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Operative dps is over the top


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In some way i agree with u, our opener is really strong, maybe too strong, but in pve its total useless and sorry but 6k crits^^ maybe with the red buff yeah, but otherwise its 5xxx


So if they nerf Hidden Strike they have to buff our constant damage.


But please wait till everyone is 50 then we talk again.

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50 op here. I've played many warzones amd open world pvpd a lot. While our damage against low levels may be a bit much, I can tell you going against fully geared level 50s I'm actually wanting even more dps. Let the majority of players get to 50 before complaining about these things because in the end I think it'll even itself out.


Also after that initial burst we don't have a lot going for us. Being a burst dps champ, that's how its supposed to be.

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We're the only class without a sprint, a knockback, a leap, or a pull. On the ramps in Huttball we are a joke especially if there is more than one knockback. Our opener is too strong against lower level players, but that is an issue with the lack of a bracket system keeping level 50s away from level 12s. I'm not saying that Operatives are bad, but if you take away our burst what do we have to keep us from being pigeonholed into healing in pvp? Edited by Izzle
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Iam not sure if an operative is that usefull in hutball, I stay cloaked most of the times ..especially if your cd´s are not up. The class is so dependant on the stealth opener.


By the way how is your tactic here. If you hit with the opener and the bubble absorbs the dmg, you get instant the backkick. So your highest dmg is gone....how do you manage this.


And how is ranged dmg at lvl 50, at 40 around you have to suck 3000 crits from range plus white dmg, so its 5k in a couple of seconds aswell, but from range.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Fighting 50s is where it becomes a challenge for a concealment operative, because we can't quickly take down those players like we can with lowbies. The people that are complaining about our class need to actually get to 50 first and get some pvp gear. Completely changes the game. I will say that my burst damage is a bit rediculous and I always get top damage in games but that's because there are a lot of lowbies still queuing that I purposely target first because they are easy compared to a level 50 sin who can take my damage and shrug it right off.
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i am a 50 mercenary with nearly full champions gear and i have friends with half battlemaster / full champion.


Almost all of us have come to the conception that the operative / scoundrel burst is WAY too high, they can 100 -> 0 underleveled players in just a stun and even in full pvp gear they can still take over 60% of my health in just 1 stun.


needs a little tuning

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Concealment spec Operative burst damage IS too high when geared out, it has nothing to do with hitting 50, I am a healing Op in full champion gear and as others have stated a concealment Op can still do 60% or more of my health within the hidden strikes 2 second stun time. Even 31 points in Medic I still crit for nearly 3000 with hidden strike and close to the same with backstab, Concealment can do over 4000 with each in champion gear, combined with shiv, laceration and the damage from acid blade the burst from stealth becomes ridiculous.


The downside of Operative damage spec is how easy to CC they are with no charge or force speed and such, so for high level group play their burst can be somewhat negated by allies stunning and slowing them to death.


In pugs however you do not get that luxury and there is simply no way for ANY class to survive concealment Operative burst damage alone.


Nerfing the damage will be tricky though, as without 50 epic gear (Centurion and up) the Concealment operative's damage is fine and lowering it may overly gimp them.

Edited by SystemID
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You kids are kidding yourself.


Yeah you know what, you're right. Let me spend a couple weeks if I'm lucky to get a full set of pvp gear to stop getting 2 shot before I get off the ground from on operative who isn't even in (full) pvp gear. 5k Crits in a row? You're delusional.


People will always try to defend things.


I see level 40 operatives breezing through people higher level than them like they were made out of butter.


Operatives/Scoundrels are a joke. Period.

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im a lvl 50 op with a good amount of champion gear, and when going up against good lvl 50s with good teamwork, i dont even try to burst any of them


at that point, all im there for is to irritate


if only people would work on teamwork rather than come straight to forums to whine


heres a tip, stop wandering around by yourself

Edited by mosdef
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They're true assassins. Something not seen too often in mmos anymore. Yes, they can blast a single target, from stealth, for a huge amount (my scoundrel record is currently 5.8k w/ my champ-lvl surge trinket), but they can be ripped apart in seconds when focused.
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They're true assassins. Something not seen too often in mmos anymore. Yes, they can blast a single target, from stealth, for a huge amount (my scoundrel record is currently 5.8k w/ my champ-lvl surge trinket), but they can be ripped apart in seconds when focused.


8.6k for me.

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Concealment-Operatives don´t win Warzones for their team.


Trooper/BHs and Sages/Sorceres in general do. Keep that in mind when complaining about "ololol high burst".


I win plenty of games for my team by ninja capping and repeatedly killing healers to the point they are too demoralized to keep playing.

Edited by Stncold
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We do what we are designed to do: kill a single target. If our escape is still cooling down we're dead after that. Operatives might be able (with trinkets at high level) to quickly take someone out, but we usually pay for it.


Now if evicierate was enabled in PvP then we WOULD be OP.

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Stealth based characters in these games ned to be very scary when attacking from stealth. They need to be able to make players freak out that they're almost dead and to not think straight. Once out of Stealth Op's are very squishy.


Basically if you're good all the opener does is even the playing field for the rest of the fight (since Ops can't go toe to toe that long against other classes out in the open.) If you're bad like the OP you come to the forums and ask for nerfs.

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The problem with Operatives right now is not the burst dps, although it is slightly over the top.

There are two bigger problems to me.


The first is the extremely low skill-cap. Don't get me wrong I love this class and it's playstyle, but this class is a joke as far as skill-required. Sorc is the only class that requires less skill than Operative. The only skill involved is avoiding getting randomly destealthed by aoes. You have so much CC and cooldowns if you are caught out of stealth it's a laugh. Flashbang, debilitate, cloaking screen, evasion, shield probe. Marauders have less defensive cooldowns than this "stealth glass cannon" class. The low skill-cap is further evidenced by the many absolute garbage scoundrels/ops on my server that still somehow manage to completely dunk on people left and right.



The second is Advanced Cloaking. This talent is ridiculous. Vanish on a 2 minute cooldown along with 50% movement speed is dumb. It makes it so you don't even have to think about when a good situation to use it is, you just use it and it's back up in 2 minutes, no problem. That 50% movement makes it near impossible for somebody to use an aoe and pop you afterwards also.


The rewards far outweigh the risks with this class, and it's the biggest problem.

Edited by Stncold
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The low skill-cap is further evidenced by the many absolute garbage scoundrels/ops on my server that still somehow manage to completely dunk on people left and right.





i love when people spew this type of garbage, who are you to say someone is garbage if they keep stomping you and others? are you sitting over their shoulder watching them play? seeing that they are actually complete idiots but still pull off ridiculous crap? no i didn't think so. you just have this deluded fantasy that anyone killing you a lot must be a garbage player with an OP class, because thats the only way its possible

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i love when people spew this type of garbage, who are you to say someone is garbage if they keep stomping you and others? are you sitting over their shoulder watching them play? seeing that they are actually complete idiots but still pull off ridiculous crap? no i didn't think so. you just have this deluded fantasy that anyone killing you a lot must be a garbage player with an OP class, because thats the only way its possible


Where did I say they kill me? Good job putting words in my mouth.


I stomp all of the people I'm thinking of 1v1 on a regular basis actually. Most of them can't land HS/Shoot First on another stealther or twitchy target if their life depended on it. Which isn't really hard to do at all.


I'm talking about how I constantly watch them play really terribly but still manage to completely wreck other people with this very easy to play low-risk high-reward class.


FYI, I played Operative extensively in beta and was the 2nd 50 Operative on my server. Just because I play the class doesn't mean I can't think it's not OP or easy to play.

Edited by Stncold
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Where did I say they kill me? Good job putting words in my mouth.


I stomp all of the people I'm thinking of 1v1 on a regular basis actually. Most of them can't land HS/Shoot First on another stealther or twitchy target if their life depended on it.


I'm talking about how I constantly watch them play really terribly but still manage to completely wreck other people with this very easy to play low-risk high-reward class.


FYI, I played Operative extensively in beta and was the 2nd 50 Operative on my server. Just because I play the class doesn't mean I can't think it's not OP or easy to play.


I fail to see how the long list of skills you mentioned makes things easy? Plus how do you know these Ops you're "watching" are terrible if they're beating people. Are you watching streams or are you watching them in WZ's?

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