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Fix PT for pvp


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People arguing that PT is in worse shape than sorc are insane, sorcs are (generally) better than pt in an all dps matchup where they can kite and off heal, but once you introduce a healer or a healer/tank pt is definitely better - you can simply ride the sorc to shut it's damage down while also killing it.


Pt is the definition of a glass cannon, and it's a pretty damn huge cannon if we're being honest; the issue is that a merc/mara/sniper isn't far behind offensively and all three have superior defenses which allow them (and their team) to play more aggressively.


PT was the sleeper OP class at launch, and it was definitely the go to broken class (alongside smash) in ranked 8's pre 2.0; from 2.0 - 2.4 most people shelved their pt for smash mara or leth. sniper but 2.4 brought lol AP (pure AP and skank AP) and in a later patch pyro got super buffed and was (once again) faceroll status.... not even going to talk about the 3.0 - 5.0 era were AP pt/shieldtech were literally the most broken/brain-dead specs in the game (though ap in solo ranked went from OK to "meh" as their ranged options/HO up time was nerfed).


Former OP status shouldn't see a class/spec regulated to the current state of PT, but I think it's very important to take into account because 5.0 AP's damage is very strong and the class is still easy mode (not as brain-dead as arsenal, but close); with even small changes to PT's defenses (or enough nerfs to other class's defenses) PT will quickly become the faceroll FOTM class that it has been for the majority of the game.


The Sorc self heal nerfs make the kiting and healing much harder than before and it's now possible for PTs to ride a Sorc and shut us down.

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Can we just straight up take net out of the game?


Originally net was designed as a defensive tool to help mercs deal with melee, it quickly became an offensive tool.


Net is an ability (in it's current iteration) that simply should not exist because it acts as CC but does not provide any resolve.


Getting netted and then double hard stunned is literally cancer and should not be possible.


Just make net raise resolve. Simple, Makes more sense for pt because they need to close the gap.

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Just make net raise resolve. Simple, Makes more sense for pt because they need to close the gap.


Powertechs already have a leap, a pull, super speed, and a retarded level of slows (from utilities) built into their rotation... they don't need any more tools to "close the gap;" if anything the passive slows need to be toned down (long duration 75% aoe slow on a short cd....)


Powertechs also do not need anything that assists them with burst damage (which net does); the class may struggle defensively but it's damage output is still top tier.

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People arguing that PT is in worse shape than sorc are insane, sorcs are (generally) better than pt in an all dps matchup where they can kite and off heal, but once you introduce a healer or a healer/tank pt is definitely better - you can simply ride the sorc to shut it's damage down while also killing it.


Pt is the definition of a glass cannon, and it's a pretty damn huge cannon if we're being honest; the issue is that a merc/mara/sniper isn't far behind offensively and all three have superior defenses which allow them (and their team) to play more aggressively.


PT was the sleeper OP class at launch, and it was definitely the go to broken class (alongside smash) in ranked 8's pre 2.0; from 2.0 - 2.4 most people shelved their pt for smash mara or leth. sniper but 2.4 brought lol AP (pure AP and skank AP) and in a later patch pyro got super buffed and was (once again) faceroll status.... not even going to talk about the 3.0 - 5.0 era were AP pt/shieldtech were literally the most broken/brain-dead specs in the game (though ap in solo ranked went from OK to "meh" as their ranged options/HO up time was nerfed).


Former OP status shouldn't see a class/spec regulated to the current state of PT, but I think it's very important to take into account because 5.0 AP's damage is very strong and the class is still easy mode (not as brain-dead as arsenal, but close); with even small changes to PT's defenses (or enough nerfs to other class's defenses) PT will quickly become the faceroll FOTM class that it has been for the majority of the game.


If I rate burst specs in terms of effectiveness:












We could sit here an argue that AP is better than Rage, Arsenal (after the nerf) or Conc, but there is no way in hell it can compete with sniper, mara or sin on any level or in any shape or form, even if we look exclusively from damage stand point. Only thing that PTs generally offer that is advantageous is hard CC. AP as it stand is the text book definition of mediocre. Sure it aint the worst, but it is not good by any means.

Edited by Ottoattack
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If I rate burst specs in terms of effectiveness:












We could sit here an argue that AP is better than Rage, Arsenal (after the nerf) or Conc, but there is no way in hell it can compete with sniper, mara or sin on any level or in any shape or form, even if we look exclusively from damage stand point. Only thing that PTs generally offer that is advantageous is hard CC. AP as it stand is the text book definition of mediocre. Sure it aint the worst, but it is not good by any means.


Ap's advantage over most burst specs is it's ability to easily target swap (mid ranged/high mobility with a lot of control) and set up delayed burst.


You could argue that AP telegraphs it's burst with TD, but that's no worse than ferocity or ambush, and unlike a carnage mara or a mm sniper you're not going to simply be able to cc the pt or los it to prevent the damage.


AP's burst is downright superior to Deception, not sure why you would ever list it above AP.

AP is more challenging to control than a Rage Jugg, and it's ability to land multiple abilities in one gcd makes it as least equal to Fury Mara.

Concealment vs AP... I mean... idk, I guess if the Op can just dps instead of rolling as a dcd... even then AP's burst is much more "scary" than concealment.


On top of that Ap's sustained damage is actually really solid in pvp, I've played vs a Arkallek and watched him pull 5.8k in 4s, and I've seen other solid pts put out over 6k as AP in warzones.

Edited by alexsamma
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Ap's advantage over most burst specs is it's ability to easily target swap (mid ranged/high mobility with a lot of control) and set up delayed burst.


You could argue that AP telegraphs it's burst with TD, but that's no worse than ferocity or ambush, and unlike a carnage mara or a mm sniper you're not going to simply be able to cc the pt or los it to prevent the damage.


AP's burst is downright superior to Deception, not sure why you would ever list it above AP.

AP is more challenging to control than a Rage Jugg, and it's ability to land multiple abilities in one gcd makes it as least equal to Fury Mara.

Concealment vs AP... I mean... idk, I guess if the Op can just dps instead of rolling as a dcd... even then AP's burst is much more "scary" than concealment.


On top of that Ap's sustained damage is actually really solid in pvp, I've played vs a Arkallek and watched him pull 5.8k in 4s, and I've seen other solid pts put out over 6k as AP in warzones.


You are talking about 3.0 AP. The current AP has weak sustained and strong burst only during the explosive fuel window. You want comparisons? AP burst is nothing compared to carnage, fury or dec. And the "control factor" was true when 30 meter range was a thing, now? You are regulated to 10 meters with relatively week suvivability. And this whole "CC during burst window" means nothing in battles last 2-3 minutes. In fact, AP is the most susceptible since two 4 sec CC during EF completely ruin your burst. Carnage? 12 sec CD with a 3 sec window. You will stop it once every minute, if so?


As for dps on average a mara or dec sin can do 1K dps more than AP. What exactly does AP offer? Again, AP is not the worst, but it the only thing it can still offer is control and CC. It lacks in every other respect. Even there, I do not see anything it offers that mara or sin cannot do better.

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Even there, I do not see anything it offers that mara or sin cannot do better.

^^ pt has nothing over maras or sins


With 7 rockets in backpack it can guard Hypergate and Voidstar nodes better than mara ... Umm... That's it. :o

i don't think it could even do this xd All you have to do is open on the pt and it's dead before it can call for help. :( Atleast mara will survive long, just needs to avoid sap cap

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With 7 rockets in backpack it can guard Hypergate and Voidstar nodes better than mara ... Umm... That's it. :o


You are right, a PT is a much better guard than a Mara, but a Sin is a much better guard than a PT.

Its something people often don't take into account when they play their classes. Each class has a role to play in pvp and they othen do it better than any other class. The easiest role to understand are healers. People don't leave healers to guard if there are only a few on the team. If they do, then they have zero understanding of pvp and deserve to lose.

But the same can be said of other classes. Leaving a class like a Mara to guard is ridiculous because their role to to pressure dps to help their team. They are also not designed to guard. It doesn't mean they can't, but it's not their classes role in pvp. The most affective guard is a Sin or Operative, but PTs, Snipers and juggs are also good guards. Wether they should be left to guard is another matter. You also need to consider WZ maps. Some classes suit certain maps better than others and often their roles can be reversed depending on the map.

Edited by Icykill_
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what i find annoying is the nerfs of the range of some abilities that happened some time ago.


what may make sense from a design point of view or gameplay point of view, does not make sense from common sense point of view. That takes a lot of fun out of the class. Before 4.0 i used to have a PT. This is the reason i no longer play one, at all.


For example if Merc and PT have the same ability, the PT should not have reduced range for it, just because it is supposed to be a ''melee'' class.

Edited by Kaedusz
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what i find annoying is the nerfs of the range of some abilities that happened some time ago.


what may make sense from a design point of view or gameplay point of view, does not make sense from common sense point of view. That takes a lot of fun out of the class. Before 4.0 i used to have a PT. This is the reason i no longer play one, at all.


For example if Merc and PT have the same ability, the PT should not have reduced range for it, just because it is supposed to be a ''melee'' class.


Not only range. How come that mercs rail shot hits harder then PTs?? thats a joke

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Powertechs already have a leap, a pull, super speed, and a retarded level of slows (from utilities) built into their rotation... they don't need any more tools to "close the gap;" if anything the passive slows need to be toned down (long duration 75% aoe slow on a short cd....)


Powertechs also do not need anything that assists them with burst damage (which net does); the class may struggle defensively but it's damage output is still top tier.


Damage is fine, but if BW saying they are melee class and nerfed range, then defensively they need more tools

Or revert range to 30 m on rail shot at least.

Or give them at least 1 "oh **** button"


Mercs rail shot hits harder then PT's and has 10 m range. Isnt something wrong here????

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Solo queue pub side harbinger as a plasmatech VG...worst idea in the history of mankind. I died 14 times lololol. Oh and I was top damage on pub side, and I barely had any idea what I was doing (never play pyro / plasma). :facepalm: Edited by teclado
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The buff PTs really need is a nerf to the defensives of overperforming classes.


The buff they also need but less so is for kolto to heal very fast, such that having guard is not a requirement to survive the duration of the regen against a handful of enemies. It doesn't need to heal you to full like the stupid merc kolto, it just needs to keep you alive for the duration. This makes PTs less horrid when tanks aren't around to guard them without breaking them in group ranked, like a lot of other suggestions to the PT survivability problem very well might.


^^This. The dev's attempt to balance classes by targeting only dps/hps first while purposely closing their eyes to everything else in the game is still such a head scratcher to me. The devs convinced themselves for 5.3 that they could hold all variables except these constant and somehow get to the desired output for each class. If they end up changing utilities but not dps/hps (and other issues) it will create a whole new set of problems. Their approach is completely flawed.

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Remove Electro Net from Commando/Merc and hand it out to the dps VG/PT specs, imagine the blast kiting around ur target suffering from net while triggering a few Cell Burst on them :rak_04: Edited by Gray
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PT should be given net. I mean why not never liked fact one spec has something and other doesn't. Just like teleport for shadow/sin, never should be ripped away for a shadowstep. Anyways give PT net all sudden pressure will be great and people would have to adept. My 2 pennies..
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Remove Electro Net from Commando/Merc and hand it out to the dps VG/PT specs, imagine the blast kiting around ur target suffering from net while triggering a few Cell Burst on them :rak_04:


On my poor PT. Can i have h2f thingy instead, at least one of them? :o

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If mercs are doing 1 million healing as dps in a WZ something is wrong.

And while they are healing they can dps at the same time.




Healing itself is not a bad thing, but implementation.


I can heal up to 900-1200k on my jugg once a while. Not talking about dps sorcs, it's not even a question for them. And there is like zero QQ threads about them. :p

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