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Why Was Oricon Never Made Solo-Friendly?


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Makeb has an operation


Remember shadow of revan was created with the intent to dumb down the game for the more simple minded casual solo playerbase.


It's an MMO. Group up, make friends, get on voice comms, get good and complete all content.


Don't worry, a lot of raiders like you and me posted here without success. I was even insulted of being «Elitist» and «arrogant».


Again, all of this trouble would have been avoided if the Operation Story Quest was given separately, not directly after the Heroic. The thing that bother him and other peoples (for which my offer of completing the ops with you still stand) is how BW handled the way they gave the operation quest to us.

Imo they shouldn't give it to you just after you finished the Heroic quest, but hey, BW messed up as usual. So until they fix it, which is very unlikely to happen, everybody will have to deal with it. :rak_03:


Trust me, I find it bothersome, that the game forces you to do some solo quest that takes forever (you cannot turn in everything at once unlike the daily) in order to obtain the story quest for Oricon.


Still, can't believe I'd actually repost here. :rolleyes:

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Here we go guys, the very reason some people are wary of group content. The up his own rectum elitist brodude type.


Yeah, it is an MMO WITH A STRONG FOCUS ON STORYLINE. In other MMOs it's play nice with the other children or bust. Not in this one though.


Indeed, their post is a beautiful affirmation of why I stay clear from the raiding community as well as operations. Sorry to say it but how... overly confident of yourself you must be to label others as "simple-minded" because they don't engage in a specific activity that they do. Most of the people in this thread immediately assume that I or others don't do operations due skill or finding it difficult. Trust me, that even remotely isn't a reason, I'd be able to handle myself perfectly well in operations. Yet it is the elitist mindset I stay clear from which was perfectly exhibited by calling an entire group of players dumb, as simple-minded is just a pretty synonym.


Don't worry, a lot of raiders like you and me posted here without success. I was even insulted of being «Elitist» and «arrogant».


Oh because calling someone simple-minded especially in the tone of that post is not a perfect exhibit of arrogant and elitist behaviour? Somehow you see all the wrongs in me but none in yourself and your fellows...

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Indeed, their post is a beautiful affirmation of why I stay clear from the raiding community as well as operations. Sorry to say it but how... overly confident of yourself you must be to label others as "simple-minded" because they don't engage in a specific activity that they do. Most of the people in this thread immediately assume that I or others don't do operations due skill or finding it difficult. Trust me, that even remotely isn't a reason, I'd be able to handle myself perfectly well in operations. Yet it is the elitist mindset I stay clear from which was perfectly exhibited by calling an entire group of players dumb, as simple-minded is just a prettt synonym.


people like that are a minority though. i've been doing ops almost every day for over 3 years and most people are nice to first timers, especially those who are more experienced. the ******es are usually the people with about 20-30% ops achievs.

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people like that are a minority though. i've been doing ops almost every day for over 3 years and most people are nice to first timers, especially those who are more experienced. the ******es are usually the people with about 20-30% ops achievs.


I honestly would want to believe that but experience proves time and time again to me that's not the case. Truly maybe I am on a server where the raiders are toxic and all but friendly, maybe I am just unlucky and come across these people more often than others. But the posts from other players in this thread as well as conversations with others show me that I am not an unlucky case... but rather one of many unlucky cases... which makes me doubt it has anything to do with luck. Some posters in this thread again reaffirm that view with lovely replies such as this one:


Makeb has an operation


Remember shadow of revan was created with the intent to dumb down the game for the more simple minded casual solo playerbase.


It's an MMO. Group up, make friends, get on voice comms, get good and complete all content.

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Shouldn't have introduced solo mode to complete Revan story.




(Maybe I should start a thread aswell and hate on everyone else's opinion when they disagree with mine...)


I would like to remind you it was the people that were in favour of this suggestion that were hated on and subsequently on myself, not the other way around. I merely was presenting counter arguments to those who disagreed to continue a sensible discussion. But that is hardly hating on others who disagree with me... then again, you see what you want to see.

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You should try it out. If your guild is not that familiar with ops, you can have tons of fun exploring them. One of the best ways to knit together a guild/crew.


Ah hello there!! Was looking for your thread to show that there was a guid that offered people to do ops with them. Just couldnt find it :(

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Oh because calling someone simple-minded especially in the tone of that post is not a perfect exhibit of arrogant and elitist behaviour? Somehow you see all the wrongs in me but none in yourself and your fellows...


People get carried away easily, especially raiders when they have been crying for new group stuff for years, new difficulties etc and when they see posts like yours they lose it, since its totaly against what they request from Bioware, so you need to see it in that way.

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People get carried away easily, especially raiders when they have been crying for new group stuff for years, new difficulties etc and when they see posts like yours they lose it, since its totaly against what they request from Bioware, so you need to see it in that way.


Naturally I understand that and I honestly and sincerely hope they will get more raids and group content asap, not only an operation that releases a boss every few months but actual operations like we had previously. I really hope they will get the content they want and deserve, but do you see me ******** (pardon my language) on them? Do you see me ridiculing them or laughing at them?


It has become an art to keep yourself together in an online argument especially with the anonymity the internet gives us. It's way easier to ridicule someone from behind your computer screen than saying it to them face to face.

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Makeb has an operation


Remember shadow of revan was created with the intent to dumb down the game for the more simple minded casual solo playerbase.


It's an MMO. Group up, make friends, get on voice comms, get good and complete all content.


Wow, I almost want to see the size of your e-peen. Almost.

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The same however does not apply to Oricon. Yes, I get that the Dread War was told through multiple operations and that is fine. I am not asking for all of that to become solo content as well. However, Oricon is presented as a story of its own, it gets its own purple tag which signifies it as main story and it appears as a mission in the player's personal ship mission terminal. You start Oricon's story on your own, a solo experience. You progress through the story by doing missions by yourself, no need to group up if you don't want to. This creates the image that the entirety of the Oricon arc can be completed by a solo player from beginning to proper end.


And I get that. But you're not asking for a warning before players engage down this path. You're asking for development of new cutscenes, voice actor recording, new mission scripts, etc. This is a game update's worth of stuff. Like, the amount of work involved in the Iokath story of 5.2, or the discovery of the traitor in the Umbara flashpoint of 5.4. The Taral V/Boarding Party flashpoints are denoted with purple triangles too. Clearly, you are missing out on some of the Shadow of Revan backstory if you do not do those flashpoints, or if you are not an imperial character or you didn't do the Revanite questline on DK. And while you may not be asking for BW to "drop everything," you are in fact implicating assuming that story, by its nature, ought to be available at the very minimum to solo-only players. But the reality is that the game was always designed with some story elements to be woven into the pillars of group content, and some as character development. You may not be asking for every Dread Master related op to be solo-friendly, but that is the logical extension of your arguments.


Now, it may be fine to re-hash old content to make it solo friendly ... that's precisely what they did with the planetary heroics and KOTFE. But even that had new story associated with it ... you had to build up your alliance by helping out denizens of the planets with tasks, which in turn gave them a reason to fight with you. It didn't require new voice acting to the heroic missions themselves, just some engineering. The new voice acting and cutscenes were limited to the interactions with the resistance contacts, and the star fortresses, and were in that "KOTOR" style back of the head conversations to save even more money. And, with the crates rewarded from the missions, there were new incentives. It is similar with the inclusion of planetary heroic dailies in Galactic Command ... new incentives. The DvL event from last summer re-hashed old content, but it didn't actually change anything, it just gave new incentives for taking new toons through old stuff.


So, the type of endeavor you are asking for would be unprecedented. And in the back of your mind you think that's ok because you believe story is a right to all players. But that's not how the game was designed, certainly not back then. Some stuff is just going to be gated by other content, and that's ok.

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The get good argument people need to find another thread. The only practical reason this shouldn't be implemented is the resources it would take. Telling people they need to learn to play the game, or that solo content should be ignored is not the answer.


Says you this type of thread was always open to that attitude once anyone posts on an open forum the gates are open for all the only way to battle it is ignore the thread if you can't handle those posts or reply's but every player has the right to post what they like as long as they don't break the ToS and the OP had his/her own ideas about oricon and a lot disagree and to be honest i'm one of those because those 2 operations that gate the MSQ are easy to over come and battle on.

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Says you this type of thread was always open to that attitude once anyone posts on an open forum the gates are open for all the only way to battle it is ignore the thread if you can't handle those posts or reply's but every player has the right to post what they like as long as they don't break the ToS and the OP had his/her own ideas about oricon and a lot disagree and to be honest i'm one of those because those 2 operations that gate the MSQ are easy to over come and battle on.


At the same time there were enough people who also agreed with the suggestion throwing their support behind the idea. Yes, many disagreed but I'd argue just as much people were in favour of it especially when looking at the first half of the thread. Yet I do agree heavily with the argument there isn't enough resources for this to be implemented at the moment. Nonetheless, it could be an idea for the future or maybe if the devs happen to have spare development time available.


Naturally, when a thread like this is made then indeed those who will agree and disagree will flock to it, which is only natural. However, just because the topic or discussion is out in the open doesn't mean people have a right to resort to insults, ridicule and senseless bashing. Disagreement is fine if presented with reasonable arguments as to why a person disagrees. Disagreeing and therefore thinking one has the right to bash/ridicule a person has no place anywhere, neither in private nor in public forums. And sadly, multiple people did stoop down to that level.


Also, the get good argument really is an assumption that has no worth to it. Because asking for a solo alternative doesn't equal being bad at this game, not knowing one's class or having no skill at all at gaming. Sadly however that assumption is constantly made but has no place in this discussion in my opinion as it is an empty statement with not a single shred of truth to it.

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No, I'm afraid you misunderstand what I was saying - I am against making a brand new Forgotten Terrace-style fight, but I am in favor of introducing a new Solo Mode for all Ops, starting with DF and DP. Either approach would take an investment in time and resources, but I believe Solo Ops would produce a far greater return on that investment.


If they took the time and effort to make a new solo-able boss fight that would count for completing Oricon in place of the Operations, then the only thing that would accomplish would be allowing solo players to finish the Oricon mission chain. If, on the other hand, they made a Solo Mode for Ops, then they would (i) allow solo players to finish the Oricon mission chain, (ii) allow solo players to complete all of the one-off missions for all the different Ops (including the entire Dread Masters storyline from Karagga's Palace onward), and (iii) give solo players a reason to care about the new Ops they are now starting to introduce again.


Providing an entire new segment of the game's population - solo players - with a reason for them to care about Ops, new and old alike, would allow BW to get more mileage out of this type of content across the board, which would be particularly valuable now that they've decided to start releasing new ones again (and have slowed the release of story content, the main draw to solo players, as a result).


EDIT: One caveat (which I mentioned in my earlier posts but want to repeat so no one misunderstands), I think the Solo Mode should be for purposes of advancing / completing stories and experiencing / exploring these areas, not a short-cut for the gear grind - i.e. they should only award CXP on a rate commensurate to open-world missions and should absolutely not give out rewards equal to the current 8- and 16-man versions.


Appreciate you taking the time to clarify, I indeed misunderstood your original post.


My stance on Solo Operations (which OP has never stated they are in favor of) is not that I wouldn't do it if it was there. It's that I think, if Bioware were to actually do this, every fight would be 3.0 Revan final-fight style. I agree with others that they don't have the resources to actually make Solo Ops something worthwhile beyond that.


I get where you're coming from as far as Solo Operations being a gateway to future grouping. I can only speak for myself here, but if they introduced Solo Operations, you'd never see me in a group for them ever again. I'd run them on all my toons and relish every cutscene before, during, and after (quest giver breadcrumbs). I wouldn't care about CXP or gear drops since the game gives that away with all other activities. I also know I'd be done with each run in a given time instead of how Ops are now--they could take 45 minutes, they could take FOUR HOURS.


Solo Operations would allow me to not ever again have to deal with the wonderful things that Pug Ops offer, and the 100% not-elitist, not-rude, not-arrogant, non-trolls that are super-patient and would never ninja-loot and love nothing more than teaching new players the ropes and would never rage at people for not being as super-bad*** and awesome with cat-like reflexes and 100% knowledge of each Operation on an instinctual level because they've done them hundreds of times and got to "experience" all the story already themselves by spacebarring the living **** out of their keyboards because every moment spent outside of a combative group-setting is not "MMO" and therefore should be avoided more than the plague.


I know without a doubt that some pug ops can be surprisingly enjoyable and there are some really great ops players out there that put the bad raiders to absolute shame, and they are a credit to the community, but the bad times linger far more than the good times, and if there was an avenue to experience the Operations along with all their surrounding story content in peace, I don't think you'd actually see an increase in the pug base for the actual group stuff.


So while I would personally benefit from Solo Ops, I wouldn't actually want to see group content get further decimated. Despite my harsh feelings towards the raiders and pvpers that give their communities the horrible reputation they get from non-raiders/non-pvpers, I recognize that the game I love would not continue to be supported without these communities and I want them to be just as happy with the game as I am. I'm not myopic enough to think the game would work as well without them.


But I do want a terminal or CC-unlock option to be able to see any story-related cutscenes that were gated behind Operations without warning. :)

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And I get that. But you're not asking for a warning before players engage down this path. You're asking for development of new cutscenes, voice actor recording, new mission scripts, etc. This is a game update's worth of stuff. Like, the amount of work involved in the Iokath story of 5.2, or the discovery of the traitor in the Umbara flashpoint of 5.4. The Taral V/Boarding Party flashpoints are denoted with purple triangles too. Clearly, you are missing out on some of the Shadow of Revan backstory if you do not do those flashpoints, or if you are not an imperial character or you didn't do the Revanite questline on DK. And while you may not be asking for BW to "drop everything," you are in fact implicating assuming that story, by its nature, ought to be available at the very minimum to solo-only players. But the reality is that the game was always designed with some story elements to be woven into the pillars of group content, and some as character development. You may not be asking for every Dread Master related op to be solo-friendly, but that is the logical extension of your arguments.


Now, it may be fine to re-hash old content to make it solo friendly ... that's precisely what they did with the planetary heroics and KOTFE. But even that had new story associated with it ... you had to build up your alliance by helping out denizens of the planets with tasks, which in turn gave them a reason to fight with you. It didn't require new voice acting to the heroic missions themselves, just some engineering. The new voice acting and cutscenes were limited to the interactions with the resistance contacts, and the star fortresses, and were in that "KOTOR" style back of the head conversations to save even more money. And, with the crates rewarded from the missions, there were new incentives. It is similar with the inclusion of planetary heroic dailies in Galactic Command ... new incentives. The DvL event from last summer re-hashed old content, but it didn't actually change anything, it just gave new incentives for taking new toons through old stuff.


So, the type of endeavor you are asking for would be unprecedented. And in the back of your mind you think that's ok because you believe story is a right to all players. But that's not how the game was designed, certainly not back then. Some stuff is just going to be gated by other content, and that's ok.


I don't believe it would be as big as you claim it would be, in all honesty I think it's somewhat of an exaggeration, however, I do agree that it would take up time that at the moment could be spent on more important stuff. Yet that doesn't mean the devs should completely ignore this idea, because there are enough people who'd be in favour of this. It could especially be made to work if Bioware will indeed be reviewing the CXP rewards for dailies and try to create new incentive to do it, like the CXP bug had drawn many players to the dailies. So for example should an expansion be hitting the game, then I think a solo alternative to Oricon could very nicely be implemented then. As you said, with KotFE the heroics were overhauled, in the next expansion they could do that for dailies and with it include a solo path to the Oricon arc.


And while you may consider it to be a logical extension of my argument to want solo alternatives for the other Dread War operations, honestly I am not asking for that nor wanting that. Really, operations should stay group content and as they are, with the exception of Oricon which is a weird hybrid of soloable story content and having to group up story content. I truly am only targetting Oricon here, not any other operation. Just Oricon.

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I wish we could get a story version of that op too, just so we can see what happens. It would be nice if we could get a god bot just to check it out. I don't need any prizes from it, just wanna see happens to the dread masters and it's not the same on youtube, so don't direct me there. :)
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I wish we could get a story version of that op too, just so we can see what happens. It would be nice if we could get a god bot just to check it out. I don't need any prizes from it, just wanna see happens to the dread masters and it's not the same on youtube, so don't direct me there. :)


Agreed, I'd be completely content to have no rewards come from it, just story progression. Truly that would make me a very happy man :)

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I don't think a solo version is needed at all. It's not like they had a story that ran for a while and then tacked the operations at the end to spite solo players. The oricon story arc is entirely meant to be an addition to the operations, not the other way around, they add some flavour to the operations by hyping the story up a bit. It's in essence not much different from Ruugar's revenge except that they made this one a little longer. If you're a pure solo player that's fine, but you have to consider this is an mmo. Not all content will be aimed at solo players, that's bound to happen. It's also a nice incentive for players to enter into operations.


But even if they make some sort of alternative, I very much doubt it'll be a solo version of the operations as people have suggested. They just weren't designed with the possibility of soloing them in mind, and to make them soloable they'd have to drop pretty much all mechanics, making the whole thing a boring mess.

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I don't think a solo version is needed at all. It's not like they had a story that ran for a while and then tacked the operations at the end to spite solo players. The oricon story arc is entirely meant to be an addition to the operations, not the other way around, they add some flavour to the operations by hyping the story up a bit.


Not exactly. I think the key is that this is content, added to the game during the 2.0 era ... repeatable content. Some of it is solo-player oriented (daily area) ... and some of it is group-oriented (the ops and the heroics, which at the time were tuned such that you did need a group, for the most part.) The story was woven into the dailies and the ops, just like they had for the rest of the game up until that point. That's not to say that the story was tacked on as an afterthought, but rather that the game was designed so that story would be an important part of all areas of gameplay. It was intended that if players wanted to experience the full story, they'd have to experience everything the game had to offer:

  1. They would have to roll imp and pub toons
  2. They would have to do both solo and group content
  3. They would have to explore and talk to other NPCs outside of their main quest to uncover other things about the game (datacrons, codex entries)

SOR changed it somewhat. The devs decided since the whole of the expansion revolved around one story, that was essentially factionless, and since their penultimate star wars creation, Revan, was at the opposite end of the axel from the PC around which everything else turned, they purposefully wanted everyone to have a chance to experience the story, and designed the end of Yavin around that. That expansion was designed from the get-go to have the "solo-option."


KOTFE flipped everything around. It brought the PC front and center and revolved literally the entire galaxy around him or her. The PC wasn't just a hero in the larger struggle between the Republic and the Empire. Unlike being a pillar in the MMO that was bioware's specialty, story became the singular focus around which all other content had to feed, or it was considered a relic of a prior time. It was a redesign of the game. It was getting back to the roots of Bioware ... not getting back to the roots of an MMORPG.


Moving forward, I don't know what to expect. I am guessing they will preserve this notion of making everything solo-friendly for the purposes of the story. And that's probably a good thing, although I think it delays content delivery somewhat. The Gods of the Machine operation feels somewhat detached from the war for Iokath, contrary to the Dread War ops which are the conclusion to the Oricon area, or the Temple of Sacrifice which is like an alternate ending. But GotM has to be because its unfinished.


I don't believe it would be as big as you claim it would be, in all honesty I think it's somewhat of an exaggeration, however, I do agree that it would take up time that at the moment could be spent on more important stuff.


Seriously? Look how much real Milky Way galaxy time it took to get from 5.2 to 5.4, and we're talking five cutscenes total (one cutscene on Odessen, one in Umbara's atmosphere, one at the train cockpit, one before the final boss, and one when we return to Odessen.) There's only four characters who speak ... Lana, Theron, the PC, and the mysterious member of the Order. Look how much time its taking them to change CXP from daily missions, something which on face value seems like it should just be a number in an Excel spreadsheet or database. People have been asking for legacy unassembled components for nine months. I don't think any of us has any idea how much time something takes, let alone something that requires new cutscenes and voice acting.


You may just be asking for Oricon, but once you open that Pandora's box there will be demands for solo versions of every operation and they'll use your nuOricon as grounds to justify it.


You're not specifically stating it, but there's this unspoken notion that people are being "Forced" to do stuff in the game. I'm forced to do pvp because I want the M1-4X companion, and he's part of the "Story" so I should get it. I'm forced to roll an imperial toon in order to get the legacy perks ... or the HK-51 component ... or, more germane to this thread, get the full Dread Master story. I'm forced to do group content or I miss out on some of the story. I'm forced to do solo content or I can't participate in this or that endgame activity. I'm forced to do PVE on certain days because its more efficient to get the gear I need for pvp. I'm forced to do ranked pvp the other times because I can get unassembled components faster than opening crates from doing solo content. The list of things us players are being forced to do goes on and on.


I'm going to try not to get pulled back into this argument, because we won't agree but we don't have to anyway. Your opinion is just as valid as mine. Your assumptions though are implicit in the title you wrote for this thread. You didn't put it into the suggestion box sub forum, with the title "Can the dread master story line be made more solo-friendly?" You chose a phrasing that is subtly accusatory, as if the Devs are somehow depriving people of story because they are gating the content behind an operation, and that solo-players are entitled to see the full story. And you placed the thread in General Discussion, for visibility, because you want a chance to prove your point, and have back and forth, not leave it as a suggestion that may fade into obscurity. That means you recognize the sentiment isn't a no-brainer, and isn't universally agreed upon.

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we should be able to finish story arcs properly.


This is the issue. Your idea of properly is yours. It's not mine. It's not the devs at this point.


Obviously the devs meant this to be a group encounter. I don't get your refusal to just accept that some content is solo, some is small group, and some is large group. There is no law that says that every story HAS to have a solo way of being done.

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This is the issue. Your idea of properly is yours. It's not mine. It's not the devs at this point.


Obviously the devs meant this to be a group encounter. I don't get your refusal to just accept that some content is solo, some is small group, and some is large group. There is no law that says that every story HAS to have a solo way of being done.


I agree with this sentiment, not all the story should be soloable. The Dread War as an arc in its entirety should indeed remain gated behind operations as it was designed that way and should stay such. However, Oricon starts out as solo and except for the end, that being the two operations, is pretty much soloable throughout all the narrative. That is where my issue lies, I really am perfectly happy with accepting that some content/stories is or would be told through operations for example. However, if you start a story arc in a solo way and put in an operation to further the story, I personally think a solo alternative like in SoR would be fair, but naturally you may disagree with me on that or the devs for that matter.


Also, I have voted and taken a look at the strawpoll and I must say the result is interesting to see as well as what I expected/hope it would be

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I agree with this sentiment, not all the story should be soloable. The Dread War as an arc in its entirety should indeed remain gated behind operations as it was designed that way and should stay such.


I'm always looking at the opposite of things and ask : "What would happen, then ?


If story arcs should be gated behind group content, then some story arcs should be gated behind solo content, too. Oh, wait ...


Meanwhile that "group content gate" works very,. very well, the "solo content gate" doesn't work at all. everyone doing group content can do solo content - but not vice versa. To me, that's kind of unbalanced, a bias.

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I'm always looking at the opposite of things and ask : "What would happen, then ?


If story arcs should be gated behind group content, then some story arcs should be gated behind solo content, too. Oh, wait ...


Meanwhile that "group content gate" works very,. very well, the "solo content gate" doesn't work at all. everyone doing group content can do solo content - but not vice versa. To me, that's kind of unbalanced, a bias.


anyone can do group content, they just choose not to. and after grouping up for all the class stories, planet storylines, side missions, heroics, bonus series, datacron hunts, flashpoints and operations being forced to solo in kotfe really sucked just like being forced to group up sucks for people who like soloing.

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