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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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I wished they hadn't left out chunks of character development although its expected from this MMO. But I definitely headcanon a Force Bond between my SW and Arcann. Both of them was too intuitive to each other goes without saying. Although, the idea of Arcann's devotion to the Commander can be many things; romantically or not; that was a valid deterrence. I wouldn't be surprised there's many who are terrified of the Commander having that much influence over a man who conquered the galaxy all by himself.


I hope Arcann won't see that as a leash and emphasis on "ally". I don't need another grovelling loyal servant who would inevitably backstab me.

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OK. I've not been that geeky on it. :p


Goreshaga, I've a request... I am writing a new fiction, but this time I had to write it in french first as it will be a bit longer and I want to sort my thoughts in my native language first. When it is done, would you read it for me and give me your opinion before I try to translate it?

Sure ^^

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Of course it's for if both people are force sensitive, rather then a force user and a non-force user but *shrugs* xD seeing as I mostly play force users the theory works for them.


It's the Force bond stuff, or referred in game by Lana and Arcann as a connection, or connection through the Force. One in dialogue, the other in a letter. And in canon with the latest Movie featuring it between Rey and Kylo. Lana only brings up the strong connection she has if romance dialogue is taken during SoR, Arcann mentions feeling a strong conenction in a letter. Whether those are force bond is up to the player - and if their character is force sensitive, though with Valky's power switch up in chapter 12 it's likely to occur without them needing to be force sensitive - but I like to think so as it would not be mentioned lightly. I touch a lot on it in my fic for my SW.


Things that cannot be said mention Arcann is devoted to the commander, but that's seen in-game also even if not explicitly stated. The entirety of SoR and KotFE shows Lana's devotion and loyalty, almost oddly so if playing a save everyone sacrifice self pure Jedi for example.


Force bonds are really interesting - I mean you have it (often?) with Master/Padawan and I guess between Sith Master/Apprentice too (wasn't there a force bond between Ashara and Sith Inqui?) so I think if you have two lovers that are force sensitive it is quite likely that they share a force bond too.


Regarding break ups: I am glad those reactions (even in letter form - better than nothing) are in the game but I try to avoid it. It is just so sad. Until now my characters stay with the LI they have and don't romance someone else if I already know they will get someone else later.

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Hey-hey, welcome back ^^. Wait, you have read all of this? Wow :). I get a feeling that moderators clear this thread periodically (it is a hard job), so this can explain the confusion and sudden turns of conversation.


So... How is your leveling?




Oh, don't play innocent, you have been around and helped Milishor to turn an innocent question about Force Bonds into something I got my first warning point for :p. Still not sure why it was me who was deemed a bad girl...


Edit: check your PM, Dusk.

I spent most of my evening catching up :D was crawling by the end but I was determined...the unread posts were beginning to talk to me :eek: >_>


As for leveling that was the cause/ point of my pause forumwise...I believe it has already been stated that I am easily distracted :o:rolleyes:

I now have my new Sith Warrior (Not the one I have previously shown pics of) at Balmorra, further than I got with my Bounty hunter :) on an not entirely different subject my Sith warrior is level 52 :o I think my level grinding is possibly heading into compulsive territory :rak_04:


-A comically aghast voice- I did no such thing :p I made a perfectly innocent inquiry about Throuples :D

-Grins- But seriously, I'm not sure how I'de even know if I have a warning.

Edited by DuskIsNotAmused
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Force bonds are really interesting - I mean you have it (often?) with Master/Padawan and I guess between Sith Master/Apprentice too (wasn't there a force bond between Ashara and Sith Inqui?) so I think if you have two lovers that are force sensitive it is quite likely that they share a force bond too.


Regarding break ups: I am glad those reactions (even in letter form - better than nothing) are in the game but I try to avoid it. It is just so sad. Until now my characters stay with the LI they have and don't romance someone else if I already know they will get someone else later.


What I like and dislike about the different romances, dialogue branches and all the letters from KotFE onward is to get all the information available for all companions and interactions and the Alliance, and history from the 5 years the player character was in carbonite, you need to find it from all sources. Like the letters in various ways showing some opinions on Arcann (even if not romanced), and the whole Lana + Koth stuff you get best info through a specific story path, and the one I hate most finding out just how wrecked the Commander was after the Iokath chair sabotage only if you romanced Elara on a male trooper. it does not negate or say that's incorrect unless a trooper male, you just don't find out at all otherwise....

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You know! BW should pay you to write their story rather than pay they current writer that never play the game and have no love nor talent to do their job.

Ahah, I loved it. Some parts are a bit sad but the whole is really funny. :-)

That's really cute. And I didn't realize there's already a lot of Arcann fics on AO3 now. <3 The last time I check was a couple years ago and there's like two or three.


I feel like a proud mama. Oh... ideas for Senya's perspective!

That's a good read! Thank you!


See this Keith and Musco? I will let you know that I have more than five years of experience as a Copywriter and currently in the process of having my own fantasy novel (trilogy) published. And the quality is far higher than the rushed fanfictions I posted here. You can get the information you need to find me on LinkedIn from my billing information. :D


Now that I am done trolling the Devs :p Thank you very much for your kind words. I'm glad you liked it.


That being said, I do think the writers try to do their best. I'm sure there are probably restrictions preventing them from doing a lot of things they would like. And the fact that Charles bothered to consult with some of the authors, who originally wrote about this universe, does show some dedication.

Edited by Cowoline
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Yeah I'd cut the writer(s) some slack because they don't have as much freedom as writing fan fictions. They have to work with what can be done in game. Not that they are above approach. Just criticize what's written and not make too many assumptions.
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Yeah I'd cut the writer(s) some slack because they don't have as much freedom as writing fan fictions. They have to work with what can be done in game. Not that they are above approach. Just criticize what's written and not make too many assumptions.


Not to mention game mechanics and everything else. I doubt they have much creative freedom in the end. All they can do is try to make the best of what they have.

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Not to mention game mechanics and everything else. I doubt they have much creative freedom in the end. All they can do is try to make the best of what they have.


Indeed!! Nice to see reasonable people around here.

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I think that we still have to be conscious of the kind of game we have here.

I've been playing MMOs for 20 years and none of those I've played had a story of this quality... Or a real meaningful story at all. In SWTOR, we have a full storyline ON TOP of the other usual mecanics. It is quite unprecedented for this kind of game.

This means that there are many other players that are not that attracted by the story by itself and they have to spread their forces on all types of contents, deciding what are the best choices.

Last but not least, even among those who have an interest in the storyline, I am pretty sure that we have different focus points and different tastes. Writing a meaningful story is an art. Some people will like it, some people won't depending on the things they are sensitive to. The only thing that would be really bad is if there were a story so average that nobody cares about. As long as people react, it is actually quite positive, in fact.


And to all the fanfiction writers, let's write what lies between the lines of the official story. ;)

Edited by Iheaca
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Even when I dislike the story, I disliked bashing the writers because it's hard to write a good story with limitations from the other departments ("Oh, I can't do this cool 15 minute reunion for an old companion because the programmers are still busy trying to get rid of nasty bugs in the fp that should be coming soon and don't have time for that? Fine, I'll guess it's gonna be 3 minutes instead"). In fact, Ashara's return made me wonder if it was written that way, or if it was written as "Ashara escapes" and then someone who didn't write the scene but did the coding for what actually happens on screen decided that having her just walk away was the easiest way to put it in game. Without realizing how that changed the story.


At this point, different people also have different interpretations of characters. I rarely read fanfics, and when I do, I do sometimes feel that a character is acting a little OOC for me -- however, I accept that because it's understandable that people have different ideas on the details of a character, even if they can agree with the base personality. So I feel writers should be given some slack when writing characters that aren't their own, as it's their interpretation of the character they're writing.

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Even when I dislike the story, I disliked bashing the writers because it's hard to write a good story with limitations from the other departments ("Oh, I can't do this cool 15 minute reunion for an old companion because the programmers are still busy trying to get rid of nasty bugs in the fp that should be coming soon and don't have time for that? Fine, I'll guess it's gonna be 3 minutes instead"). In fact, Ashara's return made me wonder if it was written that way, or if it was written as "Ashara escapes" and then someone who didn't write the scene but did the coding for what actually happens on screen decided that having her just walk away was the easiest way to put it in game. Without realizing how that changed the story.


At this point, different people also have different interpretations of characters. I rarely read fanfics, and when I do, I do sometimes feel that a character is acting a little OOC for me -- however, I accept that because it's understandable that people have different ideas on the details of a character, even if they can agree with the base personality. So I feel writers should be given some slack when writing characters that aren't their own, as it's their interpretation of the character they're writing.


Agreed! I'm not a reader of fanfics myself, but it's nice that there are those who enjoy writing and reading it. :)

I do feel that if we're to be a writers go all out and end up with an inconsistent story that's totally to my liking. This is probably why I'm not a writer. :rak_03:

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I think that we still have to be conscious of the kind of game we have here.

I've been playing MMOs for 20 years and none of those I've played had a story of this quality... Or a real meaningful story at all. In SWTOR, we have a full storyline ON TOP of the other usual mecanics. It is quite unprecedented for this kind of game.

This means that there are many other players that are not that attracted by the story by itself and they have to spread their forces on all types of contents, deciding what are the best choices.

Last but not least, even among those who have an interest in the storyline, I am pretty sure that we have different focus points and different tastes. Writing a meaningful story is an art. Some people will like it, some people won't depending on the things they are sensitive to. The only thing that would be really bad is if there were a story so average that nobody cares about. As long as people react, it is actually quite positive, in fact.


And to all the fanfiction writers, let's write what lies between the lines of the official story. ;)


Wholeheartedly agree with this and what some others have pointed out. If being a writer (and not just my bored fanfiction pass-time writing) has taught me anything it is that writing is a lot more complicated than people assume. And that sometimes people take their head cannons waaaay too seriously.


You are very interesting to write! I like reading your stories. Will we get more stories?


And if you like :D I don't have anything planned though - well, I had this thing with Scourge, but idk - so if you want something soonish feel free to make a request. :)

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New chapter fellow Arcanites. As requested, this chapter is about how different Alliance members react.




If you have any more suggestions, they will be more than welcome :)


I really liked it. I totally picture Koth acting that way too. He is such a tool. Glad I killed or made it so he left permanently on most of my characters! I watch too much hockey. I wanted to read that they got into a brawl. :p


I wonder what happens if we engage in an Arcann romance when we have reunited already with our former LI and/or are still in a relationship with Theron. I didn't get the breakup quest with Theron for my Sith Warrior (for the obvious reasons right now). Maybe I get that later when I am able to finally confront him. I haven't tried this with many characters yet because most of them I had planned on going back to our original LI's . I may have to level a new one through just to romance Arcann and no one else. I hate break ups in the game. :(


I was listening to The Reason by Hoobastank when talking to Arcann and the lyrics were spot on for me.

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I really liked it. I totally picture Koth acting that way too. He is such a tool. Glad I killed or made it so he left permanently on most of my characters! I watch too much hockey. I wanted to read that they got into a brawl. :p


I wonder what happens if we engage in an Arcann romance when we have reunited already with our former LI and/or are still in a relationship with Theron. I didn't get the breakup quest with Theron for my Sith Warrior (for the obvious reasons right now). Maybe I get that later when I am able to finally confront him. I haven't tried this with many characters yet because most of them I had planned on going back to our original LI's . I may have to level a new one through just to romance Arcann and no one else. I hate break ups in the game. :(


I was listening to The Reason by Hoobastank when talking to Arcann and the lyrics were spot on for me.


Yeah, I always expected some sort of payoff on that one (Koth and Arcann). I believe there are some things coming regarding break ups, that just haven't been implemented yet. Might be wrong though.

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