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Defying Destiny


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Well, it's Friday in Canada and here I am. :)


I have to echo Foxfirerose in that Theron was very considerate of Nyssa and Eliza both. I'm amazed at Nyssa's restraint in the whole matter and in that she doesn't blame Eliza at all. Kudos to her, I'm not sure I could be so polite about it lol.


It was fun seeing Darius again and how his relationship with Eliza is going. Learning respect seems to be tough for him, looks like he'll need reminders.


Also it was nice to see how Cytharat and Praven are working out, it's nice that things are going well for them. I look forward to seeing what will become of prisoner Ravage.


And finally, I hope you have a lovely holiday season. Merry Christmas!


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Great chapter.



II will echo the echo and say that yes, Theron was wise for keeping his own needs and concerns to himself in this case. It would have served no good purpose for him to spill the beans at this point, and much of the bittersweet impact would have been lost in the moment.


I rather doubt that Ravage will be happy with the current state of things and will likely run the gambit of emotions. I have my doubts that he will settle on blaming himself in the end, however. He is a loose cannon now and trust is a delicate thing that once broken is seldom repaired. He is not above revenge and everyone knows it.


Glad to see Cytharat and Praven are getting along. I'd always loved his character and it's good to see him happy.


Darius, typical handful at that age. Spare the rod and spoil the child, he has many more lessons to learn, I am sure.


I did notice that Eliza did express some interest in returning to her Empire some day. That may be easier said than done with Theron in the mix. Of course, with fanfic, anything is possible.



On to Zakuul and Senya. Interesting times ahead.

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Well, it's Friday in Canada and here I am. :)


I have to echo Foxfirerose in that Theron was very considerate of Nyssa and Eliza both. I'm amazed at Nyssa's restraint in the whole matter and in that she doesn't blame Eliza at all. Kudos to her, I'm not sure I could be so polite about it lol.


It was fun seeing Darius again and how his relationship with Eliza is going. Learning respect seems to be tough for him, looks like he'll need reminders.


Also it was nice to see how Cytharat and Praven are working out, it's nice that things are going well for them. I look forward to seeing what will become of prisoner Ravage.


And finally, I hope you have a lovely holiday season. Merry Christmas!

It took some considering to figure out the type of woman Nyssa is--would she start an argument with the clueless woman her husband's in love with, would she pick a fight with Theron? Neither Nyssa or Theron know how Eliza feels and somehow, Nyssa just didn't strike me as the type to 1: Give Theron's secret away by confronting Eliza, 2: Get into a cat-fight about it. At least, not for the moment but who knows what may go down before she leaves.


Meh, teenagers, lol. I was never really a temperamental or difficult teenager, I kinda went straight to adulthood (mostly :p) so I have little experience to go on? But I imagine Darius is definitely the stubborn and difficult type lol.


Prisoner Ravage, all chained up and defenseless... many ways that can go, we'll see. :D


Big hugs Luna and Merry Christmas to you. Thank you. ♥


Great chapter.




II will echo the echo and say that yes, Theron was wise for keeping his own needs and concerns to himself in this case. It would have served no good purpose for him to spill the beans at this point, and much of the bittersweet impact would have been lost in the moment.


I rather doubt that Ravage will be happy with the current state of things and will likely run the gambit of emotions. I have my doubts that he will settle on blaming himself in the end, however. He is a loose cannon now and trust is a delicate thing that once broken is seldom repaired. He is not above revenge and everyone knows it.


Glad to see Cytharat and Praven are getting along. I'd always loved his character and it's good to see him happy.


Darius, typical handful at that age. Spare the rod and spoil the child, he has many more lessons to learn, I am sure.


I did notice that Eliza did express some interest in returning to her Empire some day. That may be easier said than done with Theron in the mix. Of course, with fanfic, anything is possible.



On to Zakuul and Senya. Interesting times ahead.

It's getting to be extremely difficult for me as the writer to keep the beans from spilling but I felt this situation had to be handled in a certain way and any love-confessions just didn't fit. Theron's also just not that guy, he's not that selfish and in ways he lacks the confidence to just throw it out there with the many perceived rejections he has in his mind.


Ravage is a loaded gun. I contemplated his future, considered Eliza may not want him anywhere near Odessen anymore but realistically, setting him free or sending him to the Empire is just too risky. So, for now, he rots in a cell and we'll see where that goes.


Cytharat and Praven are cute. I see them in my mind plenty and they're an adorable couple imho. :o


Yes, Eliza wants to reclaim and rebuild the Empire once this Zakuul mess has been dealt with and she wants to go home. How and if that'll work should she and Theron finally hook up... eep, who knows?


Onward to Zakuul! Thank you for the lovely words, hugs! ♥

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:: Chapter Seventeen ::



“Love?” Me’ghan nestled herself into Malavai’s arms and let out a small sigh.


They sat together, snuggled up on the sofa in their own room on Odessen having just gotten off the holo with Malavai’s mother and Selena.


His fingers gently brushed through her hair as he held her. “Hmm?”


“Can I share something crazy with you?”


“Always, my darling.”


“I’m… stars I can’t believe I’m about to say this but, I’m not convinced Scourge is really dead.”


Malavai closed his eyes and a breath of relief escaped him. “No, neither am I,” he admitted.


“You’re not? So I’m not the only one?”


“No. I’ve had my suspicions ever since Regina’s convenient death and it made me think.”


Me’ghan looked at him, her index finger tracing the subtle lines on his forehead. “Think what, my love?”


“The only thing her story confirmed is Lord Scourge’s presence in that throne room. The ring serves as proof he was there but there is no tangible evidence of his death—only Regina’s word.”


“Mm, that’s what I’ve considered too and, the Sith Emperor, I do not believe he would be satisfied granting Scourge a quick death. He’d want him to suffer, punish him for his betrayal. Death would have been too kind.”


She reeled at the mere thought, knowing she too had betrayed the man. Used him and the position he’d offered her to escape death and defeat Baras. At times she still wondered if there would ever be a reckoning, knowing now that the Sith Emperor lived on in Eliza.


“I believe you’re right,” Malavai agreed, “and I have my suspicions Regina escaped, and possibly ended her own life, not out of fear of Eliza but to take the truth to her grave.”


“But who would have sent her out into the galaxy with that story in the first place and how did she get his wedding band?”


“Items confiscated from prisoners, getting the ring would have been easy. As for who, the Sith Emperor, perhaps, before his death? He’d want Eliza to suffer as well, she’s been his greatest adversary in the past decade.”


“True… leaving her to think her husband’s dead,” Me’ghan considered and held onto him tighter, “well, no amount of torture could ever weigh up to that level of pain.


“What do we do? We can’t tell Eliza…”


“No, we can’t. She’s suffered enough through all this, we can’t throw her life upside down once more based on conjecture—if we’re wrong we’d break her heart all over again.”


Malavai sat upright and retrieved his datapad from the side table. “We need to find out what we can about this Regina, see if there is anything Beniko missed.”


“Is there anyone we can trust with this, you think?”


“I’m not sure.”


Me’ghan rubbed her temples and considered everyone in their circle with the means and willingness to help.


“What about Vowrawn? You know he has a soft spot for her and he’s spent years spying on the Emperor while trying to learn all he could about Scourge. He might have an idea or theory of his own.”


Malavai smiled and leaned in to kiss his wife. “Good thinking—call him.”






“So, Senya Tirall? What do we know about her, if anything?” asked Eliza when they docked on Asylum hours later.


“Not much, unfortunately. According to Koth, she’s a former Knight of Zakuul, quite loyal, used to hunt him and his men down after they deserted. Something drastic must have taken place for her to walk away and turn her back on Arcann.” Theron checked his datapad for the coordinates.


Nyssa eyed the group and clutched her supply bag to her chest looking for an excuse to go her own way. “If you’ll point me to the refugees I’ll go see if any of them are in need of medical aid.”


Eliza nodded. “That’s good thinking but take someone with you, I don’t want any of us wandering this place alone.”


“Yeah, sure, uh…” she paused.


‘Not Theron, please, not Theron,’ her mind pleaded and to make sure she’d avoid an uncomfortable pairing, she quickly chose, “Lord Cytharat, Praven, would you?”


They each linked an arm with Nyssa.


“Of course my lady,” Lord Cytharat said playfully, “it would be our honor.”


His joyousness brought her a welcome smile. She’d kept her chin up in the past two days and refused to give in to bitter sentiments, for her own sanity, but that didn’t mean she didn’t struggle. That seeing Theron, hearing his voice and being in his presence didn’t sting and she embraced the idea of distracting herself by helping others.


“Charlie?!” Nyssa exclaimed when she saw an all too familiar face sit with a group of refugees at the medical post, “What are you doing here? Where’s Jonas?”


“Hey girl!” Charlie flung her arms around Nyssa. “He’s off trying to get his hands on a new shield generator for my baby, ours went bust.”


“But I thought you were both in the Swamp with Havoc Squad?”


“Were, yeah, but we ran into a group of people who needed immediate medical attention so Jonas and I volunteered,” Charlie explained while she observed the two Purebloods with some apprehension, “Are they with you?”


“Ah, yes. Praven and Lord Cytharat, Lana briefed you about them right?”


“She did, sorry fellas—I’m not a fan of Sith, usually.”


Lord Cytharat nodded and he quickly realized who she was—he’d read her files often enough.


“Charliandra Kothe-Balkar, formerly Charliandra Naimera. Also known as Cipher Nine, at least until your arrest and from there things get vague.”


“Charliandra Naimera?” Nyssa frowned.


“Pretentious, I know. My adoptive parents figured having a fancy name would magically move us up the social ladder—it didn’t.” Charlie rolled her eyes.


“I’ve always wondered what happened to you, whether you defected,” Lord Cytharat said warmly with a smile, “but I think I understand now, given your name.”


“Well, after Intelligence messed with my head by order of the Dark Council, I was sent on an undercover mission to spy on a man who turned out to be my biological father—I still haven’t decided if I owe Intelligence a thank you card or a good beating.”


“I heard rumor, to your conditioning at least.”


Charlie shrugged. “It’s in the past I suppose, nothing to do with you.”




“So these patients,” Nyssa started and looked around, taking notes on her datapad, “do you have a priority list?”


“Was working on one. The medic who usually works this post seems to have gone missing though,” Charlie said, “so it’s been slow going.”


“Missing?” Praven frowned and he offered one of the injured men his water thermos, “how long ago?”


“Dunno, I never met the guy myself.”


“That was Dr. Kimble ma’am, he gone and disappeared didn’t he? Said he got important intel and wouldn’t be gone long but that was ‘bout three months ago,” one of the refugees informed them, “we just been making do with the supplies he left behind but when we ran out, me and my wife returned to Zakuul to get more. Tis how we ended up in the Swamps, had to run from them Skytroopers.”


“Kimble?” Lord Cytharat repeated and frowned in thought, “Where have I heard that name before?”


“It rings a bell for me too but I can’t place it, maybe Beniko mentioned him to us during one of her briefings?” Praven suggested and the name rattled in his brain, it just wasn’t clicking.


“Could be.”


“Alright, well…” Nyssa pondered the situation and started to unpack everything she’d brought.


“Praven would you go get the extra supplies from the ship? Charlie, you take inventory of anything left in this post and Cytharat, help me sort through all these patients, names and injuries, so we can get started.”


‘I did ask for a distraction,’ she thought to herself and sighed while she got to work. Most injuries were minor—blisters and foot sores, a few scrapes, a man who’d suffered a burn from a blaster shot, another with a dislocated shoulder and all of them were underfed and dehydrated.






Their meeting might have been agreed upon by both parties but that didn’t mean Eliza was going to go in without a healthy dose of suspicion and vigilance. Her eyes scanned the area more than they looked at the woman awaiting them, at least until she got close enough and noticed the heavy armor Senya wore, the same model Knights of Zakuul wore to this day.


“Thought you were a former Knight,” Eliza noted.


A half smile appeared on Senya’s face. “I still have to protect myself.”


“Hm, a fair point,” she conceded, “thank you for meeting with us, I hope you weren’t waiting too long?”


“No, I only just arrived myself,” Senya assured her.


Eliza looked around a second time. “By yourself? Because if not, just call your people now and have them show themselves, save me the chit-chat and get straight to trading blows.”


A twinkle lit up Senya’s eyes and she laughed. “A healthy dose of skepticism, I don’t blame you Commander but I assure you I came and am alone.”


“So you won’t mind if I make a quick perimeter check?” Theron maintained the same level of suspicion and excused himself to scout the area with his blaster drawn.


“Feel free Mr…?”


“Agent Shan,” Eliza began introductions, “and this is my apprentice Darius.”


“Senya Tirall, but you knew that already. Shall we take a seat?” Senya indicated at the small table and chairs nearby. “I’m sure you have questions.”


Eliza hung her cloak over the back of her chair and took a seat. Once again she observed Senya, more attentively this time and she estimated the woman to be a couple of years her senior at least, likely old enough to be her mother.


Neat, nearly black hair was bound together in a tight bun and her blue eyes held the pain of her past. Unusual jewelry decorated her forehead, implants presumably although Eliza had never seen them in such an elegant design before. Senya looked fierce but if you paid close enough attention, there was a certain tenderness hidden beneath her harsh exterior.


“I do, starting with why you turned on Arcann,” Eliza said at last.


The older woman blew out a gentle exhale and nodded. “Straight to the serious matters I see.”


“Well, we could discuss the weather first but I doubt that holds any relevance as to why we’re here and who you are.”


“True. Very well.” Senya placed her lightsaber pike on the table before them as a sign of good faith, a gesture Eliza mirrored, and began to share.


“Arcann has become a disgrace to the Empire of Zakuul, a tyrant bringing war to our once peaceful planet and turning our own against each other.


“A small history lesson for you Commander. Before Arcann’s betrayal, Zakuul was protected by two orders—the Knights, and Scions who see visions of the past and the future. Together, they made a formidable team but Arcann has always hated the Scions. He believes himself above destiny.”


“Visions? Reliable ones?” Darius found his interests mildly piqued.


“The visions themselves, yes, I believe so but finding the correct interpretation is often more challenging. The Scions mastered this art, they’re rarely wrong even when it may take decades for a vision to play out.”


“Try centuries,” Eliza muttered, a bitter hint in her voice, “so, what happened? I’ve never heard of Scions before.”


“The moment Arcann took the throne, he ordered the Knights to kill their Scion brethren. Only a handful survived and fled—it was the last straw for me.”


Senya’s brows knitted and she looked down, almost shamefully. “When I joined, the Knights they were a shield protecting our home world. Now, they are weapons wielded by an insane child. They’ve lost their honor.”


A realization struck Eliza who’d so far only measured Arcann’s threat by Imperial and Republic losses. “It would seem we have not been the only ones to suffer at Arcann’s hand.”


“No. Your worlds may hold his focus but many people of Zakuul have become a victim of this conflict all the same—people he was sworn to protect. He may claim this is for their benefit, to defend them but it’s a false justification for his ruthless war.”


“You see now, why we must work together and end my son’s reign?” the voice Eliza could have easily done without, spoke to her.


Time froze up all around her and color drained from the world while Valkorion’s phantom form appeared. His apparition circled the table they sat around and paused by Senya, drinking her presence in. A rueful expression dwelled in his eyes, only for a second and Eliza tried to recall the last time she caught him looking that way but it didn’t click.


She sank back in her seat, displaying clear disinterest in his babbling while she picked at her nails. “I see why Arcann needs to die, that much I’ve always known but I don’t quite understand why I need you.”


“Your defiance will be your undoing. You’re not strong enough to face him alone.”


“Then I will work harder, train more until I can do this without you. We’ll never be a team, Vitiate.”


“Still you cling to the man I once was but I have evolved in my time on Zakuul.”


“Hmph. How did you manage to do both anyway? Be this Valkorion persona and the Sith Emperor?”


“That truth will reveal itself in due time,” he promised and his eye fell on Senya once more, “you’ll see.”


Just as quick as he’d appeared, he was gone again now and the world around Eliza carried on as though someone had hit the resume button on a recording. A recording she hadn’t quite caught up to yet and she sat dazed for a noticeable second.


“My Lord? Are you alright?” Darius sat forward and inspected the vacant expression in her eyes. “Was it…?”


Eliza merely nodded, not wishing to divulge her secret in front of Senya just yet.


Senya, though she’d noticed too, said nothing of it for the time being. “Arcann and the Knights of Zakuul must answer for their crimes, we must remove him from the throne.”


“Agreed.” Eliza got up just as Theron returned. “So, can we count on your support, even if it involves a direct assault on the Emperor you once served?”


A second of hesitation held Senya but she brushed it off swiftly—certain things were yet to be discussed she knew but now was not the time. “Yes, I stand behind you, Commander.”


“Thank you. Theron, arrange level one clearance for Senya,” Eliza said having decided to show faith in the former Knight, “it seems we’ll have another guest sitting at our table tonight.


“That is,” she added and turned to Senya, “assuming you’ll be coming with us?”


“Yes, I’d be honored, thank you.”


Eliza picked Senya’s pike up and handed it to her with a smile. “Welcome to the team, Senya.”


It was the strangest thing but after they’d said goodbye to Senya and walked back, Theron had taken her hand and held it, awakening a wave of confusion and longing in Eliza. She tried not to dwell on it much, banishing the hope his simple gesture brought and reminding herself of reality, but she did feel he’d been acting unusual ever since the previous night.


‘He’s probably just worried about you and trying to be comforting,’ she rationalized and let go of him once they reached the elevators.


Theron stared down at his hand, feeling the phantom remnant of her touch and he frowned.


“She seemed alright,” Darius noted while the three of them stepped inside, “but those Knights of Zakuul, they’re a whole different body of Force users, aren’t they?”


Eliza nodded while she kept her eyes on the display showing each level they passed. “I believe so, judging by their style and approach. Perhaps Senya might be willing to teach us their ways, if only to have an advantage.”


Their descent was slow, or perhaps it only felt that way to her and while he stood at least two steps behind her, it was as if Eliza could feel Theron breathing down her neck. She was suddenly so very aware of his presence she could practically hear his heart beating and it left her ill at ease.


“Darius,” Theron put himself in the door opening once they reached the main level, “why don’t you go on ahead to meet up with the others?”


He’d noticed it too, the uncomfortable and tension-filled atmosphere between him and Eliza and felt they were due another private conversation to address those unspoken things hanging in the air.


Darius quirked a ridged brow and glanced at Eliza.


“Go on,” she told him with a smile, “we won’t be far behind.”


He appeared reluctant still, narrowing his eyes on Theron before he stalked off and cast the occasional look over his shoulder until he fully vanished from sight.


“He’s protective.”


“Hmm, and to think he once threatened to kill me.” A memory of the first time she’d met the kid sprang to her mind. “What is it, Theron?”


‘Oh, crap, now I have to figure out how to approach this…’ he racked his brain instantly while running a hand through his hair, eyeing just as uncomfortable as Eliza felt.


“Are you sure we’re okay? I mean, I know last night but… you seem different now, you let go of my hand, I don’t know, I…” He fumbled with his words more than he would have liked to.


“We’re good,” she assured him and stepped out of the elevator, leaning against the outer wall, “I just thought it might look weird, or… wrong, somehow, us walking and holding hands? Is that a friend thing? It’s strange, right?”


“Oh…” The small realization hit him that she was just trying to be respectful.


“I mean, Nyssa’s been great but—”


“Right, yeah, that makes sense.” He nodded and dug his hands in his pocket. “So we’re okay, good? You are? I remember you said there are things you can’t tell me… is that it?”


“No, I… those things are, they’re me-things, I’ll work it out you know?” She gave a shrug and turned into the corridors with Theron following in her shadow.


“I could help, maybe two minds can work it out better than one?”


“Hm, do you know how to stop loving someone?” she blurted and instantly scolded herself, cringing.


‘Stop loving…? Oh…’ His heart sank and he sighed heavily with the wrong conclusion. “Ravage.”


Eliza immediately stopped in her tracks and spun around. “What?! No, never, not at all.”


“Sorry, he was the first… I’m sorry that was dumb, I take it you mean Scourge? It must still hurt that he’s gone.”


“No. Well, yes, it does still hurt…” she admitted and held herself. ‘But I meant you.’


An awkward silence fell and Eliza stepped back, dragging her feet towards the medical center in the far distance.


“You know, I’m not sure I ever said it last night but, thank you for staying with me.”


Theron gave a half smile while his mind considered who it might be she no longer wished to love. “You’re welcome. Did you know you talk in your sleep?”


‘That was probably meant for this mystery man too,’ a thought taunted him.


“I do? What did I say?”


“You just, out of nowhere said ‘I love you too’, then slept on as if nothing had happened,” he said in the most casual way he could manage, adding a half hearted chuckle.


“Oh.” She faked a chuckle too and hung her head down, letting her red locks fall over her face and praying they’d cover up the blush she felt warm on her cheeks.


“Were you dreaming about anything good, or anyone?”


“I guess.”


He groaned internally feeling he had to drag the answers he needed out of her. “What was it about?”


“Just…” the lie started and she shrugged, pretending like she couldn’t quite remember, “I don’t know, it’s all a blur by now, I don’t recall.”


In truth, she’d dreamed about him. She’d stood on a pearl-white shore listening to the waves crawl up on the sand, watching the water reflect the stars in the night sky like raw diamonds on a black velvet blanket and out of nowhere, he’d appeared. She’d heard him whisper to her professing his love and in return she’d told him that she loved him too—always had and would.


All things she couldn’t say now, or ever. ‘I’d be rejected, or confuse him as he did me all those years ago bringing him doubt about his relationship… I can’t be a homewrecker. Just, shut up and keep walking.’


“Ah, yeah that happens I guess…” Theron mumbled.


Eliza hurried her pace and was grateful when they finally set foot in the medical post, effectively forcing Theron to drop the subject in the presence of their peers.


It was a rather unique assembly of people—soldiers of Imperial and Republic backgrounds alike now sat as brothers, family, having supported one another through the past years of survival. Taking care of Zakuulan citizens who’d been chased from their homes for questioning Arcann’s reign and protesting the war.


“Didn’t think I’d be seeing you again,” said an older and rather large built man, a laurel of silver-brownish hair crowning his otherwise bald head, “what’s it been, almost five years?”


A hint of familiarity struck Eliza though she couldn’t quite place it, not until she retraced her steps all the way to Yavin and recalled the Republic man who’d spat at her feet, admonishing her for turning Sith. “Sergeant Kearns?”


“The one and only.”


She smiled and took his hand, greeting him with kindness despite their past. “It’s good to see you again Sergeant, I had no idea you were aboard Marr’s fleet.”


“I was in charge of the envoy the Grand Master sent with Darth Marr on his excursion to find the Sith Emperor. Volunteered for it even, guess your speech on Yavin and a successful joint effort with the Imps left an impression on me back then.”


He sat down with her and beckoned another woman over. “Meet my wife, Captain Fora.”


“Lilith! You survived!” Eliza exclaimed in surprise, instantly recognizing the Imperial woman who’d overseen the forces aboard Marr’s flagship. “And married a Republic Sergeant?”


“Yes, my Lord, he swept me off my feet. First to save my life and he continued to do so while we built a new future for ourselves out here.”


“Unbelievable. Congratulations you both, truly.”


“Master Jedi, uh, Darth, Lord…” another soldier approached and shuffled his feet.


“Eliza’s just fine, hi, please, take a seat.”


“Hey, I’m Ralo.”


“Ah, you’re the one who told Lana about Kira Carsen, right?”


Ralo nodded and lowered his eyes in defeat. “I heard you found her but she didn’t make it, I’m very sorry. You have to know she saved my life, put me in her escape pod.”


“That sounds like Kira.” Eliza placed her hand over Ralo’s and saw the regret on his face, the responsibility he felt over Kira’s fate. “She would have been relieved to know you survived, and proud.”


“Thank you. I told her husband too, he was here not long ago but left to go find her—I guess he didn’t.”


“Wait, what?”


“Oh of course!” Praven proclaimed when he heard, having stood not too far from them, “That’s why the name Dr. Kimble was familiar!”


“Huh… Doc, he’s here?” Eliza didn’t quite understand.


“Was,” Lord Cytharat corrected now that he caught on as well, “up until about three months ago he worked the medical outpost here. Left after receiving important intel which I assume was the news on Kira.”


“So where is he now?”


"Somewhere on Zakuul I would assume unless he got stranded elsewhere along the way,” Ralo suggested and once more apologized in feeling responsible for this too, “I’m sorry, perhaps I shouldn’t have told him, I had no idea who he was at first.”


“That’s, no, not your fault,” Eliza assured him and looked around hoping to spot Theron but when she didn’t, she turned to Lord Cytharat instead.


“Get the basic information from Doc’s profile along with a holograph then mail it to anyone associated with our alliance, have them keep an eye out. Knowing he’s here in Wild Space, well, it’s a start, we might be able to track him down.”


“On it.”


“Uh, Eliza?” Sergeant Kearns sat forward and lowered his voice an octave or two. “We heard rumor you’ve got a base in this sector of space? Any chance we might join you?”


“Absolutely. What’s kept all of you here for this long anyways? Why not try to return home?”


“Things back home ain’t much better, are they? Both Republic and the Empire bent the knee to Arcann, to the man who killed our comrades, nearly cost us our lives. Nah, we decided to stick together out here and do the best we can.


“Besides, once I’d taken a deep look into these brown eyes,” Kearns added and smirked at Fora, “well I wasn’t gonna let her go now was I? Coulda defected I suppose but we figured staying here would be easier and preferable.”


“Right you are.” Eliza smiled and got up. She made a wide arc with her arms in a welcoming gesture while addressing everyone who’d gathered, “You’re all invited to come with us, should you wish. Just let me…


“Ah, Theron, there you are,” she said when she spotted him and instantly felt her heart flutter anew, “let’s get a list of everyone we have here, who’ll be joining us at the base so we know who’s who and we can get going.”


Theron nodded and got his datapad out. “Guess Lana was right about us needing way more than fifty beds.”


Arrangements were made swiftly and while they’d arrived on Asylum with only six people, they would return to Odessen with twentyone—their original group, Senya, Charlie and Jonas, and twelve refugees wishing to aid the Alliance including Ralo, Sergeant Kearns and Captain Fora.



Edited by JennyFlynn
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A nice Christmas day surprise:)



Very enjoyable chapter although you nearly had me tearing my hair out with Eliza and Theron's dancing around the subject they're both afraid to bring up:)



Hope your day has been great:)



Don't hurt your hair! I promise the wait is not much longer, scouts honor! 1-2 chapters tops and then I'm sure they'll finally sit and talk. :)


Yeah, it's Christmas but I try to stick to my Monday & Friday schedule best I can (unless I get my days mixed up) so, yay! Hope you had a lovely day! :)



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I have to echo Foxfirerose here, it was a lovely Christmas surprise. :)



Really enjoyable scene with Malavai and Me'ghan. Interesting that they've both drawn the same conclusion, and I can see their reasoning for keeping their suspicions to themselves. Though, if they've thought of it, I can't see that it wouldn't have crossed Eliza's mind as well.


The next section is quite interesting as well, taking care of business in finding Senya and hearing about Doc, so I suspect there will be a reunion with the infamous Dr. Kimble very soon. :)


I like the insertion of Kearns and 'Lilith' to show a precedent for marriages between Imperials and Republic and to tie in the times when they worked together earlier like on Yavin and on Marr's vessel.


Like Foxfirerose said, watching those two talk circles around each other is just...I feel like smooshing their action figures together and saying, 'now kiss' lol. Anyway, lovely addition to the story. Hope Christmas was lovely. ^^


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I have to echo Foxfirerose here, it was a lovely Christmas surprise. :)



Really enjoyable scene with Malavai and Me'ghan. Interesting that they've both drawn the same conclusion, and I can see their reasoning for keeping their suspicions to themselves. Though, if they've thought of it, I can't see that it wouldn't have crossed Eliza's mind as well.


The next section is quite interesting as well, taking care of business in finding Senya and hearing about Doc, so I suspect there will be a reunion with the infamous Dr. Kimble very soon. :)


I like the insertion of Kearns and 'Lilith' to show a precedent for marriages between Imperials and Republic and to tie in the times when they worked together earlier like on Yavin and on Marr's vessel.


Like Foxfirerose said, watching those two talk circles around each other is just...I feel like smooshing their action figures together and saying, 'now kiss' lol. Anyway, lovely addition to the story. Hope Christmas was lovely. ^^

Hahaha. Eliza and Theron action figures smushed together, I like that lol. Trust me as the writer I've sat here banging my head against the desk like "Come on, let them already" and they originally did in this chapter but then I hit a roadblock in terms of a lot of secrecy and awkwardness with Nyssa still around and it just wasn't working--I didn't want the drama of that to taint anything between them so.


It likely did cross Eliza's mind but the upset and utter devastation of learning of his death, after stubbornly clinging to hope and any excuse for years kind of defeated her so she's quelled any "yeah but" in her mind and decided to move on at long last, blinded by grief and incapable of 'deceiving' herself any longer. It's different for Meg and Quinn, they're further away from the issue emotionally if that makes sense?


Yeah I wanted some familiar faces so I figured I'd bring Kearns back and I did always wonder if Fora made it out alive. We know Ralo does whether you choose to try and save people or send the flagship ramming. Thought it would be nice to re-introduce them now. :)


I had a lovely Christmas and hope you did too, thank you so much!

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Nice Christmas surprise. :D



I almost feel that Eliza is deliberately not thinking about the possibility of Scourge being alive. And Quinn and Me'ghan are probably wise in not pushing the issue right now, but the subject will have to be broached at some point.


It was good to see some of the crew from Marr's ship survived and I suspect we will see Doc again. It does appear that Darius is getting a bit of a crush on Eliza. All hormones at that age, this should be a challenge Eliza wasn't expecting.


And, as Tanno Vik would say, "Do I have to butter you up and slap you together like a sandwich?" Yeah, work it out guys. :)



Looking forward to more---- oh and that conversation with Ravage.

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Nice Christmas surprise. :D



I almost feel that Eliza is deliberately not thinking about the possibility of Scourge being alive. And Quinn and Me'ghan are probably wise in not pushing the issue right now, but the subject will have to be broached at some point.


It was good to see some of the crew from Marr's ship survived and I suspect we will see Doc again. It does appear that Darius is getting a bit of a crush on Eliza. All hormones at that age, this should be a challenge Eliza wasn't expecting.


And, as Tanno Vik would say, "Do I have to butter you up and slap you together like a sandwich?" Yeah, work it out guys. :)



Looking forward to more---- oh and that conversation with Ravage.

No, she's deliberately not. She's spent about 4 years alone in her constant, desperate insistence he'd survived and in one blow all of that was knocked out of her. Grief and 'defeat' blinding her to 'common' sense and kind of robbing her of the hope she'd clung to--she doesn't have the strength anymore to continue fighting a 'lost battle' so she's chosen to move on. I think subconsciously there may still be a "he could be alive" notion but it's not something she actively acknowledges nor does it dictate her life any longer the way it used to. It may seem selfish but I think there's some necessary self-preservation in it too.


Heh, the notion of Darius having a crush has me amused, I hadn't really looked at it that way while writing the chapter out. In my mind, it was more this protectiveness, just as he threatened to kill Ravage--which is kind of cute, but a crush would be just as adorable. I loved that insight, the unexpected angle. :)


Hmm yes, the Ravage confrontation, it's in the works. Thank you for the lovely words! ♥

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:: Chapter Eighteen ::



“They were what?!” a bristling Arcann rose from his throne and stared the Zakuulan Knight down.


The Knight took a noticeable step back and glanced at his partner for help. “Spotted on the shadowport Asylum along with—”


“Our dear mother,” Vaylin finished for him and in the blink of an eye, she snapped both the Knight’s necks, “Oh isn’t this precious?”


“She betrays us…”


“Now now, you know mother’s never cared about us.”


Vaylin circled her brother in a prowl. “Do we know yet who this red haired woman is?”


“Yes.” Arcann pulled an identity report up via the throne controls and enlarged it. “Those Republic fools were eager enough to tell me everything they know.”


Eliza’s holo-image sprung to life accompanied by a completed profile spanning the majority of her life, courtesy of Supreme Commander Jace Malcom.


“Eliza Aurora Ignis-Tynan,” Vaylin read out loud and snorted, “how pretentious, I’ll bet she’s a Lady too.”


“She is, the last heir to House Ignis long presumed to have fallen until Eliza returned to the Empire. She was raised in the Republic as Jedi but defected when she discovered her true heritage and took on the name and title Darth Seraphine.”


“Pff, Darths, Lords, Ladies, Sith and Jedi, all these filthy species… what ever did father see in the Empire and Republic?”


Arcann ignored her comments and read on, “Her Master was Darth Marr, the man father killed and look who she married.”


He drew Lord Scourge’s profile up next to Eliza’s and Vaylin began to laugh, rather obnoxiously.


“Well now I see why she came here. Did father ever tell you what he did with him?”


Arcann remained silent—there were few things he didn’t wish to share with his sister and this was one of them.


“Spoil sport,” she sulked.


“It would appear Eliza also has personal history with our father. She faced off against him on numerous occasions, in his time as Sith Emperor.”


The profiles vanished while Arcann sat back on his throne and mentally cursed his father for bringing his old enemies to their doorstep.


“According to Jace Malcom, she’s dangerous and a serious threat. He recommends we take her out at the earliest opportunity. I should have him killed for that piece of unsolicited advice but at least he delivered, unlike those in the Empire.”


His sister shrugged. “You’ll take it out on Acina’s lackey next time he visits.”


“Mm yes… but not before he tells us what he knows about Eliza. This is personal for her and that sets her apart from others who’ve tried to make a stand against us in recent years…”


“Oh brother dearest,” Vaylin drawled and she feigned a sympathetic, yet menacing, smile, “she’ll be no match for you and your superior skills. You’ll strike her down where she stands and we’ll mount her head on the wall, a nice trophy.”


“She’s aided by our mother now, Vaylin, and we still don’t know what she did with the Outlander. If she’s amassing forces—”


“Then you’ll make them pay. You have me, the Fleet, our Knights. Her little group of rebels won’t stand a chance.”


Arcann nodded though with far less conviction than his sister.


It wasn’t just Eliza or the people supporting her that caused him reason for concern—his father was still out there in some form or another, he was certain of it and he dreaded to think the reckoning he’d face should his father return to Zakuul.


“Dispatch six Knights and two dozen Skytroopers to Asylum and have them interrogate everyone until we find out where their base is. Kill anyone who refuses to cooperate and remind them who’s in charge.”


A wide grin spread over Vaylin’s face and she clapped her hands together in glee. “Oh I do hope they don’t give in too easily, I enjoy a good massacre.”






“Do you have any idea what this is about?” Me’ghan asked Eliza and Malavai as they took the elevator down to the war room.


The three of them along with Lord Cytharat, Praven, Jonas, Charlie and Jenna had received a summons to meet, at Nyssa and Theron’s request but no one seemed to know why. It unnerved Eliza, however, especially since Jenna kept giving her the cold shoulder and looks of disdain.


‘But you haven’t said or done anything… just relax, it’s probably nothing,’ she told herself and sighed silently, ‘Or maybe they’re having a baby… ugh. No, if that’s the case, be supportive, be nice.’


She was a criminal, only in her own mind and only for loving a man she couldn’t be with and it was making her paranoid. Lord Cytharat easily picked up on her distress and pulled her to him, his other arm lingering over Praven’s shoulder.


“Chin up,” he whispered to her.


A vague smile crossed her face briefly and she scolded herself for being ridiculous.


Down in the war room Nyssa paced along the holo-terminal while Theron stood off to the side, his expression vacant and his eyes mostly averted, the both of them giving off an air of unease.


“I’m sure you’re all wondering why we called you here,” Nyssa began when Charlie and Jonas were the last ones to arrive.


Jonas opened his mouth to crack a joke, he’d been teasing everyone about a surprise party in his honor, but seeing the downcast look on his best friend’s face he swallowed his comments and stood mute.


“We are,” Me’ghan admitted, “is everything okay?”


Nyssa glanced at Theron, hoping he might join her which he did when he caught her eyes. He fell in at her side, in support of the announcement she’d prepared though he still said nothing, allowing Nyssa to present the news on her own terms.


“Theron and I have split up and we’re getting a divorce. I’ll be leaving Odessen in the morning.” She dropped the bombshell.


Charlie shrieked out, staring at her friends in shock, “What, why?!”


“This is certainly unexpected.” Malavai frowned.


“I’m sorry, I’m confused,” Praven spoke up, “and I don’t mean to pry into personal matters but, what happened? Is it something we, as friends, can help you both with?”


“No, it’s not. Theron and I…” Nyssa paused and looked at her soon to be ex-husband, considering her words carefully to spare him any embarrassment, “we realized we do not want the same things in life, for our future. We just no longer work as a couple.”


Behind her, Jenna quietly scoffed and rolled her eyes. As Nyssa’s oldest friend and the person who’d taken her in, she knew exactly what was going on and while Nyssa had insisted on handling the matter with dignity, she felt ready to punch the man who’d hurt her, as well as Eliza but for her friend’s sake she kept silent.


Eliza kept silent too but for entirely different reasons—she was freaking out deep down wondering if she caused this somehow, worrying this was related to Theron staying with her through the night or perhaps they’d already split up by that point but then why hadn’t he told her?


“You guys… I’m so sorry to hear it.” Me’ghan slipped from Malavai’s side and hugged Nyssa to her. “We’ll miss you. Is there anything we can do for you?”


“No. I’m mostly packed already and I’ve made all the arrangements.”


Jonas leaned into Theron and lowered his voice to a whisper, “Are you okay?”


He simply nodded and kept his eyes averted—Nyssa was being more gracious than he felt he deserved and it didn’t sit right with him, yet he felt ill at ease to argue anything she’d said.


“You know you don’t have to leave, right?” Eliza finally found her voice and brushed off her selfish concerns.


“None of us would ask you to and if you wish to stay, you’re more than welcome to. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, both of you.”


Nyssa feigned half a smile. “I know but this is my choice. While it’s best for us to split up, it does hurt and I would rather be away from everything for a while.”


“Where will you go, Lady Nyssa?” asked Lord Cytharat.


“Corellia, I’m going to stay with my sister for a while.”


Nyssa elaborated further on her plans for the future, something she felt more eager to discuss than the past but Eliza’s gaze drifted to Theron. He was quiet, unusually so and it disturbed her.


‘Don’t want the same things in life…’ she repeated Nyssa’s words in her mind and considered them, ‘maybe it’s the kids thing, perhaps Theron doesn’t want any, that would be hard to overcome…’


‘Well that means you’re screwed too even if he is single now. You’ve got a kid, he’d hate it.’ the next thought jabbed at her and she sighed. ‘Stop being such a selfish twit, your friends are hurting.’


She observed the scene and felt torn between who to support—worried Nyssa may not want her good intentions and if she showed Theron any, it might give her own feelings away somehow. To her rescue was Jonas who took his best friend by the arm, leaving Eliza to slip in next to Me’ghan and Nyssa instead.


“We need to talk, now,” Jonas told Theron and gave him no chance to protest, pushing him in the direction of the Force enclave underneath the base.


Eliza followed the two of them with her eyes while her hand rubbed Nyssa’s back. “Are you sure there’s nothing to be done about this? Perhaps you both just need some time apart and then try again?”


“No. Some things just cannot be solved or fixed.”


Rolling her eyes, Jenna came to her friend’s aid and joined the group, mildly shoving Eliza who continued being the recipient of her foul glares. “We should finish getting you packed and ready, Nys.”


“You’re really leaving?” Charlie’s brows furrowed with sadness.


Nyssa turned around and hugged her, working hard to present everyone with some form of a smile. “I am, I want to.”


“How long has this been going on?” Me’ghan wondered out loud trying to recall if she’d noticed any dissent between the couple.


“A while now but it came to a head three days ago. We just kept it quiet until I was ready to actually say goodbye and leave here.”


‘Three days ago? But that was before he stayed with me through the night… so it’s not me, or is it? Why does Jenna keep acting so strange?’ Eliza couldn’t help but continuously get distracted by her thoughts.


“Is it because of the uh, kids thing? I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance yet to bring it up with him…” she ended up asking.


A gentle sigh left Nyssa and she shook her head. “No, that isn’t it.”


It was becoming more difficult for her to keep a straight face, to not share the full reason for her divorce especially while talking to Eliza and she took Jenna’s hand looking for an escape.


“Jen’s right though, I still have some packing to do so if you guys don’t mind…”


“Poor thing…” Charlie lamented after Jenna and Nyssa left and Eliza gave her a vague nod while her mind drifted back to Theron.


Her gaze returned to the direction Jonas and Theron had vanished to and she eagerly wished she knew what they were talking about.






“I take it Eliza is this future you and Nyssa don’t see eye to eye on?” Jonas asked Theron once they were alone.


“Yeah, nothing gets by you huh?” A sigh escaped Theron.


“Start talking.”


“There’s not much to say. We got to Rishi after escaping Coruscant… I saw her again and suddenly it was like no time had passed. All I wanted was to hold her, kiss her, love her and I started to come apart. Became jealous over little things and Nyssa caught on so… now we’re getting a divorce.”


“You complete idiot. Didn’t I tell you not to go through with the wedding at least a dozen times?”


“I’m aware but what was I supposed to do? I do love Nyssa, I thought we could make it work and Eliza made it clear she just didn’t love me enough or hell, I wasn’t enough.”


Jonas groaned out and shook his head. “She lied. Do you ever listen to me at all?”


“You don’t know that she did.”


“I do, it was obvious but you believed her so easily. Now I can understand why, with your history—never had a relationship before, dumped by your mother and getting kicked from the Order, a lifetime of rejections, that’ll mess with your head.”


“Yeah, thanks, I needed that reminder,” Theron muttered sullenly.


Jonas grinned. “Sorry, I’m just saying.


“So what happens now, you gonna make another declaration of love?”


He scratched the back of his head and shrugged somewhat. “I don’t know, I want to but… I don’t want to get burned again and with everything Eliza’s been through…”


“Everything she’s been through?”


“She hooked up with Ravage and—”


Jonas screwed his nose up. “Gross, has she gone blind and deaf?”


A small chuckle escaped Theron. “No. It wasn’t really a romantic thing according to her and they got into an argument, he assaulted her and, well he’s imprisoned now.”




“Yeah… so, I doubt she’s in a place for wanting a relationship and even if she was I… oh, she drives me crazy.”


“Tell her. The moment Nyssa leaves you go find her and tell her. You don’t have to get involved right away but at least let her know how you feel.”


“And if she turns me down again?”


“She won’t.”


“How do you know?”


“Please, I’m an expert when it comes to women.”


Theron laughed and clapped Jonas on the shoulder. “You’re an expert at breaking hearts and pissing women off, but thanks. How are things with you and Charlie?”


“Every day is an adventure, especially in these parts. We’re never bored, constantly staring down danger and we couldn’t be happier about it. Things got a little awkward when we met up with Havoc Squad, their Commander is…”


“One of your many exes?”


Jonas smirked and wriggled his brows. “But she and Charlie found common ground in mocking my bad habits so everything worked out.”


His best friend snorted while the two turned back for the base upstairs. “I’m glad you’re here.”






By morning, the group met back up near the hangar bays to say goodbye to Nyssa who now stood fully packed and ready to begin a new life on her own.


“I got you some supplies for the journey and extra credits in case of emergencies…” Eliza handed Nyssa a small pack and tried to smile. “Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything, okay?”


Behind her, Jenna scoffed quietly at the awkward farewell but Nyssa ignored it and nodded gratefully.


“Thanks… and thank you for taking me into your home and welcoming me the way you did when we first met. Give Cyara my love.”


“I will, be safe please.”


“You too and once it’s time, should you need or want my help, I’d return to stand at your side against Arcann.”


The two embraced in friendship. “Thank you, I really appreciate that.”


Eliza took a step back and nudged Theron, a silent encouragement for him to say goodbye no matter how uncomfortable it may be.


“Let’s give them some privacy,” she suggested and linked arms with Praven and Lord Cytharat, turning back to the base with Charlie, Jonas and Jenna following behind.


A few tension filled seconds passed while the estranged couple stood on the landing pad by one of the shuttles, and Theron dug his hands into his pockets feeling lost for words.


“Nyssa I’m… I know you don’t want to hear it but I am genuinely sorry for the way things worked out, or I guess the way they didn’t…”


“I know you are, thank you. I don’t hate you Theron I just… you should have told me, so much sooner.”


“I never meant to cause you any pain with it. I tried, I really thought…”


Nyssa nodded and stuffed the pack Eliza had given her into her rucksack. “Yeah… well, we did have some good times, didn’t we?”


“We did, definitely,” he admitted with half a smile, “game nights with Charlie and Jonas… watching your friend Caroline devour a record breaking four tubs of icecream after yet another round of boyfriend drama…”


“That time Jonas accidentally shot you with one of his darts and you started hallucinating, prowling around the apartment like you were on a top secret mission while stripping down your clothes, telling us all to shh and not wake the wookiee,” she recalled and chuckled.


Theron laughed but it subsided again quickly and he looked at her. “Can I… uh, do we hug or do you want to just…”


“We can hug.” Nyssa wrapped her arms around him and sighed out. “I don’t want to leave things in a bad way, and I do still care about you.”


“I care about you too. I really hope you find all those things I couldn’t give you, you’re beautiful, inside and out and you deserve it.”


“Thanks… You know it hurts but, for what it’s worth, I hope things will finally work out for you too. She’d be a fool to turn you away.”


They embraced still and held each other and Theron kissed the top of her head before letting her go at last. He helped her into the shuttle, said one last goodbye and took a few steps back to wave her off as Nyssa took to the skies embracing a new future.



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Lovely chapter :)



It's not a good situation to be in, from any perspective, as friends of the splitting couple, or the people doing the splitting. I liked the sincere and subdued way you handled it, and I felt the reaction of their friends was genuine and sympathetic.


I kept expecting Jenna to lash out and was amazed she kept it together, but I guess ultimately it would only make things worse for Eliza and Nyssa both.


You handled their break up in a sensitive and classy fashion. If only all breakups were so gentle and civilized. I look forward to the next. And a Happy New Year to you! :)


Edited by Lunafox
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Some battles are lost before they are fought.



The heart wants what the heart wants, and you handled Nyssa's departure with grace, which she did deserve. Stomping and wailing would have served no purpose and would have almost given Theron an easy out if she had behaved differently. As Jonas pointed out, Theron should have known better, but he married her anyway. I love Theron, but he doesn't get a pass for this one. At least it is settled now and everyone can move on.



A lovely written chapter, on to other things. Happy New Year!!!

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An interesting chapter, both awkward but sad....



The goodbye between Theron and Nyssa caused me to shed a few tears even. It was terribly sad, and I really felt it. Good job:)



Looking forward to Eliza and Theron's next conversation.....

Aww I'm sorry it caused you to shed a few tears though it feels like a compliment, thank you Fox :) Hopefully the next chapter can live up to all the build-up lol.


Big hugs & Happy New Years! ♥


Lovely chapter :)



It's not a good situation to be in, from any perspective, as friends of the splitting couple, or the people doing the splitting. I liked the sincere and subdued way you handled it, and I felt the reaction of their friends was genuine and sympathetic.


I kept expecting Jenna to lash out and was amazed she kept it together, but I guess ultimately it would only make things worse for Eliza and Nyssa both.


You handled their break up in a sensitive and classy fashion. If only all breakups were so gentle and civilized. I look forward to the next. And a Happy New Year to you! :)

It was a tough balance really, to write. Between giving everyone their own way of reacting, doing the character's justice, dealing with the matter without it going overboard or downplaying it--I'm glad it turned out well.


Heh, Jenna might have but for her friend's sake, she didn't though her reactions mattered to me for contrast. It shows how different people can react and how Nyssa's really a calmer and subdued person whereas others in her shoes might just flip their sh.it.


Thank you for taking the time to read and a Happy New Year to you Luna! ♥


Some battles are lost before they are fought.



The heart wants what the heart wants, and you handled Nyssa's departure with grace, which she did deserve. Stomping and wailing would have served no purpose and would have almost given Theron an easy out if she had behaved differently. As Jonas pointed out, Theron should have known better, but he married her anyway. I love Theron, but he doesn't get a pass for this one. At least it is settled now and everyone can move on.



A lovely written chapter, on to other things. Happy New Year!!!

She did deserve it yeah. It would have been easy to treat her as a third-rate character and just toss her out, paragraph her departure and be done but I couldn't do that to her. I feel she's a classy person, calm and reasonable even when it's difficult--probably would have made a great Jedi lol.


Theron should have known better but lovable as he is, he's not without his flaws and this was definitely a foolish thing he did, getting married for the wrong reasons while not being ready. He hurt someone who deserved better, hopefully, he's learned his lesson.


Thank you, Misha, and have a lovely, Happy New Year!! ♥

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Happy 2018 Beauties!



:: Chapter Nineteen ::



Armed with a thermos full of caf, her datapad and a stack of files Eliza snuck out the back entrance of the base into the lush landscape that covered the planet. A gentle breeze welcomed her, whipping through her hair while she sauntered down the mossy path along the river to find a clearing.


A slanted, granite rock wedged into the dirt between grass and pebbles made do as a bench and she removed her boots to dip her toes in the cooling stream. A wandering Sleen canted its head at her presence and let a curious croak rumble up its lizard-like throat before it slithered back into seclusion. Eliza smiled and opened up the files Theron had compiled for her concerning the prisoners on Coruscant.


‘Zenith, a former resistance fighter on Balmorra… Corso Riggs, a mercenary born on Ord Mantell, Andronikos Revel… huh, used to work with Nox, go figure… pirate… what brought all of you together?’


She frowned to herself going through the various profiles. ‘Ashara Zavros… oh, the Jedi who returned to the Order after Nox died. I remember Markus—Ravage, mention…’


Her shoulders dropped and she closed her eyes, a loaded sigh passing her lips. Without realizing she rolled her sleeve up to her elbow and stared down at her wrist—the bruises were gone by now, three days later and yet she still felt them.


So much had happened in such little time and in quiet moments like these, she wondered how life ever got to be so crazy. In a span of just four days, everything had changed.


Ravage had assaulted her and shattered every ounce of affection and warmth she’d begun to cherish for him, throwing their trust out of the window and unveiling the truth of his nature at last. Each day since then he’d called her name, demanded she’d come see him and each day thus far she’d refused.


Asylum had opened her eyes to the full extent of Arcann’s tyranny and left her to question how any ruler could subject his own people to such suffering. Questions that inevitably lead her to think about his father, the Sith Emperor, the former Emperor of Zakuul and the man wearing more than just one face. Of course there was Senya too, such a peculiar presence and Eliza still worked to try and figure her out.


Theron and Nyssa had broken up—that event puzzled her more than any other—and Nyssa had left the alliance to fly to Corellia just a mere few hours ago. It seemed so unreal, they’d appeared so happy each time Eliza had seen them together and she couldn’t fathom what had happened, why they’d ended so abruptly.


She felt guilty about it which only confused her further knowing she hadn’t done anything wrong she was aware of and while her feelings for Theron grew, she’d made damn sure to keep her secret.


‘Cytharat wouldn’t have told anyone…’ she shook her head and closed the files, ‘but Ravage would have… no, they broke up before he…’


Numerous thoughts quickly drowned out her surroundings and the only sound she heard was the buzzing in her own mind. So lost in her own world she hardly noticed the shadow fall over her like a shroud while footsteps crunched down the path.


“So this is where you’re hiding,” Theron said quietly and tried not to startle her.


He picked her boots up and set them off to the side before he sat himself down beside her.


“Hey.” She smiled his way. “How are you feeling?”


“Strange, it’s odd she’s gone now but it’s a relief too.”




“There was no sense in holding on, this is better for both of us.”


Small lines creased over the bridge of Eliza’s nose when she frowned. “Can I ask what really happened? Her explanation sounded… vague.”


Her hand covered his, resting in his lap and easily their fingers laced together as if that was the way they were meant to be—always connected and interwoven.


“It’s…” He swallowed hard and met her eyes, clear blue and begging him for answers he didn’t know how to give—not without putting his aching heart on the line.




“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t pry.”


“No, it isn’t that. I just, I’m more concerned about you. With everything that’s been going on and this stuff you keep claiming you can’t tell me about. You have so much on your plate, you shouldn’t be alone.”


It was a caring and genuine statement, and a convenient deflection away from what he felt too afraid to admit.


‘You can tell him now, his marriage is over. What’s the worst that can happen? Even if he turns you down, at least you’ll know…’


She said nothing, however, and instead sank into his embrace. His arm snaked down around her middle, her head resting just below his chin while she held his hand still and caressed her thumb over his knuckles—their body language far ahead of the confessions they hadn’t made yet.


Why was it so hard to get the words across her lips? They were both single now, any obstacle had evaporated with Nyssa’s departure and it was time to be honest. Then again, perhaps it was too soon.


‘He’s not even divorced yet…’ She realized and closed her eyes. ‘Sure, but in a few weeks from now? How many more excuses will you torture yourself with before finally saying those simple words?’


“Please, talk to me,” she heard him whisper and plead.


Theron buried his face against the top of her head and nuzzled her hair, inhaling her scent and he held her that much closer.


“I’m still in love with you.”


Her voice barely broke the silence, timid and vulnerable while the gentle breeze carried her words off but at last, she’d said it, the one thing she’d been so scared to admit.


“You…” He wasn’t certain he’d heard right and tipped her chin up to meet her eyes.


A tear sparkled in the corner of her eye before it trickled down her cheek and he caught it, quite incapable of wrapping his mind around her revelation.


“You’re in love with me?” he asked and just prayed he hadn’t misunderstood, “how do you mean still?”


She bit down on her bottom lip and fought not to look away, her emotions rising so high suddenly they engaged her instincts to flee. “I never stopped loving you, Theron.”


His heart threatened to explode with revived hope and joy but he needed to understand first—the truth was so vastly different from anything he thought he knew.


“How is that possible? You said, years ago on Nar Shaddaa—”


“I lied to you,” she admitted in shame and confirmed what Jonas had been saying all along, “It was enough, more than enough but I saw the look in your eyes when you heard what I’d done, when you realized how I’d changed.”


Needing to feel closer to him, especially if this would be the last time she’d ever sit with him like this, her arms wrapped around his waist firmly while her tears darkened his shirt.


“I believed we wouldn’t have worked and there was Scourge, who I loved as much as I loved you—that’s what I couldn’t tell you a couple of days ago in the cantina.


“But the truth is… I am still so unequivocally in love you. I don’t know how to stop, I have never known. You could take out your blaster and shoot me, betray me, do your absolute worst and with my last dying breath I’d still—”


His lips, tender and inviting, brushed down over hers and stole away the last few words of her confession. He’d heard all he needed to realize how wrong he’d been, how he’d misread every signal and now it was up to him to calm the panic he’d begun hearing in her voice.


In a single fluid gesture he cradled her in his lap and while one hand soothed down the small of her back, the other cupped her cheek and he deepened the kiss. There weren’t any words he could offer her now, his mind a tempest where syllables and sentences refused to string together into a coherent admission of his own.


‘She does love me,’ was the only thought that rang clear as day and caused his heart to swell. He gingerly teased her bottom lip and let his tongue caress along the small curve, hoping to invite her but Eliza gasped for air and tore herself from his hungering mouth.


“Theron…” With widened eyes she stared at him, confused, flustered and desperate for answers—anxious to know what his kiss meant and the thoughts he held in his mind.


“I never stopped either.” He found his voice at last and let his hand stroke her hair.


“You didn’t…?”


“No. That’s the true reason Nyssa and I agreed to a divorce. Because I am still so completely in love with you even she noticed and knew—no one else would ever come close to how I feel about you. It had to end.”


It took a moment for his words to register in her mind. For so long she’d dreamed of hearing them that it now felt so unreal like she was stuck in her own imagination hearing what she wanted rather than the truth but then she caught the look in his eyes—there was nothing but sincerity and promise.


“You never told me…”


“You never told me either,” he reminded her with a tender and warm smile.


“I couldn’t. That day we almost kissed… you were married, I had to walk away. I sent you to Odessen because it was so hard being near you without being with you. I… I kept it all inside and tried to distance myself because…”


Everything finally dawned on him, the quite logical reason she’d turned away from him so often, dismissed him and kept her secrets. The respect she’d tried to show his marriage. “I know, I understand now.”


Eliza laced her fingers with his other hand once more and brought it up, planting a tender kiss against his knuckles and then looked at the band around his ring finger, a shade lighter than the rest of his skin, where his wedding ring used to sit.


“Are you sure? About… I mean, does this mean you want to be with me?” she asked.


“I do and I am sure, I have been from the second I fell for you,” he promised, “you’ve always been the only one even when I tried all I could to move on and forget.”


“I have a daughter now.”


“I know, and she’s every bit as wonderful as her mother.”


“You don’t mind?”


“No, not for a second.”


Finally, the corners of her mouth curled up into a smile. “What do we do now?”


“Hm, are you ready for this, a relationship? Do you want to take it easy or… I don’t know, try to date in between this whole endeavor to bring the Eternal Empire down?”


She debated, her arms wrapped around him while she breathed him in and for the first time in forever there was a clear absence of guilt about enjoying his presence and touch in this way.


“It doesn’t really matter to me, as long as we’re in it together… I don’t want to lose you ever again.”


He drowned in her eyes as the weight of the world finally left his shoulders. “I’m not letting you go this time, Eliza, no matter what you say and do.”






“I love you,” she felt such deep relief in finally saying it out loud, again, but this time without any sense of dread, guilt or worry.


“I love you too.”


“Say it again.”


He laughed and obliged, gladly, feeling much freer now that he could openly tell her. “I love you too, you beautiful and complicated woman.”


“You’re one to talk,” she teased in return and then yelped out, chuckling when he swept her up in his arms completely and carried her across the field behind them, “Theron!”


“I’m going to make a suggestion that might sound shocking but…”


He stopped by the base of a large, overshadowing pine tree and sunk down, sitting her between his legs and folding her back into his arms. “Let’s forget about work for the rest of the day and stay here, just you and me.”


“Mm, Theron Shan saying no to work, that is shocking but I like it.”


She tilted her head and found his lips again, fervently and soon lost in a dream that had now become reality at last. Right now the world was their oyster and free of distractions, interruptions and the daily humdrum at their alliance base.


“You know my dream you asked about?” she said after a while when she caught her breath, “It was about you. I was standing somewhere, alone and staring out across the ocean when out of nowhere I heard you say you love me.”


“So you do remember?”


She smiled softly.


“Curious thing is,” he began to elaborate on the strange coincidence, “I didn’t say it but I was thinking it while I held you, as you slept and when you said ‘I love you too’ it was almost as if you were answering me.”


“Maybe I was, subconsciously.”


Her eyes closed while she lingered in his embrace and let her mind wander. “Jenna’s been acting kinda odd towards me, do you think she knows?”


“Possibly. I assume Nyssa told her my part in all this, not sure why she’d take it out on you.”


“Hrm. Loyalty to her friend I guess. You know people are gonna start talking if they see us together?”


“Do you want to keep this quiet for now?” He rested his cheek down against hers and nuzzled her affectionately.


“No… it doesn’t bother me as long as it doesn’t affect our work and responsibilities here… and as long as we have each other, I can handle it.”


“Am I really the only other man you’ve ever…?”


“You are, and it’s been such a struggle to realize that especially while mourning him. I’ve felt so guilt-ridden.”


Theron glanced down at the ring that hung from her necklace. “You know, I would never try and replace him, not for you and not for Cyara… I understand he’ll always be a part of you both.”


She half turned in his embrace and looked up at him, her lips seeking his. “Thank you… that means more than I can say.”


He smiled, his fingers reaching for the ring and he inspected it up close, feeling the piece of jewelry draw his attention for reasons he didn’t understand.


“It’s beautiful, right?” Eliza mused, “One of a kind although I’ve considered having a replica made, for Cyara.”


‘A replica…’ her words sparked something in Theron’s mind but he struggled to grasp the full picture.


“What do you think?”


He nodded, shaking himself from his thoughts and let go of the ring to caress her cheek with the back of his fingers. “I think that’s a lovely idea.”






“When did it start? Your feelings for me, originally.”


“The first night I saw you on Tython. This stunning young woman, shining under the moonlight, fierce and passionate and—”


Eliza recalled what she’d been doing that night and snorted. “A little crazy?”


“Well, that too,” he teased with a wicked grin, “but you caught my attention. I liked the fact that for once, someone didn’t immediately fawn over me, not even upon learning my name. You remained quite stubborn and unimpressed—it was refreshing and then you finally smiled at me and my whole world changed.”


“Really? That early on?”


“Mm, yes, and leaving you behind time after time… Dromund Kaas, after the defense of Tython, at the Fleet, Rakata Prime, Manaan, it became so difficult and that’s when I fully realized just how deep in my heart you were.”


He teased her neck with affectionate and light kisses, just right behind her ear. “What about you? Was it Yavin?”


“No… strangely enough, it was before Yavin. I just don’t think I fully realized then or perhaps I wasn’t willing to face it. Love, relationships, everything was so new and in a way I was convinced if you loved one person then there’d be no way you could ever love another, not in that way.”


“I can understand that I think… so when was it?”


“On Rishi after you’d been kidnapped. Or at least, it feels like that was the moment something changed, even if I didn’t know it then.


“I lost it completely and nearly killed Lana. Tore through the Revanite camp in blind fury… Looking back on it now, I recall Scourge felt suspicious of my reaction, perhaps he had a reason to be and the relief I felt when you came rushing through the doors, to see you alive…”


The memories were so vivid for them both, a journey back in time and Theron confessed, “I wanted to kiss you right then and there.”


“We’ve lost each other so many times, said goodbye so often… had so much standing in the way…” she reflected, “Could now really be our time to make it?”


“It can and it will be, I promise.”


Their lips melted together while twilight drew a tangerine veil over the planet and they remained entangled in each other’s embrace until the skies filled with stars and the night air grew cold. The base was quiet making it easy for the both of them to sneak back in undetected and after getting a brief bite to eat from the cantina, they turned to bed where they spent hours more retracing every single moment they’d ever shared together, delighting in each other’s affectionate touches until sleep took them.



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Lovely Chapter.



New Year for us and new beginnings for Theron and Eliza. About damned time, lol.


Still the Ravage problem, glad she put it and him on the back burner for now. Ah, and the replica, nudging at Theron's mind. Spy boy will figure it out, I'm sure.


Sweet dialogue.



Waiting to see what happens next.

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Warm and heartfelt <3

I'm glad that they've finally found their way to each other and that the truth is out in the open between them. A lovely new beginning for them and hopefully they'll make the most of it.


I think I see something in store about the 'replica' and I'm sure it won't be long before Theron puts 2 and 2 together. I can hardly wait to see what comes of that. I suspect it will be cementing someone's ultimate fate. :)


A lovely chapter, nice to have a new beginning to match up with the new year.


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Such a beautiful chapter to start the new year off with! I enjoyed every moment of it:)

I'm glad you enjoyed every moment, it did feel like the right way to start a new year, funny how that works out. :D Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. :)


Lovely Chapter.



New Year for us and new beginnings for Theron and Eliza. About damned time, lol.


Still the Ravage problem, glad she put it and him on the back burner for now. Ah, and the replica, nudging at Theron's mind. Spy boy will figure it out, I'm sure.


Sweet dialogue.



Waiting to see what happens next.

About damn time indeed, lol. It's been hell both trying to get there and having to hold off given the circumstances but it's finally done now!


Yep, Ravage is still an issue and he'll need to be dealt with--things with him aren't quite over yet especially not now Theron's mind is back on track.


Thank you for the kind words! :)


Warm and heartfelt <3

I'm glad that they've finally found their way to each other and that the truth is out in the open between them. A lovely new beginning for them and hopefully they'll make the most of it.


I think I see something in store about the 'replica' and I'm sure it won't be long before Theron puts 2 and 2 together. I can hardly wait to see what comes of that. I suspect it will be cementing someone's ultimate fate. :)


A lovely chapter, nice to have a new beginning to match up with the new year.


Mm yes, at last they've worked things out and hopefully they can keep it that way. :D


Theron's a smart guy. He's got some work cut out for him but no doubt he'll manage to unravel whatever needs unraveling and it's bound to have its consequences for those involved. Nice catch. :)


Thank you for the feedback and lovely words!

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:: Chapter Twenty ::



“Well then, that didn’t take long,” a snippy comment came from Jenna when Eliza and Theron walked into the war room the next morning holding hands.


They stopped at the bottom of the elevator and exchanged some longing looks, playful kisses, and several whispers before joining those who’d called them over in the first place.


“Really?” Lord Cytharat challenged with a smirk and he winked at his cousin, “I’d say it’s taken them quite long enough.”


A gentle chuckle and grateful smile came from Eliza and she circled the holo-terminal. “What’s up guys?”


“Two things—first, I sent out Doc’s information like you asked and we found someone who’s seen him,” Lord Cytharat began explaining.


“Havoc Squad’s Commander, Kendra, circulated his holograph among the refugees holed up in the Swamp and one of the younger teens said she saw him on Zakuul in the company of someone named Firebrand.”


Theron frowned. “Firebrand?”


“An alias of sorts I’m sure.” A holo-drawing of a Rattataki woman appeared above the terminal. “The refugee made this sketch.”


Charlie instantly shot forward and narrowed her eyes at the composite picture.


“Oh hell, not her,” she groaned out and shook her head, “fu.cking Kaliyo Djannis.”


“You know her?” Jonas asked.


“Yeah, she worked with me for a while back when I first started out but she tried to pull a fast one on me and we parted ways…”




“Pff, no. Our relation is such we’d make Hoth feel like a tropical paradise.”


Eliza laughed and inspected the image up close. “I know her too… We hung out once while Doc was off curing some Hutt. She and Doc have history, makes sense he’d be laying low with an old pal.”


“I’m not so sure about laying low,” Lord Cytharat disagreed and pulled up what little information he’d found on Firebrand, “She’s somewhat of a celebrity among the locals on Zakuul. An anarchist with a reasonable following.”


“Lovely,” Charlie muttered.


“So they’re making waves…” Eliza pondered the situation, “Well, I guess we should pay them a visit, bring Doc home and—”


“Put a blaster hole in Kaliyo? Count me in.”


Jonas quirked a brow at his wife and grinned, he’d rarely seen her react this hostile towards anyone. “Wow, you really don’t like her.”


Charlie shrugged, half wishing if she’d punch the holo-drawing her former partner in crime would feel it. “Nope.”


“We could use you though, you do know her best,” Theron pointed out.


“I’ll come, just don’t ask me to play nice.”


“Hold off on making plans for just one second.” Lord Cytharat made a calming gesture with his hands. “There’s another, more serious, issue that requires our attention.”


The information on Kaliyo disappeared and he pulled up live footage they’d received.


“A few hours after we’d left, Asylum came under attack. Lead by Vaylin, the majority of those who’d remained behind on the shadowport were put under arrest and interrogated.


“I’m not sure what they were looking for but I’d assume the obvious—us, or rather our location.”


A recording played showing half the shadowport covered in smoke while lines of refugees were brought before Vaylin and her escort of Knights. The deranged blonde stood cackling at her victims, pouring volleys of her power into their nervous system to force a satisfying answer from their tongues but she received none and sent a randomly picked man hurtling from the platform to this death.


Eliza’s eyes widened and she slammed her fist down on the terminal. “Damn! Is this still going on?”


“No. Vaylin left with her Knights but at least two dozen Skytroopers remained behind, effectively taking control of Asylum.”


Sickened by what they witnessed, Theron turned the recording off and sighed in frustration. “How did they even know we were there? Are we sure they were looking for us?”


“This is my fault…” Senya’s voice came unexpectedly and her aging lines crinkled into a frown.


She approached and the very second she did, Eliza felt a chill run down her spine, a sense of being watched and while she observed Senya she was hit with a notion of familiarity—she’d seen that rueful expression before in someone else.


All eyes turned to her and Jenna confronted with an air of hostility, “You sold us out?!”


The older woman looked down, her shoulders slumped in defeat. “No, but they might have been looking for me.”


“Why? I mean no offense lady but they have thousands just like you, why would they care?”


Senya swallowed hard and knew she had to come clean—if she was the target then everyone in the alliance could be in danger and they deserved to know why.


“Commander,” Senya turned to Eliza and prepared her confession, “there’s something you need to know. Valkorion was my husband and Arcann and Vaylin, they’re my children.”


Exuberant, deep laughter echoed through Eliza’s mind suddenly making it clear why she’d felt watched, where the familiarity came from.


“Hah, she told you… how delightful…” Valkorion appeared, only briefly before he was gone again.


They all stood baffled by the most unexpected piece of information they’d gotten out of Senya yet and as the true implications dawned, Eliza couldn’t help but snort and giggle earning herself various frowns.


“Oh I’m sorry, I know this shouldn’t be a laughing matter but… wow, of all things. I guess that explains why he appeared so focused on you when we met.”


“He…?” Senya didn’t quite follow.


“Heh, my turn to confess I suppose…” She chuckled. “Your husband, he kind of lives on inside my head.”


Senya’s eyes widened. “Valkorion lives on…?”


“If you can call it living.”


“Wait, hang on,” Jonas came between and tried hard to wrap his head around Senya’s admission while the mental images left him disturbed, “you had actual children with the Sith Emperor? A big, old, creepy and immortal guy who enjoys sucking the life out of living things…?”


“He was never this Sith Emperor you speak of with me.” Senya smiled in a wistful manner. “He was Valkorion and such a—”


“Yeah, I’m not ready to hear the details.” Theron threw his hands up to ward off any further unwanted explanations.


“Let’s take a few steps back and focus on what happened on Asylum,” he suggested instead.


“Yes, please,” Lord Cytharat agreed.


Jenna nodded. “Well, can we be certain they were there for us, or her?” she indicated at Senya, “What if it’s just a coincidence?”


“It doesn’t matter, they need our help. Those people fled Zakuul to get away from Arcann’s tyranny and now they’re subject to it all over again… Doc will have to wait,” Eliza made the decision.


She paced the area before the holo-terminal and mentally went over anyone who might be available to assist.


“Inform Praven, Darius, my uncle and Meg of the situation and have them prepare. Senya, will you join us? We could use the help.”


“Absolutely, I have to make this right.”


“Okay, then let’s get moving and meet up in the transport bay in an hour.”


Eliza rushed off with Theron following behind and once they got to her room, he roped her in and wrapped his arms around her to steal a split second of affection.


“Never a dull day,” he tried lightheartedly and nipped at her lips.


“Mm, you’ve got that right. I guess Arcann’s figured out we’re—”


The sudden chiming of her comm-device interrupted them both and Eliza groaned while she answered, “What is it?”


“Now now, is that any way of speaking to me, beautiful?” Vowrawn chided playfully at her annoyance.


“Oh, hi.” Her tone changed quickly and she smiled. “To what do I owe this honor?”


“Nothing good I’m afraid.” His jubilant demeanor took a turn.


“I received unsettling news—word came from Arcann, he’s seeking to identify a particular red-haired woman caught breaking into the Spire. It’s accompanied by a still of you.”


Theron and Eliza exchanged a quick glance and the latter sighed. “That was to be expected…”


“Yes, now, I was the one they contacted and naturally I’ve withheld all information. However, we discovered through Intelligence that the Republic received the same request and it turns out the Supreme Commander did hand over a full and detailed report on everything they know about you.”


Theron’s eyes widened. “What? The Supreme Commander, are you sure?”


“Positive. We’ve been monitoring their communications for some time now.”


“Damn!” he cursed, unable to believe his father would sell her out and he frowned, “I’m sorry Eliza.”


“Don’t be, it’s okay,” she reassured him, “I’m an enemy of the Republic, of course they’d share everything especially if it’ll gain them Arcann’s favor. In his shoes, I might have done the same.” She kissed him softly.


It did put them in a precarious situation however and Eliza turned her attention back to Vowrawn.


“You can’t go back to Zakuul. We have to assume Arcann knows everything including my association with you and the Empire. The fact you’ve failed to provide him with intel, he won’t be pleased and neither will Acina.”


“No, they won’t, but don’t you worry about me beautiful, I’ve outrun and survived worse but you, you need to watch yourself now there’s a target on your back.”


“We knew the risk when we went to free Kira, though this might explain why Vaylin attacked Asylum, if they’ve got eyes on us…”


She gave a pained grimace. “Do you have a copy of the exact information transmitted?”


“Sending it your way now.”


“Thank you, for everything, as always.”


“It’s my absolute pleasure, be well m’dear.”


Eliza ended the call and let out another exasperated sigh. “Stars, is it always going to be like this? The second one thing goes right, everything else turns into sh.it?”


“That does seem to be the way,” Theron sympathized while he retrieved her rucksack, “Vowrawn is right though, you need to watch your step now.”


He opened up the drawer of her nightstand to get her datapad when his eye caught the comm device he’d confiscated from Ravage following his arrest.


“Yeah… I suppose a confrontation lies in the near future,” Eliza muttered and disappeared behind the dressing screen in her room to change into something better suited for battle.


While she was distracted, Theron took the comm device and slipped it into the pocket of his jeans. He hadn’t forgotten what he’d overheard Ravage say in the cantina days ago nor had he been able to silence the nagging of his instincts when Eliza had mentioned creating a replica of Lord Scourge’s wedding band.


‘I should see if I can get a transmission log from this thing…’ he mused and quickly excused himself to Eliza, “I’m just going to grab a few things from my room.”


Right now he wouldn’t have enough time to fully investigate but at the very least he could get his decryption programs running and hope for a result by the time they’d return from Asylum.


He also felt he couldn’t tell Eliza, at least not before verifying his own suspicious, unwilling to cause her potentially unnecessary upset though he loathed keeping anything from her. The only comfort he found was in knowing that for now, Ravage was safely locked away and whatever the man had been up to, he’d have no way of furthering his schemes at this point.


“Do we have a plan?” Praven asked once everyone met back up.


“Clear Asylum of any remaining Skytroopers and try to convince everyone to come back with us,” Eliza offered, “We can’t protect that place or spare the manpower to keep guard.”


“Is it wise to bring them here though? The fact they’ve fled Zakuul doesn’t automatically put them on our side.”


She shrugged. “We’ll take it on a case-by-case basis, anyone who wishes to remain behind is free to but we won’t be coming to their rescue every single time, we can’t afford to.”


Senya tapped her on the shoulder and frowned, having followed the conversation. “Does uh, Valkorion have any suggestions? These are his people too.”


Her question caused Eliza to snort and shake her head. “It doesn’t quite work that way. He comes and goes as he pleases and has this annoying habit of failing to answer or even acknowledge any of my questions unless it serves his own agenda.”


‘Though I could use a little chat with you Vitiate…’ she dared to think and waited but the man who’d been gloating earlier remained silent, ‘Figures…’


As much as she hated his presence within her mind, at times she wished she could simply reach out to him and force him to satisfy her endless curiosities—she still hadn’t figured out how he’d ever managed to live a double life, how it was she’d defeated him at the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas while he’d clearly lived on as Emperor of Zakuul.


There was also the fact that his presence had somehow prevented her from entering the Force-realm she’d visited in the past, to speak with her grandfather and she desperately wanted to know just how much of her current life, her thoughts, Vitiate had access to.


It was moments like these where she desperately wished for Lord Scourge’s council, his vast knowledge of the Emperor and she turned to Lord Cytharat while they boarded her ship.


“Hey… I know it’s probably a stupid question but, do you know of any methods to uhm…” she paused and imagined herself to sound so ridiculous right now but she had to ask, “contact those who’ve passed on to the Force Astrum?”


He gave her an inquisitive look and accompanied her to the galley of the ship for privacy. “Uhm… I don’t, I’m not sure, why? Is this because of Theron? Do you want to contact Scourge?”


“No, well yes, I want to contact him, but no, not because of Theron. It’s… look, Scourge knows the Emperor better than anyone and I need answers. He might be the only one who could give them to me.”


“I don’t really know of anyone who’s ever…” Lord Cytharat twisted one of his tendril rings while he sunk into deep thought.


“Although,” he mused minutes later while the Vanora took off, “there is one thing, an ancient Pureblood tradition, but no one’s performed it in decades…”


“The Rite of Eroaga,” Praven said, having quietly followed them, “or in basic, The Rite of Unity, performed in the old days as part of matrimonial ceremonies.”


Lord Cytharat nodded. “A young couple would enter the ritual to seek the wisdom of their ancestors and their spirit Elders would either reject or sanction the union between the two bloodlines.


“But as I said, it hasn’t been performed in decades—I wouldn’t know how to.”


Eliza bit her lip and frowned. “I’m probably not Pureblood enough anyway, nor am I marrying one.”


Praven and Lord Cytharat exchanged a quick but meaningful glance, debating the matter with each other through a simple look into each other's eyes and Praven put a hand on Eliza’s shoulder.


“I can consult my books when we return,” he offered kindly, “but you must bear in mind the odds of success are minimal. There is no evidence the ritual has ever worked, only stories of legend.”


“And it would be complicated,” Lord Cytharat pointed out, “to establish a connection to the Force Astrum at all, let alone find one specific soul and that is assuming Scourge passed through the veil.”


“Why wouldn’t he have?” She frowned.


“Not all do. Some linger in Ora, the realm between our world and Astrum, for years either because of unresolved problems or to watch over and guide their loved ones.”




“If he’s there, he cannot be reached.”


“But we can try, right?” She held a pleading look in her eyes. “I mean, he might be the only one with the answers we need.”


Half reluctant but knowing there’d be no dissuading her now, Lord Cytharat nodded and hugged her to him. “We can try, yes.”






"Ora" is a Latin term for edge, shore, coast, verge and in this story represents limbo, essentially.

"Astrum" is a Latin term for immortality, heaven and in this story represents heaven for Force users.

I did not like the idea of going with more traditional names for these places too closely resembling our world's religions so I'm doing it this way instead. :) -- Thanks to Misha and Luna for helping me brainstorm Star Wars religion and the naming process.


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Lovely chapter!

Yay, Jenna snark! Glad she got her shots in, even if it didn't amount to much lol. I see that the chat came in handy, you chose some great terms for your afterlife, the suggestions were wonderful. I do love me some Latin.


I enjoyed the way Senya's confession came out, it was about time, they knew the truth. Praven and Cytharat continue to be a joy, I do love the both of them.


I look forward to the ritual and what comes of it. I suspect Eliza will have some unsettling truths unfold for her very soon.


Nicely done. I look forward to the next one. :)


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Nicely done.



So, Kaliyo. I hope Charlie throws her off a very tall building and records her screams for posterity.


Theron is doing spy stuff with the communicator, I'm anxious to see where all that leads. And, of course, hearing from Vowrawn is always a plus. Nice way to reference back to when he was hiding from the Emperor's Hand.


A new ritual, nicely thought out as far as Pureblood history goes, I do wonder what it will uncover. Perhaps more than anyone expects, especially if they are looking for Scourge.


I think your choices for the 'limbo' 'afterlife' names are quite fitting. Looking back at some of the dead languages and our own ancient history can supply a plethora of ideas.



Eagerly looking forward to whatever awaits them on Asylum.

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Lovely chapter!

Yay, Jenna snark! Glad she got her shots in, even if it didn't amount to much lol. I see that the chat came in handy, you chose some great terms for your afterlife, the suggestions were wonderful. I do love me some Latin.


I enjoyed the way Senya's confession came out, it was about time, they knew the truth. Praven and Cytharat continue to be a joy, I do love the both of them.


I look forward to the ritual and what comes of it. I suspect Eliza will have some unsettling truths unfold for her very soon.


Nicely done. I look forward to the next one. :)

Haha! I'm glad you find the snark amusing, figured some folks may have something to say. Stuff like this can't happen with everyone just praising it left and right.


Yeah, the chat was useful for sure. Naming stuff is always a thing that has me bashing my head onto my keyboard knowing exactly what I want and yet somehow not getting 'it', if that makes sense.


I love the guys as well, they're adorable and... hot. I have the ritual in mind, just need to see if I can make it play out as good as I'm envisioning it.


Thank you for leaving such a lovely comment. :)


Nicely done.



So, Kaliyo. I hope Charlie throws her off a very tall building and records her screams for posterity.


Theron is doing spy stuff with the communicator, I'm anxious to see where all that leads. And, of course, hearing from Vowrawn is always a plus. Nice way to reference back to when he was hiding from the Emperor's Hand.


A new ritual, nicely thought out as far as Pureblood history goes, I do wonder what it will uncover. Perhaps more than anyone expects, especially if they are looking for Scourge.


I think your choices for the 'limbo' 'afterlife' names are quite fitting. Looking back at some of the dead languages and our own ancient history can supply a plethora of ideas.



Eagerly looking forward to whatever awaits them on Asylum.

Wouldn't that be nice? Bub-bye Kaliyo! I don't like her character at all but as with pairing Vette and Risha, I thought the little in-game snippet of Kaliyo and Doc would serve nicely to pair them up here in the story.


Yep, Theron gets to do what he's best at, connecting dots others cannot even see and hope it leads to answers.


I thought the ritual might be interesting and I do enjoy mysticism and imagine with all the Force stuff and people like Nox eating ghosts, Force-ghosts being a part of their world and so forth something like this could be possible.


Thank you, and again for your help with the naming process. Your suggestions and picks really threw me onto the right path for making the choices I did and I appreciate it. :)

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Great chapter, I enjoyed it!:)



I like that you put Doc with Kaliyo on Asylum......that's interesting and kind of funny since he's all about saving lives and she is just the opposite! Hopefully he is keeping her in line somewhat....that is if anyone can:)


Looking forward to seeing how that ritual goes too!



Hurry and write more!:D

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