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How do you roleplay a male body type 4?


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Is he an overweight Bounty Hunter who succeded so much in his career that he retired, only to waste his fortune throwing parties and come back to the business?

A consular who trained hard on the mental aspects of the force, but overlooked the physical ones?

A greasy smuggler who uses his Freighter even when he wants to go to the supermarket?

An Inquisitor who enjoys attending sith feasts instead of sith conspiracies?

An agent disguised as high Alderaanian nobility, used to do nothing at all?


I never created a body type 4 male, but i'm considering it. They are actually quite uncommon to see, i always go for the body type 2 (regular boy) or 3 (ripped beast). Usually i make up a story for each of my characters so i get a better immersion, it's not that i actually roleplay it but i just find pleasant for my toons to have a backstory.


However, the body type 4 would fit any class that inherently has to move a lot, like the SW, Trooper or JK. I'm thinking Inquisitor, probably Sorcerer though i'd like to play an Assassin bc i always go Sorcerer.


Besides, which species would fit Inquisitor best? Should be a slave species, probably i'll go for Rattataki.


P.S.: it was not my intention to offend anyone, and if it happened so, do tell and i'll edit any part of the post related to it. I genuinely ask, i'd like to know the opinions of people who actually created a body type 4 toon, because i never brought myself to create one, but i find it interesting.

Edited by DeVanagloris
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You know, I've never sat down and thought about that much. I mean force users can already use their force connections to augment their physical abilities so I guess you could justify it by them just having a poor attitude to diet etc.


A trooper maybe needs to quite big to handle the assault cannons.


An agent might be hefty to infiltrate certain social circles or look more harmless.


As you say, smugglers could just be concerned with the "good life" and enjoying all the luxuries in life.


As for an Inquisitor race, I have a Twi'lek and Rattataki. The rest could be justified from a family grievance, falling out of favour or anything really, the Empire is quite harsh after all.

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It's an interesting question. I don't really have a *good* answer, but for MALE BT4:


* Inquisitor: no. The Inq begins as a newly-freed (sort of) slave, and an Imperial slave to boot. The Empire doesn't seem the sort to treat slaves well enough for them to be BT4M-fat. But I like Rattataki for Inquisitors.

* Warrior: maybe. The SW character comes from a privileged background, so might be outwardly lazy and overeating but secretly strong in the Force and in body, under the layers that come from him overeating.

* Bounty Hunter: The BH has no obvious advantage either way on this, although BT4M would qualify as "not obviously a BH", and therefore it might be good to deliberately get in that shape as a sort of disguise.

* Agent: Sure, why not? Again, there's no obvious advantage or disadvantage to any body shape for an Agent. But not a Chiss. No spymaster in his right mind would send a Chiss (Imperial ally species with a distinctive appearance) to be an infiltrator on Hutta, sorry. The same goes for Mirialans, Miraluka, PBS, although for slightly different reasons. But Rattataki,(1) Human, Cyborg, Twi'lek, or Togruta, they work fine.


* Trooper: BT4M seems wrong. The trooper is a soldier, and initially top-ranked at the Academy in assault and similar. These seem incompatible with being Fat Boy Fat, and there's no reason like the BH or Agent has to disguise your top-performing physique.

* JK: Doesn't seem quite right, although a justification similar to the SW's might work.

* JC; (Sage) Yeah, that could work. See my comments on the SW/JK. (Shadow) Seems too physical, and doesn't have any "disguise" aspect. (A Shadow uses the *Force* to hide himself, not subterfuge.)

* Smuggler: yeah, that could work. The image of the perennially lazy contraband-freighter captain is a bit of a cliché, perhaps, but often narrative clichés get that way because they are appealing and work well.


Overall, I'd say the BH, IA, and Smuggler work best, and the SI and Trooper work least well.


For females, it's different, of course, because BT4F isn't a female equivalent of Fat Boy Fat. That said, I really like BT1F Rattataki for an Inquisitor.


(1) Beware: some of the dialogue for NPCs talking to a Rattataki Agent of either sex will be a teeny bit strange because nobody takes account of the fact that there are two Rattataki on the team: the agent and Kaliyo, so "The Rattataki" from an NPC is hopelessly ambiguous in a stupid way.

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i would see a bt4 as a Kingpin type: very large guy, but not fat...a steel wall of deceptive muscle. originally, i would see BT3 that way, but the more i looked at it the more i saw an arnald swartz Conan the barbarian type. meaning,

BT4...doesnt have to be an overweight sack of body fat.


its one of the reasons i saw micheal clarke duncan as a perfect fit as the Kingpin in the daredevil movie. he had the massive body, and while most would view that as a BT3, i think its as close as we could get to BT4 without cgi screwing it up. like what they did to kevin durand(?) in the wolverine movie.


sure, there may be some chubbyness to the form, but it is how you want to see it that matters most. personally, i dont see someone that is that massive due to body fat being able to lug around a few hundred pounds of armor and weapons without getting winded every five feet.


edit in so i dont need to make a new post that doesnt add anything else:


my breakdown:

JKG- Male Rattataki BT2

JKS- Female Human BT3

JSage-Male Sith BT2

TV- Female Chiss BT3

Smug-Male Cyborg BT2

SJugg-Male Human Bt2

SSorc-Femaie Mirialan BT3

Sniper-Male Rattataki BT2

BH-Female Rattataki BT3


i have a new assassin that i havnent touched for a while that is Zabarak Male BT2 and am looking to start another commando BT3.


you know... i might just edit this into my original post as to not...yea...brb...

Edited by Qouivandes
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* Inquisitor: no. The Inq begins as a newly-freed (sort of) slave, and an Imperial slave to boot. The Empire doesn't seem the sort to treat slaves well enough for them to be BT4M-fat. But I like Rattataki for Inquisitors.


I'm definitely going for the Rattataki Inquisitor, i've always made Human or Cyborg characters (except for my Chiss agents), but i've had a lot of fun playing recently with a Twilek BT1 female Gunslinger, so i absolutely wanna try making an alien Inq, and see how everyone belittles and looks down on me, only to end up dead. For some reason Rattataki feels best as i think Twilek would break my immersion if i wear a tight helmet and the Lekku suddenly vanish.


Now, the question of the body type. My males have always been body type 3 except for my agents who are BT2. I have 3 sorcs, all of them female BT1. It's time for change.


I thought of the Inquisitor as a slave who, due to his force power, has become the dominant slave, imposing his will among the others and therefore getting well fed, up until he is sent to Korriban. The only problem i have is the advanced class, the Inq story seems to fit the sorc better, but i have 3 sorcs already and no Assassin. God i must have some variant of OCD, the many steps i follow until i create a character, ffs... Oh and let's not get started on the name, i could spend 1 hour on that alone.

Edited by DeVanagloris
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I don't understand the insistence on calling Body Type 4 "fat". Have people not seen it shirtless? The body is ripped. The only one it looks mildly fat on is Cathar, and that's because the "fur" covers the muscle. It looks like a powerlifter's body. I work at a gym, and I see every body type imaginable. Anyone with that kind of shape and musculature are usually the strongest people coming in.
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Consider Sumo wrestlers, Rugby players or American Football Linemen.


You are a powerhouse of strength and, while you're not going to run any Marathons, you have sufficient burst potential you can easily cope with someone trying to run away (oh and a blaster!)


On top of this theory, you could imagine specific stimulants that are designed to increase oxygen supply based on bulk, allowing someone of heavier proportions to function at the same level as Usain Bolt! It's the future, after all, an with so many drugs going around in Star Wars not hard to imagine multiple ways in which the person has no worries about sprinting after a suspect.

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Is he an overweight Bounty Hunter who succeded so much in his career that he retired, only to waste his fortune throwing parties and come back to the business?

A consular who trained hard on the mental aspects of the force, but overlooked the physical ones?

A greasy smuggler who uses his Freighter even when he wants to go to the supermarket?

An Inquisitor who enjoys attending sith feasts instead of sith conspiracies?

An agent disguised as high Alderaanian nobility, used to do nothing at all?

He's a force user...probably one in a high position of power who sits behind a desk all day. He uses the force to turn off the lights, pick up an item he dropped or to pull of food across the table. He's good with numbers (and the force), but lazy.
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Heh... when I do see a body type 4 running around... it always harkens me back to this memory .....




I actually do hear John Candy's voice in my imagination when I see a type 4 male. And I think we all know that John Candy was talented enough to play the role of any class in SWTOR. :D


R.I.P. John Candy.

Edited by Andryah
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I play mine as the fat slob they look like. The guy that let himself go long ago.


The fat guy that gets winded with the shortest of walks and never tries to run. Does all he can to ride a mount everywhere or use rocket boosts.


If I ever have to run anywhere, when I get there, I immediately turn my mouse around 180 degrees to show how uncoordinated he would be with the least bit of exercise.


Thats my role play of body type 4. Probably why I never use it anymore too.

Edited by Quraswren
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You know, I've never sat down and thought about that much. I mean force users can already use their force connections to augment their physical abilities so I guess you could justify it by them just having a poor attitude to diet etc.


A trooper maybe needs to quite big to handle the assault cannons.


An agent might be hefty to infiltrate certain social circles or look more harmless.


As you say, smugglers could just be concerned with the "good life" and enjoying all the luxuries in life.


As for an Inquisitor race, I have a Twi'lek and Rattataki. The rest could be justified from a family grievance, falling out of favour or anything really, the Empire is quite harsh after all.

Yea i usually think about a bit of 'background' for each one of my toons. Helps getting immersed quite a lot. I never tried it with BT4 though.


But i definitely gotta try it. If im not satisfied, i can change him half way through and justify it as the character getting fit and healthy as a consequence of all the fighting. Inquisitors do eventually get their body rebuilt so as to contain more power, the perfect excuse for appearing as BT3, in case im not happy with the BT4.


My first alien, and male inquisitor too, this is promising. I'm always excited when i'm gonna start a new toon :D

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Someone who skips cardio and just powerlifts with an emphasis on weight.


My bounty hunter can't chase you down (that's what jetpacks are for) but once he's got you, he's a truck and nothing that you can do will impede him in the slightest.


...Because yeah, BT4 has some pretty serious pecs and arms. Boy works out a bit.

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I don't understand the insistence on calling Body Type 4 "fat". Have people not seen it shirtless? The body is ripped. The only one it looks mildly fat on is Cathar, and that's because the "fur" covers the muscle. It looks like a powerlifter's body. I work at a gym, and I see every body type imaginable. Anyone with that kind of shape and musculature are usually the strongest people coming in.


I was going to say something similar. I'm a female powerlifter and he has the physique of the male powerlifters at my gym. They have the muscles but often don't cut the fat gains that go along with it like bodybuilders typically do so they're just big. I love it.

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I don't understand the insistence on calling Body Type 4 "fat". Have people not seen it shirtless? The body is ripped. The only one it looks mildly fat on is Cathar, and that's because the "fur" covers the muscle. It looks like a powerlifter's body. I work at a gym, and I see every body type imaginable. Anyone with that kind of shape and musculature are usually the strongest people coming in.


It's not realistic, I don't think anyone can be that rotund yet show abs. It makes no sense. I think for males, fat is the appropriate word.

Edited by Eshvara
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Someone who skips cardio and just powerlifts with an emphasis on weight.


My bounty hunter can't chase you down (that's what jetpacks are for) but once he's got you, he's a truck and nothing that you can do will impede him in the slightest.


...Because yeah, BT4 has some pretty serious pecs and arms. Boy works out a bit.

I was going to say something similar. I'm a female powerlifter and he has the physique of the male powerlifters at my gym. They have the muscles but often don't cut the fat gains that go along with it like bodybuilders typically do so they're just big. I love it.

These two ^^


There is a difference between "fat" and "muscle" and I think, quite a obvious difference.


It's not realistic, I don't think anyone can be that rotund yet show abs. It makes no sense. I think for males, fat is the appropriate word.


Whilst yes, it might be a little unrealistic, not everyone can be a powerlifter, but then the "Superman physique" is just as unrealistic, I think.


Also, you don't need abs to be athletic, or even just to be fit. I mean, everyone has 'em, you just gotta cut down enough. Why do you think all those f*ckbois have abs? It's pretty easy to do, though, and I'm pretty sure none of them would workout, most they would do are push ups and sit ups. In fact, I think the Big Show (WWE for those that don't know) proves this. He has just gotten serious, and he too now has quite defined abs.


Big Show


Big Show


I mean he is older, so you've gotta excuse his age, but he does have pecs (or a defined chest). idk if it's just me, but Big Show (now) looks a lot like BT4?

Edited by TyonYlle
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These two ^^


There is a difference between "fat" and "muscle" and I think, quite a obvious difference.




Whilst yes, it might be a little unrealistic, not everyone can be a powerlifter, but then the "Superman physique" is just as unrealistic, I think.


Also, you don't need abs to be athletic, or even just to be fit. I mean, everyone has 'em, you just gotta cut down enough. Why do you think all those f*ckbois have abs? It's pretty easy to do, though, and I'm pretty sure none of them would workout, most they would do are push ups and sit ups. In fact, I think the Big Show (WWE for those that don't know) proves this. He has just gotten serious, and he too now has quite defined abs.


Big Show


Big Show


I mean he is older, so you've gotta excuse his age, but he does have pecs (or a defined chest). idk if it's just me, but Big Show (now) looks offically a lot like BT4?


Imo, it looks nothing like male 4.




I guess you could argue and say it looks like this,

https://captainawkwarddotcom.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/the-hulk-1.jpg But the physique still looks so different, also the face is actually round, like fem4's face is rounder. (But pleasantly plump) for females.:rak_03:

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I was going to say something similar. I'm a female powerlifter and he has the physique of the male powerlifters at my gym. They have the muscles but often don't cut the fat gains that go along with it like bodybuilders typically do so they're just big. I love it.


This is pretty much me. I have plenty of "padding". But I can rep big weights all day like they're nothing. And that's how I see Body4. They specifically added that muscle definition for a reason. Go watch any powerlifting event and you'll see plenty of big guys with similar shape. He isn't just "fat". Why people choose to see it that way is beyond me. Just Google Scott Mendelson for a good example. Dude's been a world record holder plenty of times, and has an equipped 1000+ lb. bench. And yeah, he's looked fat off and on in his career, and matched Body4 pretty well.

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