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246 Gear or Set Bonus


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I have full 246 non-set-bonus gear. Is it better to go with that or the 230 set bonus gear?


For DPS and/or Heals, Set-Bonuses are very useful. The devs target is, to have the set-bonus an impact of 5% on the DPS. Some Healer-Classes have some important energy-management-utilitys on the set-bonus, so I would definetly recommend the set-bonus instead of the 246-non-set armorings.


The only classes, where non-set-armorings are superior, are tanks. The reasons is, that the tanks goal is to reduce damage incomming, that is mostly depending on armor rating (->Damage Reduction). The armor rating depends on the item-rating of the armorings. Usually, when I don't have new set-bonus-armorings, I run with 5 non-set-pieces and 2 pieces with old-set-bonus on belts and bracers, becaus these pieces have the lowest armor-rating and the 2-piece-set-bonus will give you a Damage-Reduction-buff via one of the cora-rotation-abilitys, who's impact is bigger than new armorings.

Edited by Exocor
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I have full 246 non-set-bonus gear. Is it better to go with that or the 230 set bonus gear?


The healing 6-set bonus for sorcerers is arguably the most important set bonus in the whole game. Never leave home without it.


(But if the alternatives are "every mod in gear is 246" vs "every mod in gear is 230 but I get set bonus", then you might get by with the 246s instead. Such as if you have a standard non-bonus legacy set for all your alts.)

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