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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Just now, JakRoanin said:

I never thought Satele was with Theron. I play in English. To people who think it's weird that Theron helps with the students when Mama isn't there, I disagree. He might have moved beyond his upbringing and disagree with some of the Order's Policies, but the Jedi mean a lot to him! He grew up with other students was educated with them, and has personal relationships with them. It's totally natural for him to help.

That explanation for why Theron went to help was what I had HC'd before, that he just wanted to help them because they're Jedi and he cares and he's a very helpful boy.  And I had literally never once thought about Satele being there before because I had never actually thought about the fact that we don't know where Satele is.  (That was the whole point of me going "wait.....!" and coming up with this theory in the first place lol).  But I think helping with the Jedi WORKS but is a way weaker reason than him going with Satele, who he would absolutely 100% go to help and see since she was his reason for going on the whole mission and he has not seen her in YEARS and he probably has a lot to say.  And also, like I've said, I like having an actual explanation for where Satele went that isn't them being "LOL BYE SATELE" lol

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, so confirmed, in French they all just say LOL BYE SATELE and leave her on the ship 😅  (edit: or she is a god tier ultimate OP force master and phoning in from across the galaxy while on Kira and Scourge's ship lol)

That is definitely a very different translation with very specific meaning that the English version does not say.  I mean other writing in the FP was fudgy even just in one language though, so I suppose it is not surprising that the translations were not exact either 😅

In any case, for the English version I still stand by my analysis.  But that's a bummer about the French version.

To be fair, with how it's worded in english, most translations in french would have the implicit idea they have already left and are in the middle of doing the action of taking the students back to Coruscant, or would be some kind of convoluted mess of a translation. Even without having the french translation, that's also how i would've interpreted it as a native french speaker while seeing the phrase in english, especially since she separates herself from her students in that sentence. Which is why i always had the idea that everybody was just like "bye Commander, and bye Satele. BTW, Lana's going to come pick you up in a few hours, hope you'll be fine in the meantime.". And, this is why i don't like that scene, even though i love everything else in EoO.

1 hour ago, eabevella said:

It's outrageous that Kira and Scourge got zero romance scene in their own story.

And due to irl stuffs, there's little to zero chance we'll get one from Scourge in the future.

So yeah, I blame the writers and the developers (depending on who decided to take the lazy route) for the lost opportunity.

Yeah it's really sad, even more so for Scourge tbh, Kira still appears, so she has a chance of having something at some point, but for Scourge...

46 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Knowing Theron, he'll pile every unconscious person nicely on the shuttle, Jedi or not. With blankets, if he could find some.

In fact, piling every unconscious person safely together on a shuttle to a safe place should be the only logical move *shrug*

This, honestly it would just have made infinitely more sense to just wake up in that shuttle with Theron (if still alive), Kira, Scourge, Satele and all of her students.

Edited by Goreshaga
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10 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

It's simple, she had to stay and she told them so.

Not to say that that is impossible, you're fully entitled to make that your HC....... but, for me I would ask: why?  Why would she?  Why would she have any reason to stay on that ship?  Why would she not go with her students?  There are a load of reasons for her to go with them and 0 to stay imho 🤔

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I haven't previously considered this nor have I played through EoO recently, so I may be misremembering things that make this less likely, but here is the head canon I'm developing - specifically for my Outlander JK who romanced Doc and my Agent who romanced Theron who exist in the same universe and were both on the ship. Like Theron, my agent didn't actually enter Satele's mindscape and instead guarded everyone's bodies while they were out of it and had every intention of putting bullets through everyone's heads if it looked like they were waking up possesses.

Arcann and Senya wake up first, they seem themselves, but are tired/weak from the experience. Neither IA nor Theron are well versed in the Force and are uncertain if moving people away from Satele while they are still in her minds cape is safe, so IA agrees to fly Arcann and Senya back to Odessen so they can be looked after and to get opinions from Lana and other force users on if moving the still unconscious people are safe.

Upon reaching Odessen, Lana discusses the issue with Sana-Rae and they decided that Lana should go check on them in person. Before she leaves, Doc and Rusk tell her that she'll need to take my JK to Alderaan when she wakes up and to bring T7 with her as well.

As Lana is traveling to the ship, she contacts Theron, let's him know that she is coming and that she was given instructions to take JK to Alderaan - but doesn't know why.

When Kira, Scourge, and Satele's students wake up, Kira and Scourge understand why JK should go to Alderaan. The two of them discuss and agree that with T7 on the ship it is safe to leave the droid watching over Satele and JK, but it's probably not the best idea to have either Kira or Scourge fly a shuttle just yet, but since some of the students definitely need medical attention, Theron agrees to take them back.

Lana arrives shortly after Theron leaves, is unable to determine if she can safely move JK away from Satele while still unconscious. So, she loads both of them onto her shuttle along with T7 and flies both Jedi to Alderaan. After JK wakes up, Satele wakes up not long after and the two of them continue their conversation for a bit before arriving at Alderaan.

I HC that at the end of the class story, my JK and companions all had a celebration their after JK defeated Vitiate the first time. Since Doc and Rusk weren't able to help/be involved in defeating him this time, they decided to organize a similar celebration since the whole crew is finally together again and have saved the galaxy again.

Theron arrives at Alderaan as well, having brought Scourge and Kira there after dropping off the students and seeing they got medical attention.

So, JK ans crew hang out at Alderaan for a while: Theron flies his mother back to Tython and they have the opportunity to bond for a bit; Lana returns to Odessen alone.

I'll have to play EoO again to make sure there aren't any obvious reasons why this wouldn't work and adjust things as needed, but that's probably going to remain the basis of my HC even if adjustments are needed.

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I always kinda assume she went for Coruscant first to report the event and deal with all the political stuffs regarding Jedi vs Republic, while Theron and the others took the students to "old training place" wherever that might be?

But after the talk Theron and Satele had before the pc woke up, I think their relationship had turned better and they agreed to write to each other judging by the letter we got later, so them parting ways is not a bad thing since it's more of a "ending chat with mom because we both have works in 5 min but we'll chat next week" than "pretending to be strangers and only talk about business so bye".

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6 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

This, honestly it would just have made infinitely more sense to just wake up in that shuttle with Theron (if still alive), Kira, Scourge, Satele and all of her students.

Obviously I like it as is but this would have been very good as well. ❤️  Would have made it make a bit less sense that Satele talks in the mindscape instead of person but wanting privacy could be as good an explanation for that as any. 

I have to say, the main reason I love the current scene and would be sad to change it is that I would be sad to lose out on the "making sure her son is in good hands" line which I totally love ❤️  and it is a line that would not have made sense from anyone else who was in the FP haha

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18 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Obviously I like it as is but this would have been very good as well. ❤️  Would have made it make a bit less sense that Satele talks in the mindscape instead of person but wanting privacy could be as good an explanation for that as any. 

I have to say, the main reason I love the current scene and would be sad to change it is that I would be sad to lose out on the "making sure her son is in good hands" line which I totally love ❤️  and it is a line that would not have made sense from anyone else who was in the FP haha

To be fair, if she wants to talk to the PC about Theron, she may very well not want to do that in front of 9 other people, Theron included. But it would make sense for them to still be physically close to keep talking in the mindscape.

The line itself is nice, but would've been much better in a more logical context honestly, like, let's say our character wakes up on Odessen, Lana comes into the room once she realise we're awake, explains that we wouldn't wake up so Arcann/Senya or Lana herself took us back to Odessen for some medical exam, then our PC explains that Satele wanted to have a private chat with us in her mind, and then Lana gives that line. There i'd have been fine with the scene.

Edited by Goreshaga
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7 minutes ago, JenaSalton said:

I haven't previously considered this nor have I played through EoO recently, so I may be misremembering things that make this less likely, but here is the head canon I'm developing - specifically for my Outlander JK who romanced Doc and my Agent who romanced Theron who exist in the same universe and were both on the ship. Like Theron, my agent didn't actually enter Satele's mindscape and instead guarded everyone's bodies while they were out of it and had every intention of putting bullets through everyone's heads if it looked like they were waking up possesses.

Arcann and Senya wake up first, they seem themselves, but are tired/weak from the experience. Neither IA nor Theron are well versed in the Force and are uncertain if moving people away from Satele while they are still in her minds cape is safe, so IA agrees to fly Arcann and Senya back to Odessen so they can be looked after and to get opinions from Lana and other force users on if moving the still unconscious people are safe.

Upon reaching Odessen, Lana discusses the issue with Sana-Rae and they decided that Lana should go check on them in person. Before she leaves, Doc and Rusk tell her that she'll need to take my JK to Alderaan when she wakes up and to bring T7 with her as well.

As Lana is traveling to the ship, she contacts Theron, let's him know that she is coming and that she was given instructions to take JK to Alderaan - but doesn't know why.

When Kira, Scourge, and Satele's students wake up, Kira and Scourge understand why JK should go to Alderaan. The two of them discuss and agree that with T7 on the ship it is safe to leave the droid watching over Satele and JK, but it's probably not the best idea to have either Kira or Scourge fly a shuttle just yet, but since some of the students definitely need medical attention, Theron agrees to take them back.

Lana arrives shortly after Theron leaves, is unable to determine if she can safely move JK away from Satele while still unconscious. So, she loads both of them onto her shuttle along with T7 and flies both Jedi to Alderaan. After JK wakes up, Satele wakes up not long after and the two of them continue their conversation for a bit before arriving at Alderaan.

I HC that at the end of the class story, my JK and companions all had a celebration their after JK defeated Vitiate the first time. Since Doc and Rusk weren't able to help/be involved in defeating him this time, they decided to organize a similar celebration since the whole crew is finally together again and have saved the galaxy again.

Theron arrives at Alderaan as well, having brought Scourge and Kira there after dropping off the students and seeing they got medical attention.

So, JK ans crew hang out at Alderaan for a while: Theron flies his mother back to Tython and they have the opportunity to bond for a bit; Lana returns to Odessen alone.

I'll have to play EoO again to make sure there aren't any obvious reasons why this wouldn't work and adjust things as needed, but that's probably going to remain the basis of my HC even if adjustments are needed.

whoa this is very thorough!  Obviously it is very specific to just your characters, but for the scenario you have, I like it!  Assuming I was following along correctly and not misunderstanding something, I am pretty certain nothing in there is contradicted by the scenes that take place (like I said, most of the timelines and locations of people are reaaaaaaally wishy-washy and not well explained so honestly you have loads of wiggle room to say when and where things happened)


I actually had before a specific bonus HC for just my JK which is that Kira does a little extra urging to Theron to get him to come along because she's like "you're marrying my best friend, we should talk" and Lana tells Theron that she will take good care of JK and that if he stays unconscious for too long she'll wake him up herself (but then obviously she doesn't end up having to).  But if I HC that Satele is on the other ship then I will have to modify this HC juuust slightly because Theron would need no extra convincing to go on the ship with Kira haha  (Kira would still wanna chat and Lana would still promise to take good care and wake him up if needed though!)

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12 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

To be fair, if she wants to talk to the PC about Theron, she may very well not want to do that in front of 9 other people, Theron included. But it would make sense for them to still be physically close to keep talking in the mindscape.

The line itself is nice, but would've been much better in a more logical context honestly, like, let's say our character wakes up on Odessen, Lana comes into the room once she realise we're awake, explains that we wouldn't wake up so Arcann/Senya or Lana herself took us back to Odessen for some medical exam, then our PC explains that Satele wanted to have a private chat with us in her mind, and then Lana gives that line. There i'd have been fine with the scene.

You are totally right, that would have been even better, fully agree!  That would have made a lot of sense, being back on Odessen.  Like I said, I freely admit that Lana just being there is NOT explained well enough to make sense, I just like the scene enough that I roll with it, but being back on Odessen would have been perfect, I get the scene and also no confusion haha

And yeah, for sure, Satele wanting to talk about Theron NOT right in front of Theron makes all the sense in the world 😅

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Why would Satele stay on the ship? Several reasons...

1. It's a HUGE ship, maybe the Sith and Scions were doing hinky things and Satele needs to sort things out and take back whatever was taken from her and her troop.

2. She wants privacy to heal from the mental and physical strain, of doing what she did to Trap Tenabre.

3. Since Kira and Scourge aren't using the HUGE ship any more she's using it to pick up more people she knows survived the war. 

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6 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

You are totally right, that would have been even better, fully agree!  That would have made a lot of sense, being back on Odessen.  Like I said, I freely admit that Lana just being there is NOT explained well enough to make sense, I just like the scene enough that I roll with it, but being back on Odessen would have been perfect, I get the scene and also no confusion haha

And yeah, for sure, Satele wanting to talk about Theron NOT right in front of Theron makes all the sense in the world 😅


See, this is actually my biggest issue with how Lana is used in the story, they clearly want to have her in as many scenes as possible, but they don't seem to care if they're actually going for what makes the most sense, so we end up with weird scenes that have some good parts in them but don't really work because they don't fully make sense, while having them play out a bit differently would still allow them to have Lana in them while also making sense for more characters than just the ones romancing her or trully seeing her as their BFF. This applies to that scene but to the rescue one as well, having only Lana there (and T7 who actually only makes sense for a JK), instead of having both Lana and Theron really weakens the whole scene for me, not to mention how amazing it would've been to have Theron save a romanced PC from Arcann on Asylum, like Lana does if romanced, and keep Koth if neither Theron nor Lana is romanced.

Yeah, but not in front of Kira, Scourge and her students as well, but mostly Theron i guess,; that'd certainly be embarassing for both of them i imagine.

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2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

whoa this is very thorough!  Obviously it is very specific to just your characters, but for the scenario you have, I like it!  Assuming I was following along correctly and not misunderstanding something, I am pretty certain nothing in there is contradicted by the scenes that take place (like I said, most of the timelines and locations of people are reaaaaaaally wishy-washy and not well explained so honestly you have loads of wiggle room to say when and where things happened)


I actually had before a specific bonus HC for just my JK which is that Kira does a little extra urging to Theron to get him to come along because she's like "you're marrying my best friend, we should talk" and Lana tells Theron that she will take good care of JK and that if he stays unconscious for too long she'll wake him up herself (but then obviously she doesn't end up having to).  But if I HC that Satele is on the other ship then I will have to modify this HC juuust slightly because Theron would need no extra convincing to go on the ship with Kira haha  (Kira would still wanna chat and Lana would still promise to take good care and wake him up if needed though!)

Indeed! While there are definitely times I would like if the game was clearer on when events were happening in relation to one another, I also enjoy the wiggle room for things like this. Obviously Satele has pretty good control of her mind in order to trap Tenabre/Vitiate/Valkorian, so I imagine after he's been dealt with, she's probably working on pushing Arcann and Senya (complete strangers to her) out of her mind as soon as possible - which is why they wake up first. Everyone else remains a bit longer, because Satele needs to wake her students up a bit more slowly since they've been stuck in her mind for months and a jarring wakeup wouldn't be good for them and because of Kira and Scourge's connection with the old Emperor, she figures it safer to let them wake up more slowly as well. And the JK not only would be exhausted from fighting the Emperor within her mind, but also had him living in her mind for years, so she gets and even slower wake up.

My favourite thing about my HC though, is that I imagine that while everyone else is in Satele's mind, that is when my Agent finally tells Theron about being a double agent, working for Ardun Kothe, and the castellan restraints for the first time, which for her is the ultimate show of trust and love. So they get that conversation as well as my agent telling Theron that she would one hundred percent, without any hesitation kill his mother (and the JK or anyone else there) who looks like they might be controlled by the Emperor. Which is a really accurate look at the type of person my agent is at this point of the story.

And I love your headcanon about Kira, Theron, and Lana. Because while I would absolutely love to see scenes like that in the game, I also love when players come up with their own ideas about their character's relationships and what they're doing when they're not on screen.

1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah, but not in front of Kira, Scourge and her students as well, but mostly Theron i guess,; that'd certainly be embarassing for both of them i imagine.

Embarrassing for Theron and probably not a good look for the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order to be showing a lot of affection/concern for her son in front of students who she's probably lectured numerous times about the danger of attachment. I figure there's a good chance the students wouldn't listen to those rules very well if they saw the Grandmaster disregarding them.

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1 hour ago, JenaSalton said:

While there are definitely times I would like if the game was clearer on when events were happening in relation to one another, I also enjoy the wiggle room for things like this.


Because while I would absolutely love to see scenes like that in the game, I also love when players come up with their own ideas about their character's relationships and what they're doing when they're not on screen.

Wholeheartedly agreed on both these!

When I'm not gaming my main hobby is writing my own completely original stories where obviously everything is totally from scratch, and when it comes to making up stories, that is what I'm used to.  (Until making loads of headcanons for this game I haven't written anything resembling fanfiction or gone hardcore on headcanons for a fictional story for years haha)

So as much as there are some things I would love to see on screen in game, part of me actually also really likes having more freedom to create headcanons with fewer restrictions (since my brain also just refuses to let me modify on screen canon, only work around it).  And likewise I really like hearing what other people come up with to fill in the gaps as well, as it's honestly those headcanons as much as anything in game which really defines each individual player character and makes them unique and special and makes every playthrough feel unique and special. 

Like, I honestly think the lack of detail on screen sometimes may be part (I mean, obviously another big part also being a certain spy boy 😏) of why I am so addicted to this game because it means I can expand the stories so much in HCs to make them my own and therefore get more attached to my characters 😂

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9 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

You are totally right, that would have been even better, fully agree!  That would have made a lot of sense, being back on Odessen.  Like I said, I freely admit that Lana just being there is NOT explained well enough to make sense, I just like the scene enough that I roll with it, but being back on Odessen would have been perfect, I get the scene and also no confusion haha

And yeah, for sure, Satele wanting to talk about Theron NOT right in front of Theron makes all the sense in the world 😅

It's the "meet the in-laws" moment of course it's a private meeting XD

"I want to make sure my son is in good hands"

"Why don't you talk to your son more"

The potential drama... luckily the talk went well.

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I finally got to Rishi on my BH clone! And the alternate first line with Theron if not previously flirted with on Manaan is amazing! The voice inflection! 🌟 🤩 I'm so pleased with this line! 🥰

Here is the first play-through for comparison. My BH's helmet was on the first time, so for the alternate line, I took it off this time. 😏

Also included, is the video with the flirt on Manaan. Combined with the new flirt line on Rishi, I think they work very well together! I might have a tough time deciding which combination I like more! 😍

I also used the third line this time when greeting Lana so you can all hear Theron's response to that one if you never have. 💖

Now I'm really curious how agent sounds when saying that second line. 😄

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2 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I finally got to Rishi on my BH clone! And the alternate first line with Theron if not previously flirted with on Manaan is amazing! The voice inflection! 🌟 🤩 I'm so pleased with this line! 🥰

Here is the first play-through for comparison. My BH's helmet was on the first time, so for the alternate line, I took it off this time. 😏

Also included, is the video with the flirt on Manaan. Combined with the new flirt line on Rishi, I think they work very well together! I might have a tough time deciding which combination I like more! 😍

I also used the third line this time when greeting Lana so you can all hear Theron's response to that one if you never have. 💖

Now I'm really curious how agent sounds when saying that second line. 😄

oooh, yeah, I like that second flirt a lot.  I think on BH at least, it sounds more flirty/meaningful than the other one.  on agent, the "previously flirted on Manaan" one sounded way flirtier than BH's version of that same line imo, so now I too am curious what his alt line sounds like!

also love hearing Theron's alt lines, I did in fact not get those, I didn't do many alt lines on agent 😅

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My very, very first flirt was after forcing Lana to apologize. It makes more sense for Kali-Sati because of her upbringing, if you play a character who was actively NOT looking for love and then BANG they meet someone who overwhelm them can be really impactful. Because that's what happened to Theron, so that shared experience is really neat.

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After talking about head canons for the EoO story and watching some of your guys' clips combining dialogue lines/choices, I thought I would give video editing a try to see if I could make a scene of my IA (not the Outlander) and Theron organizing the Alliance - with the assumption that that when the Outlander, Lana, and everyone else arrived arrived on Asylum, the contacts Lana reached out to were Theron and the IA so she could let them know that they wouldn't be making it to Odessen as soon as originally planned due to injuries/crashed shuttles/the Gravestone and asking the other two to get started on actually building the base.

This was my end result.

And there's definitely a number of places that could be improved and words and tone I wish I could adjust. but I like it anyway and one day I might come back and try to improve it. But even if I don't, I still love the way my agent and Theron interact with one another in a very sarcastic and deadpan way, particularly at the start.

Edit: And video has been set to public now. 

Edited by JenaSalton
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3 hours ago, yenzin said:

I was planning on that. :D Have to test that line during the rescue too, after all. ;)

ngl, I actually kinda prefer the "never flirted before" rescue flirt 😂  I would not take back having my agent flirt with Theron from the beginning but I wish I could have the alt flirt!

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2 hours ago, JenaSalton said:

After talking about head canons for the EoO story and watching some of your guys' clips combining dialogue lines/choices, I thought I would give video editing a try to see if I could make a scene of my IA (not the Outlander) and Theron organizing the Alliance - with the assumption that that when the Outlander, Lana, and everyone else arrived arrived on Asylum, the contacts Lana reached out to were Theron and the IA so she could let them know that they wouldn't be making it to Odessen as soon as originally planned due to injuries/crashed shuttles/the Gravestone and asking the other two to get started on actually building the base.

This was my end result.

And there's definitely a number of places that could be improved and words and tone I wish I could adjust. but I like it anyway and one day I might come back and try to improve it. But even if I don't, I still love the way my agent and Theron interact with one another in a very sarcastic and deadpan way, particularly at the start.

I would love to watch it because it sounds interesting, but it is set to private. I'll check back on it later. 😉

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5 hours ago, JenaSalton said:

After talking about head canons for the EoO story and watching some of your guys' clips combining dialogue lines/choices, I thought I would give video editing a try to see if I could make a scene of my IA (not the Outlander) and Theron organizing the Alliance - with the assumption that that when the Outlander, Lana, and everyone else arrived arrived on Asylum, the contacts Lana reached out to were Theron and the IA so she could let them know that they wouldn't be making it to Odessen as soon as originally planned due to injuries/crashed shuttles/the Gravestone and asking the other two to get started on actually building the base.

This was my end result.

And there's definitely a number of places that could be improved and words and tone I wish I could adjust. but I like it anyway and one day I might come back and try to improve it. But even if I don't, I still love the way my agent and Theron interact with one another in a very sarcastic and deadpan way, particularly at the start.

"The clip is set as private"

*insert the Let Me IIIInnnnnnnnn meme*

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