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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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I always felt like if Arcann were to have hair, he'd have a neat hairstyle similar to his dad!I drew him with hair once, and made it long too. :p

Prefer him shaved though! Kinda like Solas has to be bald.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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I'm not afraid to admit I think both Valss and the lady had soft spots for him :p he's got some explainin' to do to Saf :eek:

I guess the same is true about Valss and Naeya xD

I played Copero with the Naeya that was meant to romance Arcann, and even though I've never flirted with Theron on that lady, it still felt as is there was more than just friendship going on between these 2.


Nice Sh btw, mine don't look good unfortunately. the entrance of my Yavin sh, looks like a theater's entrance :D


I did it.I paint some hair on Arcann (to see what he'll look like)

here is the result.

Well, this is an amazing work, but i prefer him with his shaved hair.

Edited by Goreshaga
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I guess the same is true about Valss and Naeya xD

I played Copero with the Naeya that was meant to ramance Arcann, and even though I've never flirted with Theron on that lady, it still felt as is there was more than just friendship going on between these 2.


Nice Sh btw, mine don't look good unfortunately. the entrance of my Yavin sh, looks like a theater's entrance :D


xD yeah.

Majority of my strongholds are patchy with half done rooms and empty rooms. I do them in bits and pieces as I get ideas while running around.

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Hu... While I REALLY admire the nice texture you gave to the hair... I think that I just cannot see him this way. ;)


Wel, this is an amazing work, but i prefer him with his shaved hair.

Oh I totally understand! I did it for fun and laughed when I was done:p

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I guess I better log in! :rak_03:


While I'm impressed with the prices, I'm waiting for a collections unlock sale to start. I think I heard a "maybe May" comment at one point. Got so much collected, got so much I wish all my characters could access xD

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I really like the cybernetic one!


Me too - I have several varactyles and the cavern one was always my favourite but this one looks so interesting, I can't really take my eyes off it, guess I will end up buying it...


The Dark Honors Guard Electroblade is an item I really like too but I don't know for which character I would use it. Those who can use it would rather use a light saber. I guess it would be something for Khem? But as much as I like Khem I wouldn't buy it just for him (although I bought the Dark Honor Guard Curved Vibrostaff for my Vectors).


And finally I got my Watchman Hoverchair - I was waiting for it such a long time. And I got the corrupted command flair that I was looking for. Really glad they did this direct sale although yes, as some people have already noticed some things are missing including decorations.


It's really not worth looking at >.>

Bonus - statue garden, they all really wanna kill that garden!


Oh nice! My strongholds are mostly empty except for Coruscant + Dromund Kaas. I always have the trouble that I can't really decide what to do there.


I mean - how do you all see your strongholds? Is it the stronghold for a single character that you have? Or for several like a family stronghold? Or like a Jedi temple or vacation retreat?


I did it.I paint some hair on Arcann (to see what he'll look like)

here is the result.


Oh that looks interesting. It kind of reminds me of Kiefer Sutherland. But I think I prefer the shaved version for Arcann.

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The Arcann romance wasn't that bad. Given the state of the game I'm unsure if we'll ever see anything more.


There is still a possibility that we may see more of Arcann. I've heard that Bioware is still making content for the game and there is a new expansion confirmed but it won't be called "Knights of the ...", we will be going back to the original story of the Republic vs Empire, so we will have to wait and see.

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Me too - I have several varactyles and the cavern one was always my favourite but this one looks so interesting, I can't really take my eyes off it, guess I will end up buying it...


Agreed and I think I will too!!

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