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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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IDK once we reassured him in EoO he was fine on Satele's ship and even tried to talk down a Psycho Servant. I really just would love my JC and other PC's to be like, "I need to cry scream or whatever" they deserve it. And let's face it, Arcann with his gravel voice soothing us, is all the feels.

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I found Old Wounds more significant than EoO, since in Old Wounds he reassured himself that he was on the right path, and we just provided additional reassurance.

Ah, Arcann's voice. Instantly captivated me the first time I heard it. How does Dellums do it?!! 

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Well I'm not saying it wasn't huge in Old Wounds it was, just not the only time he showed post-Emperor confidence. I mean he did crash Vaylin's party not knowing we got there first. He wanted to help her and stop the war. Also, I still think he's quite confident as he arrives on Odessen enough to quip and tell us his thoughts. It also took guts for him to urge mercy for Theron! I think any perceived lack of confidence is more being due to communicating to a lover.

Edited by JakRoanin
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  • 5 weeks later...

Time to resurrect this thread again! ☺️

I figure it'll be quite a while before we'll see Arcann again (I'm not complaining about that - he had no connection to the storyline of 7.4 and I'm still riding the high from Old Wounds!). While we wait and hope for more content featuring him in the future, I would love to exchange fandom/fanfiction/fanmerch recommendations with the rest of you.

Here's a few from me:

This is probably a little late for Christmas, but if any of you are looking for buy yourselves a gift, this wonderful seller on Etsy still has a few Arcann holograms for sale (commissioned and posed by @Siita and myself). We had the idea from the Vaylin holo that you can pick up from the palace in KOTET. "Let him light up your life" 😉

I plan to pick up this squad of Zakuul Knight minis from Etsy, too. It should be a fun challenge to paint those!

I've also been reaching out to some artists in the hopes of commissioning some artwork of Arcann and my JK in the new year. I hope to have something amazing to share in this thread soon ☺️One of the best pieces of Arcann I've seen recently is by BBSketchess, over here.

Jake Bartok, who works as an illustrator for Lucasfilm, also did an interesting AU KOTOR piece with Arcann in it not that long ago.

Edit: With the author's permission, I'd also like to recommend the fanfiction of StarettetheStar/@cosmicchar whose work can be found on Ao3. I really enjoy introspective character studies (sometimes more than romance fics) and these ones are very well-written. This one is my favourite ❤️

As for myself, I just finished a new story about the Old Gods and a very young, mortal, pre-possession Valkorion. It was a highly experimental piece for me and I don't expect many people to be interested in it, but I had so much fun writing it and I'm really happy with the result. I aim to write another chapter to my main story over the holidays (the one in my signature) and I have another WIP about Arcann hopefully ready to publish soon, too.

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I highly recommend this story (Arcann ponders about fatherhood while his daughter sleeps). It was a huge inspiration for me to start writing, because I fell in love with the idea, and I had to write it myself. I've put my Ao3 in my signature.

I hope there can be a romance scene sometime in the future where they discuss this topic (IIRC some class companions do have this conversation). The concept of Arcann becoming a dad has so much personal significance for him, it deserves to be an official voiced scene. There can be wholesome fluff, but also the concept of being a father could strike a lot of deeply-rooted fear in him. There's a lot of opportunity for character growth here, alongside his current journey of atonement and healing.

1. It's now full circle. Arcann starts out as a scorned son, and now he's a father. What lessons will he teach so his child doesn't make his same mistakes? He would never repeat Valkorion's abuse, but what new mistakes might he make as a parent?

2. This works well with his atonement. He can heal the bloodstained legacy of his family, create a new legacy, where his children don't repeat the past.

3. This can be a huge step in healing his relationship with "fatherhood" and "family" in general. Be the supportive father he never had.

4. This can also heal his relationship with being a leader. He once wanted to be emperor, but since he caused so much devastation while being in power, he's content with serving the Alliance, being a follower. This brings him back to a position of leadership, since his child looks up to him. He no longer wants to lead through fear, but that's all he knows about it. How will he change that?

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You all are the best!

It makes me so happy to see this thread still alive and well!

One thing I wanted to bring up again... it is incredibly frustrating that Arcann's customizations are locked behind the DvL tokens that were obtainable only a few years ago.  Arcann is literally the only character in the game that this affects :(


Any suggestions as to where we could post about this again? Is there a recommended consolidated thread?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all, long time lurker here! so with 7.4.1’s stream planned for the 14th next month, and the long awaited Date Night rumoured to be dropping along side it, how we all feeling about Arcann getting more content potentially so soon?

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I've heard about this "date night" business and while I'm all for more Arcann love (always) all my PC's deserve 'date night' with their LI's. So I hope it's not only Arcann otherwise I be mad! 😡

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1 hour ago, denajii said:

I'm hoping we get date nights with Arcann, Andronikos and Scourge lol


And Jaesa 😭

Apparently from what I’ve heard, all the current romance NPC’s are suppose to get a Date Night mission, may or not may not be the case at this point.

Arcann’s was confirmed pretty much in 7.3 when


by complete accident, some players accidentally got his broken and unfinished Date Mission on a datapad on their ships, no matter if they’d romanced him or even met him yet! but it was hot fixed pretty fast so it wasn’t really noticed by a lot of players.


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9 minutes ago, Glorifying said:

Apparently from what I’ve heard, all the current romance NPC’s are suppose to get a Date Night mission, may or not may not be the case at this point.

Arcann’s was confirmed pretty much in 7.3 when

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by complete accident, some players accidentally got his broken and unfinished Date Mission on a datapad on their ships, no matter if they’d romanced him or even met him yet! but it was hot fixed pretty fast so it wasn’t really noticed by a lot of players.


i've gotten lana and arcann dating night picture (no actual picture it was just a green cube) at illum gree vendor few months back.

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I just want to remind everyone to be careful what you discuss here on the official forum. I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to talk about unreleased and unannounced content.

Aside from the datapad bug, there's also a certain item in the decoration list (unfinished and unplacable, but there) which the Devs haven't bothered to remove in months, so I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a secret or not. But everything else known about this potentially upcoming content is a result of datamining and definitely not something we should discuss in detail, even with spoiler tags.

The next livestream just so happens to be on Valentine's Day... Fingers crossed that's not a coincidence! I really, really hope the Devs make an announcement then so that we can talk about this openly. Until then, I also want to remind everyone that @Siita and I have a Discord server dedicated to discussing all things Arcann and KOTFE/KOTET (including things that aren't appropriate to talk about here). If anyone wants an invitation, just PM one of us! 🙂

As for how I feel about possibly getting certain yet-to-be-officially-announced Arcann content soon... I'm barely coherent from excitement right now and I have so many thoughts and feelings that I can't wait to talk about! 😊

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  • 4 weeks later...

Arcann date night is happening!!! So glad it's going to be repeatable. Sparring is the perfect date setting for him. I hope to see his golden Force powers again.

I wonder if we can choose who wins the spar? He's shown humility in losing to us in a fight before, now he can show humility in winning? Good opportunity for backstory on being raised as a weapon?


Edited by cosmicchar
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I have 1 SW with Arcann and am stoked about date night, not only with him, but with the others as well. Any bets as to if Quinn is last in line? LOL. Anyway, this has been suggested several times. I'm so pleased that the devs are doing this.

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In order I am excited for...

1. Arcann: Obviously My baby JC can earn her Focus Guardian spec with the excuse of date night. Arcann I believe is Rage Spec.

2. Thank the Force, Vector will at some point get cuddles. Really he's my type in RL so how can I not be blissed I tell you.

3. Vette! Yes! She and SW should have been doing this in base game.

4. Aric Jorgun, but I don't want blasters involved. My Fem Trooper wants to feel feminine and desired not play soldier every minute of every day!

5. Elara, my Male Trooper needs actual family time where work and the Republic aren't a factor. Again no blasters, no med emergencies, no work, please.

6. Kira and it better not be sparring please. Although I really can't imagine what would be her ideal date.

7. Theron, he's last because he gets regular flirts anyway. 

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