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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Another idea that was apparently scrapped is that there was a fourth sibling - not sure if it was meant to be Senyas child too or from another woman or maybe adopted?


Yeah, I saw that too, Vaylin makes a reference to another sibling in the family. Maybe she heard of the 'Emperor's Children' and assumed one of them was related to Valkorian? (I.E. Kira)

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Yeah, I saw that too, Vaylin makes a reference to another sibling in the family. Maybe she heard of the 'Emperor's Children' and assumed one of them was related to Valkorian? (I.E. Kira)


Hmh, interesting, I think she says something about "Thexan wasn't our only sibling" - this would fit even to several more siblings not just a fourth one. So could fit the Emperors children although they weren't really his children.

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During chapter Disavowed you can say to Aric that Arcann is a victim too - that he stood in the shadow of Valkorion. Then Valkorion replies "Mine was not the only shadow the boy stood in". Do you know what he means by that?


Sadly nothing clear in dialog or Codex. I suspect it was his siblings.


And in the cutscene when Vaylin tells Arcann to cheer up and where he says "Am I laughing" she replies "You never laughed". Didn't they speak in a later cutscene about how they spend as kids a month in the swamps? I thought this was maybe a happy time for them just the three of them together. But does that mean Arcann didn't even laugh during that time? I can't really imagine that - never around Valkorion for sure but I would assume that at least for such a time just the three of them would lighten his mood.


Nothing clear on that one too. Based on dialog and trailer – he did, as a child. Vaylin could also be trolling him. Or just trying to bond with big brother.

“Am I laughing?!” “You never laughed.”

Then we have: “Are you smiling? I can never tell.”

And of course: “Put a smile on his face, will you?” Well, Outlander can, but much later :p.

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Very interesting - I never saw what happened if you surrender. I don't think one of my characters will choose this option - there is no guarantee that Arcann will keep his word and even if Lana and the other remaining people on Asylum are not killed that day the whole reason Lana freed you was to battle against Arcann. If you surrender you loose the Gravestone for sure and nothing was won at all. If you battle you have at least a chance.

Well, Arcann doesn't launch his attack before the fight with you begins, so he could have kept his word of letting the other go away


Thank you, didn't noticed that dialog choice. Have to keep looking for it when I am again at this point. But with that I am pretty sure he is lying to you on Asylum - why should he try to separate you from his father when the whole point was to keep him locked up?

I don't remeber ever having that one on my JK. Maybe it depends on the choices made earlier in the game, well my JK always refused Valko's offers : to kneel and use his powers but always tried to have Arcann help her with Valko.


Have you seen a post by a writer trying to clarify Vitiate motives?


Also, this is what I heard looong ago. Take that with great grain of salt:



SW was supposed to become a Wrath again. If DS - willingly and if LS - forced to (something similar to Ziost control). And that they were supposed to do some dark stuff. With DS enjoying it and LS trying to bend the orders to sabotage Emperor or minimize the damage.


SI - they draw Vititate attention as a new possible host, due to Ashaa rebuilding them to be able to hold more power (ermm, midiclorians count over 9000?), Force Walking and Rishi life extending.


BH was going to undergo some ritual on Voss to make them immune to Force? So they could put a bullet into Vitiate head without being posessed.

This could've been very interesting story wise.

Well dunno about the BH, but the SW's part would've been cool.

About the SI, how would he be aware of the SI's abilities, unless he already took interest in him ? Cuz as far as I know only SI's crew know about the Forcewalk, and only Talos is aware of what happened on Rishi. Valko could've used the other ghosts to weaken the SI tough.

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Well, Arcann doesn't launch his attack before the fight with you begins, so he could have kept his word of letting the other go away



I don't remeber ever having that one on my JK. Maybe it depends on the choices made earlier in the game, well my JK always refused Valko's offers : to kneel and use his powers but always tried to have Arcann help her with Valko.



This could've been very interesting story wise.

Well dunno about the BH, but the SW's part would've been cool.

About the SI, how would he be aware of the SI's abilities, unless he already took interest in him ? Cuz as far as I know only SI's crew know about the Forcewalk, and only Talos is aware of what happened on Rishi. Valko could've used the other ghosts to weaken the SI tough.


Yeh. If only... I could imagine so many storylines...


SW involved with Zakuul conquest against Republic and Empire. Acting as an Emperor personal executioner. Fully embracing his role or fighting against it. Potentially as a replacement for Thexan, having Thana Vesh 2.0 with Vaylin (or BFF in case of Paul) and constantly butting heads with Arcann – if Valky kids were in the game. I sense some fanfiction material here :p.


BH could be involved with Mandalorians. Hunting down Zakuul targets. And killing the Emperor seems like quite the achivement ;).


SI - was a DC member and Vitiate have been keeping a close eye on that snake pit. And he had the Hand spying on everyone interesting or dangerous it seems. And SI is one huge weirdness magnet :p. Besides, SI probably would be very involved in finding a way to take down Vitiate due to their position and mastery of DS. Talos Alliance recruitment anyone? That quest had so much potential...

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Yeh. If only... I could imagine so many storylines...


SW involved with Zakuul conquest against Republic and Empire. Acting as an Emperor personal executioner. Fully embracing his role or fighting against it. Potentially as a replacement for Thexan, having Thana Vesh 2.0 with Vaylin (or BFF in case of Paul) and constantly butting heads with Arcann – if Valky kids were in the game. I sense some fanfiction material here :p.


BH could be involved with Mandalorians. Hunting down Zakuul targets. And killing the Emperor seems like quite the achivement ;).


SI - was a DC member and Vitiate have been keeping a close eye on that snake pit. And he had the Hand spying on everyone interesting or dangerous it seems. And SI is one huge weirdness magnet :p. Besides, SI probably would be very involved in finding a way to take down Vitiate due to their position and mastery of DS. Talos Alliance recruitment anyone? That quest had so much potential...

Yes, we could've had a whole very interesting story if it were different for each class but with a whole story.


Before going through the KOTFE/ET storyline with my SW I thought it'd be cool if he remained his Wrath (well, that was before I made him born on Ziost obviously)

It'd make perfect sense for the BH to go with the Mandalorian, s/he officially became one after all.

JC could've spent some time trying to figure out how to free people from Valko's influence and maybe how to separate him from his host too, maybe working with SI on that.


JK, I guess Valko would've considered him/her to be the biggest threat, after helping Kira break free of his influence, breaking him/herself free, running away with his previous Wrath, freeing his other jedi puppets, foiling each and every of his plans to destroy the Galaxy and finally defeating his (weakened) Voice on DK. We can guess that Valko would pretty much like to get rid of this one either by killing him/her or taking him/her as his new vessel.


Dunno what could've been don with the smuggler, trooper and IA though

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I am wondering - how do you all decide the LIs for your characters?

A mix between how I see my PC and how their companions are, I guess. I don't have many PCs and the only one with which I have done the whole story is my SI. I should be ashamed but she already had 3 LI, Andronikos first, Theron and now Arcann.

Andronikos was logical for the time when they were travelling the galaxy together. It was adventure time and he was the perfect companion for that.

Theron... I do not know what happened with Theron in fact. I initiated the romance but I never really liked it. I have no clue if he could be dumped before the return of Andronikos but if I had found a way I guess I would have. In my opinion and the way I developed my own story, the characters do not have that much in common. He has been a valuable companion and a good asset. But someone she could truely love? No. It is horrible but I tend to think of him as a distraction for her, more in a way of making her feel less alone (power brings loneliness), but still not a real love...

Arcann is different because they have much more in common. I always missed a Force sensitive character to take that role and he is a good one for that. They are both powerful in the Force, they know what ruling means, they have both lived something that have left a big mark on them through the struggle against Valkorion, even if they were opposed for a time. And she is no sith anymore, which goes quite well with a redeemed Arcann who is not dark nor light at the moment. She can understand what darkness can do, especially if you lack control. If two people can understand each other, that would be them.


I must say that I regret that there is only one way to have love interests. The romantic aspect is nice, but I clearly would have made other choice for this character or others if it had been possible. For her, for example, Andronikos would probably have been a sexual partner more than a real love. And Theron, perhaps a few times too. My BH would not have anything against having fun neither, but love? Nah... As per my JC, she could have had feelings for someone but decided that this love would remain platonic.

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Quite enjoyed the read here for the past few days! :) I am also glad that the forums seem to have calmed down in terms of the tension that was hanging in the air.

Makes me happy!:D


So much this. I had to take a break from here, because there were a few that were overreacted and started a whirlpool of anger.


Now it's kinda nice again :)

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Yes, we could've had a whole very interesting story if it were different for each class but with a whole story.


Before going through the KOTFE/ET storyline with my SW I thought it'd be cool if he remained his Wrath (well, that was before I made him born on Ziost obviously)

It'd make perfect sense for the BH to go with the Mandalorian, s/he officially became one after all.

JC could've spent some time trying to figure out how to free people from Valko's influence and maybe how to separate him from his host too, maybe working with SI on that.


JK, I guess Valko would've considered him/her to be the biggest threat, after helping Kira break free of his influence, breaking him/herself free, running away with his previous Wrath, freeing his other jedi puppets, foiling each and every of his plans to destroy the Galaxy and finally defeating his (weakened) Voice on DK. We can guess that Valko would pretty much like to get rid of this one either by killing him/her or taking him/her as his new vessel.




Dunno what could've been don with the smuggler, trooper and IA though


Ohhhh, Agent... Take that one to Zakuul and watch it from a safe distance. Think Kalio were doing well with her destabilizing efforts? Think SCORPIO have built impressive spy network? I wounder how long it will take the Agent to infiltrate Overwatch... or find out the color of underwear of some very important Zakuul offcial? *Evil smile.


Trooper can continue to do their thing. So many people to save. So many battles to win. So much stuff to explode: Star Fortresses, super weapons, walkers, that factory on Darvannis... They will need a bigger gun.


Smuggler – idk, never liked that story, but they can play hide and seek with Eternal Fleet. Break a blockade or two. Smuggle some weapons to resistance. Charm their way into Order of Zildrog and seduce the leader... only to find out later that said leader is actually IA :D. Move in the Zakuul underworld. Become filthy rich in the process.

Edit: or what if Smuggler heard about an ancient legendary ship that won against Eternal Fleet? What if Smuggler looked and found that ship? Koth would get a 4 second stun every time he calls her "his ship" :<.

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Thank you! Great to see more Arcann fan fiction.


I am currently leveling my JK for Arcann. Her name is Adahlya and she is now in chapter 11 of kotfe. Hopefully I can finish kotfe today. But your story really fits her too which was great :)


Regarding prompts - I would like to see some reactions from the Alliance members on the romance - seeing that we don't get it in game. But anything else is appreciated too :)


I am wondering - how do you all decide the LIs for your characters?


You're welcome. I have stuff in the works. I can't imagine characters like Koth being too wild about it. ;)


As for who to romance I can give you examples on what I did:


Quinn, Vector, Torian and Jorgan doesn't need an explanation. There is only one option and I really like their romance arcs. So I kept those throughout KOTFE and KOTET on my IA and SW (didn't take the others through).


Spoiler alert if you haven't done the class stories.


On my consular, I didn't really care that much for Felix. Given that she has so much to do with Satele Shan I thought she was a fun one Theron. There was some familiarity there that I liked. On top of that I based her looks on Rose Tyler (Doctor Who character) and made her the mirialan version. Theron can sort of look a little like David Tennant, so I thought that would be fun.


My Sith Inquisitor had originally romanced Ashara, but in many ways she was very childish. I then went for Acina - which amounted to nothing. So when SOR came out and I saw the flirt option for Lana I was sold. I made him really goofy and it was just perfect for Lana's serious nature. His humorous personality also works in KOTFE and KOTET most of the time.


I did the JK story, but the only companion I was truly a fan of was Scourge. And Doc's romance just doesn't appeal to me. So when it was confirmed that you could romance Arcann I thought that she would be a good choice. Her relationship with Vitiate/Valkorion and her turn to the dark side, seemed like it would give her a different perspective on Arcann, than most of the other characters. I could imagine there was some sympathy there, that even the counselor could truly relate to.


I had planned on my smuggler romancing Koth, as I could see them fighting over piloting the Gravestone, but meh.

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Smuggler – idk, never liked that story, but they can play hide and seek with Eternal Fleet. Break a blockade or two. Smuggle some weapons to resistance. Charm their way into Order of Zildrog and seduce the leader... only to find out later that said leader is actually IA :D. Move in the Zakuul underworld. Become filthy rich in the process.

Edit: or what if Smuggler heard about an ancient legendary ship that won against Eternal Fleet? What if Smuggler looked and found that ship? Koth would get a 4 second stun every time he calls her "his ship" :<.


I think that the smuggler could develop to the real shadow king of the Mafia, and in this field to battle with Zakuul. Well, the Mafia, as we know, is immortal.:rolleyes:

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Ohhhh, I see the word is spreading :D.



It is like BW testing LS “no attachments” JK :D. First Arcann and now this? Considering some of the dialog in original story, it will be amusing... And oh so hard to say "no"...



I think that the smuggler could develop to the real shadow king of the Mafia, and in this field to battle with Zakuul. Well, the Mafia, as we know, is immortal.:rolleyes:


Yes, that would be awesome. Hey, even in game itself there are mentions of Hutts trying to move in. Smuggler have so much more style and charm then that slugs.

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What I'd like to see when Scourge comes back, is him reacting to our JK romancing either Theron (Revan's descendant) or Arcann (Vitiate/Valkorion's son).

And Scourge being Scourge, him making fun of the JK for that would be priceless :D

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What I'd like to see when Scourge comes back, is him reacting to our JK romancing either Theron (Revan's descendant) or Arcann (Vitiate/Valkorion's son).

And Scourge being Scourge, him making fun of the JK for that would be priceless :D

The Scourge hoped that it would train the descendants of the PC as Sith ... I think he would rather agree with the presence of Arсann than with Theron.

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Ohhhh, I see the word is spreading :D.



It is like BW testing LS “no attachments” JK :D. First Arcann and now this? Considering some of the dialog in original story, it will be amusing... And oh so hard to say "no"...



Yes, found it too :)

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Will we not get into trouble for this? It is very spoilery.


The Scourge hoped that it would train the descendants of the PC as Sith ... I think he would rather agree with the presence of Arсann than with Theron.


If we are talking kids here, Lana would be a better choice in some cases :p. And Shan bloodline have a tendency to produce powerful Force Users every other generation. But Tiralls seem to be a safer bet.


If Force even works like this.



Have you seen that Reddit post?


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Genes are not very good with Theron. Revan (who is too unstable psyche, decided to arrange a genocide against the Sith, and then - resurrected the Emperor), the father of Theron, who behaves like a moron. If these two characteristics are embodied in the descendants of Theron, can expect morons with unstable psyche.


We do not know much about the Tiralls bloodline. Who are the ancestors of Valky? What would he be if Vitiate did not capture his body? Senya is adequate enough, like Thexan. Arcann after healing on Voss, is no longer mad. And Vaylin was mentally broken by her father.


And what was in Reddit?

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Genes are not very good with Theron. Revan (who is too unstable psyche, decided to arrange a genocide against the Sith, and then - resurrected the Emperor), the father of Theron, who behaves like a moron. If these two characteristics are embodied in the descendants of Theron, can expect morons with unstable psyche.


We do not know much about the Tiralls bloodline. Who are the ancestors of Valky? What would he be if Vitiate did not capture his body? Senya is adequate enough, like Thexan. Arcann after healing on Voss, is no longer mad. And Vaylin was mentally broken by her father.


And what was in Reddit?


I am very hazy on genetics.


But to be fair, Revan do have an excuse for his shenanigans. War with Mandalorians, brainwashed and turned to DS by Emperor, then mind wiped by Jedi Council. Then it all resurfaced. Then 300 years of torture. Malcolm - I think he is a victim of a bad writing. He seemed ok in Alde bonus series and short stories.



And check your PM.


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As someone said, we kept our expectation low and was pleasantly surprised.




I may have taken liberties over my interpretation of his subtle behaviors in KOTFE and KOTET but its different when its really coming from him. Its sweet without being overdone. I like that its more a revelation for him to found out that the person he had wronged could care about him and want him to be happy. Like, he also try to keep his expectation low as well. lol.


Even if its brief, but the entire scene somewhat reminded me a bit of Cullen romance; some shyness but not too reserved. That kiss though.


Also Arcann spending time in a forge and metalsmithing.... my brain is still dealing with the information that he may have handcrafted every thing he own; his mask, his armor, his lightsaber. <3 I have a Beskad sword and now I already headcanon that he gave her that instead.



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