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May end up being late today, or instead posting tomorrow, just a head's up but a new chapter is being worked on. :)


No problem. I look forward to reading your latest when you're able. Take your time, but hurry up ;D I get it though, the excitement this week put me off my schedule as well.

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:: Chapter Twenty Six ::



It was one of those moments where you find yourself scarcely aware of your surroundings or even your own physical existence. Where the only sound is the rushing of blood in your ears while your eyes stare into the distant nothing until they dry and start to burn and once you come to, you realize the person you were talking with is waiting for a reaction and minutes have passed.


It was what Theron experienced when Eliza sat him down the next morning to share what she’d learned from her ancestor and when she announced Lord Scourge was, in fact, still alive.


‘We were right…’ It dawned on him and he finally met her eyes again. “Are you okay?”


“No. I’m, something but okay doesn’t even come close. I don’t understand, not for a second,” she admitted while confusion ruled her mind.


She got up from the black, suede sofa in their room and pushed open the balcony doors in desperate need of fresh air, breathing it in as though she’d been suffocating for hours.


“I mean, how is this possible? I have his ring. Regina disposed of his body herself and watched him die. I don’t get it and if he’s not dead then where the hell is he? Where has he been all this time?”


Feeling Theron’s arms wrap around her from behind, she leaned into his chest and sighed while he struggled with the little options he had, mostly torn between telling her what he knew right now or waiting for Me’ghan so they could tell her together.


‘No. You have to now, you can’t let her agonize over this for a minute more.’


“Come sit down with me please,” he asked quietly and lead her by the hand to one of the loungers.


Eliza frowned and echoed his earlier words while she curled up sideways on his lap, “Are you okay?”


“Not quite—there’s something I have to tell you and I’m worried for your reaction, worried you’ll feel hurt and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”


“O-kay… that’s, an unnerving build up, what is it?”


“For the past week and a half, I’ve had my own reasons to believe Scourge might still be alive.”




“There was a call I overheard Ravage make to what turns out to be a jeweler in Kaas City—Vowrawn is looking into the specifics and—”


“Wait. Ravage, Vowrawn? What jeweler?”


A deep sigh escaped his lips and he scolded himself for just how bad he was at delivering this sort of news. His hand tenderly rubbed down her back while he pinched the bridge of his nose, knitting his brows and then began telling her everything from the very beginning—from the afternoon in the cantina to all Me’ghan had uncovered with Vowrawn’s assistance.


“For now, Vowrawn is looking to see what else he can uncover, Thyra’s records are rather incomplete and he’s waiting to hear back from this Elias guy,” he closed out at last and swallowed hard, “I’m so sorry I didn’t say anything before.”


Minutes went by and Eliza sat speechless, her face a masquerade of every emotion that rose quickly before another came to conquer it. Confusion carving a path for sorrow soon overcome by shock, changing to the feeling she was about to throw up and eventually leaving her with just anger—burning and aching in her body and she flew up from his lap.


“I’m going to kill him,” she bit out, her jaw clenched and her fists so tight the bones of her knuckles could have pierced her skin.


“I am going to kill him so slowly, so excruciatingly he’ll beg me to finish the job quickly and I’ll grant his wish then figure out a way to revive him so I can do it all over again!”


With her fury waging war already, rapidly building to its ultimate climax, she stormed from the room faster than Theron could respond or leave his seat and he was left having to chase her down the base.


“Eliza wait!” he called out after her, running through the cantina and the consternation drew the attention of others and Me’ghan, Malavai, and Darius followed suit.


Eliza wasn’t waiting though and startled Aric Jorgan when she blew into the security hub. He had no idea of what was going on and watched, half anxiously at the sheer anger possessing her, while she repeatedly entered the access code for Ravage’s cell, her hands and fingers shaking too much to hit the correct combination.


“Open it, now!” she barked her orders and came close to yanking the Cathar out of his chair but Theron stopped her, catching up and dragging her back outside.


“Baby please, look at me,” he cupped her face in his hands even while she tried to resist and spoke soothingly, “not like this, not right now. Whatever fate you’ve got planned for him, it can—”


“No! He dies, today!”


“If he’s to die, it can wait, please. I know you’re infuriated and he has it coming, all of it and more but I’m begging you—wait.”


She bristled, fighting off his comforting intentions with her anger railing, “Why?!”


The small crowd gathered, and now including Aric, stood silently witnessing while Theron did all he could to calm her, pulling her to him, stroking her back, her hair, speaking in gentle and hushed tones.


“Because we don’t know everything yet and I know you. At some point, you will have questions even if you think you already know the answers now. You’re going to want to hear all of it, from him so please for your own sake, calm down first.”


Even Ravage himself stood glued to the door, having overheard the turmoil outside but to his disappointment, his cell was too well isolated for him to catch anything more than mere mumbles, distorted words, and voices.


Her volatile temper mixed with the melancholy resurfacing inside of her, weakening her resolve and with every mollifying caress of Theron’s, her rage was further subdued making way for the first tears springing to her eyes.


His touch, the love in his eyes and words had such a pacifying effect and she soon realized he was right—no matter the fabrications Ravage might spin when asked, she’d want an explanation from him and dead men don’t do a lot of talking.


“He lied…” She made a long face and her bottom lip quivered.


“He did, and once you’ve calmed, you’ll make him pay and I’ll be right there with you.”


Malavai, despite not fully knowing what had happened or what she’d uncovered in the Astrum, put his hand on her shoulder. “We all will.”


Eliza gave a dazed nod and left a quick, salted kiss on Theron’s lips. “I’m going for a walk, I need to clear my head.”


Every nerve in her body begged her to escape the situation, the weight of revelations of the past twenty-four hours suffocating her slowly and she tired of her constant state of confusion and chaos.


“Of course,” Theron began but watched sullenly as she pushed the back door wide open and walked off before he’d even finished, “I love you…”


“I take it you told her?” asked Me’ghan.


“I had to. Her ancestor confirmed to her Scourge is alive. I just… I guess I didn’t foresee her getting this angry. I feel so stupid.”


“When word came of Scourge’s death, Ravage was a genuine beacon of support and she forged a bond with him believing them both to be widowers,” Me’ghan remembered vividly as even she had been in awe of Ravage’s caring support.


“It was one of the few things he’s ever done that truly touched her and now she’s found out he orchestrated all of it—her pain and sorrow for his own benefit. Spinning a lie about her husband’s death… it’s a most painful of betrayals.”




A crisp, morning breeze was her welcome when she stepped outside the base, threading a path through a section of wilderness on Odessen she’d never explored before. While previous walks had brought her down a creek to a clearing and close by the waterfalls, this one took her to a canyon carved out between two cliff sides and eventually, to vast rapids surging down a river which stretched on for miles.


The critters scurrying away underneath overgrown ferns and the tears trickling down her cheek were all she had for company and far too easily, Eliza got caught up in the treacherous maze that was her mind. It took her back months to the day she’d been told of Lord Scourge’s passing, to the night where Ravage had comforted her so adequately.


His words of comfort, his understanding through having suffered the same had meant everything to her in the weeks following but now they made her feel ill. They salted her tears and brought her to her knees at the riverbank.


“People will forever seek to betray you—accept that and move on, harden yourself and pursue your true destiny,” a voice spoke and Valkorion appeared, much to Eliza’s chagrin and she glowered at him.


“Go away.”


His phantom form paced and ignored her words. “My daughter was eliminated from the playing field and now, we must deal with my son as well.”


“I said go away!”


Her nails dug into the dirt until her hands formed a fist. “I don’t need advice from Tenebrae, the bastard of Medriaas.”


“Ah, you know the truth at last.”


She snipped, “I do but forgive me if I have no interest in a family reunion.”


Eliza got up and wiped the dirt from her hands, her tears now crusting on her cheek. “So what was it that turned you into a homicidal psychopath? Daddy issues? Those sure seem to run in your side of the family.”


“Your gift was fire, mine was death,” he declared plainly as if those simple words explained the centuries of terror he’d inflicted upon the galaxy.


“Death?” she scoffed and wandered off with slow and aimless steps, “If only yours came as easy as everyone else’s. Where is he?”




“Scourge! What did you do to him?”


“I had plans for my treacherous Wrath but alas, your padawan’s actions foiled those plans.”


“Good, so where is he?”


“I don’t know where he is now.”


“Then you’re useless to me—leave.”


Her hand cut through the air but Valkorion wasn’t so easily dismissed and tracked her footfalls down the cobbled riverbank.


“It is time you evolved, Seraphine,” he called her by her title, the one name she held that he deemed befitting.


“Beyond those you call family, beyond the teachings of the Jedi and Sith. We were both forged from the same blood, we are superior to every other being in this galaxy and you were born to rule them all as I once was.”


“I was born to get rid of you, and one day I will!”


The chuckle that escaped Valkorion rang hollow. “Yes, I used to fear that prophecy until I came to understand—my reign will end but only to make way for yours and through you, all I know, everything I have built will live on. You will wear my crown.”


Upon his last word, Eliza came to an abrupt halt and heard it echo in her mind. Ringing clear until it found its association buried deep within her subconscious and coaxed it to the surface.


‘Crown… crown… In the vision, I bowed to you and took a crown from the Emperor’s head. It ended when you held his power in your hands.’


Again Valkorion laughed as though he’d followed the trajectory of her thoughts, leading him to the words Lord Scourge had spoken to her long ago. “Even my Wrath knew.”


“No. I’m nothing like you and I never will be! I don’t want your crown or your power!”


“Because you still cling to these mortal desires—love, family, happiness, a good life—but you could have so much more and the darkness within you hungers and grows. You’ve felt it, even today, less than an hour ago. I did too.”


They reached a clearing at the end of the path where the two cliffsides merged to close off the canyon and Eliza shook her head. “You’re wrong.”


“Am I?”


An amused smile curled his lips and the look he gave her was that of a master challenging his pupil, already knowing he’d be victorious. His eyes bore into her soul, searching and reaching.


“You never felt it when the seed of darkness began to bloom, rising within you? Its tentacles tainting every nerve, every vein black as it hissed a call for destruction?” Valkorion taunted and circled her once more.


Every syllable he spoke stirred something in the pit of her stomach, an awakening of the one thing she always fought so hard to control as though her darkness heeded his call above her own. It rose, precisely as he described and she felt an all too familiar crackling in her fingertips.


“The way it turns your blood cold and your eyes to hellfire.”


“Stop…” A plea fell from her lips, one aimed at the horror that sought to dominate her now but Valkorion delighted.


“Think of all those who have lied to you, deceived you, betrayed you and kept their secrets from you. All those who’ve wronged you.


“The Jedi and their grandmaster, the Republic who tried to use and exploit you. That simpering fool whose unwanted affections and lies have kept you from searching for your husband, lead you to deceive him. The mother who abandoned you because she feared what you are, who you could be.”


Each word resounded in her mind, teasing and stroking the dark force taking her in its thrall. A crimson aura set in her irises, blending with the golden rings left there after a previous bout with her hatred and anger.


“Those you call your friends and family harboring secrets because they think you’re too weak for the truth! Even your old Master, the one you looked to as a father, abandoned you and lied!”


“No… he didn’t…”


It became increasingly harder for Eliza to fend off his words and the assault they made on her being, the rise they gave to her dark side breaking the chains she’d crafted to keep it subjugated.


“Feel all of it, everything you’ve held back and remember the lessons I once gave you aboard my fortress, embrace it, let your hatred reign!”


In a violent scream, her darkness reached a pinnacle, a violet vortex holding her in its grasp and Valkorion smirked when he felt his plan successful.


It was true he could not command her but in his recent absence, he’d been searching for a loophole and realized the corrupt force inside of her was key—if he could enrage that and make it listen, it would overtake Eliza and then he’d have the dominion over her he so desperately sought.


Anguished tears sprung from her now ruby eyes, her body shaking with the force that overwhelmed her as she tried to fight a lost battle. She knew better, she knew his words were the poison of a man anxious to have her compliance but she couldn’t escape the trappings of her true nature, not alone but luckily, she didn’t have to.


At first, she thought he was just a vision, a fabrication stolen from her heart and given shape by her mind as the tall figure appeared in his specter form. His hood drawn up, sharp spikes adorning his shoulders and forever wearing his signature mask, his frame so unmistakable even Valkorion took a step back.


“Marr…” whispered Valkorion with a modicum of awe.


The ethereal Sith ignored him and turned to Eliza, placing a hand on her shoulder and while physically she felt none of it, his essence radiated through her body instantly.


“He is right—you are more than this,” spoke Marr with his sole attention on his grandniece and former acolyte, “but more isn’t necessarily worse or evil. The power you hold was born from darkness but what you do with it has always been your choice, and it still is.”


“I… I…” she tried but the power coursing through her not only paralyzed her body but silenced her words too.


Marr nodded and understood. “I should have spent more time teaching you to maintain balance—to not just control and enslave your power but work with it, and harmonize.”


“We both should have,” spoke another voice, soft and female and a third presence arrived but this one as alive as Eliza was herself, “I was foolish to believe ignoring the darkness would render it nonexistent within you.”


Eliza stared in absolute shock while Satele Shan took her hand and together with Marr, she focused her energy to banish Valkorion’s spirit from their presence. Assaulting him with their combined power and with every blow he took, Eliza felt her darkness abate.


“You will not have her, Valkorion,” Marr argued and he took a protective stance between Eliza and the now startled Emperor.


Valkorion stood angered but in his incorporeal form, weak against the two guardians at Eliza’s side. Their attacks slashing away at his ghostly form and his power, the strength he needed to maintain his own manifestation, drained.


“We shall see—neither of you can protect her forever and I am part of her now! This isn’t over and one day soon, when she’s ready, she’ll come to me!”


He spoke his promise and vanished in an anticlimactic fashion, without a show of power or a semblance of retaliation and Eliza was left standing with two former mentors she’d never expected to see again. Shaken by all she’d witnessed, by her own rise of power until the dark force inside of her waned fully and she fell into an unconscious state.



Edited by JennyFlynn
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So many feels. :(

The emotions in this chapter really ran the gamut. I'm not sure who I feel worse for, honestly, but through all the uncertainty and rage, I did enjoy that Theron was there for her. He's very soothing and calming and clearly did a lot good just by being there. I agree that she would likely have regretted killing Ravage in a fit of white-hot rage. I'm glad cooler heads prevailed.


It's also good to know that much of Ravage's plot and the depths of his depravity are exposed for all to see. I don't think any amount of support he gave before will save him now...because clearly, it wasn't entirely genuine, it came from a selfish conniving place. I'm also glad that the family are there to help lend support.


I had a bit of a Snow White moment there, with the walk in the woods and the scurrying creatures, it made for a very pastoral setting against the nightmarish thoughts going through Eliza's mind. Nice contrast. The confrontation with Valkorion was fascinating as was his reaction to Marr's presence when he arrived (and Satele, but we don't like to talk about her. ;) ) I look forward to the rest, to see what Marr will say, and also what it will lead to back at the base. :)


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So many emotions to juggle at once. She truly has run the spectrum in so little time, no wonder her brain feels like a jumbled, chaotic mess. It's hard to think straight and I'm glad Theron was there to talk her down from killing Ravage, I believe she would have regretted it later when she needs those answers. Eliza has a wonderful support system in Theron and her family.


Ravage may be in for some tough times ahead but his schemes go beyond cruelty. Me'ghan's words rang so true in that it was a most painful betrayal, not only to Eliza but to her daughter as well.


And Valkorian's timing, showing up when she is at her lowest and most vulnerable. There is an odd parallel between his wanting to separate Eliza from everyone who loves her and Ravage wanting to do the same, both using guile and lies to reach their ultimate goal.


I'm eagerly awaiting to hear what Marr and yes, even Satele have to say to her, but next to Marr the Jedi Master is just a bit player. How you planned out the 'walk in the woods' was quite a nice segue into their meeting and it was quite interesting that Valky backed down, or was that simply another ploy?


Wouldn't it be interesting if Theron went looking for Eliza and runs into dear old Mom hanging out with ghost Marr? Awkward.


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So many feels. :(

The emotions in this chapter really ran the gamut. I'm not sure who I feel worse for, honestly, but through all the uncertainty and rage, I did enjoy that Theron was there for her. He's very soothing and calming and clearly did a lot good just by being there. I agree that she would likely have regretted killing Ravage in a fit of white-hot rage. I'm glad cooler heads prevailed.


It's also good to know that much of Ravage's plot and the depths of his depravity are exposed for all to see. I don't think any amount of support he gave before will save him now...because clearly, it wasn't entirely genuine, it came from a selfish conniving place. I'm also glad that the family are there to help lend support.


I had a bit of a Snow White moment there, with the walk in the woods and the scurrying creatures, it made for a very pastoral setting against the nightmarish thoughts going through Eliza's mind. Nice contrast. The confrontation with Valkorion was fascinating as was his reaction to Marr's presence when he arrived (and Satele, but we don't like to talk about her. ;) ) I look forward to the rest, to see what Marr will say, and also what it will lead to back at the base. :)


Seething with anger is not the best time to be making any decisions, especially not the big ones such as ending someone's life and Theron knows her well. She would definitely regret it. Theron's a really good influence on her, calming and soothing as only one other person has ever been and at times like these, she desperately needs it.


No, with the uncovering of this scheme, Ravage has just destroyed every bit of good he's ever done and there is a price to pay, one he can't outrun or BS his way out of. He'll have his reasons but they probably won't save him.


Heh, a Snow White moment, yeah I suppose it came off that way and there was a certain tranquility out there to contrast the storm within. Valkorion did not expect Marr, or anyone really, to show up and foil what he was trying to accomplish. I imagine that, even if you are an all powerful 'immortal' being, to suddenly face a man you've killed would still be startling.


Lol @ the comment about Satele--yeah, we don't like talking about her. ;) Thank you for the lovely response Luna, as always it's much appreciated and a real boost!





So many emotions to juggle at once. She truly has run the spectrum in so little time, no wonder her brain feels like a jumbled, chaotic mess. It's hard to think straight and I'm glad Theron was there to talk her down from killing Ravage, I believe she would have regretted it later when she needs those answers. Eliza has a wonderful support system in Theron and her family.


Ravage may be in for some tough times ahead but his schemes go beyond cruelty. Me'ghan's words rang so true in that it was a most painful betrayal, not only to Eliza but to her daughter as well.


And Valkorian's timing, showing up when she is at her lowest and most vulnerable. There is an odd parallel between his wanting to separate Eliza from everyone who loves her and Ravage wanting to do the same, both using guile and lies to reach their ultimate goal.


I'm eagerly awaiting to hear what Marr and yes, even Satele have to say to her, but next to Marr the Jedi Master is just a bit player. How you planned out the 'walk in the woods' was quite a nice segue into their meeting and it was quite interesting that Valky backed down, or was that simply another ploy?


Wouldn't it be interesting if Theron went looking for Eliza and runs into dear old Mom hanging out with ghost Marr? Awkward.


It's been a hellish 24 hours for Eliza. Confronting Ravage, performing the ritual, all she uncovered in the Astrum and then now the news of Ravage's scheme just as she thought she'd found closure to her situation with him... I don't imagine any of that is easy. Like they say, when it rains it pours but she does have an incredible team of support surrounding her.


I hadn't even realized the parallel between Valkorion's attempt to isolate her, and Ravage's, though it is true they both run the same ploy, just for different goals. Nice catch. Can you imagine if those two had ever teamed up though?


Yeah, I'd been looking for a good opportunity to inject Marr & Satele into this, my own spin on that specific chapter in game and this seemed right. I knew I wanted it to be after the ritual, and you'll see why soon, so this worked out. Valkorion really was forced to back down. In my mind, it takes a certain amount of energy and focus to maintain your spirit manifestation and when that's assaulted, it drains to the point where you're forced to retreat. Otherwise, spirits would just be walking around all the time all willy nilly, there have to be rules I figured.


Lol @ Theron bumping into mommy dearest, it's a comedic scenario I did actually see play out in my head and it made me laugh. Thank you for the lovely words and the feedback you left, it's inspiring and I'm grateful!



Now, given how I was a day late with this chapter, the Monday installment may be posted either late tonight, or some time tomorrow so it's not too overwhelming for you both reading, and for myself writing wise. :)

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A very moving chapter...



I love Theron for the soothing way he handled everything with Eliza concerning Scourge being alive and about Ravages terrible betrayal. As great as her rage at Ravage was I don't think anyone but Theron could have kept her from killing him brutally.


I also love how Marr and Satele came to her rescue during her later confrontation with Valkorian. With support like that how can she lose?:)



Very much looking forward to seeing what's next!:)!

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A very moving chapter...



I love Theron for the soothing way he handled everything with Eliza concerning Scourge being alive and about Ravages terrible betrayal. As great as her rage at Ravage was I don't think anyone but Theron could have kept her from killing him brutally.


I also love how Marr and Satele came to her rescue during her later confrontation with Valkorian. With support like that how can she lose?:)



Very much looking forward to seeing what's next!:)!


Theron is absolute love. I would say bae but I have a burning hatred for that expression, lol. He's definitely her biggest pillar of support and someone to calm her when literally no one else would be able to. :) Eliza is lucky, she has many people who have her back.


Thank you for the lovely comment. ♥

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:: Chapter Twenty Seven ::



A roaring fire gave ambiance to the veiled and secluded section of wilderness on Odessen where they’d made camp. It sputtered and snapped when the Jedi Grandmaster provoked its flames by nudging a few of the logs and she retrieved the kettle suspended above the pit.


“Here, try some soup,” Satele offered a simple bowl of broth.


Eliza observed her companions warily and rubbed the fatigue from her eyes, though she accepted the offer. “How long was I out for?”


“Little over an hour,” Marr told her.


“I see…”


She cast her gaze around the camp, observing a single tent, a few stacked cargo crates and, eventually, Satele’s private vessel. “When did you arrive here?”


“Several weeks ago after Beniko first discovered this planet.”


“I see…” she said a second time and sighed.


She put the bowl of soup down and gently massaged her temples with her index fingers, half wondering if any of this was real. Considering that perhaps she’d lost consciousness long before either of them arrived to banish Valkorion, and all of this was just a dream scenario to protect her from the truth—that the Emperor had conquered her mind and body at last.


Satele smiled with tenderness and sat down beside her.


“We are real, Eliza,” she promised, the sincerity clear in her eyes, “and we’ve been keeping an eye on you for some time now, hoping you’d sense our presence and find us here to meet.”


“Because simply walking up to our base was, what? Too difficult? Do you know Theron’s there?”


“I do, but I am a complication he doesn’t need in his life right now.”


Eliza let out a sigh and muttered, “You would say that…”


While reaching for her soup again and sipping slowly, she looked Marr’s way from underneath her lashes, over the rim of her bowl and studied him.


There’d been a time where she would have paid almost any price to see him again but he felt different now. Something about him had changed, she could sense it, and much about the situation was so incomprehensible she didn’t know what to think or say.


Making matters worse was the fact Eliza felt she needed to guard her emotions. She didn’t want him to see her as weak by shedding tears for their reunion and there was no telling how long he’d stay. For all she knew, this was it and before long she’d have to say goodbye again—a thing she wouldn’t be able to do if she let her heart rule her sensibilities and so she asked the one question everyone had speculated over for years.


“What happened during the battle, after Scourge forced me to return home?”


“We were no match for their forces,” began Marr and he paced along the glowing fire, teasing the flames higher with a simple wave of his hand.


“Your old padawan, Kira, joined the fight not long after your departure and together with Scourge, they cleared out the majority of boarders but the damage had been done. We converged in the engine room with a choice to make—use the last of our power to get everyone to the escape pods or charge, full speed ahead and ram our ship into the fleet. Scourge chose the latter while Kira ran to save anyone she could before impact.”


A pause fell and Marr relived every moment, remembering each sound, every scream and the fumes of the explosions as though it had happened only yesterday.


“Somehow, we survived. I awoke in a cell and together with Kira, was escorted to meet this immortal Emperor of Zakuul,” he continued.


“We both knew instantly when we came into his presence—Valkorion was Vitiate. He offered us a place at his side if we’d kneel but I could not. To do so would have been a betrayal not only to our Empire but to the man I have always been, and all I have fought for.”


Eliza had listened intently, his words shaping the images in her mind that allowed her to witness each event and she nodded. “I understand, I couldn’t have either.”


“You would have been proud of your former padawan—she stood fierce and unafraid, and she had my back.”


“She didn’t make it,” Eliza announced but quickly saw, by the gentle nods she received, this wasn’t news to either of her companions.


“What of Scourge? Was he not there when you were brought before Vitiate?”


“No. I don’t know what became of him after we rammed their fleet and even now, his fate remains concealed.”


“You can’t see him either?”


“He is shrouded in secrecy—there is a barrier, somehow, that not even I can pierce.”


A quiet sigh passed her lips. “Oh…”


Finally, he stopped pacing and sat himself down beside her while Satele occupied herself with menial tasks, stepping away to give the both of them some much needed privacy. Marr placed his hand over Eliza’s, letting it hover and while physical touch was impossible, she found comfort in the gesture alone.


“Did you suffer?” she asked.


“It was over quick and I hope you can forgive my choice—I have wondered in the years past while watching the war unfold, if perhaps I should have swallowed my pride to stand by your side.”


“There is nothing to forgive. I… have missed you, needed you but I respect the choice you made and I would have done no different. You seem… changed, though, somehow.”


“Death opened my eyes to new and profound wisdom I shunned in life. It offered a grander perspective of the Force and I realized just how limited our own views are,” Marr lamented.


“That’s… an unusual notion coming from you.”


“Being in the Ora, it changes the way you see everything,” he began sharing the enlightenment he’d experienced.


“It shows us the galaxy as a whole—past, present, future—the touch of the Force woven like a fine thread through every living organism. Every single person with a dozen different decisions to make and each choice creating an alternative future outcome with the Force at the heart of all of it.”


Eliza looked at him and a soft smile lit up her eyes. “Sounds… beautiful, I guess. So you are in the Ora, you never moved on?”


“I couldn’t. After death, I was shown my own life, from birth to death, and one of many futures awaiting the family I left behind—you. I was shown what transpired here today, Valkorion wielding your darkness and eventually transforming you into his vessel, finally obtaining your family’s gift.


“It was only one of many potential outcomes but I knew I had to prevent it. I witnessed each moment of your life, the pain you suffered in the past years and I feared the worst possible future would become reality as your depression grew but I was powerless to stop it—I didn’t know how to manifest myself among the living and that was when she found me.”


“She?” Eliza frowned and glanced over her shoulder to see Satele standing behind her. “You brought him here?”


“I did,” Satele rejoined them by the fire and began to explain.


“When I felt his passing and the loss of Kira, I feared the worst when it came to the future of our galaxy. I meditated in search of answers and the Force reached out, instructing me to find Marr and share the knowledge of spirit manifestation.”


“So that’s how you ended up together?”


Marr nodded. “It took years to master the art, and requires much energy and focus.”


“Which is why we should get to the true lesson before time runs out,” Satele pointed out.


“True lesson?” Eliza’s frown flitted back and forth between them both.


“Your dark side—it used to control you and then you learned how to control it, enslaved it and I believed that to be the answer for you,” Marr told her, “but I was wrong.”


“Just as I was wrong to believe if it could be suppressed and ignored then it would never touch you,” added Satele.


Marr rolled his hand to shape the flames of their campfire into two separate figures—a wild animal and a woman—and continued.


“You’ve been treating your dark side as a savage beast to be shackled and bound, caged and only released when you demand it.”


Again his hand made a gentle wave and now the wild animal transformed into a mirror copy of the woman built of flames.


“But it is not a savage beast—it is you. A part of you, an extension of yourself that you need to embrace. Set it free, learn to work with it in a symbiotic relationship.”


“It heeded Valkorion’s call because it sensed his acceptance while deep down, you still reject and fear it,” Satele made another point.


“I’m scared I’ll lose myself…” admitted Eliza while she stared, captivated, at the two blazing figures harmonizing within the fire.


“That’s all the more reason to face and welcome it and, remember, that darkness, it is as much a part of you as anything else. it is you.”


Doubtful and currently lacking faith in herself, Eliza looked at Marr. “Do you think I can do it?”


“I believe you were born to,” he promised and rose up.


With a simple gesture, he doused the flames and gazed up at the sky. “It is getting late. You should return to your people and I must go.”


“You really can’t stay?” Her brows furrowed in sadness.


“No—I have done my part so it is time I moved on.”


“I won’t see you again?”


“You won’t.”


She swallowed hard to fight off a familiar stinging in her eyes, her tears pressing just beneath the surface. Despite her efforts to keep her emotions at bay throughout their reunion, they made their presence known now in the face of losing him a second time.


“We never got enough time together, not even a year and there is so much I still want to share with you.” Her voice wavered and she bit her bottom lip.


She admitted, feeling her heart aching, “I love you and I have missed you. I’m not ready to say goodbye.”


“I know,” said Marr and he embraced her, his physical touch nonexistent but his essence wrapped around her like a blanket of comfort and warmth, “and I will always be with you.”


The moment, tender and fragile, lasted not nearly long enough and when Eliza opened her eyes again, he was gone. She turned to Satele, a single tear trickling down her cheek.


“Will he be at peace now?”


“One may hope.”


“And you? Will you return to the base with me and say hello to your son?”


“No. As I said earlier, I am a complication he doesn’t need in his life right now and he doesn’t need me.”


Eliza screwed her nose up. “You realize you’re doing that thing again where you try to decide what’s best for someone else? Can’t you let him make that choice?”


Ruefully, Satele tried a smile while she began walking Eliza in the direction of Odessen’s base. “Theron and I will never have that good or close of a relationship, it’s not for us. I’ve caused him pain he cannot forgive.”


“But that can change. You could at least try.”


“Perhaps, one day when all this is over but for now, we both have our own role to play in this war and it is not one we can perform together.”


“What do I tell him when he asks where I’ve been?”


They reached the beginning of the path out of seclusion and Satele came to a halt. “The truth. I know of your relationship and I won’t ask you to lie on my behalf.”


Eliza frowned. “And you’re not going to scold me for being with him?”


“No. I no longer have that right and perhaps I never did.”


“Okay, whatever spices you and Marr have been enjoying out here or in the Ora, I want some. You’re both so tranquil and different.”


For a split second, Satele pursed her lips at the comment but then smiled once more. “Find your balance and embrace both halves of yourself, it will be key to winning this war.”


“Where will you go?”


“Wherever I’m needed next. May the Force be with you, Eliza,” Satele said her goodbye and while she walked away to pack up, Eliza returned to the base.





His voice thundered with fury, so loud it echoed through the throne room repeatedly and took minutes to die out while Arcann paced in rapid succession by his seat of power, berating the Imperial Empress.


“Your man failed to attend our meeting! He failed to deliver the information I requested and he has been spying on us for years! He works with my greatest enemy!” he accused and threw a small monitoring device at her feet.


“Emperor Arcann, my deepest apologies, I had no idea Minister Vowrawn would abuse his position as our ambassador and betray us both,” Acina spoke cautiously.


To her greatest regret, she’d been summoned to Zakuul after Vowrawn, aware that his connections to Eliza were now exposed, had refused another diplomatic journey and fled the Empire to avoid capture. It had become clear to all he’d deliberately withheld information and not long after, one of Zakuul’s own Knight’s had discovered scanning and monitoring devices throughout several sections of the Spire and throne room.


“I assure you, he worked alone and I have my people searching for him as we speak. He will be brought to justice.”


Arcann puffed and bellowed, “Your apologies are worthless! This woman sat on the Council with you and you will tell me everything you know!”


“I know no more than you have in your files, we were never close.”


“More lies!” Infuriated, Arcann brought up a galaxy map and began browsing the different sectors of space with great urgency.


Please allow me to correct this mistake,” Acina offered and realized the precarious situation she found herself in.


Internally, she cursed Vowrawn for his actions and scolded herself for ever trusting him in a position of power to begin with, his reputation well known even to her. Still, she’d deal with that later, after attempting to smooth out the relationship between the Empire and Zakuul.


She cleared her throat and tried in earnest, “Eliza was born in the Empire and there must be people who knew her family. My Intelligence team—”


“Your Intelligence team is useless! Three of your Ministers have vanished now and none of them have ever honored our treaty! In fact, I am starting to believe you have all purposely worked against me from the start but no more!”


He circled the map and zoomed in on the Esstran sector, a section of space holding mostly Imperial planets, and Acina sucked in a sharp breath. She dreaded to think what he might be looking for or had in mind and her stomach churned with a sudden unease.


“Tell me how I can make this right.”


“You?” Arcann scoffed, “Your work here is done but you may bear witness as I remind your people of the importance of loyalty!”


The throne, his seat of power and his connection to the Eternal Fleet, lit up when he sat down and Arcann entered five different sets of coordinates into the communication system before he spoke his orders—a full scale assault on five, randomly selected, Imperial planets and Acina felt her heart sink while her panic rose.


“Please! This isn’t necessary! I will pull every resource I have to find her and deliver her to you myself! If she is working with the others—”


“Oh, I am sure she is but while you all sat around plotting to deceive me, she murdered my sister! A favor, granted, but none of this will go unpunished!”


The Fleet, which had been in formation right outside the throne room, vanished, leaving white and blue streaks in its wake while Acina stood powerless to change Arcann’s mind.


“Now, as for you…” he began, his tone threatening and he closed an invisible fist around her throat.



Edited by JennyFlynn
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Lovely chapter :)



I enjoyed your take on the campfire scene of game chapter 12. You touched on some things I'd hoped the game would have and didn't, so I'm glad you did.

I appreciated Satele's hospitality and sincerity when she reassured Eliza, who was very clearly reeling after the run in with Valkorion. I liked Eliza's reaction and it's such classic Satele to have some lame excuse for not going to see her son. Satele really is a piece of work, I'll never understand her really. It seems to me Satele is a bit of a control freak, she likes to say who and say when and how much really. I've noticed she doesn't tend to allow others the choice of interaction with her, she decides and I'm glad Eliza called her on that one too.


I also enjoyed that Eliza got some much-needed closure with Marr. I'm mystified by Satele too, in that she knows about the relationship between Eliza and Theron but won't go inside the base? Strange woman.


I loved Arcann's rage. Vowrawn will need to be careful and well...I think Acina is toast. I'd be amazed if she wriggled off the hook at this point.



Glad you were able to post in time, looking forward to the next. :)

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I quite enjoyed your take on the campfire scene and was glad to see Eliza get some closure at last with Marr, as short-lived as their reunion was. Sage advice to embrace the whole of who she is before Valkorian can use her power against her like he nearly already did. I hope she sees this much clearer now and can maintain some control to thwart his plans. If nothing else, she is more aware and must find a way to overcome her fear. Of course, it is always sad to lose Marr again, in whatever capacity.


It's too bad that Eliza couldn't get any more information about Scourge's whereabouts. That's got to cause her pain and be a source of distress in the days ahead and is bound to have an impact on her and Theron's relationship.


At least Satele was cordial if not still cold where her son is concerned. It almost seems that war is a convenient excuse to keep her from having to deal with her abandonment of Theron. Glad Eliza called her out on her control issues.


Ha, I knew Arcann would secretly be glad Vaylinn is dead. I wouldn't give 2 credits in hell for Acina's chances of survival right now. And great job with Arcann's tirade, and putting a new spin on the five worlds he had destroyed. Run, Vowrawn, Run! But we already know he's quite good at hiding when push comes to shove. Sexy old fox that he is.


Wonderful dialogue that covered a lot of ground and gave Eliza much to consider.



It'll be interesting to find out what's waiting for her when she gets back to base. Waiting for the next. :)

Edited by MishaCantu
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Lovely chapter :)



I enjoyed your take on the campfire scene of game chapter 12. You touched on some things I'd hoped the game would have and didn't, so I'm glad you did.

I appreciated Satele's hospitality and sincerity when she reassured Eliza, who was very clearly reeling after the run in with Valkorion. I liked Eliza's reaction and it's such classic Satele to have some lame excuse for not going to see her son. Satele really is a piece of work, I'll never understand her really. It seems to me Satele is a bit of a control freak, she likes to say who and say when and how much really. I've noticed she doesn't tend to allow others the choice of interaction with her, she decides and I'm glad Eliza called her on that one too.


I also enjoyed that Eliza got some much-needed closure with Marr. I'm mystified by Satele too, in that she knows about the relationship between Eliza and Theron but won't go inside the base? Strange woman.


I loved Arcann's rage. Vowrawn will need to be careful and well...I think Acina is toast. I'd be amazed if she wriggled off the hook at this point.



Glad you were able to post in time, looking forward to the next. :)

I'm glad you appreciated my take on chapter 12. I knew I wanted to work a version and snippet of it into the story at some point and this seemed the right time. I've always disliked how that chapter played out and I wanted answers; How did they end up together, why, why wait so long etc. and I tried explaining that in my version at least in a way that fits the story.


Satele will always be a difficult person and in some ways, she's just too set in her ways to know how else to be at this point. I feel there are times where she tries to show her caring nature more but then the 'grandmaster' in her reigns it in and she shifts back to bossy bi.tch mode.


Saying goodbye to Marr was hard, I got a little upset while writing it because I really miss his character and hate we don't see more of him in-game. :(


Oh yeah, Acina's definitely a goner, she's a waste of space anyhows. :p


Thank you so much for reading and leaving such a nice comment. ♥





I quite enjoyed your take on the campfire scene and was glad to see Eliza get some closure at last with Marr, as short-lived as their reunion was. Sage advice to embrace the whole of who she is before Valkorian can use her power against her like he nearly already did. I hope she sees this much clearer now and can maintain some control to thwart his plans. If nothing else, she is more aware and must find a way to overcome her fear. Of course, it is always sad to lose Marr again, in whatever capacity.


It's too bad that Eliza couldn't get any more information about Scourge's whereabouts. That's got to cause her pain and be a source of distress in the days ahead and is bound to have an impact on her and Theron's relationship.


At least Satele was cordial if not still cold where her son is concerned. It almost seems that war is a convenient excuse to keep her from having to deal with her abandonment of Theron. Glad Eliza called her out on her control issues.


Ha, I knew Arcann would secretly be glad Vaylinn is dead. I wouldn't give 2 credits in hell for Acina's chances of survival right now. And great job with Arcann's tirade, and putting a new spin on the five worlds he had destroyed. Run, Vowrawn, Run! But we already know he's quite good at hiding when push comes to shove. Sexy old fox that he is.


Wonderful dialogue that covered a lot of ground and gave Eliza much to consider.



It'll be interesting to find out what's waiting for her when she gets back to base. Waiting for the next. :)

This meeting with Marr and Satele, and Valkorion's attempt will definitely be a turning point for Eliza in ways, and it's opened her eyes to something she didn't even realize was going on. She believed she'd handled the darkness and all was good but in reality all she did was force it away and only draw on it during breaking points, which is an unhealthy balance I would think.


Losing Marr was hard, I got teary eyed while writing it because I'm a sucker and just remembered we never see him again after that and who knows if we ever will and bah, lol.


The situation with Scourge is definitely complicated and you'll see more on that in the next chapter. :)


Eliza loves Theron, she's a mother herself now and she grew up without her parents. She sees Satele and she sees that Satele and Theron still have that chance, that Theron could have his parents in his life so yeah, she's not going to keep her mouth shut toward Satele, who's being difficult as ever and who I feel just doesn't know how to repair their relationship.


Lol, that little line about Arcann's 'glee' over Vaylin's death was for you because I remembered your comment and it makes perfect sense to me he'd not actually be too heartbroken about it. She would have only stood in his way or become an adversary. As for Acina, yeah, I doubt she's walking away from this unlike Vowrawn who saw the storm coming a mile away and ran like the clever man he is. ;)


Thanks so much for taking the time to read and leave such a wonderful comment! ♥

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:: Chapter Twenty Eight ::



For the sake of privacy, everyone within their innermost circle had agreed to a late dinner buffet in the cantina, at Eliza’s request, so she could inform one and all of everything that had transpired. The reactions were mixed while she delivered one piece of news after the other in a brief recap first and then elaborated on each story, starting with her connection to Valkorion.


“So, the Sith Emperor is your family?” Me’ghan repeated, awestruck and reeling at the mere thought.


“In a way, though, there are countless generations between us and even his father was a bastard child. But we are bound by blood.”


Praven, highly intrigued and excited by her story as if he’d just discovered a long-missing chapter of history, let his jaw drop before he grinned. “And you never knew?”


Eliza shook her head. “No, only a few did and this Lord Andros basically took the secret to his grave.”


“Can you eat planets too and become immortal?” frowned Darius, dead serious though his question elicited several chuckles.


“Eh, no. I mean, I guess I could learn, any Force user could, technically, and it’s not a special gift only Vitiate possesses but no.” She took a sip of her fizzy drink and moved on to the subject of Lord Scourge.


“Now, based on what Markos had to say, what Theron and Me’ghan discovered, and what I’ve learned from Marr, it’s obvious he survived but that’s all I know too, the where remains a mystery.”


Over to her left, a fluster colored Lana’s cheeks and she stared down at her plate, hit by shame.


“I’m sorry, Eliza… I should have ran a more thorough background check on Regina and known better than to trust Ravage with the details of Nyssa and Theron’s involvement in our alliance…”


“Don’t be, you’re hardly the only one who fell for his act or who blindly bought into Regina’s story—I did too.”


“I must say, I am a little surprised he would go that far,” Lord Cytharat interjected, “that he would subject not only you, but Cyara as well, to that cruel of a lie. I’ve seen him with her, he adores her almost as if she were his own.”


“Which could also serve as further motivation to do what he did,” Charlie pointed out, “Didn’t you say he lost his wife and daughter? Perhaps in his twisted mind, you could have filled each other’s void.”


“It’s possible.” Eliza frowned. “Though not at all comforting and a bit creepy.”


“Is there any proof the duplicate item he ordered from Elias’ finery is in fact Scourge’s wedding band? Do we know anything more about Thyra, other than her father worked for Ravage and was killed by Eliza?” asked Lord Cytharat.


Jonas glared his way, one eye narrowed. “Don’t tell me you’re looking to defend or absolve him of this.”


“No, of course not,” said Lord Cytharat and added, “But all we have is extremely circumstantial evidence and suspicion toward a man very few of us ever even liked.”


Malavai put his tea down and frowned in thought. “I don’t think anyone here would be quick to defend Ravage—we all know the man he is—but Lord Cytharat does raise good questions, ones we should try and find answers to first.”


“I agree,” Eliza said, much to everyone’s surprise, “Let cooler heads prevail. He is in lockup, he won’t be going anywhere and while personally, I’d love nothing more than to rip his heart from his chest, it can wait.


“I will, however, pay him another visit tomorrow to find out what else he knows, see if he’ll confess.”


“And what about Scourge?” asked Praven.


“We’re back to square one. Theron’s offered to compile a report with all we know thus far and circulate it among our contacts in other regions, perhaps we’ll find a lead.”


Next to her, Theron gave a faint smile and took her hand in his own.


They had yet to discuss the what-ifs should Lord Scourge be found and he did worry that once again he’d lose her but he’d also made himself a promise—he’d stand with her and support her, wherever it may lead them.


Eliza next touched on the events in the woods—Valkorion’s words and the reunion she’d had with Marr and Satele.


“That is, curious…” Praven mused and pensively stroked one of his tendrils, “the Sith Emperor would truly see his own fall as a means to make room for a successor, and accept it?”


“So he claimed but that is not the Vitiate we know and I don’t believe any of it. He needs me for something, that much is clear, but to what end? Marr saw a possible future where I’d become Vitiate’s vessel, I can’t let that happen.”


“But if he foresaw it—” Lana began to argue by Eliza waved her off.


“I don’t care. It was a possible future and it can be stopped. I’ll do whatever it takes.”


Darius sat forward. “But was it a vision, or a prophecy? Aren’t those guaranteed to play out?”


“I no longer believe in destiny, visions, prophecies or anything of the sort,” Eliza admitted with a shrug.


“All they do is provide false hope, a false sense of security or instill fear for something that may never come to pass. Marr told me he saw a dozen different futures based on every single decision a person makes, that leaves me to believe that in the end, we create our own fate."


She continued, “And visions? I rather suspect those are the result of whichever future appears most likely based on various factors—personality, someone’s history, past choices they’ve made, their circumstances—but none of it definitive.”


“Huh.” Praven looked at her with further intrigue. “That’s a debate I’d like to expand upon, another time.”


“Satele did not wish to join us?” asked Lord Cytharat and several people around the room snorted all at once.


“Clearly, you’ve never met the Jedi Grandmaster, nulis.” Praven smiled and then glanced Theron’s way. “Apologies.”


He merely shrugged. “It’s fine. Eliza already informed me earlier and I’m not even surprised. At least now I know she’s still alive.”


“So,” Charlie spoke up, “What’s the plan? We have several issues to deal with. The Emperor, Arcann, finding Scourge and then there’s that as.shole in lockup.”


“Arcann takes priority,” Eliza decided.


“He is everyone’s problem and once we’ve dealt with him, I’ll deal with Vitiate. Scourge… as much as it pains me, I can’t go on a wild chase right now, not with everything else going on and Ravage, I’ll figure that out tomorrow after I’ve spoken with him.”


“Do you think it’s wise to keep Vitiate around until then? Didn’t your great ancestor offer a way to rid you of him?” Me’ghan voiced some concern.


“He did but Vitiate is my key to survival right now. He needs me, my body, he won’t let me die while facing Arcann and I know it’s a risk but it’s one I’m willing to take.”






Later that night, while preparing for bed, Eliza turned to Theron with a curious look in her eyes. “You’ve been quiet, what’s on your mind?”


Despite his loving support and the way he’d stood by her, she’d noticed his absent-minded stares into the far distance and how he’d offered little to no words at all during the meeting.


He glanced up with a perfect, and practiced, fake smile. “Nothing worth worrying about right now.”


“You’re not fooling me, babe, I know you better than that and I can see the SIS written all over that smile, it doesn’t work on me.”


Eliza stripped down to her boyshorts and tank top, tossing her bra onto the nearest chair and climbed into bed where she patted the smoothed out sheets. “Join me and talk to me?”


“How could I say no?” He smiled a genuine smile this time and undressed until only his boxers were left.


He climbed into bed, finding her arms and he sighed his confession, “It’s uhm, it’s Scourge. I can’t stop thinking about what might happen to us, you and me, once we find him.”


“Yes, I thought that might be it,” said Eliza while she cozied up to him, “Look it’s, complicated and there is so much uncertainty right now.


“Will we find him at all and if so, when? A month from now? Ten years from now? Will he survive until we do find him and what condition is he in? Hanging by a thread? Is he locked up somewhere or lost on a forsaken planet scrambling to survive? Likely scenario is Arcann has him imprisoned, wherever, but there are so many questions.”


Theron nodded and planted a tender kiss to the side of her head. “I know, and I feel terrible for my selfish concerns while you’re dealing with this but—”


“No, don’t feel bad. You have every right to ask and this is our life now, together, and all of this involves and affects you too.”


While the pads of her fingertips caressed his cheek to adore the man who was now her universe, she sunk her lips down over his and kissed him ardently.


“But,” she continued when their lips parted, “while there is much uncertainty, there is one thing I do know beyond a doubt—I am not leaving you again, even if we do find him.”


He looked startled, in a complete surprise of not just her words but the determination in which she spoke them. “What? Are you sure?”


“I am. This has been on my mind as much as it’s been on yours, ever since we found out and the truth is… Yes, I still love him and I always will and yes, I’ve spent years holding on to hope but while doing so, I also had to adjust to life without him.


“Subconsciously, I think I started moving on already even before Ravage’s subterfuge pushed me over the threshold, by pure necessity, you know? To make it through.” She furrowed her brows and sighed, in part hating her own admission.


“It sounds cold, and I feel guilty about it but that’s where I’m at now…”


Theron took her hand and held her tighter. “No, I think it’s understandable. Despite love and hope, you were facing a future without him and in ways, had to move on just to function?”


“Yeah… so you don’t think I’m horrible for saying this?”


“No, but, where does that leave us? You feel moved on from him now, I guess you’ve created an emotional detachment but what when you see him again?”


“I don’t know, honestly, there’s just too much at play to have a sense of how I would handle that but what I do know is, I want Cyara to have her father in her life and… Theron…” She looked at him with misty eyes. “I can’t lose you again.


“Not counting all the other insanity going on, and focusing on just you and me, I finally feel right, complete. I can’t stomach the mere idea of leaving you or losing you in any fashion,” her voice broke with light panic as she spoke.


“Then you won’t. Whatever lies ahead, we’ll face it together and when we find him, we’ll make things work, somehow.”


He sunk further down the bed to lay back and urged her to do the same, holding her to him while her face nuzzled his neck and his chin rested on top of her head.


“And you’d still want to be with me, even through all this? The drama, the craziness, all the Vitiate stuff, that mental patient in his cell downstairs, and my dark side?”


“Yes, all of this and anything else that comes along. You’re never getting rid of me, not even if…” he paused at another thought he’d been toying with and now felt ready to decide on.




“If you wish to return to the Empire when all this is over.”


Now it was Eliza’s turn to give him a look of utter surprise. “Seriously? I had hoped to go home, yes, but… that was before we got together and since then I’ve just tried to put it from my mind because I don’t feel right asking you to defect.”


Theron nodded and planted a butterfly kiss on the tip of her nose. “And I love you for that but, what’s there to defect from?


“They’ve kicked me out numerous times, branded me a traitor on more than one occasion. The SIS has fired and rehired me more times than I care to count and my mother who is, or was, here on Odessen, didn’t even care to come see me. The only home I have is by your side, wherever that takes us.”


“What of Jonas and Charlie, and your father?”


“Jonas and Charlie are both spies, we’ll figure out a way to handle this and my father… He turned his back on me when he betrayed you and sided with Arcann, even against his own son. He knows I’m here and a part of the alliance.”


“He does?”


“He personally added my name to a whole list of so-called Republic traitors associated with the alliance, I sliced their files the other day looking for recruits and saw.”


“Oh love, I’m sorry.”


“Don’t be. Our relationship has always been awkward and estranged and he has so many scars from previous wars, so much hatred… even if you and I settled down on Coruscant, it wouldn’t change my relationship with him.”


She gently traced his chin and bottom lip with her index finger while her brows remained furrowed. “I had no idea… I feel like lately, everything’s been about me and you’ve been so strong and supportive while clearly, you’ve had your own struggles too and I’ve hardly been supportive in return.”


“Malcom and Satele aren’t a struggle—I’ve made my peace with that situation years ago. They didn’t even attend the wedding which was a ten-minute walk away from their offices in the Senate Tower.”


With great affection, he lightly kissed the padding of her index finger and smiled. “Having you with me, laying here like this, together, at the end of a crazy day, it’s all the support I need.”


Eliza chuckled and felt relieved, commenting with a playful demeanor, “Careful now, you’re dipping into corny town.”


“Am I?”


His left brow quirked and he held a mischievous look in his eyes and suddenly, she became aware of his hand sliding down her stomach and inside her boyshorts. “Should I dip into something else instead?”


Instant arousal mixed with the amusement she got from his words, a girlish giggle escaping her lips. “Mmm, we need to work on your dirty-talking skills.”


“Nah, words were never my forte, I don’t need them.” He grinned and found her sweet spot, teasing the swelling while eliciting a pleasurable gasp from Eliza. “And my actions speak for themselves.”


She would have giggled a second time if it weren’t for the moan that came from the back of her throat and before long, they left all troubles behind in favor of passionate endeavors that carried them deep into the night.






Morning, however, announced itself abruptly when the emergency alert on both their datapads and holo communicators began to chime loudly, rousing them from a deep sleep and within five minutes, the groggy couple rushed inside the war room still wearing their pajamas.


“Ugh, what is it?” muttered Eliza, still fastening her bathrobe and combing her fingers through her tousled hair.


“It’s Arcann, he just sent his fleet to attack five different planets in the Esstran sector,” Lana called out and activated the HoloNet News broadcast, “Billions are dead and the death toll is still rising.”


“The Esstran sector?!” Lord Cytharat overheard when he joined them and he shot forward in sudden panic. “Which planets?”


“Korriz, Melldia, Kursid, Drezzi, and… Athiss.”




The devastating news knocked the air from his lungs and Praven caught him in an embrace. Eliza clapped a hand over her mouth and silenced a gasp of her own.


“There’s more,” said Lana with a grave expression on her face, “The Empire is struggling to send search and rescue teams to the planets, or any form of aid, as it appears Empress Acina has gone missing.”


“Fu.ck Acina,” Eliza bit out, only caring for one thing right now, “Do we know if anyone on those planets has survived?”


“Some might have. The fleet attacked all major cities but they didn’t destroy the planets in question. Those on the outskirts or in nearby villages could have survived.”


“Then there’s hope,” she suggested while she stood by the two Purebloods and soothingly rubbed Lord Cytharat’s back, “Your parents and sister, didn’t you say they were staying at a farm far removed from the city?”


He only gave a faint nod and retrieved his holo-communicator, desperate to call his family but Lana quickly pointed out, “All communications are down.”


“Eliza…” Praven gave her a look that spoke volumes while he held his love.


“I know. Pack your things, anything you need and whatever medical, food, and water supplies we can spare,” she decided on the spot, “be ready to leave for Athiss in one hour.”


“But you’re needed here,” argued Lana, “and we are low on resources as—”


“Lana! Thank you but I don’t care. We’ll make do, somehow, start dipping into our rations,” Eliza barked and turned to Lord Cytharat, cupping his face between her hands while she added, far more gently, “She is right though, I can’t leave, especially not if Arcann is moving this war into high gear.”


“I know.” He nodded a second time while he struggled to form any words at all. “But I have to…”


“You do, and you will.”


Just then, Me’ghan and Malavai joined and Eliza quickly told them what had happened while asking them to join the other two on a rescue mission to Athiss.


“Of course, I’ll prepare my ship immediately,” Me’ghan agreed.


“Good, thank you, and when you find them, just in case communications are still down, you can either bring them here or offer to fly them to Rishi, and visit the girls while you’re at it.”


Wishes of good luck and heartfelt sentiments were expressed and Eliza kissed Lord Cytharat’s cheek. She held him to her, once more apologizing for the fact she couldn’t accompany him and then he, Praven, Me’ghan, and Malavai left to make preparations.


“Is there anything we can do from here?” asked Theron after they’d gone.


“Yes, let’s start working on a plan to bring Arcann down,” said Eliza.


Lana gently cleared her throat. “There is still the matter of Acina.”


“No, that’s just good riddance but the Empire does need a leader—this is the worst time for them to become vulnerable. I’m going to get some caf and see if I can reach Vowrawn… it might just be time he emerged from the shadows.”



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Great chapter!:)



This one and the one before as well, although I didn't comment. I am relieved that Eliza will not leave Theron even if Scourge is found, and concerned for Lord Cytharat's family. I hope they will be found alive.



As always I am looking forward to seeing where things go from here:)

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Lovely chapter :)

Looks like everyone was most fascinated by the revelations at dinner. And of course, leave it to Lana to fail on her job. Eliza was too gracious, should've zapped her lol. Darius amused me, leave it to him to ask the important questions. Lord Cytharat should've been a lawyer, his demeanor strikes me like one, in how he approached the discussion around Ravage.


I loved how you portrayed Theron in particular, learning all of this had to be really chewing him up in side and he was/is facing a lot of uncertainty, even if Eliza reassured him.


The pillow talk between Eliza and Theron was well done, it was both cute and thoughtful, and I'm glad they discussed defection and what might happen if Scourge returned.


I'm also curious to see what will happen on Athiss with Cytharat's family. Nicely done! Looking forward to the next.


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Goodness, so much to do.



I quite liked Darius and Cytharat for their level heads concerning all that has happened thus far. And even though Eliza gave her a pass, Lana did not look beyond the end of her nose where the whole Regina/Ravage incident was concerned. I guess she never learned that spies don't take anything at face value. And, of course, it would weigh heavy on Theron's mind, what would happen to his and Eliza's relationship when/if Scourge is found.


It seems that Eliza wishes to forge her own future although it was Scourge's vision of her defeating the Emperor that caused his defection to her side. I guess she's finally fed up with being guided by other people's expectations of her.


I do hope that Cytharat's family can be found and are safe.


The talk between Theron and Eliza had some rather cute moments and it was reassuring that Eliza says she won't leave him, but such things are easy to say in the moment and I truly wonder if she's prepared for the eventuality of Scourge's return. This, of course, depends much on his condition when he is found. I do understand Theron's thoughts on defection considering his past treatment by the Republic, I suppose love is not the worst reason.




Looking forward to the next. The next encounter with Ravage as well as dealing with Arcann.

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Great chapter!:)



This one and the one before as well, although I didn't comment. I am relieved that Eliza will not leave Theron even if Scourge is found, and concerned for Lord Cytharat's family. I hope they will be found alive.



As always I am looking forward to seeing where things go from here:)

Thank you Fox, I'm happy to hear from you. It's a tough situation all around and many people are in impossible situations, especially Theron, Scourge and Eliza but she's making a choice to move forward and embrace what she has, and refusing to throw her love for Theron away a second time. Thank you for the support and sweet comment. :)


Lovely chapter :)

Looks like everyone was most fascinated by the revelations at dinner. And of course, leave it to Lana to fail on her job. Eliza was too gracious, should've zapped her lol. Darius amused me, leave it to him to ask the important questions. Lord Cytharat should've been a lawyer, his demeanor strikes me like one, in how he approached the discussion around Ravage.


I loved how you portrayed Theron in particular, learning all of this had to be really chewing him up in side and he was/is facing a lot of uncertainty, even if Eliza reassured him.


The pillow talk between Eliza and Theron was well done, it was both cute and thoughtful, and I'm glad they discussed defection and what might happen if Scourge returned.


I'm also curious to see what will happen on Athiss with Cytharat's family. Nicely done! Looking forward to the next.

Of course Lana failed. :D I have always said, and even Eliza did in the original story, that she's not suitable for the Intelligence job and rode the coattails of Theron's hard work. Lana does have skills of her own but she's more of a team manager type of person than a trained and skilled spy.


Darius has his own ways in what he finds important and I do picture Cytharat being more level headed, at least in that discussion and he has valid points.


Theron's in a tough position and I don't think he'll be completely at ease until Scourge is ever actually found and they all get closure to that situation one way or another. Still, the future had to be discussed. Things like Scourge and defection needed to be talked about because it would weigh on both their minds.


Thank you very much for the lovely words you left and I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. :)


Goodness, so much to do.



I quite liked Darius and Cytharat for their level heads concerning all that has happened thus far. And even though Eliza gave her a pass, Lana did not look beyond the end of her nose where the whole Regina/Ravage incident was concerned. I guess she never learned that spies don't take anything at face value. And, of course, it would weigh heavy on Theron's mind, what would happen to his and Eliza's relationship when/if Scourge is found.


It seems that Eliza wishes to forge her own future although it was Scourge's vision of her defeating the Emperor that caused his defection to her side. I guess she's finally fed up with being guided by other people's expectations of her.


I do hope that Cytharat's family can be found and are safe.


The talk between Theron and Eliza had some rather cute moments and it was reassuring that Eliza says she won't leave him, but such things are easy to say in the moment and I truly wonder if she's prepared for the eventuality of Scourge's return. This, of course, depends much on his condition when he is found. I do understand Theron's thoughts on defection considering his past treatment by the Republic, I suppose love is not the worst reason.




Looking forward to the next. The next encounter with Ravage as well as dealing with Arcann.

Darius entertains me. I'd give him his own story if I knew how to think like a *****.


Lana has never been the right fit for the Intelligence job she got. I love Marr to death but that was a dumb decision and it's especially vexing on my IA lol. She just doesn't know how to look beyond what she sees or how to hear all those things a person isn't saying.


Yes, Eliza is fed up hearing talk of destiny, fate, prophecies, visions, 'meant to be'. A lot, if not most of her life has been influenced by this whole 'chosen one' spiel where she's destined to bring Valkorion down. It cost her her father, indirectly her mother, a whole childhood she could have had with her family and everything else she's been through. She trusted in her grandfather's vision of her and Scourge having a happy future together and that didn't pan out. She's just kind of sick of it.


Theron's defection was a tricky subject I wasn't quite sure how to handle. Would he or wouldn't he? He has his own core values which have always been more aligned with the Republic of course but there are a lot of factors at play too; The Republic has changed a lot, and even before the war he struggled there at times. They are now fully in support of Arcann. He has, as he said, been labeled a rogue agent and fired/hired from the SIS repeatedly and in a way, he left the Republic already before he and Eliza even got together. Based on all those things, I felt it plausible enough he'd seek to move on. I imagine him to be in a fairly disillusioned state about the Republic and he wouldn't be thrilled to return, even if he and Eliza weren't together.


Thank you so much for your insights and your comments, they mean the world to me. ♥

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:: Chapter Twenty Nine ::



Nathema—Entry #89


It is the year 3632 and I am on Nathema still. My life is empty now and I have nothing but numbers to mark all that I have lost.


Three hundred and forty-four, my age and life extended by a curse—my mortality lost.

Twenty-nine, that is how old Eliza will be now—I have missed her past four birthdays.

Ten years, that’s how long ago I first met her—when hope walked into my life.

Five, the number of years we’ve been married—an anniversary we will never get to celebrate.

Four, the number of years since I last saw her—when hope abandoned me.

Three, my daughter’s age—I will never know her.

Sixteen hundred and forty-nine, the number of days I have been here—I started carving on a new section of wall.

Forty-seven, the number of scars on my body today—I feel none of them.

Twenty, the number of tests I was subjected to today—my deception still holds.

Three, the number of senses I have left—at least I am no longer tormented by Jarak’s natural odor or the vile taste of this gruel they feed me.

One, the number of senses which have become altered—my sight remains but I no longer detect color.

Zero, the number of emotions I experience—even love has faded now.


Well, perhaps one of two emotions remain. Writing this down now, I feel angered and a sorrow toward the rotten fruits of fate. I think of every moment I have missed—the birth of my child, endless days and nights with my wife, my daughter’s first words, first steps. I think of her first birthday, try to imagine the glorious sound of her first giggle, and I experience melancholy.


Love, however, has abandoned me once more. I think of my wife and while I realize her fate is important to me, that her life matters, I no longer experience that glowing warmth that made my heart soar, the rapid beating of my heart just hearing her name or seeing her smile. I remember what we once shared and while sensibly I know those memories should help me feel our love, I just cannot.


This is all I have now, all I can do to chronicle my life and remain sane. Keeping notes on everything I have lost, a number for each occasion. Writing out each uneventful day knowing nothing will change. Knowing the Force saw fit to grant me a unique gift—the return of my senses and emotions—only to rob me of those same things again now.


I cannot do anything here. I’m still in the same cell I was, a small duracrete block. No windows, no bars, no mirrors and the door indestructible. I cannot use my powers for an escape—the void that surrounds Nathema hungers, its heart draining the Force from every gifted being on the planet’s surface in a bid to keep its last spark alive.


My only solace these days is the deception I have created. I feign agony each time they probe me with their needles or cut into my flesh. I stage a play of selling my pain, of suffering and at night I pretend to sleep. I will complain of fatigue and weakness and through breathing exercise have mastered the art of slowing my heart rate down so one would think I was on the brink of death.


It is a dangerous game and Jarak grows restless, his man-child Emperor even more so but it is my way to ensure they never discover how close they really are to creating immortality in a bottle. I no longer have a role to play in the fate of the galaxy, nor in Eliza’s destiny but this is one thing I can still do—prevent Arcann’s bid for immortality so he may die at her hands once they meet.



Lord Scourge finished his writing and closed the diary—one of the few items Jarak would allow him to possess—before he tucked it away under his worn-down mattress. A deep sigh escaped his lips when he crawled onto the stained sheets and let his mind wander.


During these quiet moments, he would entertain himself by reciting stories he had once imagined telling his daughter. He stared up at the ceiling, envisioning the paint blemishes as figures in the tale he told but suddenly sprang up again at an odd, squishy sound and unusual feeling in his mouth. He spat into the upturned palm of his hand and frowned at the two teeth that had fallen out, root and all. His mouth bled, mixing with saliva and he spat a second time, spewing out a third tooth.


“That can’t be good…”






At least he looked better now and he no longer smelled like a pile of Bantha excretions, or at least, what Eliza imagined that to smell like as she sat across from him at the tiny, rectangular table in his cell.


“I knew you’d miss me,” said Ravage, “you just couldn’t stay away, could you?”


A smile, angelic and with the illusion he was her most favorite person, crossed her face. She felt pure disdain for him now, a hatred but she wouldn’t let it show.


“You wish, but I do have surprising news to share that I thought might interest you—we have found Regina,” she laid the groundwork for the lie and studied his face carefully.


“It turns out she feigned her own death, took a drug that puts you in a death-like sleep for several hours? Long enough to mislead us, anyway.”


He didn’t even flinch. “Good. I imagine you made her suffer?”


“Quite. It took some effort to make her talk but eventually, she did. She answered each question and then some and, get this, she told me Scourge is still alive. The ring I was sent is a forgery.”


Now his eyes sprung wide open and his jaw fell agape. “He is?! Did she lie about all of it? Who would do that?!”


“You would!”




“Ever heard the name Beldiss?” she carried on and refused to buy into the shocked reaction he gave.




“Beldiss, Lord Beldiss. You dispatched him to Voss years ago on a diplomatic mission, to create an alliance with the Voss Mystics.”


“Oh, him? Yes, he worked for me right up to his disappearance.”


“He didn’t disappear, I killed him.”


Ravage began to laugh, appearing surprised but not displeased by the news. “Of course you did. Even then you were a pain in my as.s but look at us now. Friends, lovers…”


His response left her baffled and brought her off balance, even while she remained stoic in her demeanor. She’d anticipated most any reaction—anger as she came nearer the truth, arrogant rebuttal, gloating even but she hadn’t expected this. He sounded sincere and genuinely unaware.


“Regina was his daughter,” Eliza relayed to test him further. “Her real name was Thyra Beldiss.”


“I never even knew he had a family. Is that why she fabricated the lie about Scourge, to avenge her father and get to you, hurt you? Pathetic.”


Doubt began to fill Eliza and she was at a loss for words. She had been so certain he was guilty, never for a second even considering the fact that the two pieces of information they had—his holocall and the connection to the Beldisses—might be an unfortunate coincidence. Or perhaps that’s just what he wanted her to believe and if so, he played it well.


The door to Ravage’s cell opened up and Theron, who’d been observing the conversation, poked his head inside to bail her out.


“Eliza, you have an urgent call.” He gave her a meaningful look.


“Thank you.” She smiled and glanced at Ravage. “We’re not done yet.”


“I’ll be waiting,” he piped up with a hint of amusement.


The couple stepped outside, into the security hub and Eliza leaned back against the door the second it closed.


“What do you think?” she asked.


Theron, as well as Aric and Darius, looked her way and the former blew out a deep sigh. “I don’t know. He appeared genuinely startled when you told him Scourge was alive and confused upon hearing about Lord Beldiss and Thyra.”


“I know. I can’t figure out if it is an act though. Do you suppose he could have anticipated we’d uncover all of this?”


“If he heard all the ruckus down here yesterday morning then he may have suspected.”


“Have you tried contacting this jeweler yourself? You are a customer of his, right?” suggested Darius.


“I am and I’ve thought about it but Ravage gave the man a gag order that I don’t think he’d dare defy. Not with his family threatened.”


Aric quietly mulled over the situation. He didn’t know each detail but enough to realize something big was at play and he offered his thoughts, “Sir, you have Ravage in lockup. Perhaps that knowledge, or even visual proof, would sway this man to share the truth?”


“That’s… it could work.”


Theron nodded. “Call him, right now while I set up a video link.”




Eliza sat herself down behind the desk and keyed in her passcode to establish a secure connection before she made the call.


“Elias’ Finery, your number one supplier for handcrafted and unique jewelry, how may I help?” An older man appeared above her communicator.


“Mr. Elias, Gregory?” she asked to confirm.


“Darth Seraphine! My Lord! Thank the Force, I thought you had perished, I had not seen you since the funeral!”


“Yes, and thank you again for attending, that was considerate of you.”


“You and your husband were one of the nicest customers I’ve ever had the pleasure of serving. Please, tell me, what can I do for you, my Lord?”


“It is a delicate situation, are you alone?”


“I am, yes.”


Eliza glanced up at Theron who gave her the thumbs up, letting her know video was available should she need it.


“Gregory, I am aware Darth Ravage has been in contact with you recently. I know he placed an order, for a duplicate of sorts, and threatened you and your family should you ever speak of it. Correct?”


The man stared at her image, stammering and growing visibly uncomfortable, “My Lord, I uh… I never share the details of my business with other clients. I respect everyone’s privacy.”


“You are not in any trouble, nor are you in any danger. I have Darth Ravage here, locked up at a secret location and he won’t hear about this.”


“Please, I really cannot discuss this with you.”


“Gregory, you have nothing to fear, I promise. Look,” said Eliza and she activated the live video feed showing Ravage in his cell, “See? You and your family are safe now.”


Upon witnessing Ravage dawdle around his small confinements, Gregory appeared to doubt and stroked his neatly kept beard, contemplating his options but then shook his head. “I truly can’t, apologies.”


A deep sigh escaped Eliza. She didn’t wish to resort to threats of her own, that had never been her way but she needed something to make him talk.


“Perhaps there is something I can do for you in return? Do you need credits, a way out of the city? I don’t imagine business is doing well these days,” she tried instead.


Again Gregory considered his options and now leaned in, closer to the screen of his datapad. “Could you get me and my family away from Dromund Kaas?”


“I can, yes, and anywhere you wish to go.”


“I have a cousin on Alderaan, a servant working for House Thul. She tells me ever since the war, the nobles have only started spending more. Living it up just in case they don’t make it through, you know?”


“That would be good business for you. I can get you and your family to Alderaan if you wish.”


Finally, the man relented and admitted in a whisper, “I trust you, Darth Seraphine, you are one of the good ones. Darth Ravage had me create a ring—an exact replica of the ring I once made and engraved for your husband.


“I felt uneasy about it at first, I didn’t understand the purpose of his request but he claimed it would be a gift for your daughter, so she would have something to remember her father by. I sympathized and accepted the order.”


Eliza balled a fist underneath the desk, digging her nails in so hard she could make her palm bleed but toward Gregory, she kept a smile on her face. “Thank you, Gregory. Do you have a copy of the transaction?”


“I do but, apologies, I would rather hold on to that piece of evidence until my family and I have left Dromund Kaas. I hope you understand.”


“Of course.” She nodded.


He’d already told her what she needed to know, enough for her to face Ravage with certainty about his crime, and after a few more minutes of polite conversation, with the promise she’d contact him soon to make arrangements, Eliza ended the call.


“I need a moment,” she sighed out and buried her face in her hands.


Gregory Elias had told her precisely what she’d expected to hear and yet it was a bitter pill to swallow. Her anger and emotional turmoil rising and she needed to calm herself before facing Ravage again.


“Babe, look.” Theron placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her his datapad.


The screen displayed a full copy of the transaction between Gregory and Ravage, as well as a detailed description and image of the item that was ordered. It also included a date and a name for the person who’d be picking the order up in person—Thyra Beldiss.


“What… how?” She gaped at him.


“I may have used the video link to slice his datapad while the two of you were—”


Eliza flung her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. “You’re amazing!”


“It pays to date a spy.” He smirked.


“Stars, look at the date,” she pointed out and Darius leaned in over her other shoulder to read along.


“That’s quite a while ago,” he observed.


Theron frowned. “That was just days after Nyssa and I had the shuttle crash.”


“Mmhm. I guess he decided your presence alone wouldn’t be enough to win me to his side…” Eliza shook her head. “Filthy bastard. Do you have the records of his holo-call to Gregory on here as well?”


“I do. Take it inside if you need to.”


“Thank you.” She turned to Aric and commended him, “And you, for the suggestion.”


Armed with Theron’s datapad and her best version of a phony smile, she once more traded the preferred presence of her love for a one on one with the man she’d grown to loathe and despise more than she’d ever imagined possible. She cut straight to business.


“About two weeks ago, on the day you assaulted me, actually, you made a call to Elias’ Finery on Dromund Kaas to discuss an order you’d placed. A replica of sorts.”


She didn’t sit back down but put the datapad in front of Ravage, a manicured nail tapping the screen to indicate at the call-log.


“I did. So what?” He barely glanced at the display.


“What did you order?”


“A co.ck ring. I heard they really spice things up in the bedroom.”


His sarcastic response cost him dearly and in the next second, he growled in anger and pain. Eliza had circled behind him and, dissatisfied with his answer, grabbed a handful of his auburn hair to slam his face forward into the desk. She remained perfectly calm, however.


“Try again, and this time without the lies.” She leaned forward and pulled up the transaction copy.


Blood dripped from his nose and the impact had forced one of his teeth into his bottom lip which swelled up immediately. He took a second look at the information before him, at the truth he would now be a fool to deny, and smiled. He blew out a deep exhale, admitting defeat first to himself and then to her.


“Fine, there it is then. You’ve figured it out.”


“Not good enough. I want to hear you say it, admit it.”


Ravage sat back, tilting his chair some while he put his feet up on the desk and wiped his nose with the sleeve of his robes. His options were limited—admit the whole truth in an unusual round of honesty or antagonize her further with a callous attitude. He chose the option with the highest survival rate—the truth.


“I ordered a duplicate of Scourge’s wedding band, fabricated the story and used the knowledge I had of her father’s death to persuade Thyra into selling you a lie.”


Her knuckles bruised his cheekbone when she swung her fist with full force into his face, punching so hard he was knocked from his seat which clattered onto the floor right next to where he now sat on hands and feet.


“How did you convince her? Why would she escape and end up dead? There is no way that causing me grief would have been enough revenge for her.”


“I let her believe she’d have a shot at killing you once we met in person,” he grumbled and stood back up. “Obviously, I wouldn’t have let her and her imprisonment was an unexpected twist. I don’t know why she escaped or how she ended up dead, nor do I care. She was just a pawn.”


He reached for the datapad and once more inspected the documents. “Did your new boyfriend uncover these?”


“He overheard part of the call you made, didn’t like it so when your comms were confiscated, he did some digging. Traced it to Gregory Elias and sliced his business records to obtain a copy of the transaction between you both.”


“And Thyra? This whole story of how she survived and spilled the beans?”


“My way of testing you,” she said and sat against the corner of the table, “to gauge your reaction and see if you’d confess.”


“I see. Not a bad attempt.”


“Neither was yours,” they exchanged awkward compliments, “I almost bought into the act of innocence.”


“I was never going to show my playing hand that easily.”


Eliza’s brows knitted together and her demeanor shifted, growing more serious. “Why did you do it? Fabricate the story?”


“Does it matter and would you even believe me now? I assume this revelation has sealed my fate.”




Another sigh fell from his cracked and swollen lips and he stood close to her, hooking an index finger through the ring she still wore around her neck.


“I was unequivocally convinced of his death—I saw no other reason for the fact none of us could sense or find him, that no one had seen or heard from him for years. If that were me, leaving you and a daughter behind, I would fight my way out of any grave, any prison and overcome every obstacle to make my way back to you. He had to be dead.”


He gazed into her eyes and smiled when she quickly averted hers. When her hand slapped his away.


“Do you remember that day before Cytharat arrived?” he continued.


“Vaguely. Didn’t your uncle visit while I’d left for Raider’s Cove to restock on supplies?”


“My great uncle, actually, and one of the last Seers in this galaxy. His gift is rather unique. He can touch an object belonging to a person and use it to track them down. Blood works as well, better even. It isn’t exact, it wouldn’t provide coordinates but it shows a person’s surroundings and the trail that lead them there.”


Eliza frowned. “You were searching for Scourge?”


“I was.”


A wandering hand skimmed down her shoulder and arm and he paused, taking her in, possibly for the last time he ever could.


“I introduced my great uncle to Cyara,” Ravage explained further. “Told her he could see the future which entertained her enough to participate.”


“You used my daughter?!”


“No harm came to her, he only held her hand. She is Scourge’s flesh and blood, the strongest connection possible and a product of your love.”


“You should have asked my permission,” she spat and shrugged his hand off. “What did he see?”


“Death. He found the trace of Scourge’s Force signature through Cyara and followed it, only to be met with a hungering and violent essence of death where the trail ran cold, beyond the reaches of the Force.


“That could only ever happen if the person you seek is in fact dead. So I was convinced, as he was, that Scourge had not survived the encounter.”


She sensed no deception from him this time. Whereas earlier she’d struggled to separate his truth from the lies, she saw clearly now. “But you never told me.”


“The days following were hectic. Cytharat’s arrival, the shuttle crash. You were consumed with concern for Shan and finding those pirates… there never was a right time to tell you and then I overheard you talking to him after he woke up.


“You were so steadfast in your hope and belief that Scourge was still alive. So determined to hold on to that hope that I realized my words, or the words of a Seer, would not be believed and you would only get angry with me for making a claim you didn’t want to hear.”


Again he moved to take her hand but Eliza pulled away, jumping off the table to distance herself from him while she admonished, “So you decided to create a lie that would force me to accept this discovery and belief of yours? What about that night when we sat outside and you told me you knew what it was like to hope?”


“I meant every word. I did and do understand but I was convinced at this point you were just tormenting yourself. He would never return but you would wait forever and I couldn’t let you.”


“And?” She quirked a brow, knowing there was one piece of admission still missing.


“And, yes, I wanted you to myself and this hope of yours stood in the way,” he confessed in truth that his actions had held selfish motivations as well.


Ravage grabbed the toppled chair and pushed it back into place before he sat down. “You know, I tried to abort the plan.”




“After we’d argued on our journey back from Tython. You called me self-serving, manipulative, that I didn’t care about the pain I inflicted and that you hated yourself for the moments we’d spent together.”


“I wasn’t wrong about any of that.”


“No, you weren’t and I resented just how right you were. You stormed out of my quarters and I contacted Thyra, told her there’d been a change of plans but by then she’d already found Lana and sold her the story I had fabricated.”


“Why didn’t you just confess at that point?”


“Because despite my regret over the scheme I’d set in motion, I was still convinced that he was dead and it hardly mattered how you’d find out, as long as you knew so you could move on.”


She sunk back against the wall, a shiver crawling down her spine when the cold duracrete connected with her skin. Her hands clutched her elbows and she stared at him, letting all he’d told her sink in until his confession drew a single tear from her eyes. One she would ignore as she attempted to hold herself together.


“You know… you broke my heart. Which, I mean, you never even had my heart and yet you managed to break it. Shatter it, completely, with the worst lie you could have ever told.”


“He is dead, Eliza. You had to move on.” Ravage got back up and tried to approach her with caution. “Now I am sorry for my methods but I don’t regret forcing you to accept—”


Frustrated, she shot forward and waved his words off. “But he isn’t dead! You were wrong, your great uncle was wrong!”


“... What?”


“That part was true when I fibbed about Thyra. Scourge isn’t dead!”


He stared at her, completely flummoxed but then shook his head in denial. “Just because I fabricated—”


“No, this isn’t because of that! I spoke with my ancestor, I spoke with Marr, they both confirmed Scourge is still alive.”


“Marr? Your ancestor?” Now he really felt she was close to losing her mind. “What are you talking about, where is he then?”


“We don’t know,” she admitted, “they can’t sense or see him in the Force.”


“Then isn’t that further proof?! Why else would no one be able to find his signature in the Force? Why else can’t we find or see him no matter what gifts and tricks we use? Why else can’t you feel him?


“Of course, it could be he’s in cuffs as I am,” he considered out loud though unconvinced, “or perhaps a whole prison made out of some Force dampening technology but that wouldn’t explain the violent death my great uncle found!”


Ravage gripped both her shoulders and his eyes pleaded.


“Don’t do this to yourself, not…” he began but the sudden wide-eyed stare she gave him, her mouth falling agape before twisting into a smile, halted his words. “What?”


Her whole face lit up, practically beaming as the obvious answer unexpectedly presented itself, triggered by his rant and Eliza laughed.


“Oh of course! I am so stupid! It’s been right in front of me all this time in many conversations and through the journals I’ve read, even within the Astrum!”


“The Astrum… what?” Ravage had never felt more confused than he did now, unable to follow her train of thought.


His bewilderment reached even further heights when he felt her hand on his scarred cheek, tender with her caress, running up to entwine her fingers in his hair and her eyes twinkled at him when she pressed her body flush against his.


“Oh, Markus… look at you, you beautiful, glorious bastard. Scheming to bring Theron in, to win me over but you wound up losing me to him…” she mused and inched closer, her lips drifting towards his while she carried on.


“Scheming to convince me of my husband’s death, successfully I might add, but here you are now giving me the answer to the one question that’s haunted me for years…”


Her other hand caressed down his arm, gingerly stroking with her fingertips and he stood speechless. Her honeyed tone inviting but her words laced with a double meaning that could either spell forgiveness or death, and he couldn’t discern which.


He didn’t have long to think about it, either. All at once, her lips were upon his, soft and light, sweet as he’d longed for and he moved to take her into an embrace, so enamored he never saw it coming.


An object pressed to his chest, its cold metal radiating through the fabric of his robes to touch his heart and within a split second, Eliza ignited her lightsaber. Their eyes met, his laden with sudden horror, and between them they shared a fraction of a moment to relive their entire tumultuous history. She held him but withdrew from the kiss and flashed a calm smile.


“Thank you,” she whispered to him.


With a simple elegance, she deactivated her blade and let go. His blood seeped down the fabric of her shirt while he sunk to the ground and collapsed. Heaving a last breath, gurgling in an attempt to speak a final word before his body stilled entirely, his eyes forever widened in shock.


Frozen in time, Eliza stood observing the dead man at her feet. Even before entering his cell, she’d decided on a quick death. Deemed him unworthy of further effort and she had imagined that showing her anger, punishing him for hours would only add to his delight in a sick and twisted way. She didn’t regret it.


The door flew open and Theron rushed inside, startled by her actions but he wouldn’t question it, neither the kiss nor the kill. It was the closure she’d needed and while he wasn’t entirely pleased, he would try to understand. His arm slid along her shoulder and he escorted her from the scene, leaving Darius and Aric behind in stunned silence.


“Babe, what is the answer?” he asked.


“The one place where all it all began—Nathema.”



Edited by JennyFlynn
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Wow, truly marvelous. :)



Hard to pick a favorite part, but I think I'll go with Scourge's journal. Very romantic and well thought out, I enjoyed how heartfelt it was and how it served to keep him sane and remember what was important to him.


I also enjoyed the part where he's physically scheming against them to keep them from knowing if they duplicated the original process or not, and to keep Arcann from achieving immortality so that he could be killed later.


I am worried about his teeth falling out...as he said, 'that can't be good.' So I look forward to seeing what's going to happen there.


Next up, nice of Eliza to get Ravage cleaned up for his death day :D I liked how the revelations unfolded and how the tricky bug.ger tried to weasel his way out of it but didn't manage it. Good thing Theron was able to pull those records so she could wave it in Ravage's face. Clever plan too, I still have a hard time believing his motivations were sincere...I don't think there was real love there, just obsession and the need to possess her like a status symbol.


I loved how his confession brought about his ending and for a minute I thought she might actually let him go. I'm glad she didn't. And now she has the answer where to go to find Scourge, so I look forward to that leg of the tour.


Really nice job :)

Looking forward to the next. ^^

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Fantastic chapter!!:)



The first part painted a very desolate picture......poor Scourge, I felt so sad for him.

Then at the end, so excited!! She knows where he is!


I did enjoy all of her interactions with Ravage as well.....she was quite clever in the way she handled everything and very merciful with his death. A lot more than I expected her to be:)



Very much looking forward to more:)

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Truly wonderful chapter.



It does break my heart to see Scourge reduced to numbers on a page. The only saving grace is that he cannot feel any of the physical torture and even mentally, he can remember but not experience the spectrum of emotion that would break anyone else. I must give him credit for carrying out the subterfuge preventing Arcann from becoming immortal, but the terrible cost. An ingenious plan, by the way. Like him, I worry about the tooth loss indicating some breakdown of cell structure, but we will have to wait and see. Death would be a mercy at this point.


At last closure concerning Ravage and I was actually happy to see Eliza kill him in a dignified manner if such a thing is possible. I think to have killed him in a rage would have haunted her and she needed to be rid of him once and for all. He truly was evil, even using Cyara in his schemes. Death by kiss was exactly what he deserved, driving the point home along with her lightsaber.


Gotta love that Theron for using his wily spy ways to get the last bit of evidence she needed.


And it was a bit of poetic justice for Ravage to give Eliza the information she needed to know where to find Scourge. I both look forward to and dread his rescue.



Excellently written. Looking forward to the next.

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Wow, truly marvelous. :)



Hard to pick a favorite part, but I think I'll go with Scourge's journal. Very romantic and well thought out, I enjoyed how heartfelt it was and how it served to keep him sane and remember what was important to him.


I also enjoyed the part where he's physically scheming against them to keep them from knowing if they duplicated the original process or not, and to keep Arcann from achieving immortality so that he could be killed later.


I am worried about his teeth falling out...as he said, 'that can't be good.' So I look forward to seeing what's going to happen there.


Next up, nice of Eliza to get Ravage cleaned up for his death day :D I liked how the revelations unfolded and how the tricky bug.ger tried to weasel his way out of it but didn't manage it. Good thing Theron was able to pull those records so she could wave it in Ravage's face. Clever plan too, I still have a hard time believing his motivations were sincere...I don't think there was real love there, just obsession and the need to possess her like a status symbol.


I loved how his confession brought about his ending and for a minute I thought she might actually let him go. I'm glad she didn't. And now she has the answer where to go to find Scourge, so I look forward to that leg of the tour.


Really nice job :)

Looking forward to the next. ^^

Thank you! I wanted to show another snippet of Scourge, and how he's doing and thought doing so via a journal entry would be a nice touch. :) He's in a terrible place, in all aspects and endless solitude, I can imagine writing everything down is just about the only way of getting through it and coping, and keeping his mind sharp.


I couldn't have him jump straight to admittance, and also hoped to kind of make people doubt for just a second. It was also the point of deciding for myself "Is he guilty or did he not do as they suspect?". I went for it in the end, and enjoyed playing it out as it did.


There was love, definitely, but loved that took an unhealthy direction to obsession following much initial rejection and Ravage's inability to accept that.


She wasn't going to let him go. For myself, as the author, I would have loved to spend more time with him but for the story it just didn't work. There'd be zero trust left to a point where he couldn't be released from lockup, there is no forgiving his schemes concerning Theron and Scourge, nor his assault on her and to just have him sit in lockup wouldn't add anything to the story. It's done for him and death was the best way to bring this part to an end. It also felt suitable that it would be his rant, his words of 'a Force dampening prison' and 'finding nothing but death', that would trigger Eliza's realization of where Scourge is being kept.


Thanks so much for the kind words and taking the time to read, much love. ♥


Fantastic chapter!!:)



The first part painted a very desolate picture......poor Scourge, I felt so sad for him.

Then at the end, so excited!! She knows where he is!


I did enjoy all of her interactions with Ravage as well.....she was quite clever in the way she handled everything and very merciful with his death. A lot more than I expected her to be:)



Very much looking forward to more:)

I feel awful for Scourge and I hate doing this to him yet I find it fitting and intriguing too, it's rough, lol. But yes, she finally knows, or believes she does (and we know she's right), so yay!


There was mercy in his death, to be sure, not so much for him but for herself. The best approach, really.


Thank you so very much for sticking with me and leaving such a lovely comment! :)


Truly wonderful chapter.



It does break my heart to see Scourge reduced to numbers on a page. The only saving grace is that he cannot feel any of the physical torture and even mentally, he can remember but not experience the spectrum of emotion that would break anyone else. I must give him credit for carrying out the subterfuge preventing Arcann from becoming immortal, but the terrible cost. An ingenious plan, by the way. Like him, I worry about the tooth loss indicating some breakdown of cell structure, but we will have to wait and see. Death would be a mercy at this point.


At last closure concerning Ravage and I was actually happy to see Eliza kill him in a dignified manner if such a thing is possible. I think to have killed him in a rage would have haunted her and she needed to be rid of him once and for all. He truly was evil, even using Cyara in his schemes. Death by kiss was exactly what he deserved, driving the point home along with her lightsaber.


Gotta love that Theron for using his wily spy ways to get the last bit of evidence she needed.


And it was a bit of poetic justice for Ravage to give Eliza the information she needed to know where to find Scourge. I both look forward to and dread his rescue.



Excellently written. Looking forward to the next.

Scourge is literally going through a hell of his own and it is worse this time, he had a lot more to lose and much of what he had was still so fresh in memory. In a way, it can be seen as a relief now that despite knowing of his loss, he cannot fully emotionally feel the loss. And yet, he hasn't stopped being who he is, still doing what little he can to contribute to the 'cause', much as he did when he became the Wrath.


It felt fitting to end it all with a kiss, and a lightsaber through his heart. I considered torture but as stated in the chapter, Ravage would just enjoy all the effort she's making to punish him and in his twisted mind it would all have meaning, even if he suffered. And to her, he just wasn't worth it at that point. Best thing she could do was end it quick in the way she did and walk away.


Poetic justice indeed. :D And I enjoyed letting Theron do a bit of sneaky spy stuff, he's so gooood.


Thank you for the lovely comment you left, I'm thrilled! ♥

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Not too eventful, just a filler chapter because certain things were still on the to-do list. Apologies if it isn't quite up to standard.




:: Chapter Thirty ::



“Shouldn’t Eliza be here for this?” asked Jonas while he and Theron loaded the coffin aboard Kendra’s vessel.


Together, Kendra and Aric would fly the coffin to the nearest drop off point and from there, send it to the Empire before making a small supply run to restock the base on Odessen.


“Nah, she wants nothing more to do with this,” Theron said.


“So why not burn him or dump him out back? It’s not like the bastard deserves a funeral.”


“It’s not for him,” he began to explain.


“Cyara adored her ‘uncle Markus’ and for her sake, Eliza wove the story that he was killed in action, here, fighting Arcann’s Knights. Can’t really tell a three-year-old the truth, yanno? Besides, this way it avoids a potential fall out with that great uncle of his or anyone else still loyal to him.”


“Makes sense. How is she? Relieved?”


A single shrug rolled along Theron’s shoulders. “I think so. She’s been a little quiet since yesterday but I think she’s just processing.”


They fastened a cargo net around the coffin and sauntered back down the ramp to prepare Charlie’s modified Phantom next—Eliza had finally made plans to visit Zakuul and find Doc.


“And the kiss, have you asked her about it yet?”


“No, and I’m not going to. It wasn’t anything romantic, just something she needed to do her way.”


Jonas eyed him curiously, having heard the slight wavering of his voice. “But?”


“Something Ravage said during their previous confrontation… about knowing how her dark side hungers, understanding it, which is something I don’t,” Theron admitted with a pained look in his eyes.


“She has to find a way to harmonize with her darkness now and I don’t know how to help or support her in that. And what if that dark side is what drew her to a man like Ravage, or Vowrawn, or perhaps even Scourge, even while she was still Jedi?”


It was clear that despite his support and understanding, there were a few things he did feel troubled over. Mostly in the sense he’d begun to wonder whether he’d be enough in what she needed from a partner. Someone to understand both the dark and light within her and as much as he did embrace both aspects of who she was, he didn’t fully comprehend what she experienced.


“You don’t give yourself enough credit. Do you remember her rage the other day and how you were the one to calm her down, bring her back from her desire to kill?” Jonas reminded him and rationalized.


“Now perhaps you don’t understand the full scope of things, maybe guys like you and I never will but you were there for her when she needed you most.”


The ramp to board the Eonar lowered and the two of them began a round of inspections before getting Charlie’s vessel ready.


“Yeah,” sighed Theron and he hung back against the armrest of the co-pilot’s seat, “but what if next time, I can’t be? Whatever happened in the woods, Marr and Satele were able to bring her back but what could I do in a situation like that?”


“Talk to her. Ask. Whichever she can explain, I’m sure she would. Or speak with Cytharat or Praven when they return.”


“That easy huh?” Theron gave half a smile.


A big grin was all he got in return while Jonas was forced to keep mute otherwise, hearing a set of footsteps approaching fast followed by the light chatter of Eliza and Charlie.


“Are we ready to pay a visit to Zakuul?” Eliza threw a duffel bag down and snuck her arms around Theron’s waist. “Hi.”


“Hey.” He welcomed her lips. “All good to go here. I’ve already entered the coordinates into the system.”


“And the plan?” asked Charlie while she smirked and playfully chased Jonas out of her pilot’s seat.


“Chatter among her fan club, which we’ve been monitoring, says Firebrand has something big planned. I don’t know the details but according to the teens keeping tabs on her, she’s in Undercity right now so that’s where we’ll start and hopefully pick up a trail,” explained Theron.




“Bored kids who look up to her and enjoy her antics,” Jonas said. “Apparently your old partner is quite popular on Zakuul.”


Charlie rolled her eyes and groaned while engaging the Eonar for take off, “Of course she is.”




It wasn’t too difficult making it past patrols to land Charlie’s ship near the heart of Zakuul, not at this time of day when the streets were buzzing with activity. Shoppers flying in and out in their private vessels, overpriced merchants and hungry buyers littering the city while day-drinkers made their way from one bar to the other before the enforced curfew would send them home.


“So, Nathema huh?” asked Charlie while she brought the Eonar in for a landing. “Isn’t that planet lost?”


“It still exists, just not on any of our maps,” Eliza explained and huffed slightly trying to wrestle herself into her disguise.


Jonas glanced up at the both of them and frowned. “Then how does that help?”


“Because at least now, we can focus all our attention on one thing—finding Nathema. We do that, we find Scourge.”


“Right, and how will you find a planet that isn’t on any map?”


“I’ve pulled Lana off recruitment and reassigned her to locate Nathema. We have some old charts, pieces of physical galaxy maps from millennia past, I’m having her compare those to our current maps.”


Eliza strapped a pair of clunky boots around her calves. “Should be a simple ‘find the missing piece’, perhaps that is something she can do right.”


Charlie snorted. “You went too easy on her. If I’d fu.cked up like that while working for Intelligence, I’d have been demoted to the cleaning crew and that’s a best-case scenario. Luckily, I’m not that stupid.”


“The SIS would have put her on desk duty for a couple of weeks or worse,” said Jonas and he smirked at Theron who groaned in response.


“Analytics.” He shook his head.


“Well, this isn’t the SIS or Intelligence and while she’s entirely unfit for Intelligence work, she does have decent organizational skills. She got the entire base up and running, we just need to keep her away from recruitment,” Eliza reasoned before she slipped her helmet on.


“How do I look?”


All three of them took to stare at the Zakuulan Knight before them, the helmet half crooked on her head for being too big and Jonas commented with blunt honesty.


“Absolutely ridiculous.” He smirked.


Eliza pouted inside her disguise. “Do I really have to wear this?”


“Yes babe, you do,” said Theron with a sympathetic smile, “As much as I love your fiery locks, you kinda stick out like a sore thumb and we have to assume most people know your face by now.”




The foursome deplaned and soon found themselves turning the corridors to navigate the maze of Zakuul’s Undercity. Things weren’t quite as high society down here as they were a few levels up the Spire. Graffitied walls, flickering lights, the odd clique of street hustlers who quickly blended into the shadows the second they laid eyes on Eliza in her Knight’s armor.


“I know this is meant to help me look less conspicuous but we’re just chasing everyone off now,” she muttered.


“Doesn’t matter,” said Theron while he checked his datapad, “another message came through—Firebrand was just spotted near Power Junction 754, which is right around the corner. We’re close.”


A barely audible groan escaped Charlie as they turned into the next alley and came face to face with the woman they were hunting. “Too close…”


The short, and somewhat scrawny, Rattataki woman took only a second to size up the group before immediately drawing her blaster and both Jonas and Charlie were quick to follow.


“Whoa, easy!” Eliza called out and jumped in between, “There’s no need, yet.”


Her actions caused Firebrand, Kaliyo, to screw her face up in surprise.


“You’re no Knight,” she observed and then glanced at Charlie, “Long time no see.”


“Not nearly long enough… How’ve you been, Kaliyo?”


“Getting by.” Kaliyo indicated at both Theron and Jonas. “What’s with the false Knight and those two?”


“We’ve got some business to discuss with you, privately,” said Charlie.


“Can’t. Still have a couple more explosives to plant so, toodles.”


After quickly scouring the area to make sure no one was keeping an eye, Eliza removed her helmet and held her hand up. “Wait, please!


“We didn’t come here to start anything. I’m looking for an old friend of mine.”


The petite Rattataki took a step closer, inspecting her curiously and then laughed. “You’re the Outlander!”


“Yeah, I kind of am,” Eliza confirmed, embracing the moniker Arcann had given her.


“Guess you’re looking for Doc, huh? He hasn’t shut up about you ever since the broadcasts but you know, you’re a tricky mark to pin down so it’s not like we could go out and find you.”


“We are. Is he here, did he come with you?”


“Nah. He’s either stinking up my apartment or in a bar enjoying a few drinks too many.”


Kaliyo sucked her teeth and considered quietly, keeping a narrowed eye on Charlie. “Tell you what—you three wait here and keep watch while the Outlander helps me plant these last two bombs. Then after, I’ll take ya’ll to my place.


“It’s nearing curfew, even if he’s out he won’t be gone for much longer. Sound fair?”


Theron and Eliza exchanged a quick glance, the latter shrugging her shoulders. What could possibly go wrong?


“Fine, and maybe along the way you can tell me more about what Doc’s been up to,” she decided.


“That’s easy—drinking and scheming to free his wife from Arcann’s little prison or wherever he’s keeping her,” Kaliyo started and the two went on their way to the next power junction.


Altogether, it took them almost two hours to finish setting up Kaliyo’s explosives. Skytroopers, either patrolling or having caught word of Kaliyo’s plans, seemed to pour in from every corner and alley no matter which route they took and Eliza had racked up quite the body count by the time they finally made it to the Rattataki’s apartment.


“Doc! Visitors!” Kaliyo called out the second they stepped inside, “Your old Jedi pal and some other guys!”


No response came and Kaliyo indicated at one of the bedrooms. “Try in there,” she told Eliza.


The room itself was dark with the curtains drawn and the lights smashed. Empty bottles of beer rolled across the floor when Eliza accidentally kicked one out of the way and a big pile of sheets, covering a sleeping man, lay in a heap next to the bed.


She crouched down to his level and inched the bundled bed covers aside to expose his face. “Doc?”


“Hmph.” His hand slapped hers away.




He mumbled and groaned, not even making an effort to open his eyes, “Piss off, you’ll get your rent tomorrow.”


Unimpressed, Eliza yanked all the bed covers away in one fell swoop. “Archiban Frodrick Kimble!”


His eyes sprung wide open at the use of his full name and now he recognized the voice. “Karkin’ hell Arielle…”


He rose up immediately, too fast and was forced to sit back down on the edge of his bed when he dizzied. He stared in pure shock, rubbing his eyes to make sure they weren’t deceiving him and for a second questioning just how much he’d drank before passing out but when Eliza sat down by him and took his hand, he understood she was real.


“How… when… what… Hell.”


She chuckled and wrapped her arms around his fragile state. “I’ve missed you, Doc.”


“You’re actually here, I don’t believe it… How’d you find me?”


“One of the survivors you helped on Asylum tipped me off so we had people look for you. A refugee recognized you from seeing you around these parts with Kaliyo so, here I am.”


The scruff of his growing beard pri.cked her palms when she cupped his face and teased some sweaty locks from his forehead, fighting off the overwhelming alcohol scent hitting her nostrils when he sighed.


“He has her, Kira, in his stupid vault,” Doc muttered with a rueful look in his eyes, “I never shoulda listened to her and left, now that bastard has my wife.”


His words of regret instantly reminded Eliza of why she’d come to find him, the biggest reason and while flashing him a solemn smile, she considered how she could possibly begin telling him the news that would utterly crush his heart.


“Doc…” she began and clutched his hand a second time, tighter, “I found her, about a month ago. We—”


“You did?!” Hope sprang to his darkened and tired eyes. “Is she with you? Where?”


“She’s… no, babe, she didn’t make it.”


There was little point dragging it out, making him suffer while trying to find the right words so Eliza, as she held him, told of the intended rescue mission to free Kira. Of how they’d found her frozen in carbonite, what Vitiate had done and how Kira had technically passed away many years ago already following her confrontation with the Sith Emperor and his son.


Painful minutes crawled by as she shared one heart-shattering detail after another, reducing the otherwise high spirited and playful man to tears. Allowing for silence to fill the space in between his sobs and all she could do was hold him, try and soothe him, sympathize with the loss he suffered until at last, he could breathe again.


“She saved a lot of lives that day,” said Eliza while rubbing his back.


“That won’t bring her back.”


“No, but they honor who she was. Selfless, strong, compassionate. Always fighting for those who needed her help, for those who couldn’t fight for themselves.”


He nodded solemnly, torn between anger, despair, and honoring his wife. Trying to fend off his urge to cause such a scene it would bring Arcann himself down to the lower parts of Zakuul so he could confront him.


“Where is she now?” he asked.


“We brought her back to our base and gave her a Jedi funeral. I’d like to take you there.”


“To visit her… grave?”


Eliza swallowed hard. “Yeah… Doc, I am so sorry. I wanted you to be there, we just had no clue then of how and where to find you.”


Another tear trickled down his cheek. “We were trying to have kids, you know? But, built up scar tissue from injuries she suffered as a kid made it hard.


“Just before we reached Marr’s flagship, we’d agreed to look into adoption instead once we got back to Coruscant. She loved the idea of giving an orphaned child the love and care she missed out on growing up…”


A deep sigh escaped the broken man and he reached into the drawer of his nightstand to retrieve his datapad, to show her holo-images of his and Kira’s wedding. “I’m glad you were with her in the end… we never stopped missing you, Eliza.”


“Mm. I got the message you both recorded for me on my wedding day… I’m so sorry I didn’t do a better job of staying in touch. Will you come back with me?”


“Yeah. I have no reason to stay here now. Kaliyo and I don't get along too well but, it was a place to crash at. Now I just want to be where my wife is, tell her all those things I still need to say.”


He pulled away and stood up, rubbing the sleep and stinging tears from his eyes. “Just let me freshen up and grab a few things.”


“Sure. I’ll be right outside waiting.”


Miserably, Eliza hugged herself into Theron’s arms the second she made it back to the living and kitchen area and she blew out a heavy exhale while next to her, Kaliyo and Charlie engaged in a fierce argument.


“Have you completely lost your mind?!” Charlie spat, “You can’t just blow up half of Zakuul because you’ve decided the people here live too much of a cushy life!”


“Sure I can, the bombs are already in place. She helped.” Kaliyo pointed a finger at Eliza and flashed a smug grin.


Eliza frowned. “You said it would only disrupt their systems for a few hours, disable the droids and security. You never said anything about hurting anyone.”


“Uhh, why do you think I need the droids and security disabled?”


“We’re not letting you do this,” Jonas cut in, “those people have done you no wrong.”


“Are you kidding me? All of Zakuul has done us wrong for years ever since this stupid war began! Let them suffer as we have!” Kaliyo spat.


Theron shook his head. “They’re not responsible for this.”


“No, they’re not,” Charlie concurred and she scoffed, “but Kaliyo doesn’t care about any of that. She just likes to delight in the chaos and misery of others so she can feel better about her own pathetic existence!


“Isn’t that so?” She snatched the remote detonator from Kaliyo’s hands and crushed it under her boot. “But not today!”


“Well I’ll be damned, look who finally grew a pair,” Kaliyo sneered with a smirk. “Fine, whatever, I’ve got plenty more tricks up my sleeve. Unless you plan on staying here to keep an eye on me?”


Charlie cast a quick glance at Eliza, receiving a smile for her response and then, without further warning, fired a tranquilizer dart straight into the Rattataki’s neck.


“Nope,” she shrugged while Kaliyo sank to her knees and passed out, “we’ll just bring you with us and lock you away.”



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The chapter is fine. Every story needs quieter moments to let the reader catch their breath. :)



I like the approach you took in loading the casket and preparing a respectful funeral for the child's sake. She would be too young to understand what happened and for her sake it's needed to help her move on from his death.

He was never mean to her, so I think it's appropriate to do for Cyara.


I also appreciated Theron's candid moment where he confessed to Jonas that he has concerns about the darkside. Jonas gives some pretty sound advice.


I despise Kaliyo and resented that she had such a big part in the game story. You handled her well. I know I appreciate seeing as little of her as possible, definitely not one of my favorites. The bit about having to don the disguises was amusing. :)


It was nice to see Doc again, and I felt very badly for him. Poor guy. He lost so much. I like that Charlie dealt with Kaliyo as she deserved.

:) Nicely done.

Edited by Lunafox
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