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CAPTCHA bug preventing new players from signing up!


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There is an issue with the captcha that is preventing new would be players from signing up to the game. Captcha value cannot be validated.


Screenshot HERE


That why swtor isn't getting any new players! And we wondered why online is so small !!!!





(Joking, it's because swtor sucks :p)

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You should once again be able to create a new account without issue. Thanks everyone.




A user told me that he still had the issue on Chrome and Opera, I checked Explorer and Firefox out of curiosity and can confirm the issue is still there.

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I guarantee you the only reason it's not fixed is because the team that would work on it is off this weekend, so they probably won't have anyone on it until tomorrow.


My friend just finished building his computer yesterday and we've been trying since then to register an account for him.

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