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Class Changes Feedback: Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage Underperforms [5.3Buff]


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Madness average now at 8806 dps/ 2.5mil target. 600 dps bellow IO, 400 bellow Eng Sniper. Your thoughts everyone who plays or does not play this spec, and devs combat team of course: is this minor, extreme, rightfully so???


Yes these are averages of submitted parses on parsley, but they are averages of 46 IO parses, 33 Eng-sniper parses, and 42 madness parses, so you have to think it is a fair sample size.



would be better if it was the same amount of parses for every spec say 10 by newbie players of the spec, 10 by sm only, 10 by pvpers, 10 my hm and 10 by nim players per spec =) that's just my idea lol. but yeah even what we already have is an indicator of 'something ain't right here' i just meant that the dude who wanted 9.9k for madness is clearly expecting too much =) esp since the the max for ranged sustained / melee burst seems to be 9.4k by I.O. so anything more than that is not gonna happen by default lol:D:D

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i just meant that the dude who wanted 9.9k for madness is clearly expecting too much =) esp since the the max for ranged sustained / melee burst seems to be 9.4k by I.O. so anything more than that is not gonna happen by default lol:D:D

And why do you think he was talking about the average DPS score and not about the highest parse on a 2.5mill dummy?


If the latter is the case, he would have requested to match Madness with the 9,947.86 for IO or the 9,978.35 for Engineering, and to put it in an acceptable distance towards the 10,028.46 of Virulence.


An average f.e. can be modified by publishing a few suboptimal parses, especially if there aren't that many parses and players wanted to be the first ones to publish them after the patch.

Edited by realleaftea
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The whole Sorcerer class is under performing! Not just Madness. Sorcerer Lightning is literally useless right now, I used to main Sorc Lightning before. Sorcerer Corruption (Healer), is a lot more weaker now and its pain in the *** playing him in OPs, even in the most easiest ones (SM), and I am geared enough for that difficulty. Having full T2 for both Madness DPS and Corruption Sorcerer... They literally butchered the class and its quite useless right now. My Sith Juggernaut, does a lot more damage than my Sorcerer, and I main him as a tank... even thought I do switch to DPS from time to time. The class Sorcerer is ultimately useless right now...
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At this point I am sure they (devs) are aware of our feedback. Just the fix on resource management on madness was a great step in the right direction, and it was done quickly after players raised concern after the initial class changes were posted.


Now, they will "monitor" situation and make appropriate changes - unfortunately it will take time and the game has been screwed up royally since 5.0. - So I don't know who will stick it out, but making quick adjustments on the fly or on impulse can result in Merc Cancer all over again.


Lightning/TK without the exploit even is in a good place right now when compared to Arsenal and MM - is is definately not underpowered in terms of overall dps when compared to those two specs. In PvP yes it is a challenging though as Merc and Sniper Dcds are vastly superior to Sorc Dcds at the moment still. The problem with lightning (but this is nit-picking) is it is in a place between burst rdps and sustain rdps right now - as in it's burst is a bit weaker I would say than arsenal/mm but sustain is nothing to write home about, it is also weak in the burst rdps category. Yes it has scary burst under alacrity window, but is is by that cooldown nature rarer than the on demand burst of mm/arsenal.


Madness is a tad (a little bit) underpowered in both dps output and Dcds. - When measuring against IO or Eng, it has less constraints - target switch/ resources constraints etc than those two specs and as a result some nice perks-unlimited resources, built in AoE in single target rotation and so on. So it probably should parse less than IO definately, and a little bit under Eng but not much (as in 100-150dps). It should be probably around Virulence level or a bit above +50dps over (if Virulence is indeed "Quasi burst-sustained"). As is stands, after the last batch of changes to classes in 5.3, it is none of those things.

Edited by ottffsse
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I feel a bit that Sith Sorcerers in general need a buff. The damage is weak and it doesn't have the feel to it that it needs.

Madness and lightning just feel underrated, feels like a sith sorcerers is more useful as healers then anything at its current moment.

Edited by XReaperVX
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I'm not a huge pve player so can't tell for sure, but in pvp at least ... Jesus sorc / sage succ hard. Take Light / TeleK spec for instance, it's a ranged burst and compared to and arsenal merc you just tickle your opponents.


Let's face it the thread about class dps balance is retarded. Like the burst classes don't burst their target for 10 min long, there are some cooldowns down there. They're better for trash maybe but for boss fights after the first 40s all classes / specs are on the same page.


And this is only the offensive aspect, because let's face it, sorc / sage defensive abilities are trash

Edited by VongCommanderJah
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