I don’t know, two guys. Bit scruffy looking and skinny, didn’t get their names.”


“She really should have checked in before bringing just anyone along…” she sighed and shook her head. “Get Theron and have him meet me at the landing bay, thanks, Koth.”



Edited by JennyFlynn
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Wonderful work! :)



Poor Scourge having to endure that Anomid's tests, but at least he seems to be getting some smug self-satisfaction from sticking it to him with his comments. Then there is also the hope that Janik will screw up somehow and poison Arcann :D *fingers crossed*


I loved the segway into the memory and also enjoyed the backstory of the first days aboard Arielle/Eliza's ship. It made sense that he and Doc felt animosity from the start and I like how that was shown. I love that the memories are giving Scourge comfort while in this awful predicament.


I also thought it was a nice touch, that Eliza was also experiencing memories of similar times while working towards finding Nathema. The part about Theron asked some interesting questions that I hope you'll touch on in the future.


And you left it on a mystery! :D Nice. I'm curious now, wondering who the two scraggly guys are that came back with Jenna and her crew.

A terrific chapter. Looking forward to the next! :)

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Lovely work.



Jarik is a piece of work alright and at least Scourge gets some satisfaction of poking him with insults although nothing excerpt fear of Arcann seems to get through. I do wonder if he will find a way to reverse what he's done to Scourge or at least slow down the rate of decay. It would be a pity if all Eliza found was Scourge's remains after all they've been through. My heart breaks for the Red Sith, nonetheless.


Interesting that he should harken back to his first days with Eliza, bleak comfort, but still, it's rather poignant that she should remember as well. And, yeah, Doc and Scourge never did see eye to eye.


Theron is in a bit of a pickle right now. For Eliza's sake he wants Scourge to be found, but to what end? And then the whole defection thing. I'm not sure he would find many open arms in the Empire, given who he is, and Eliza raises a good point that he's not one to sit around and the shackles of the Empire might be too much to endure. Some things to address later on. I'm interested in seeing how this all works out.


Ha, a cliffhanger. Love those. Two scraggly dudes, hmmm.



Great work. Very much looking forward to the next.

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Wonderful work! :)



Poor Scourge having to endure that Anomid's tests, but at least he seems to be getting some smug self-satisfaction from sticking it to him with his comments. Then there is also the hope that Janik will screw up somehow and poison Arcann :D *fingers crossed*


I loved the segway into the memory and also enjoyed the backstory of the first days aboard Arielle/Eliza's ship. It made sense that he and Doc felt animosity from the start and I like how that was shown. I love that the memories are giving Scourge comfort while in this awful predicament.


I also thought it was a nice touch, that Eliza was also experiencing memories of similar times while working towards finding Nathema. The part about Theron asked some interesting questions that I hope you'll touch on in the future.


And you left it on a mystery! :D Nice. I'm curious now, wondering who the two scraggly guys are that came back with Jenna and her crew.

A terrific chapter. Looking forward to the next! :)

Heh. I figure even if he can't actually feel much emotion to it at all, he may still appreciate little things such as Arcann accidentally being poisoned by the person he hired to create immortality for him instead. Trying to write this though did make me realize how much we depend on our feelings and emotions to react and do anything at all--it's interesting.


The memory grew into it's own, I really enjoy writing them from time to time and working it into the chapter and then having it so Eliza in present time is reliving the same memory just felt right, you know?


There's definitely things concerning her relationship with Theron that need considering. She's glad he'd defect, for herself that would be ideal but she's unsure he'd ever be truly happy in the Empire or feel 'at home' at all.


Two new faces, who could it be? Thank you for the lovely words. <3



Lovely work.



Jarik is a piece of work alright and at least Scourge gets some satisfaction of poking him with insults although nothing excerpt fear of Arcann seems to get through. I do wonder if he will find a way to reverse what he's done to Scourge or at least slow down the rate of decay. It would be a pity if all Eliza found was Scourge's remains after all they've been through. My heart breaks for the Red Sith, nonetheless.


Interesting that he should harken back to his first days with Eliza, bleak comfort, but still, it's rather poignant that she should remember as well. And, yeah, Doc and Scourge never did see eye to eye.


Theron is in a bit of a pickle right now. For Eliza's sake he wants Scourge to be found, but to what end? And then the whole defection thing. I'm not sure he would find many open arms in the Empire, given who he is, and Eliza raises a good point that he's not one to sit around and the shackles of the Empire might be too much to endure. Some things to address later on. I'm interested in seeing how this all works out.


Ha, a cliffhanger. Love those. Two scraggly dudes, hmmm.



Great work. Very much looking forward to the next.

Jarak is a piece of work alright and he's not bothered by much other than Arcann who he finds far more threatening than Lord Scourge, even if I'm sure Scourge could rip his head off with his bare hands. He's just somewhat given up his fight by now. I feel sad for him as well, he's in an awful state and situation.


No, it never felt like Doc and Scourge would blossom into buddies of any kind. At best tolerating each other's presence but no more than that.


Theron's situation is tricky. Yeah, in certain Imperial circles he's infamous but do those circles still exist? The Dark Council is basically gone, Intelligence is nothing like it used to be, neither is the Empire itself, technically speaking. I'm more concerned about his happiness there than anyone of the old establishment accepting him. He has plenty Sith and Imperials in his corner, too.


Gotta have a cliff hanger, right? :D Thank you for reading and leaving such a wonderful comment. <3

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:: Chapter Thirty Three ::




‘Mm, Corso Riggs and Andronikos Revel…’ Eliza recognized the two strangers immediately when she took to gazing out the viewport overlooking the hangar bay.


The area below crowded with those helping unload Jenna’s vessel from the supplies she’d managed to secure. Whatever contact she had in Alderaan must have owed her big because, at a first glance, the large volume of cargo appeared to be enough to feed everyone on the base for the next month, with decent meals, and Eliza even spotted several crates with wine and medical supplies.


“It’s not a bad haul,” commented Theron.


“No, it’s not but I wonder how she got those two out… Weren’t they locked away on Coruscant? I remember the files you gave me.”


Both men looked only half a shade of the men she’d seen on the holographs. Worn down, fatigued, clearly having lost quite a few pounds. The shorter of the two, Corso, limped down the boarding ramp but the discomfort of the pain Eliza imagined he must be in did nothing to wipe the pure joyful smile off his face. Vastly different from Andronikos who stood to the side, his eyes scanning the crowd taking inventory of the sort of people who surrounded him now.


“Hrm.” Theron’s brows furrowed and his arms snuck around her middle. “I’m sure Jenna can explain.”


Eliza sunk her head back against his shoulder, half nuzzling his neck while a deep sigh left her. Suddenly the presence of so many people felt suffocating and while she didn’t know how to explain it or where it came from, a morosity had begun to well up inside of her.


“Can you deal with this for now? Have them checked out in medical, write up their files, get them clearance and a bunk?”


“Of course.” Theron lightly planted a kiss against her temple. “Are you okay?”


“Yeah… No, actually,” she corrected quickly, unwilling to lie to him even if she had no explanation, “but I’m not sure what’s wrong either. I’m just going to my room, find some peace and quiet, figure it out, maybe meditate.”


Gently, he spun her around and tipped her chin up, worried. “Are you sure?”


“Mm. Just… handle them for me and once everything is unloaded, have Jenna report to my chambers.”


He let her go, reluctantly, and watched while her feet dragged her off. “Alright…”


It wasn’t long until she passed out, almost the second she made it to her room and into bed. Something had wiped her out and she quickly fell into a restless, haunting sleep that brought to light anxieties she’d been unaware of in her waking hours while a single tear trickled down her cheek.




A hungering void twisted its tentacles and coiled in delight while it drained the life from every living being on the planet. Operating from the depths of the planet’s core it gave a marvelous display of its superiority, its reign of death and decay.


Dark clouds loomed above the eroded surface and shrouded the crumbled Temple. The grounds a cemetery littered with the bones of those sacrificed to serve one man’s thirst for power but amidst the unburied dead, one life remained. A Sith who’d withstood the tests of time, survived the horrors of the man he’d once served and whose life force had been extended by the fallen who lay at his feet as he stood chained and bound to the one pillar left standing.


“Scourge…” A gasp left Eliza’s lips, her voice barely even a whisper.


The shackled Pureblood raised his head, slow and strenuously until his now whitened and dim eyes met hers. His dry lips curled, barely, and cracked as they widened into a grin. Blood should have sprung from the clefts marking his mouth now but instead, they merely uncovered greyed, near dead skin underneath.


“Jedi,” he croaked with great difficulty and Eliza felt her heart ache. “Have you come for one last lullaby?”


“I’m here to save you, I found you at last.”


She ran toward him, tiptoeing carefully between the skeletons until she was able to touch him at last. Her hand upon his cold and rough skin, touching his cheek that felt like parchment under her fingertips.


“You’re too late, nulis.”


“No. No, I’m not. I’m here now and once I get you out of these chains we can return to my ship.”


“I’m already dead.”


With all her might, Eliza pulled on the rusted chains to yank them from their hinges, all the while vehemently shaking her head.


“You’re not. I’ll take you to the medical bay aboard the Vanora and we’ll dunk you in kolto for the duration of the flight home if we must. You’ll be right as rain again, my love.”


Misery and sorrow dwelled in his eyes and her words of hope and faith were like a knife to his heart, the heart that barely beated any longer.


“Kolto won’t fix this, nothing can. It’s too late for me.”


“Then fight! I’m sorry it took me so long to find you, to come get you. Scourge, we have a daughter, she needs you. I need you.”


Both chains snapped and his cadaverous body slumped forward into her arms. So much lighter than she remembered, so chilled to the core and devoid of complexion. Brittle and frail and when he attempted to hold her, she heard the splintering of bones.


Eliza sunk to the ground, cradling him to her and leaned in to touch his lips with her own. Tender and light, afraid of his fragility now yet yearning to taste him once again but it was like kissing sand. Dry, cold, tasteless and gritty and a nauseating odor escaped from the back of his throat when he drew another breath.


“What did you name her?”


“Cyara, just as we’d agreed and she is… stars, amazing. You’d be so proud.”


“I already am because she is ours. The best of me, the best of us both, one of the few things I did right in my life.”


“Just wait until you meet her.” Eliza’s hope stubbornly persisted even while his voice began to fade.


His eyes drift shut repeatedly, then sprung open again and he made another attempt to smile but the muscles in his face would no longer allow it. Color began to drain from his skin turning a soft salmon first and then sickly grey while the density thinned.


“Come on, Scourge. You have to hold on, please, I’ve finally found you, I’m here,” she tried again but as she took his hand, it dissolved.


Silver sand ran through her fingers and panic took over. Her heart raced while she fought to hold on to him, hold him to her, begging and offering anything in return for his life but while one single tear left his eyes, his entire body disintegrated until nothing but a pile of ivory dust covered her lap.


“I love you…” the wind whispered to her and a draft pulled over the surface, ripping her love from her arms one last time.



“Scourge… Scourge, no, no!” Eliza writhed in bed and screamed until the shrill echoes of her own voice woke her back up.


She sat up with a jolt and became aware of the two hands clasping her shoulders. Found herself staring into a troubled pair of peridot green eyes.


“Eliza? What happened?” asked Jenna while she sat at her bedside. “Theron told me to meet you here but when I got to the door, I heard violent screams.”


“He’s gone, I’ve lost him again. I was too late!”


“Lost who? Scourge?”


Eliza nodded and brushed the tears from her face with the palm of her hand. Roughly and loathing them while her panic remained.


“It’s too late, we’ll be too late. I… he was there, chained up and I freed him but I was too late, he died in my arms. He’ll die in my arms!”


“Oh, hun…” Jenna let out a deep sigh and circumstance encouraged her arms around Eliza to soothe her. “It was only a nightmare. You’re worried and scared but we’ll find him, soon.”


“Soon won’t be soon enough… I felt it, he’s in a dire state.”


As much as she appreciated Jenna’s sudden kindness, she rushed from bed with her hand covering her mouth and quickly disappeared into the refresher. Minutes went by while she allowed herself to get sick, chuck it out of her system and let her tears run until she was ready to wash them away and return to her room.


It also allowed Jenna a chance to consider the other woman’s position. To realize the extent of everything she had to deal with and swallow back the resentment she’d held for Eliza’s part in Theron and Nyssa’s break up.


“I’m sorry about that…” said Eliza when she sat back down.


“No, I get it. You must be worried and you have a lot going on. Do you really believe you’ll be too late?”


“I don’t know… I’m scared,” Eliza admitted now she finally understood the origin of her dejected state.


“From what I’ve read and heard about Nathema, it’s not a good place. Hell comes close I’d say. I have to find him, I have to get him out of there. Just as I should have made more urgent effort to free those guys you brought back but…”


“You can’t do everything all at once,” Jenna reasoned.


“No, I can’t. There’s so much to deal with, you know? Valkorion, Arcann, finding Scourge, this war, keeping the base up and running, keeping everyone safe.”


“Is that why you called me in here? Because I rescued them and brought them here without checking or getting clearance?”


“Yeah…” Eliza gave half a smile. “I’m glad you got them out but I do wish you’d have checked in first.”


“I know I should have, I’m sorry I didn’t but it all happened so fast. An opportunity presented itself and I, I took it.”


“How did you manage it, anyway?”


“The Teraans, my old acquaintances on Alderaan, found themselves a new patron to help reestablish their House. A Senator from Coruscant and I so happened to be his type. I won’t repulse you with the details but, well, we worked out a deal and I got our guys back.”


Eliza felt a second wave of nausea rise up her throat but said nothing further about it, she wasn’t going to judge. “So where are the other two? There were four, right?”


“They left for Balmorra. Zenith, the Twi’lek guy, claimed he had a hidden stash of artillery and other military gear hidden away, stuff we could use, and the Jedi Sithy chick, whatever she is now, went with him.”


“They’ll be in touch?”


“Yeah, gave them my details.”


“And the pirate… did he have anything to say about coming out here or, me?”


Jenna rolled her shoulders in a shrug. “Not that I recall, should he have?”


“I was somewhat involved in Nox’s demise… not sure how much he knows but he used to work for her.”


“Doubt it’s gonna be a problem, he seemed pretty relaxed and has been aiding our cause since this war started.”


“Good… good. Well, I should probably have a chat with him regardless. Now, the other one, Corso? He was on your crew once, right?”


“When I first started out.”


Eliza nodded and chewed on the bottom of her lip, considering. “Is there anything to be mindful of? A specific reason why he left your crew or why you parted ways? Should we be keeping an eye on him?”


“Corso? Oh hell no.” Jenna chuckled. “No, he’s a darling, absolutely wonderful but… not my type, you see? Which I told him early on but it always felt like he clung to the hope I’d change my mind so…”


“Ah, I get it.”


“Felt best to let him go so he could pursue his own dreams, a woman who deserves him. Being around me he’d never see the potential of anyone far better suited, you know?”


“Makes sense.”


“After the whole Voidwolf business I set him up with his own ship and he ran legit with a Republic contract for a while, met Zenith along the way but then the war broke out and they started smuggling goods to planets under Arcann’s thumb, ones abandoned by the Republic. No surprise there.”


“Were they treated poorly on Coruscant? They looked skinny, pale, worn down.” Eliza worried a little—her opinion of the Republic was already at a new low but she’d still expected prisoners to be treated well, to look better than the two men had.


“Worse than most but the Republic knew of their association with me and you. Interrogated them almost daily, tried to bribe them for information on you and this alliance especially once Arcann set his sights on you.”


“Disgusting. Good thing you got them out when you did.”


Jenna nodded. “It would appear Madon is carrying on Saresh’s ways, even now she’s out of the picture. I’d say I’m disappointed but I’ve never held the Senate or Chancellors in high esteem.”


She reached over and poured a glass of water from the carafe before handing it to Eliza. “So, am I in trouble?”


“Nah. Just, next time…”


“I know, reach out first before jumping into bed with a fifty-five-year-old, chubby and bald Senator with an ear fetish which—”


“Woa, no, too much information!” Eliza quickly stopped her and smiled. “But thank you, I really am relieved you brought them here.”


She got up a second time and found her boots by her nightstand. “I guess I should go and welcome them, have a little chat and check in on Lana’s progress.”


“Yeah, good idea…” Jenna prepared to take off as well but stopped before she reached the door.


“Hey, Eliza?”




“I’m… a little sorry I was a bi.tch because, well, you know. Anyway. If you need a friend or whatever, I know Meg’s not around right now but… I do okay with listening, especially if you bring a bottle of wine.”


“Right… no, I get it, you were protective of your friend. I’ll know where to find you if I need anything, thanks.”


With a grin and a playful wink, Jenna said goodbye and hurried off while Eliza left for the medical bay. Before she got there, however, her comms chimed and Lana’s voice rang in her ears.


“Eliza? I think I’ve found Nathema.”



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That made me more than a little sad. :(

And we have the identity of our two mysterious strangers. I hadn't expected to see them, despite their returns in the game. I'm cringing a bit at what it took to free them, but good for Jenna, taking one for the team. Ear fetish...*shudder* Makes me think of the Ferengi. I'm glad Eliza and Jenna made their peace too. Makes life a little nicer on the base.


The nightmare/vision was beautifully written but made me terribly sad. My heart hurts just at the thought of what Scourge must be going through. What a horrible fate. :( I hope she's able to get to him in time and find a way to save him.


It also seems that despite their stature as a lesser house that barely exists the Teraans are popular. ;)


I enjoyed the mentions of the other characters, nice to know they're around, and I thought you particularly summarized Andronikos with this line:


Vastly different from Andronikos who stood to the side, his eyes scanning the crowd taking inventory of the sort of people who surrounded him now.


It's a very Andronikos thing for him to do, scanning the area for people and problems and problem people. And on to Nathema soon, I hope?


A lovely, well written chapter. Thank you for that. :)


Edited by Lunafox
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My heart hurts now. :(



So, Corso and Nikki make it back in one piece. In game Corso gives everyone the benefit of the doubt and Andronikus doubts everyone. You captured their differences well.


The dream/vision of Scourge made me quite sad and I wonder if somehow, through the Force, Eliza is being affected by what he is currently going through? Or maybe it's that only her subconscious can deal with the dread that she can't face while awake. Whatever it is, it is sapping her strength. The thought of her finding him only to have him die in her arms is beyond heart-wrenching. Your writing of the dream sequence touched me deeply.


Happy that Jenna and Eliza have come to an understanding. Having someone else to talk to may be helpful when Meg'han is not around and Eliza can't talk to Theron. Some stuff is just 'girl stuff', ya know? And I'm with Luna, chubby wubby with an ear fetish, Urgh.


Ugh. I almost dread what they will find on Nathema and only hope that they can somehow save Scourge. Although, if he does die, that will surely light one hell of a fire under Eliza's a.ss to get to Arcann. It would be closure for her but, lordy, the cost.



Looking forward to the next, but I might be peeking out through my fingers.

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That made me more than a little sad. :(

And we have the identity of our two mysterious strangers. I hadn't expected to see them, despite their returns in the game. I'm cringing a bit at what it took to free them, but good for Jenna, taking one for the team. Ear fetish...*shudder* Makes me think of the Ferengi. I'm glad Eliza and Jenna made their peace too. Makes life a little nicer on the base.


The nightmare/vision was beautifully written but made me terribly sad. My heart hurts just at the thought of what Scourge must be going through. What a horrible fate. :( I hope she's able to get to him in time and find a way to save him.


It also seems that despite their stature as a lesser house that barely exists the Teraans are popular. ;)


I enjoyed the mentions of the other characters, nice to know they're around, and I thought you particularly summarized Andronikos with this line:




It's a very Andronikos thing for him to do, scanning the area for people and problems and problem people. And on to Nathema soon, I hope?


A lovely, well written chapter. Thank you for that. :)

Their return had little to do with in-game, though while writing I did actually go 'huh, maybe I should hold off?' but... the prisoners on Coruscant, them, was yet another thing still on my to-do list in terms of everything the Alliance has going on so it seemed right to get that out of the way now. You keep chucking balls in, I try to take mine out one by one. ;) Slowly trying to make sure there are no loose ends or thoughts of 'Hey, so uh, what happened with/to...' lol.


Eliza and Jenna had to mend ways and, it's easy to be mad at a person and dislike someone while not really considering them a person, just an enemy but Jenna saw the person Eliza during that meeting, not just 'the other woman' or the Commander and it changed her perspective some, helped her see reason which is good. :)


The nightmare was a result of my own mindset. I was a little somber when I took to writing and it just sprung to life that way but it made sense. She would be scared of what he may be going through, she would envision the worst of the worst and all she knows of Nathema are the horror stories she's heard which paints an extremely bleak picture in her mind.


I'm glad you felt it was very Andronikos to do--I'm not good at voicing him, not sure if I will, it has been so very long since I've played with him in-game, same for Corso. They're not really characters I'm too familiar or good with so, thank you. :D


And thank you for the lovely words, sorry it made you sad! ♥


My heart hurts now. :(



So, Corso and Nikki make it back in one piece. In game Corso gives everyone the benefit of the doubt and Andronikus doubts everyone. You captured their differences well.


The dream/vision of Scourge made me quite sad and I wonder if somehow, through the Force, Eliza is being affected by what he is currently going through? Or maybe it's that only her subconscious can deal with the dread that she can't face while awake. Whatever it is, it is sapping her strength. The thought of her finding him only to have him die in her arms is beyond heart-wrenching. Your writing of the dream sequence touched me deeply.


Happy that Jenna and Eliza have come to an understanding. Having someone else to talk to may be helpful when Meg'han is not around and Eliza can't talk to Theron. Some stuff is just 'girl stuff', ya know? And I'm with Luna, chubby wubby with an ear fetish, Urgh.


Ugh. I almost dread what they will find on Nathema and only hope that they can somehow save Scourge. Although, if he does die, that will surely light one hell of a fire under Eliza's a.ss to get to Arcann. It would be closure for her but, lordy, the cost.



Looking forward to the next, but I might be peeking out through my fingers.


I'm relieved you think I capture their differences well. I'd planned on returning them ever since Eliza read through the prisoner files and it was 'about time' but I find them tricky to voice, not sure if I will. For now this was the safe bet and I'm glad I didn't make them sound unlike themselves.


Subconsciously, she does dread the situation he's in, what she'll find, whether she'll be on time to save him at all. She's trying not to let it affect her, there is much else going on that requires her focus as well so she's 'bravely', though naively pushing her fears to the background and they're coming back to haunt her in her sleep, as things often do when we try to ignore problems or worry.


Yeah, she has Theron which is great but exactly as you say, some stuff is just 'girl stuff' and as much as she is trying to be honest and transparent with him certain things are better discussed with someone else. In this case, for example, she'd hate to be crying on his shoulder over her fears concerning Scourge--the situation's already tricky enough and Theron has his own worries too.


Nathema... who knows what will happen there. No fates have been set in stone yet, I'm letting the writing lead me.


Thank you very much for the feedback and kind words. ♥

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Quick note; due to unforeseen circumstances having to do with real life, my post for this Thursday will be delayed by a week until the 15th, apologies. ♥


I'll be right here :) So, take your time, do what needs doing and know that I'll be here and that you have my support. :)

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I'll be right here :) So, take your time, do what needs doing and know that I'll be here and that you have my support. :)

Not to worry. Do what needs doing and post when you can, I'll be here waiting.


Thank you both so very much for your support and understanding in this. It means... everything, especially right now.


I'm going to delay the update by one more week. Between the funeral arrangement and other things that need taking care off, and just dealing with the emotional and mental aftermath, there's not a lot of juice in me right now or reasonable time to sit and write. I do have snippets I'm hoping to expand upon this week so that, on the 22nd, there'll be something worthwhile to read again. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

A/N; Again, apologies for my long absence but I have the next Chapter ready now that most RL things have been dealt with.




:: Chapter Thirty Four ::



Their voices and words were no more than a minor buzzing in the background and barely enough to pull Eliza from the thoughts swimming through her mind. From reliving her nightmare on a never-ending loop while she recited to herself the stories Lord Scourge had told her of Nathema.


Everyone standing by her in the war room took on a ghostly form and froze in time, blending with their surroundings while an ashen landscape spread out before her very eyes. Cracked bones and ivory skulls as she’d seen them a thousand times before in her dreams, in her fears come to life, littered the cold and dry surface and she could almost taste the rot in her mouth. The taste of death and soon, if her nightmarish visions were any indication, the lost planet would claim another life. A life she would not be able to bear losing.


Her face turned white and another wave of nausea rose in her stomach—she hadn’t stopped feeling sick since she’d awoken that afternoon. Her body crumbling to the weight upon her heart and soul, poisoned by her own fears.


“I’m going,” she interrupted the debate that had escaped her notice.


In truth, while she knew it was selfish, she didn’t care whether the timing for a rescue operation was inconvenient. Whether her absence would leave the base on Odessen vulnerable and whether anyone approved of the journey. As Commander, she was expected to make the correct judgment calls that benefitted one and all but in this situation, nothing else mattered to her and she did have more reason beyond just personal ones.


“Regardless of my obvious motivations, Scourge would make for a valuable asset to this team. While in captivity, he may have become privy to information we can use and, depending on the treatment he’s received on Nathema, he is one of the strongest fighters I have ever known.”


A small sigh escaped Lana but she couldn’t bring herself to argue—she knew it would be an exercise in futility.


“We’re nowhere close to having the Gravestone fully upgraded nor do we have a solid plan for an assault on the Spire. I suppose there would be no point in you idly sitting here and waiting.”


“Right. Speaking of which,” Eliza took a sharp turn to face the blonde and everyone else, “don’t breathe a word of these plans to Senya. This is strictly need-to-know and she doesn’t. In fact, don’t even tell her there are plans in the making, period.”


“You don’t trust her?” asked Charlie.


“I do. I trust her love for her children. She still mourns Vaylin and speaking as a mother myself, there is nothing Cyara could ever do that would make me love her less—I’d always fight for her no matter what.


“Senya is no different. While she may disapprove of Arcann’s actions, in the deepest of her heart he’s still her child, the little boy she gave birth to and loves. It’s best she doesn’t know what we have in mind for him and that she not be tempted to reach out and give him a heads up on any oncoming assaults in an attempt to save him.”


“That’s a fair point,” Jonas agreed and cast a sideways glance at his best friend while he inquired, “Is anyone coming with you, Eliza?”


“I won’t ask you guys to risk your lives on this rescue op but I welcome volunteers.”


“I’m joining you.” Theron took her hand and squeezed it gently. “You’re not doing this alone.”


Gratefully she leaned against him, her arms hugging around his middle while her head sank onto his shoulder. “Thank you.”


“Count me in as well and if I may suggest? Bring Andronikos along,” Jenna offered.


Eliza exchanged a curious look with Theron, failing to see the point. “The pirate? Why? He just got here.”


“He’s an extremely skilled pilot and a man who needs to be out there, be a part of the action and feel the heat. Besides, it may be a good opportunity for you both to have a chat and for you to judge his merit?”


“If he passed his medical, I guess.”


“He did,” Doc informed her and added a smile, “And I will join you as well.”




“I’ve no love for the man but yanno, he’s been a prisoner there for years, he may require medical attention or any of ya in case there’s trouble, so.”


Eliza nodded and swallowed hard, loathing the reminder Lord Scourge may be in a dire state yet thankful for the unexpected offer. “I appreciate it, Doc, truly.”


“We’ll keep an eye on things here,” said Jonas while he slipped an arm over Charlie’s shoulder. “You don’t have to worry.”


“You’re up to date on all contingency plans?” checked Eliza.


If anything were to go awry in her absence she’d never forgive herself but she had to go. Each argument she’d made with herself about responsibility, about leadership, deceiving in the freedom it posed yet forever expecting her to serve everyone’s best interest, had been overthrown by instinct and passion.


“I am. We’ve got this, promise,” Jonas assured her.


“I’ll have your ship made ready,” Lana offered, eager to have some form of responsibility now her task of locating Nathema had been completed.


Eliza flashed her a brief smile. “Good. Alright, guess I’m going to go recruit me a pirate and meet you all in the hangar bay in say, an hour.”






The galley on the Vanora was near dark and empty and it would be at this time of day, or rather, night, the middle of it and Eliza sleepily drifted inside. She’d been a recluse since their journey had begun three days ago. Exhausted and sick almost every day, all day, to the point she’d remained in bed hoping to conquer whichever cold plagued her.


Her appetite, however, hadn’t abandoned her in between bouts of nausea and she dug through the conservator finding some leftover flat cakes and a frosty treat bar.


“Gonna share?” A deep and unexpected voice startled her and she flipped on the dim overhead light.


“I don’t know, I’m very particular about sharing my frosty treats and it’s the last one.”


Andronikos grinned over the rim of his bottle of rum, keeping his one good eye on her. “Alright, I know better than to try and separate a woman from her sweets. Drink?”


She screwed her nose up at the bottle he held out and sat down. “Best not but thanks.”


“Are ya really sick? Or just not up for the company?”


“I’m sitting here now, aren’t I?” Eliza split the frosty treat bar in half and handed him a piece anyway.




“So, Nox. I know you worked with her.”


Half a shrug rolled along his shoulders and he took a swig of his rum. “Yeah. We ain’t gonna be having problems but I’d like to hear what happened.”


His question awoke memories that took her back years and left her to wonder. Perhaps she shouldn’t have cured Lord Scourge of his immortality. If she hadn’t, he wouldn’t have to suffer now, he wouldn’t feel pain or perhaps he would not even be in captivity at all. Without his ability to love her, he could have left her crew long before the Eternal Fleet’s invasion and he’d be safe now.

‘I’ve weakened him and put him in harm's way by curing him…’ Eliza thought and the judgment she held toward her selfish actions left a bitter taste in her mouth but she swallowed it back and explained to Andronikos.


“We both chased the same mystical relic on Makeb. A gem holding the life force of some princess. I needed it to cure Scourge’s immortality, she wanted it for… well, who knows? She got there before I did and the sorceress's spirit that still lingered possessed or killed her. I thought I was fighting Nox but, I think she was already gone by then.”


“Then Revan killed whatever was left of her? I heard rumor but I ain’t Sith enough to be told anything official by you lot.”


Eliza nodded. “I wasn’t there for it, Meg and my uncle were.”


Andronikos finished the last drop of liquid and stretched back in his seat, reaching for a second bottle behind him. “Crazy Sith.


“I warned her this endless pursuit of power and eternal youth would be the death of her but she became obsessed. Wanted to outshine her old Master, the Council. Didn’t help that guy she was seeing kept calling her a slave. Lust and loathing, a bad combination if you ask me.”




“Yeah, him. Always reminded her she came from nothin’ and was nothin’, you know? Tried proving him wrong but it cost her I guess.”


A chill traveled down Eliza’s spine—that could have been her—and she recoiled at the memories that surfaced. How easily she’d given in to her darker impulses with Ravage by her side, how at times she’d loathed him and yet had craved their lustful exchanges.


“Were you close?” she asked.


“For a time but then she joined the Dark Council and, a former slave girl dating a nobody pirate like myself? She ended it but we stayed friends until she ditched the entire crew, said she’d outgrown us, then robbed her own department.”


“That wasn’t Nox anymore by then, it was Caerna.”


He shrugged again, swirling the bottle by its neck before taking another swig. “Woulda liked for things to end on a different note but she was trouble from the start. Part of her charm, y’know?”


“What did you do after?”


“Went my own way for a while until this war started. Got a strange call saying to meet on Nar Shaddaa, turns out it was Ashara putting together a group of misfits to fight back. Seemed like a good fight to me.”


His one good eye narrowed on her. “Now, your turn to share, perhaps over a game of pazaak?”


“Sure. What do you want to know?”


“Well, from what I gathered we’re on our way to some dead hole in the galaxy to save your husband… but, you’re also dating that SIS guy. Sounds like there’s quite a story to tell there, what will you do when you get your Sith back?”


A deep sigh escaped Eliza’s lips—it was the dreaded question she’d avoided asking herself in the past few days—and she shook her head with a sardonic response, “Go to hell, probably.”


And right about now that bottle of rum actually looked inviting.


While Andronikos shook and dealt the cards, Eliza delved into the pieces of her own past, at least those she felt willing to share, but she never got far. Barely managing to finish one game, with half a flat cake left untouched, drowsiness took a hold of her once again and the pirate watched her fade before his very eyes.


“Hey, you do have a medic aboard, why don’t ya have him check you out huh?”


A logical suggestion and she’d already considered doing so but decided against it, with good reason in her opinion.


“It’s probably a combination of a lack of sleep and too much stress… no biggie. But, in case it is anything more or worse than that, I just don’t want to know for now. I’ve got enough on my plate as it is.”


For a moment it looked as if Andronikos prepared to scold her for her stubbornness but a split second later his expression turned to one of understanding. In her shoes, he may just have run to a quiet nebula at the other end of the galaxy by now. War was one thing but personal drama and hardships? He shuddered to himself.


Days blended into nights and Eliza showed no sign of improvement while their journey progressed. It troubled Theron and against her wishes, while she slept, he’d called Doc into their quarters for a basic and brief examination. The expert merely shook his head when he finished and they stepped outside, lowering their voices to a whisper.


“It’s not a cold or virus,” said Doc. “But without a blood sample, I can’t determine the origin either. May have to assume it really is stress or perhaps the origin is of a different nature entirely.”


“What? Like a Force related…” Theron frowned to himself. “Something?”


“It’s possible.”


“Could the Emperor be doing this to her? I’ll bet he’d have ample reason to keep her away from Nathema… illness could have made her unfit to travel.”


Doc nodded. “I wouldn’t put it past the old bastard. Still, if it is him or Force related then her state should improve once we reach Nathema.”


“What if it’s Scourge?” asked Jenna and she elaborated seeing their confused stares.


“They’ve always shared a bond, right? His visions and all that other Force whatever stuff. What if he’s suffering and somehow, it is now affecting her like… calling out to her?”


The mere thought twisted Theron’s expression into one of resentment. “I don’t think he would do that. He… loves her.”


‘And so do I. Damn this mess,’ his mind added but he quickly shut those tormenting realizations down.


“It may not be deliberate,” Doc pointed out before he excused himself to update Eliza’s chart.


“How are you holding up?” Jenna glanced Theron’s way.


An indolent shrug rolled along his shoulders. “I… have no idea.”


“Talk to me?”




Expressing his feelings had always been difficult—he wasn’t the kind of person to share. Self-taught to keep it all inside and figure out a way of battling whichever demons gnawed at his consciousness. Perhaps a thing he’d picked up from Master Zho and the Jedi or simply a result of his past—he’d grown so accustomed to having to fight his own battles it was hard to let anyone in, save for Eliza and Jonas.


“Anxious, I guess? Worried about how we’ll find him and troubled by either outcome. If he’s alive then what happens next between her, him and myself? And if he’s beyond saving… I’m scared she won’t be able to handle that either,” Theron began.


“In the past years, she’s gone through missing him, holding on, hoping, giving up, mourning him based on a lie and having her hope revived to this state of… whatever this is she’s going through right now.”


“A lack of sleep and stressful situations can fell even the strongest person,” Jenna pointed out. “And that could very well be all this is.”


“I know, I just worry and…”


He chewed down on his bottom lip and lowered his voice to a whisper, ashamed of his own admission, “There are days where I wish he was… that we’d never found out…”


The mere thought and words ignited feelings of guilt and he rose up from his seat abruptly while shaking his head. “I know that sounds horrible but—”


“It’s understandable,” sympathized Jenna.


“Maybe but I don’t feel right about it and… It’s not even just for myself. It’s her and everything this has been doing to her which is frustrating because there is nothing I can do to help, nothing I can do about any of this except ride it out and hope for the best.”


Theron cast a glance at the door leading to his quarters and sighed. “I can’t lose her again.”


“Then don’t. Fight. For her, for the both of you. You know I’m rooting for you.”


“If he’s alive and well… you know he tried to kill me once?” A miserable chuckle escaped him. “He won’t be pleased to see me there.”


“Beggars can’t be choosers. It’s a rescue op for his benefit, he can deal with unwelcome faces,” said Doc as he overheard the last of their exchange. “Tis not like he’ll be thrilled to see me either.”






Eliza held her breath when they approached Nathema’s surface and mentally prepared for the effects the absence of the Force might have on her. She’d never experienced such a thing but heard the stories of Ziost’s aftermath and easily recalled Lord Scourge telling her how it left him sick to visit Nathema.


As if she didn’t feel nauseous enough already but to her surprise, she noticed little difference while they touched down.


‘A gift… use it well,’ the voice of Valkorion whispered to her but he didn’t stick around for a reaction and gleeful laughter echoed his departure.


“Looks like the Imperial Guard never got word of their Emperor’s demise,” commented Theron when he spotted the welcome committee posted outside the only structure left standing in its glory.


A structure dissimilar to every other ruin on the ashen surface and bearing the architectural signature of the Spire on Zakuul. Modern, shining, proud and Eliza felt it a monstrosity and insult to the souls who’d died in the Ritual of Nathema millennia ago.


“Either that or they serve Arcann now,” said Doc.


“For the time being…” Eliza mused and thought of the unwelcome companion inside her mind.


“No doubt they hold out hope for Vitiate’s return—their loyalty has always only been to him. Arcann would be no more than a placeholder to them, one they’ll indulge until such a time their true Master returns.”


Jenna gave a shudder. “This world is unnatural. Let’s kill those guards, grab Scourge and bounce.”


“A sound idea.”


Dispatching of the guards was quick and easy work. While Andronikos and Theron lay cover fire, Eliza let her blades roar and she danced between the red-clad pairings headed her way to cut them down one by one. Jenna had her back using nothing but her vibroknife, eager fists and an attitude to help eliminate the protective forces while Doc remained safely behind the pirate and the spy. Out of harm's way and working Theron’s tech to scan the building for signs of life but something interfered with his signal.


“I can’t pinpoint an exact location,” he said when they regrouped.


“Then we’ll do it the old fashioned way—go in blind and see where it leads.” Eliza shrugged and slowly, confidence took root where her fears had dwelled.



Edited by JennyFlynn
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Welcome back, you were missed. I hope that real life is being kinder to you these days, you've so much to deal with and I'm sorry for that. But I'm happy to see a new chapter! Yay! :)



I really loved your descriptions in this chapter particularly and how you invoked the five senses. I especially liked the phrase 'taste the rot in her mouth.' It brought to mind very specific images and flavours and made me feel like I was right there with Eliza. Wonderfully done, that. :)


I'm inclined to agree about Senya, I never trusted her from day one either. It never made sense to me, as a mother how she could abandon and then go against her own children like that. I mean, they're nasty, evil, people, but she is still their mother and like Eliza so aptly said, as a mother you'd stand with your kids. I wouldn't give Senya anymore info than she needs to know either.


I am curious about Eliza's illness, though I suspect it's not an illness at all. It would be interesting if it was Scourge and her connection manifesting, I love the idea of that, that she's feeling something of what he's going through, or even that the Emperor or Nathema are affecting her this way, but all the nausea suggests something else.


Seeing Andronikos was lovely too, I enjoy how to the point he is about things. There's no dancing around with him, he just says what he means and I enjoyed them touching on Nox and what went down before. I thought it was decent of Doc to agree to help and go with Theron and Eliza. Scourge can afford to put up with a few unwelcome faces during a rescue op and I think he would.


Getting to see into Theron's mind a bit was heartbreaking as well. He's worried not just for Eliza, but also what will happen when/if Scourge returns and yet he's going along and standing by her. *snuggles him up* :D


I am haunted by Valkorion's 'it's a gift, use it well.' I'm not quite sure what he's doing or meant by that, but it worries me. Again the descriptions are top notch, loved them. Nathema is a horrible place. And I chuckled at how Jenna summed up their mission. 'Bounce' indeed.


Lovely work and a welcome distraction from...stuff. Thank you for that. I look forward to the next when you're able.


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Wonderful to have you back, I've missed your chapters. I hope life shows you a kinder side now. :)



Eliza's visions have taken on a physical aspect it seems, and the worry about Scourge's condition appears to be taking its toll. I did greatly appreciate the descriptions of Nathema she remembered from previous conversations with Scourge and it has to be devastating for her to imagine him in such a place.


Eliza has such a grand circle of support and Theron is adorably sweet by putting his feelings on hold to be with her.


Lovely job with Andronikus, he's a straight shooter all the way and not one to sugar coat or avoid unpleasantries. A nice touch that he'd want to know what happened to Nox, considering their background, but, lordy, Ravage again. Eliza should have offed him twice.


It is a big deal for Theron to bare his soul like that, even admitting that he wished they'd never found Scourge, and his concern for Eliza is endearing. A unique perspective that Scourge is reaching out to her somehow through his agony, but nausea points to something else. I do wonder now.


As for Senya, yeah, Eliza, being a mother herself, can see the possible complications from letting Senya know any plans concerning Arcann. And considering, unlike in the game, that Senya never got to see how nuts Vaylinn truly was before being killed, I wonder what sort of hidden animosity Senya may hold toward Eliza. Either way, blood does run deep, and a mother's love can put a whole different spin on right vs wrong.


I'm assuming that Valkorian's gift was for Eliza to not feel the effects of Nathema, but could be something deeper. Guess we will see.


I am almost dreading when they find Scourge, but know there has to be a resolution, one way or the other.



Good stuff and a nice lead into further happenings. Looking forward to the next, but dreading it too. One thing for sure, happy to have you back.

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Welcome back, you were missed. I hope that real life is being kinder to you these days, you've so much to deal with and I'm sorry for that. But I'm happy to see a new chapter! Yay! :)



I really loved your descriptions in this chapter particularly and how you invoked the five senses. I especially liked the phrase 'taste the rot in her mouth.' It brought to mind very specific images and flavours and made me feel like I was right there with Eliza. Wonderfully done, that. :)


I'm inclined to agree about Senya, I never trusted her from day one either. It never made sense to me, as a mother how she could abandon and then go against her own children like that. I mean, they're nasty, evil, people, but she is still their mother and like Eliza so aptly said, as a mother you'd stand with your kids. I wouldn't give Senya anymore info than she needs to know either.


I am curious about Eliza's illness, though I suspect it's not an illness at all. It would be interesting if it was Scourge and her connection manifesting, I love the idea of that, that she's feeling something of what he's going through, or even that the Emperor or Nathema are affecting her this way, but all the nausea suggests something else.


Seeing Andronikos was lovely too, I enjoy how to the point he is about things. There's no dancing around with him, he just says what he means and I enjoyed them touching on Nox and what went down before. I thought it was decent of Doc to agree to help and go with Theron and Eliza. Scourge can afford to put up with a few unwelcome faces during a rescue op and I think he would.


Getting to see into Theron's mind a bit was heartbreaking as well. He's worried not just for Eliza, but also what will happen when/if Scourge returns and yet he's going along and standing by her. *snuggles him up* :D


I am haunted by Valkorion's 'it's a gift, use it well.' I'm not quite sure what he's doing or meant by that, but it worries me. Again the descriptions are top notch, loved them. Nathema is a horrible place. And I chuckled at how Jenna summed up their mission. 'Bounce' indeed.


Lovely work and a welcome distraction from...stuff. Thank you for that. I look forward to the next when you're able.


Thank you so much. Yeah, let's hope it's all back on the good and upward track from here on out huh?


Eliza has been in half a hell of her own making. Until now, she's never set foot on Nathema and only knows the stories she's been told which feed her fears and imaginations of what Scourge may be going through. It's a rough state to be in and as people, we do tend to imagine the worst. I'm glad I got that across.


You're right and Senya never made sense to me either. I can understand her wanting to resolve the situation, to help innocents but I could never do so by going against my own child and allying with my child's enemies, people who intend to bring my child down at any cost. I cannot justify trusting her.


There's plenty that could be affecting Eliza's health. Often when I stress a lot, I start losing sleep and feel exhausted from fretting which then causes me to start feeling ill and... she's got plenty to stress over. It could also well be a combination of things, even her bond with Scourge or the result of the Emperor's presence. Or... something else. Who knows, right? ;)


Thank you! I was reluctant to involve Andronikos but I try to add some variation into the pairings who go out on missions and as a bit of a challenge to myself as a writer, decided to include him. I'm glad it paid off and you enjoyed! Voicing him is not an easy feat for me but I feel it came across well so, yay.


Nathema is not a place where anyone would wish to linger for long and I recall from the game's chapter, even Theron felt the effects of that planet. Jenna and the others would too, though I'm not sure it'll be as easy as "grab and bounce" as she hopes.


Thank you so much for the lovely feedback, it means the world to me and it's a very welcome bright spot. Big hugs. ♥


Wonderful to have you back, I've missed your chapters. I hope life shows you a kinder side now. :)



Eliza's visions have taken on a physical aspect it seems, and the worry about Scourge's condition appears to be taking its toll. I did greatly appreciate the descriptions of Nathema she remembered from previous conversations with Scourge and it has to be devastating for her to imagine him in such a place.


Eliza has such a grand circle of support and Theron is adorably sweet by putting his feelings on hold to be with her.


Lovely job with Andronikus, he's a straight shooter all the way and not one to sugar coat or avoid unpleasantries. A nice touch that he'd want to know what happened to Nox, considering their background, but, lordy, Ravage again. Eliza should have offed him twice.


It is a big deal for Theron to bare his soul like that, even admitting that he wished they'd never found Scourge, and his concern for Eliza is endearing. A unique perspective that Scourge is reaching out to her somehow through his agony, but nausea points to something else. I do wonder now.


As for Senya, yeah, Eliza, being a mother herself, can see the possible complications from letting Senya know any plans concerning Arcann. And considering, unlike in the game, that Senya never got to see how nuts Vaylinn truly was before being killed, I wonder what sort of hidden animosity Senya may hold toward Eliza. Either way, blood does run deep, and a mother's love can put a whole different spin on right vs wrong.


I'm assuming that Valkorian's gift was for Eliza to not feel the effects of Nathema, but could be something deeper. Guess we will see.


I am almost dreading when they find Scourge, but know there has to be a resolution, one way or the other.



Good stuff and a nice lead into further happenings. Looking forward to the next, but dreading it too. One thing for sure, happy to have you back.

Nightmarish visions, hellish imaginations of what could be, dread, actual nightmares and fretting over a loved one's well being are bound to manifest in some form or anything and often when the mind is affected by such things, the body follows suit.


I'm glad you enjoyed the Andronikos segment, he left me nervous, handsome devil I don't feel confident in voicing but I wanted him there regardless if only to challenge myself and do it anyway lol. Yeah, Ravage... there's no end to dirty deeds he's guilty of either directly or indirectly.


It is a very big deal for Theron. I don't imagine him the type to open up at all save for to a very select few people but via his ex Nyssa, he does have some familiarity and a bond with Jenna. I also imagine that, while he's very closed off, he has breaking points much like many others and some times you just gotta take some pressure off your heavy heart and talk.


I'm not a mother. At best I can try and imagine what it would be like and personally, I'd be tempted to dig around for information, for a battle plan to give my child a head's up. To try and save them even while I am wholly against the crimes they've committed and for me, it isn't unthinkable Senya would feel those urges too so, no, she shouldn't be trusted even if her intentions within the Alliance are good on the surface.


Yes, Valkorion is protecting her from feeling the effects of Nathema and if I recall right, he says and does something similar in-game. Something about protecting the PC and their companions best he can. Why? Who ever really knows with that man.


Thank you so much for your feedback and kind words, they were a joy to read and brightened my day. Much love.

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