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An Ode to 3.0, the Last True Swtor Expansion...


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As great as 3.0 was, it also killed casual raiding. ToS and Rav were the only 2 Ops worth doing (prior to level sync), but they were tuned for FAR better than average players, and the lack of refining them, helped kill raiding as much as 4.0 and 5.0 did.


Bioware should have known then that they were listening to the wrong people...


Oh Tux. :tran_tongue: They were the perfect challenge for SM raid groups who had been through TFB, S&V, DF, & DP together. However, that 3rd boss in TOS did separate those with a will to up their game versus the social casual player just on mumble to talk about NFL, Walking Dead, & GOT.

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Oh Tux. :tran_tongue: They were the perfect challenge for SM raid groups who had been through TFB, S&V, DF, & DP together. However, that 3rd boss in TOS did separate those with a will to up their game versus the social casual player just on mumble to talk about NFL, Walking Dead, & GOT.


Agree with the OP that was the Apex of the game. Guilds were full of eager people and it seemed that nearly every night was a not to be missed SWTOR evening.

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Agree with the OP that was the Apex of the game. Guilds were full of eager people and it seemed that nearly every night was a not to be missed SWTOR evening.


My guild had 15 active raid teams. 4.0 dropped that to 2 within a couple of months, now we have 1 and it is slowly falling apart. There might be 10 or 12 active to semi active players in a guild that used to have hundreds. BW really screwed up and just keeps compounding the problems.

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Personally for me would be 1.5 because of HK running that with pals especially the first time on the abandoned ship was really amazing and thought out it reminded me of Kotor 2 peragus that alone dark dead vibe and it was somewhat a nod to kotor 2 because of the quest finding the HK parts!


I would have said 2.0 because of twin saber throw but it pissed me off because it removed my most favourite ability.. Savage kick I used it all the time when charging in.


So my order would be:-

1) 1.5

2) Launch

3) 2.x

4) 3.0

5) 4.0

6) 5.0


Personally with each patch they made some great stuff like extra abilities etc. But like with all the remove unique stuff.

Like 3.0 removed skill trees but then gave some great abilities for my sin.

4.0 introduced companions being any discipline and level lock but gave me some cool abilities like mad dash and phantom stride.

5.0 removed base classes, base abilities etc removed the cool ravage animation and many other things like shared abilities via main class. Removal of the flamethrower, lightning etc was not cool. 5.0 is far by the worse.


All have introduced some cool abilities and little extras like costume designer and legacy stuff.

But the buck stops there they said to stop ability bloating but I believe this has never been the case you should have a choice of what you deem a place on your ability bar.

If they stopped with the drastic changes like skill trees, companion disciplines, level lock, base classes removed, base class abilities removed or shuffled and cool abilities removed.

They could have built on what they already got and just added to it like the cool abilities, costume designer and legacy stuff.


About ability bloat ha I play with a Xbox controller I can bind 42 functions (abilities) and another 14 if I wanted.

The whole UI I can use with my chat pad attachment.

So I can't figure that one out besides I always heard mouse and keyboard gamers were superior? So I couldn't see them moaning unless using keyboard and mouse is harder....

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Rose-colored glasses are a slippery thing. I get caught up in it often myself, OP.


For me, it'll always be SWG Pre-NGE.


Those were good times in mmorpg industry gaming.


I guess I'm just agreeing with other posters here that 3.0 had some flaws and seeds planted that still led to where we are now though.

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These days I have rather the feeling as if KOTFE and KOTET are great stories in their own right - but just not Star Wars stories. For the Star Wars setting, they feelin kind of "wrong" to me. They should have been developed in their own settings.


When I try to feel into me, so to say, my feelings tell me that I have kind of abandoned SWTOR because the story feels not like a Star Wars story to me. There should have been something different.


( I resubbed last night just for my guil's OP run ... And since I wanted to be a subscriber during The Great Merge, this was a good occation, I thought. )

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Good times.....


But, I also remember all the hair pulling, doom saying and temper tantrums from the community.


I understand why Bioware has gone in the direction they have with this game, Star Wars fans in general are never really satisfied and more than a bit fanatical. Let's face it folks, if each and if every one of them doesn't get their own personal vision of what Star Wars is., they will riot and threaten violence.


Oh I'm not the one who originally said that, that was a paraphrase from George Lucas, which again most Star Wars fans hate even though he created the damn thing.


These days I play the game with the same group I have been with since launch, we ignore the community because by and large they are the biggest collection of mean spirited trolls in the hobby. I personally would like to see another real expansion, but I'm not going to hold my breath and I won't blame Bioware if they decide not to.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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