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Operative dps is over the top


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You guys are full of crap TBH, "if you survive the 1st stun"... wow what an excellent example of a well balanced system.


Burst wins PvP, so nobody cares if their sustained isn't as high as the Dual Wield classes.


It takes the other guy longer to respawn and get back to the fight than it does for your abilities to reset.

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People don't understand how pvp scaling works. U need good gear or ull get pawned. A lvl20 in lvl20 gear will beat a lvl40 in lvl20 gear.


Wait...so you're saying that, if you fail to upgrade your gear, you actually get *weaker* as you level? Not just weaker relative to your content, but weaker than you were before? Your level 20 character could gank you because you leveled up 20 times?

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Wait...so you're saying that, if you fail to upgrade your gear, you actually get *weaker* as you level? Not just weaker relative to your content, but weaker than you were before? Your level 20 character could gank you because you leveled up 20 times?


Current speculation is that bolster depends on the quality of your gear, relative to your level. If that holds true, then you would get relatively weaker in PvP if you level but do not upgrade your kit.


I have not seen anybody test this, though it doesn't sound too tough to do.

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Right now every class is strong, but calling for nerfs at this point is pointless. For PvP we need to wait until people are geared properly and for PvE we have no combat log, there is zero way to see what class is strong in that regard.
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a lvl 27 rofl stabbed me to death with chain stuns and backstab/shiv, all he did was stab me and it was critting for 2-3k each hit. he did this multiple times, when i finally got him low once he just stealthed away


i dont believe any of that bull.... . he could never chainstun u, ehm because he got only one stun each 45 sec ( 30 if he talented it but i dont think so )

3k hit on lvl 27? i dont think so, what spell could do that dmg on lvl 27? lol sry but open your eyes. for sure it was more 1,8k - 2,3k.

if he could stab u so often to nearly death, u failed yourself. l2p

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i dont believe any of that bull.... . he could never chainstun u, ehm because he got only one stun each 45 sec ( 30 if he talented it but i dont think so )

3k hit on lvl 27? i dont think so, what spell could do that dmg on lvl 27? lol sry but open your eyes. for sure it was more 1,8k - 2,3k.

if he could stab u so often to nearly death, u failed yourself. l2p


I hit a 2.6k crit on my lvl 12 operative in warzone earlier (self-buffed) so what the person said isn't completely unreasonable. =P


EDIT: The chain-stun that he claimed made no sense though. >_>

Edited by Sirokai
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It's funny how I have good fights with good players. And the people that literally do nothing while I kill them, come here to post about how OP my class is.




ive had amazing fights against vanguards, guardians and some marauders who were genuinely good players.


sometimes i won, sometimes they outplayed me and i lost. once you put some skill behind a keyboard its amazing how balanced the game becomes.

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i dont believe any of that bull.... . he could never chainstun u, ehm because he got only one stun each 45 sec ( 30 if he talented it but i dont think so )

3k hit on lvl 27? i dont think so, what spell could do that dmg on lvl 27? lol sry but open your eyes. for sure it was more 1,8k - 2,3k.

if he could stab u so often to nearly death, u failed yourself. l2p


Besides the knockdown from Hidden Strike, we have only one stun that we can use deliberately (Debilitate) and you're right, it's on a long-ish CD. Collateral Strike, however, can also stun weak/standard targets. I'm not actually sure what classification players fall into but that might help.


And 3k hit is possible. The bronze medal for single hit in Warzones is 2.5k and I'm almost positive I've gotten the silver one at least once. I don't always check but every time I do, 2.5 is definitely there.

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ive had amazing fights against vanguards, guardians and some marauders who were genuinely good players.


sometimes i won, sometimes they outplayed me and i lost. once you put some skill behind a keyboard its amazing how balanced the game becomes.




Besides the knockdown from Hidden Strike, we have only one stun that we can use deliberately (Debilitate) and you're right, it's on a long-ish CD. Collateral Strike, however, can also stun weak/standard targets. I'm not actually sure what classification players fall into but that might help.


And 3k hit is possible. The bronze medal for single hit in Warzones is 2.5k and I'm almost positive I've gotten the silver one at least once. I don't always check but every time I do, 2.5 is definitely there.


collateral dont works in pvp and hiddenstrike is a lvl 36 abilitiy AND u have to spend 2 points for knockdown. he claimed that the player was lvl 27 :confused:

Edited by Brixx
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collateral dont works in pvp and hiddenstrike is a lvl 36 abilitiy AND u have to spend 2 points for knockdown. he claimed that the player was lvl 27 :confused:


Ah, yeah. I misread what you said and mixed it up with what he said.


Thanks for clarifying the collateral strike thing. I wasn't actually sure since I just started PvPing.


Now I'm in the same boat as you, at least in trying to figure out how this guy claims to be chainstunned by a 27. I'm thinking there was someone else there or he had the wrong target.

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I hit a 2.6k crit on my lvl 12 operative in warzone earlier (self-buffed) so what the person said isn't completely unreasonable. =P


EDIT: The chain-stun that he claimed made no sense though. >_>


This is very rare and call yourself lucky...my highest crit with lvl 36 with self buff is around 2800 on lower level player. Getting a lot better when you get hidden strike, its deadly for people in low armor. If the whole combo crits its gg. But of course you need to be in stealth to use HD and be prepared that a bubble will absorb the dmg.

Edited by BobaFurz
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completly ******** what i read here in that thread.


I got a lvl 50 Operative and i roflstompf everyone, BUT here comes it, not if the enemy is 50 and have equip.


Lvl 50 changes everything the people get gear and have like 16k hp and more, thats the point the Operative looses his whole Hiddenstrike and Dead mechanic.


Ofc the burst is high and ofc i can take a bunch of hp with my whole combo, but please take in consideration that after Hidden Strike the White Bar is full i can't stunlock or something and everything is on CD after all my skills.


If everything critted then my enemy (lvl 50 with eq) is maybe at 30%, that's the point i am vulnurable, if anybody is in the near i will be possibly dead ecpecially if a Healer is in the near and heals my enemy then my whole burst was for nothing. It's all about catching people who walk alone, having Vanish ready etc.


So stop trashtalk, get to 50 and get your gear and Operative/Scoundrel will not be OP anymore.

Edited by Lykurgos
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I got a lvl 50 Operative and i roflstompf everyone, BUT here comes it, not if the enemy is 50 and have equip.


Well everything else than lvl 50ies in pvp gear is not interesting when it comes to high end pvp, its important how you do versus same level with same high quality pvp gear.


How is the class doing here ?

Edited by BobaFurz
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At level 38, I can attest that we come no where close to rofl-stomping people before the stuns wear off. I'm in top level gear. I'll repost once I get acid blade.


Pre-acid blade I think there may be some exaggerations in this thread.

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so you are basically saying the class is fine because you just get a 70% hp advantage over same geared players... seems reasonable.

You know I'm in the same boat as you, my champion set is almost complete and on 2 lucky crits (well with 50% crit rate it's actually not that lucky) I can two shot people without pvp gear (hs + bs + 2 acid blade ticks). As you said the burst is still very strong even on players with about the same level of gear - sure you wont kill them in the hs stun but it is more then enough to finish em off.

If there is a 2nd player nearby you do have tools to escape or cc them temporarily (debilate / blind grenade or even vanish and reopen on the other player)

If anyone seriously thinks hidden strike - a skill which crits for ~6k _AND_ comes with a stun is fine is just insane.


Our opener should be nerfed and our out of stealth dps / surviabilty should be buffed.

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so you are basically saying the class is fine because you just get a 70% hp advantage over same geared players... seems reasonable.

You know I'm in the same boat as you, my champion set is almost complete and on 2 lucky crits (well with 50% crit rate it's actually not that lucky) I can two shot people without pvp gear (hs + bs + 2 acid blade ticks). As you said the burst is still very strong even on players with about the same level of gear - sure you wont kill them in the hs stun but it is more then enough to finish em off.

If there is a 2nd player nearby you do have tools to escape or cc them temporarily (debilate / blind grenade or even vanish and reopen on the other player)

If anyone seriously thinks hidden strike - a skill which crits for ~6k _AND_ comes with a stun is fine is just insane.


Our opener should be nerfed and our out of stealth dps / surviabilty should be buffed.


How are you doing versus classes at lvl 50 who have pvp gear but have higher armor values i.e. Commando, Shadow Tank, and Guardian/Jugger


In other words does this class in the high end game has some classes you rather avoid and the operative is specialized to take out certain classes only in short time ? In other mmos rogue class had often its nemesis but was deadly versus certain others.

Edited by BobaFurz
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