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Visas Marr and Darth Marr


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I know the name Darth Marr could be like the word mar, which means to soil to an extent of no return, thus making it a great Sith name, but Visas Marr was a Jedi by the end of KOTOR II.


Visas and Darth Marr have the same name, so I'm wondering if a connection's been found? Given Star Wars is all about family, and the only family SWTOR's concerned with is Revan's, I'm kinda hopeful that there could be a connection here. You know, something away from Bastila and Revan, more concerning the Jedi Exile and one of her own. What do you guys think? Has there been anything? Or is this just coincidence in the names?


It'd be pretty cool if we got a short story or a story patch that explains how it came to be that the Marrs went from Jedi to Sith over the years, given that miraluka Sith are extremely rare. Darth Marr is a Force ghost, after all. He should be able to explain some stuff, even if he isn't miraluka and is just a human who never takes off his mask. Can miralukas and humans breed?

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I know the name Darth Marr could be like the word mar, which means to soil to an extent of no return, thus making it a great Sith name, but Visas Marr was a Jedi by the end of KOTOR II.


Visas and Darth Marr have the same name, so I'm wondering if a connection's been found? Given Star Wars is all about family, and the only family SWTOR's concerned with is Revan's, I'm kinda hopeful that there could be a connection here. You know, something away from Bastila and Revan, more concerning the Jedi Exile and one of her own. What do you guys think? Has there been anything? Or is this just coincidence in the names?


It'd be pretty cool if we got a short story or a story patch that explains how it came to be that the Marrs went from Jedi to Sith over the years, given that miraluka Sith are extremely rare. Darth Marr is a Force ghost, after all. He should be able to explain some stuff, even if he isn't miraluka and is just a human who never takes off his mask. Can miralukas and humans breed?


I highly doubt this is the case. But, to humor the theory, because Marr never takes his mask off. Do we know that he is definitely human, is there info out there that confirms he is human?

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Don't think he's related to visas, though it would have been cool! Maybe it was something they were planning to do, but didn't.


Yeah, I definitely believe this.


It would have been so awesome to connect this character, who is a pretty great leader and fiercely loyal, to one of the Jedi who rebuilt the Order. It was making my theory brain tingle when I saw him not bickering endlessly with Satele as a Force ghost. His great grandmother Visas also had a change of heart/mind for something she thought was better. They'd have that in common, at least.


I'll still keep my hopes that we get something concerning the two, but it's probably the case, as you said, that they were planning to do something then didn't.

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They have no relation whatsoever. Marr is simply a term for hurting or scaring someone so it was taken by Darth marr as his sith name. We see with every other sith lord, Thanaton and Mortis both mean death, Nox mean darkness or night. Ravage and Maul have pretty much the same meaning and then we have The Darths Howl, Tyranus and of course Scourge even if he is not a darth.


The sith takes on this funny names to separate themselfes from their early lives and to seem more terrifing. Visas last name was just a name probably just a Miraluka name or just a name tosed out at random by a name generator.

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Wasnt there also a Miraluka jedi going by the surname Marr in the Bounty Hunter story line?


Yes, I recall that too. They could've so done something with this, man. Dang it. Also with the Dark Side Entity in the Sith Warrior story that's supposedly Kreia. I mean, it was never confirmed, but when prompted Drew said, "Yeah, I guess she's supposed to be Kreia."

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It's probably coincidence, but who knows? Another funny one is Lana Beniko - the letters of her last name could be rearranged to spell Kenobi...


Woah, never saw that! Interesting, really, really interesting! Perhaps they do have great plans for both characters and their legacies! I am looking forward to the mystery.

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