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I dont want this game to fail...


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With all the negativity on these forums its starting to depress me. Im only level 30 and having a BLAST, and want to continue having a blast!


Are they biased trollers or is the game seriously lacking in end game?


If you don't want to get depressed don't ever go to any games forum around launch.


Did you like Portal 2? It was blasted for the first month for a trillion reasons (too short, the hat store, etc).


Did you like Starcraft 2? Those forums were a gigantic nightmare.


Think you will like Diablo 3? Just wait till that game launches and the forums are a nightmare too.


This always happens.

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With all the negativity on these forums its starting to depress me. Im only level 30 and having a BLAST, and want to continue having a blast!


Are they biased trollers or is the game seriously lacking in end game?


Considering most of the nagativity is caused by people not being punished properly for unintelligant posting, genuine trolling and flaming this is not something that should depress you. (Mainly on the defenders side, thus resulting in 'bad' posts being on top of the first page not the genuinly good ones since good bases makes it harder to flame and troll on)


Theres alot of issues in this game but its far from being as horrid and as in such a gentle state it needs to be defended as furiously as it is on these forums.


Problem is alot of people have alot of faith attached to KOTOR games and Star Wars franchise thus they want the game to succeed. Some of them are genuinly disappointed but it really comes down to your personal oppinion on the game.


Problems in the end game are not seen untill a server stabilises in its end game guilds so within a few weeks (hopefully), as for PVP it will stabilise as the major issues get removed. The road from 30-50 takes a while so just take your time, have a chill and wait for the first content patch to roll out is most likely the best place to genuinly start worrying how end game will look like.


Edit: some info.

Edited by Sohtaraz
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With all the negativity on these forums its starting to depress me. Im only level 30 and having a BLAST, and want to continue having a blast!


Are they biased trollers or is the game seriously lacking in end game?


The forums will always be dominated by those highly biased in BOTH directions.


Your best bet is to stay off of them and if you come to them for a specific question, go to the forum that covers that game aspect.

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Dont be gullable. You're only incentivating them.


The game is awesome. Are you gonna believe the millions playing and all the reviewers giving it scores above 90% or a couple of forum trolls?

Edited by Nemmar
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yeah thats true i suppose.


if it was a few posts id see it, but with the majority being negativity im worried.


The majority are not negative, its just that the most popular threads are negative ones because people get fired up over drama. Think about it, a tremendously vast majority of the people playing this game never visit these forums.


What you are seeing is a miniscule amount screaming because A doesn't equal B. Avoid this place, WoWs forums are the same every expansion, every games forums during a launch are to be avoided or you will think the sky is falling. Have fun, most are.

Edited by Freeball
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Don't be worried just enjoy the game.



This game had how many subs? Theres bound to be all these pointless complaining threads. People think if they post and then unsub people will care about them. Well noone does.



Enjoy the game and in a few months the forums should be full of people who like the game.

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With all the negativity on these forums its starting to depress me. Im only level 30 and having a BLAST, and want to continue having a blast!


Are they biased trollers or is the game seriously lacking in end game?


Well next month when they dont resub hopefully they wont have forum access either, negativity for its own sake helps no one and we dont need it here.

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yeah thats true i suppose.


if it was a few posts id see it, but with the majority being negativity im worried.


Its because everyone who loves the game is either playing or sitting in queue :) That leaves the forums all to the trolls

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With all the negativity on these forums its starting to depress me. Im only level 30 and having a BLAST, and want to continue having a blast!


Are they biased trollers or is the game seriously lacking in end game?


I learned long ago not to form my opinion from troll central. Experience it for yourself and form your own opinion.

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I only browse the forums while I am at work or if I am doing something that requires attention so I can't play the game.


I laugh at most of the QQing because a VERY large portion of it is due to people with under specced machines expecting the game to run flawless.



HOLY Crap my 256K Direct X 6 Video Card won't run the game on high? I am canceling.

Edited by Robovinski
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The thing is, in the games current state, it's terrible. I know it's new and all but it's in a genre market of games that are more polished, and cost less to play. Either cut it from the start, or don't cut it at all. Look at all the recent mmo's that have failed, and badly, and fans were still saying the same thing "LOLZ IT@Z NEWZ YOU TROLLZ", then boom, lost subs, had to go f2p or even close.
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yeah thats true i suppose.


if it was a few posts id see it, but with the majority being negativity im worried.



The majority of people who post on the forums are people not playing the game (the ones enjoying it ARE playing the game). So of course the forum is going to have more "negative Nancy"s than not.


Most of the people being negative are either trolls or people who have never been through an MMO launch. The game certainly isn't perfect as is, but MMOs evolve and improve over time.


Don't worry about it.

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My advice; leave these forums and never come back. Enjoy the game within your own circle and find advice and guides elsewhere on the internet.


Even if the US president had a 90% approval rating, the remaining 10% would scream so loudly you'd think the universe was coming to an end.


Tis the nature of people, to whine incessantly.

Edited by Bibdy
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Hopefully the people on the forums are a minority. Why come and post if you are having a great time playing kinda thought. I want this game to sucseed but I am concerned that these days we expect too much from an MMO at launch. I know I did.
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"If you want to enjoy a game, never go to the forums".


Don't remember where I saw that quote, but it is very true...



I would say the opposite. If you run into a tough spot, you will often find there is something wrong, either with the game or your playstyle. If the game rocks no amount of troll whining is going to change that and if not , no amount of fan-boi sophistries will change that. the majority of People go to the forum because there is a problem not because everything is fine.


@OP I hope they get their crap together, get their head out of their 4th point of contact so this game will "Live long and prosper" (lol i know wrong "Star"), noone wants to see this game fail, WE all want it to be good, BUT things can't get fixed if people think the game is "perfect" as is. No company will spend money (after a huge outlay of capital) IF they think All is well.

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To the OP...I was just thinking today after I took a cursory glance at these forums, that the negativity seems to be dying down a bit, but I could be wrong. The only advice I can give you is to continue to play the game, and send out positive vibes in the hopes TOR will be a success.
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Seriously, do the missions get any harder? Im 17 Inquistor Sorc and they are a joke for difficulty. The idea of everyone having a companion kills grouping too. Poor mmo, better as a standalone game.


Trust me when I say this, but don't judge the difficulty of the game at level 17.

It's designed to be forgiving at that level.


And no, having a companion out doesn't kill grouping at all.


The "Heroic" areas in the early part of the game aren't really that "Heroic", but as you progress, they get harder, you WILL be needing groups for them. Especially as a SI.


And when you do late 20's flashpoints with only 3 players + 1 companion it becomes very apparent that the companion isn't doing as much as a player would / could.

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