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Unassembled Component Changes in 5.4


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The drop rate of the crates is so appalling that it is supplemental only.


If it is any consolation, I just pinged CR66 on my main and finally got the mainhand in a crate. The RNG is brutal, and the UC route is also brutal once past tier 1.


The only remotely good thing that has altered about the whole system is that you get 5 command tokens per crate, so you get to get tier 1 gear slightly faster than when 5.0 was introduced (still miles behind where 2.0-4.0 gearing speeds).


It's so utterly bad for any new characters or players just starting out, because they're so far behind the gearing curve without any catch up mechanic in place, that it's pretty pointless. I think I'm done now until 6.0. Assuming they rectify the absolute mess of the gearing they decided was a "good idea" and "fun" and "exciting". Of which it is not any of those, even now and with the proposed changes to UC incoming (which change literally nothing).


Hope you all enjoy yourselves.

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If it is any consolation, I just pinged CR66 on my main and finally got the mainhand in a crate. The RNG is brutal, and the UC route is also brutal once past tier 1.


The only remotely good thing that has altered about the whole system is that you get 5 command tokens per crate, so you get to get tier 1 gear slightly faster than when 5.0 was introduced (still miles behind where 2.0-4.0 gearing speeds).


It's so utterly bad for any new characters or players just starting out, because they're so far behind the gearing curve without any catch up mechanic in place, that it's pretty pointless. I think I'm done now until 6.0. Assuming they rectify the absolute mess of the gearing they decided was a "good idea" and "fun" and "exciting". Of which it is not any of those, even now and with the proposed changes to UC incoming (which change literally nothing).


Hope you all enjoy yourselves.


Ye my sage got to tier 4 a while and was still in 236s for ages. Complete nonsense

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If it is any consolation, I just pinged CR66 on my main and finally got the mainhand in a crate. The RNG is brutal, and the UC route is also brutal once past tier 1.


The only remotely good thing that has altered about the whole system is that you get 5 command tokens per crate, so you get to get tier 1 gear slightly faster than when 5.0 was introduced (still miles behind where 2.0-4.0 gearing speeds).


It's so utterly bad for any new characters or players just starting out, because they're so far behind the gearing curve without any catch up mechanic in place, that it's pretty pointless. I think I'm done now until 6.0. Assuming they rectify the absolute mess of the gearing they decided was a "good idea" and "fun" and "exciting". Of which it is not any of those, even now and with the proposed changes to UC incoming (which change literally nothing).


Hope you all enjoy yourselves.


It is like stupid bad for new players.


Imagine you make 70 and you are in greens and blues.

You don't have tokens so you won't be seeing set bonuses for a while.

You don't have a stable of crafters so you won't be in all 228 either.

That first character probably doesn't have augments.

No legacy stat perks.

No legacy buffs.

No datacron master.


You queue for PvP and meet some tank/healer pair with all the perks and 248 gear.


That Total Gap is really too much.

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I still can't believe that they're STILL tinkering with this piss-poor system.


Since they probably started thinking about it last summer, why is it still not right this summer?


Is this what our sub money is going on? to break something that wasn't broken, and spend a year fixing it?


I also need to quote this.


The whole Unassembled Component system is overly complex, meagerly allotted, having vendors stretched out across two rooms with unlabeled npcs thrown in to make the rooms look more active.


My proposed fixes:


1. Vendors should be set up as pre 5.0: Jedi and Sith in one room, Non-Jedi and Sith in the other.

2. There should be one currency: Command Tokens. Vendors would sell gear requiring previous gear shell + command tokens.


3. Operations would drop gear itself instead of components.

4. Double CXP overall with boosts removed from Cartel Market and Vendors.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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I don't like to be negative specially when the communicators here are being nice, but really...


I just can't keep waiting. I've been trying to play my alts since ages... I only like pvp in this game, and I tried to gear by pve but I utterly hate it, and I just feel stupid wasting my play time doing something that I hate. And in top of that, I'm paying for it a subscription! Somehow this is worse than an asian cheesy grindy MMO. :mad:


UC needs to be legacy bound ASAP, and all the gear prices should go down... a lot down! And you guys aren't doing any of this, I wonder what game are you testing?


EDIT: Of course this wouldn't be a problem for PVPers if you would just raise the bolster to 242 or 248 gear! :mad:

Edited by Giberelina
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This is a silly statement, you cant tell be serious about the gearing being "too hard for ya". I dont want to keep on telling my example of 12 hours of playing a week with 4 full 248 toons, but its really silly to read this. Its too easy to gear now, just play the game and you will be full 248 and wont have any gear vs gear issues.



You don't get to dictate someone else's experience is "silly" especially when putting rather unbelievable statements out there of gearing for toons to 248 just by casually playing the game 12 hours a week.


I mean maybe it's possible ... the math seems to imply it's not but if it were I ma guessing only via harder difficulty operations which for the majority of players isn't an easy or obtainable means to gear to 248.


So you speak of this example ... let's hear it with some supporting math, I would be honestly interested in seeing this great example of how you pulled off 4 toons to 248 and supporting math to show how this was possible otherwise I would be inclined to not believe you geared in only 12 hours a week at all.


Have at it.

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If it is any consolation, I just pinged CR66 on my main and finally got the mainhand in a crate. The RNG is brutal, and the UC route is also brutal once past tier 1.


The only remotely good thing that has altered about the whole system is that you get 5 command tokens per crate, so you get to get tier 1 gear slightly faster than when 5.0 was introduced (still miles behind where 2.0-4.0 gearing speeds).


It's so utterly bad for any new characters or players just starting out, because they're so far behind the gearing curve without any catch up mechanic in place, that it's pretty pointless. I think I'm done now until 6.0. Assuming they rectify the absolute mess of the gearing they decided was a "good idea" and "fun" and "exciting". Of which it is not any of those, even now and with the proposed changes to UC incoming (which change literally nothing).


Hope you all enjoy yourselves.


Can't you get tier 1 now by just buying it with tokens?


I never bothered getting to rank 2, the system is crap and put me off a lot of gameplay. Then seeing it become so convoluted with all these currencies actually gives me belly laughs when thinking back to how much simpler it was pre-5.0 - and this was the system that was supposed to simplify gearing over pre-5.0 and reduce currencies heh.


I do think now though that BWA could stand to make a profit by running week long online courses for $49.99 on "How to gear efficiently using Galactic Command".

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Do not reply or respond to anyone who posts:


1. It is now easier to get gear

2. It takes a short amount of time to achieve the gear or level

3. You don't need the gear or command level.


The very few who make those arguments either want to be the few elite to have all gold 248 gear or derail the thread for their own personal amusement or both.


The games population is now a point of concern with 5.0 being the main cause.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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I am basically waiting till 6.0 then if nothing changes for the better I am gonna cancel my long standing subscription and will leave.

I've been getting all my alts to 70/230+, at this point the only endgame I do is regs and that only for the pattern drops on the weekly.


Basically if 6.0 contains RNG gear or the Sith are still all holding hands saving the galaxy, I'm gone.


This could have all been avoided with one well placed mission option:

4. Kill Lana


The only thing is, is #4 a light or dark choice? :rak_04:

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I've been getting all my alts to 70/230+, at this point the only endgame I do is regs and that only for the pattern drops on the weekly.


Basically if 6.0 contains RNG gear or the Sith are still all holding hands saving the galaxy, I'm gone.


This could have all been avoided with one well placed mission option:

4. Kill Lana


The only thing is, is #4 a light or dark choice? :rak_04:


If you still have 208 pvp gear use it instead of the 230 gear as it bolsters better

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I've been getting all my alts to 70/230+, at this point the only endgame I do is regs and that only for the pattern drops on the weekly.


Basically if 6.0 contains RNG gear or the Sith are still all holding hands saving the galaxy, I'm gone.


This could have all been avoided with one well placed mission option:

4. Kill Lana


The only thing is, is #4 a light or dark choice? :rak_04:


Iam also considering to take a break from this crap game if they wont change pvp gearing progression. For all time i play after 4.0 Was implemented i have only 1 full geared sentinel, 1 almost full geared scoundrel (still having 242 implants, relics), 1 242/246 geared juggernaut..... considering that i have 8 alts it sucks. Tired of bioware treating us like sheep which could be shaved every day for low-quality content.


No faster/better gearing progression for unranked - no subscribers

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unless they are morons.


You would be surprised to who is queing for PVP these days.


unless the enemy team is full of morons.


Trust me, many que for PVP now for the daily and coms, thats what the Devs figured out thats why they nerf the daily.


But seriously, you are right about PVP in general, I mean such players that have no problem to combine PVP and PVE will get full 248 on multiple toons quite fast but then you have the problem that you are just 1/8 of the team in the match and rest might be afkers, cxp farmers, component farmers, new players etc its what the system is forcing the people to do. The only ones who benefit from this are premades that wreck the other teams, get fast victories and gear etc. I dunno, I dont have a solution for this, but it is a problem.

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m3-r0 seriously..u should stop this, because i can almost bet i play way more hours then you and the only way to achieve this is grinding pvp like a retard.


the time "i loose" (figuratively ofc) doing ops hm or nim im not griding UC thru pvp (so i can get the exact piece i want) - so yes this is really not in confrontation with the truth. and besides when i start to try to gear up my rep toons (5.0 started 9 months i have 4 imp toons close to 248), i realize what a drag this is.


the system is not that bad but it isnt all pretty like u so much praise.


seriously i just want to *slap you* when i see u reply gearing up is to easy. no, gearing up was easy in 4.0. now its just retarded for alts.

try to gear up 10 or more toons and u will see how it feels more like a work then the result of playing for fun. i have toons i havent touched since 5.0 started - cause i grinded for 242 - then they introduced 248 etc etc..


Threy, I really have 5 toons with full 248 (2 have totatly full, 3 miss left side). I achieved that by playing 3 nights a week (total of 12 hours per week) and 2 weeks i spent on only doing Tyth HM till we killed it on Progenitor. I had this long time ago already as soon as the changes to unassembled components dropped i was getting 3-4 248 pieces a week, just by playing GSF!


I stand by my statement that gearing is easy, but you have to be fine with playing all forms of content in the game PVP, PVE and GSF, thats all.

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You don't get to dictate someone else's experience is "silly" especially when putting rather unbelievable statements out there of gearing for toons to 248 just by casually playing the game 12 hours a week.


I mean maybe it's possible ... the math seems to imply it's not but if it were I ma guessing only via harder difficulty operations which for the majority of players isn't an easy or obtainable means to gear to 248.


So you speak of this example ... let's hear it with some supporting math, I would be honestly interested in seeing this great example of how you pulled off 4 toons to 248 and supporting math to show how this was possible otherwise I would be inclined to not believe you geared in only 12 hours a week at all.


Have at it.


Its hard for me to trace it back now as I dont have the data on when i got what, but as soon as the unassembled component system came all I did was GSF and that on 2 characters, 1 rep side, 1 imp side. Keep in mind that a GSF win gives you 10 components, on match is 8-15 minutes so in 4 hours you can get as much as 16 maches, but depends on a lot of things, which nets u 160 components a day if you win them all (not including daily and weekly). I always did daily on both toons and then sticked to the side where i was getting pops. Components became available at the end of January so do the math how much you could have gotten till now, just from playing GSF.


I had a toon on harbinger when i stopped getting pops after midnight or 1 am to swap over there. I was doing GSF for achievements and i transfered a toon to harbinger every day (and then back) to keep achievements updated. So i was getting achievements and gear at the same time, it was great!


I then ran a few HMs just to get the 242 gear piece i want and upgraded it, even now i still have 3 242 pieces on my Merc waiting for enough components to get them to 248, but im waiting on the class changes so i dont gear the class that gets nerfed again. I am at almost 1k components on the 2 toons now.

Edited by merovejec
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The funny thing is that its mostly rep side ppl doing this, never seen such behaviour imp side.


It happens on imp side as well.


What this crappy gearing system encourages is ppl queing for pvp when they have no interest whatsoever in pvp. So you get afkers and totally clueless players who don't give a ****. Does little to actually promote PvP. Warzones infested with players who don't want to be there is not a good thing for pvp.


At first, I thought "what a crappy decision not buffing the UC rewards for regs, only for ranked". Well, maybe it's a good thing for regs (and a complete disaster for ranked) in terms of who queue. Maybe the afkers and UC farmers will choose ranked and, perhaps, not queue for regs. Yeah, totally biased and selfish since I don't play ranked at all.


I'm wondering what they will do for gearing 6.0. They've been trying so hard to salvage this system since they released it that ditching it for good the next expansion will look too much of an admision they screwed up. Not sure they are ready for that.


Going back to what it was in 4.0 for pvp gearing (with expertise coming back as well) is ideal imo. But I doubt it'll happen.

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I found a really nice quote from under-geared player who took a step into ranked (for whatever reason, but he needs these tokens)


I absolutely do not care whether I will be killed thousand times, if it is the only way to earn those stupid tokens, I will earn them.


Prepare to see dozens of players like him in 5.4 :p

Edited by Glower
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I found a really nice quote from under-geared player who took a step into ranked (for whatever reason, but he needs these tokens)




Prepare to see dozens of players like him in 5.4 :p


Hey, maybe they'll make me look good :rak_03:


I may not be a 1750+ player, but I do intend to actually try and "git gud", so there's that : )

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So how far down the road will we get a letter to the players stating that this change to the coms was a success, because look at the numbers, more people than ever are playing ranked?


Something like 'PvP is an in game success!!! The developers knew it would work, because they know more than the players what they want and how they should play the game to enjoy it!'


Now for the next evil twist, in 6.0 instead of coms you will get a reward box with a random item in it, sometimes even coms for upgrades! Because random is fun!

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