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The Jump pad in Huttball. RANDOM IN PVP IS BAD!


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Its not random. You have to hit each way you want to go at a certain angel each time. You cant just run into it wanting to go forward and it will send you forward, No. Stop being bad and learn how things work.


I was under the impression this was a myth, even gabe said it is random

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I agree with OP. Random has been proven in the past to be bad.


Quite the contrary. Randomness adds excitement, risk vs reward and can set your team back in inflicting another challenge that needs to be overcome. If the ENTIRE contest was random, it would not be fun. It would be gambling. The trick is to give the player plenty of opportunity to influence the outcome. This is influenced by your decision whether or NOT to use it.


As others have said, that jump pad is NOT your only option. You can go around the ramp. You can pass the ball. You can Intervene/Lifegrip the ball carrier to the upper level. The fact that you choose to use it all the time, and choose to freak the **** out whenever things don't go your way does not make you a very smart or reasonable person.

Edited by Bibdy
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simple answer, Dont Use It !!


even a little kid can understand that when he gets a toy that he doesnt like to play with.


people obviously aren't reading.


it isn't about me, or a single person using it. it's the overall impact the the randomness has on the entire match. I can't control when the enemy, or other teammates use it.

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Disagree with the entire OPs opinion. The randomness adds to the chaos and strategy. If a player has the option to throw the ball to someone already up above, they should do it instead of jumping on the pad due to the risk/reward. This is like complaining that you don't like pitchers in baseball that throw the ball in random orientations and speeds to strike a batter out.
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I love the fact that that they added a risky shortcut. If it was static, there would be no reason at all to have the ramps up back at all, then they could just put the ramp in front and just remove the jumppad altogether.


Keep it as it is. =)


you didn't read the part about it being on a timer. better to wait or go?

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it's not "random"... there's 3 directional spouts on it... i know which way im going when I hit the thing. Just sayin. Pay attention more and quit complaining about something you don't yet understand :cool:




There are directions it launches you. The problem ends up being, however, the that warzone delay is so hardcore that you often run into it (assuming it will launch you a certain direction) but the server computes that you are on the opposite side and flails you into an acid pool.


Fix lag. Fix jump ad. Yay!

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I don't take the air jumps unless if I don't, something bad will happen, like the enemy ball carrier getting too far ahead/scoring.


I think they are fine. There's enough ways to get around that you don't HAVE to take them. And if you're smart, you know when it's worth the risk. The flames are just as random IMO.

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I think OP has a point, it's not just about 'not using the jump-pad if I don't like it'.

If you are defending, chasing the ball from behind and the ball carrier uses the jump-pad, you can't very well just say "oh, well he's gone, I'm not going to follow him as I don't like the jump-pad"

The only think to do in that situation (which occurs at least once, if not more, every game) is to follow and pray that the gods of jump-paddery are in your favour.


If of course, the pads aren't random, and lag just ruins everything, then FIX PLZ LOL. :cool:

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You are not forced to step on the jump pad at any time. There are ways around it; you can go around it and if you're worried about the fact that ball carrier gets thrown into random direction, you can always pass the ball.


It's a risky shortcut, that you are not FORCED to take. Understand?


Wrong, one of my favorite tricks is to use a knockback to push people onto the jump pad to break up enemy formations.


So there is the trick, use them as weapons, not transport ;)

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Also, sometimes when I'm hit, I start flying and i'm "magically" teleported back. I still don't get why.


Anyway it's pretty annoying, I would be happier if it was static, but I don't really mind if they leave as it is.


This seems to happen sometimes to people that I electrocute as they hit the pad... the electrocute doesn't work, but it yanks them back to the ground.

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