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Manaan SH Megathread


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Ok I do have a gripe.


Centerpiece hooks suck. Especially indoors. If you break them down to smaller hooks you still get large hooks and finally tiny hooks. You can't make a scene sadly. Either one big deco or 5 big decos but I can't make a bar.. or really put something down with lots of npcs around. I think the indoor centerpiece hooks were a bad idea. :(


Why don't they break down to 6 large hooks with the 9 tiny hooks or mix like the large hooks change to?

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If we jump off 1ft into the Ocean we take fall damage and instant death. . Why not allow us to float or live on top within 50 m in our immediate surrounding ocean near the stronghold like other water planets do? Also why can't we swim?


The best version of this would be purchase a boat and motor to another person's SH which we have been given permission for.

Edited by IntegrationArch
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If we jump off 1ft into the Ocean we take fall damage and instant death. . Why not allow us to float or live on top within 50 m in our immediate surrounding ocean near the stronghold like other water planets do? Also why can't we swim?


The best version of this would be purchase a boat and motor to another person's SH which we have been given permission for.


I don't think that's a dev issue. I think all that's an engine issue.

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My thoughts on the Manaan Stronghold:



-- I like the look of the area of the initial SH unlock.

-- It's a small Stronghold, something that's been requested by some players.

-- I like the first area's built-in water features.

-- The background sounds are done well. Still, I'm WTB a deco that plays Manaan's music.


Not so Positive:

-- Rooftop Garden? I don't think so, not when you have to bring your own plants.

-- The Interior room (connects to the Rooftop) needed floor to ceiling glass for an unobstructed view.

-- The unlock cost for the Rooftop should be lower. Much lower.


Overall, I think the Manaan Stronghold is okay. If I had it to do over, I'd unlock the Stronghold but not the rooms.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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Please, please, please get rid of the cutscene when you load into the stronghold. I never had that issue with Nar Shaddaa which was my old main stronghold. Also the ability to re-order our stronghold in the list would be great.
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I don't think that's a dev issue. I think all that's an engine issue.


Its a dev fix, just make the floor depth 1 m below sea level so you do not take fall kill damages. Then drop the floor a few dozen meters out.


Best version we could jump into ocean with our Man D5 submersable or a Gree Cyan Sphere we farmed and paid high treasures for a few years back and not die.

Edited by IntegrationArch
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Turn the Manaan music on a constant loop. This is vital


No stronghold has music on a constant loop. Since there are decorations with music (like the jukebox), it'd be insane to have multiple songs playing at the same time.

Maybe you should ask for a Manaan music decoration instead (a jukebox or those wall thingies). I prefer the natural sound of the ocean to be honest or just the underwater "silence".


In addition to the previous comments, it's also glitchy as hell, I keep getting other people's companions showing up in my place.


That happens in all strongholds, not just Manaan. Been happening for ages now :D

Edited by Tadagyt
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Players wanted Manaan.

Players got Manaan.

Players disappointed with Manaan.


Seems less like BW's fault and more like players' fault.


Well since 2015 many players wanted a nice Beach Shack ST next to a cove on Rishi with a outdoor dock to go in your shripin boat

Edited by IntegrationArch
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I like Manaan a lot. The following things would improve it:


1) Make it a rest area.

2) Make the cutscene only play the first time you go there.

3) More variety in possible hook layouts (e.g. the long line of small hooks in the first area, in a row alongside the fountains, can only be small hooks - they're not pairs of two that can be changed into medium narrows).

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No stronghold has music on a constant loop. Since there are decorations with music (like the jukebox), it'd be insane to have multiple songs playing at the same time.

Maybe you should ask for a Manaan music decoration instead (a jukebox or those wall thingies). I prefer the natural sound of the ocean to be honest or just the underwater "silence".


Where do you get these from, cartel packs? I have never encountered any.:confused:

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And why, WHY are the upstairs windows so blurry?It's enough that we ONLY get a magnificent view of the area where we can not get, don't block this from us even further by the blurry glass. Seriously.


It's also a problem with the new large aquarium too, I can't see the fish, the glass is too opaque and milky. I hope they fix this, it's one of the things I really wanted in the new pack and now that I have it, I can't enjoy it. :(

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And why, WHY are the upstairs windows so blurry?It's enough that we ONLY get a magnificent view of the area where we can not get, don't block this from us even further by the blurry glass. Seriously.


I have the feeling that this is not a stronghold of my own. Something else is going on down by the submarines and it bugs me that I can not find out what it is. If the stronghold does not feel like home, I will not bother with it.


Perhaps it is as simple as they had not the resources to develop a proper stronghold in the first place or that the bad engine this game runs on will go booom if it is pushed harder.


I would really like the DEVs thoughts about the new stronghold, what can we expect from now on? Nothing?

Edited by Icestar
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I think the worst part is the underwater area. It's a pretty small area made worse by the fact it's chopped into 3 rooms. The majority of the middle room is taken up by the seabed viewing area in the middle. It's a great view, but there needs to be a bigger room around it to decorate. The sides rooms are identical and very clearly designed around a centerpiece decoration. I'm not sure why though... the majority of centerpieces don't really even fit in the room. Especially with such a low ceiling. You can swap to other hook layouts, but they fit awkwardly in the room and the rest of the hooks are clearly designed with a centerpiece layout in mind. It makes it difficult to decorate the room.


A nit-picky complaint, but the windows down in this area are kind of annoying. It's a great ocean view, but it's hard to enjoy with such narrow, spaced out windows. I wish they were more like the windows in the Kaas City apartment (without the rain effect).


I'm okay with smaller strongholds, but I don't understand why you designed such a large compound and then restricted us to a very small area. If you wanted a small stronghold the Kaliyo apartment on Zakuul is often requested and probably would've fit better.


In the open outside entrance area, and the hallway to the elevator, there are several small green hooks next to each other. You should probably be able swap at least some of those to medium narrow hooks.


I also don't understand the location of the starship hook. It's inaccessible to the player and hard to even notice. It has other hook layout options, but it's painful/impossible to even see them enough to play with them.


Last nit-picky thing. The windows for the rooftop garden are annoyingly blurry for something obviously meant to be an observation area. I like that I can see several submarine vehicles outside the left window, but why can't I get to them? The view from the garden area is just rooftops. You'd think a rooftop garden/patio area on an ocean palace would offer a view of the ocean.




It's a disappointing stronghold for me. I'm sure there are plenty who like it, but for 8 million credits I was expecting a few more rooms and a slightly bigger/better laid out underwater area.

Edited by Treeba
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And why, WHY are the upstairs windows so blurry?It's enough that we ONLY get a magnificent view of the area where we can not get, don't block this from us even further by the blurry glass. Seriously.


I don't understand this at all either... why make an observation area that you can't observe anything through? We have transparent windows in this most other strongholds in this game already, they have the technology!

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I'm working on decorating right now and I have to say, the hook layouts are truly, tremendously bad. There are SO many small hooks that can't be converted into medium narrow - WHY? There is SO much room, so much space that could be used for large or medium hooks! This is just bizarre. I make an effort to be positive on the forums, but this whole thing has me scratching my head. Edited by Mewsy
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Where do you get these from, cartel packs? I have never encountered any.:confused:

They are Ambient Machines that dropped in the Alliance shipment Cartel packs.

I think an Ambient Machine with Manaan's music would be nice.




Okay, I read some posts about a Starship hook on Manaan, which I hadn't seen on my first visit to that SH. I went ingame, and by following instructions in other players' posts (thanks folks!) I found the Starship hook. I think it's in a bad location. Any ship (or anything else) using that hook is going to be far from where players can move in the SH. Additionally, while that Starship hook can be switched to other hook layouts, I could not see the new hook layout from the SH entry area. No way to see where decos might be placed. I tried to interact with the Starship hook from the Interior room (the one with the entrance to the Rooftop), but I could not interact with the Starship hook from that room.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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I can only think of this as a great dissapointment...


Its not gamebreaking, its not essential to play, its not even relevant for anything at all... but we like strongholds and by far this is the worse one.


Note that i dont mind the size at all, a small housing area? sure, no big issue... but...


- Why on earth does it have that MASSIVE entrance that barely allows to place anything relevant?

- Why the starship hook is on a non-visitable area and not on the entrance?

- Why does the underwater part has a lightning alredy placed that makes the underwater bellow the glass floor not observable at all?

- Why does the "central" room before the roof garden has a huge hole in the ceiling?

- Why does the music, the best and only part of the stronghold most people care aside from the aesthetic, cut?


I dont mind it being small.

I dont mind it being "expensive".

I can workaround having weird hooks.

I can workaround decorating a stronghold with barely any place to decorate.


But i honestly dont know what to do with this.

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I was very excited about the Manaan Stronghold and I had a very fun time decorating it yesterday, but the first issue I started noticing when I had almost all the rooms decorated to my liking and I noticed I was only at 30% completion. So, if I want the 100% I have to stuff everything I have into the SH and end up having a very cluttered stronghold which I don't want. For a stronghold that is fairly medium-sized instead of large it is a strange thing to have such a high completion threshold, as I know for a fact I will never push the completion bar to 100% because I don't want the SH too look cluttered. I will add as much things I can to keep it visually appealing but that 100% is an unreachable goal with that mindset, which is a pity.


A second problem is the odd placement of hooks in the underwater rooms. I find them really cool and visually incredibly appealing, however, the placement of hooks makes it a veritable pain in the neck to decorate it exactly as I want. For example, I like to use the Sith long table as a sort of artifact study and usually put that together with a Sith Temple Chair. However, in the underwater rooms there is no possibility of doing it as the hooks are placed in such a way that they make it impossible. You have the big one that you can divide up into smaller pieces but none of those pieces are what I wanted or needed to truly decorate the room to what I wanted it to be. It's not a huge issue of course, but it is a bit annoying at times.


A third problem I have is that you have so much space outside, you have this entire sidebuilding it seems on the left and right but they are completely not accessible. I really expected there to be a lot of little siderooms with all those buildings on the outside but they seem to be filling to make the stronghold appear bigger. I don't mind that the stronghold is smaller than the Yavin or Tatooine strongholds, but I hope they will add a few little siderooms to the outside instead of it appearing as an inaccesible block.


Those are the three problems I have with the Manaan Stronghold, otherwise I find it very much to my liking. I had an incredibly fun time decorating it yesterday and I really love the look of it all. Those arches on the outside, the grand atrium (which I turned into a magnificent throne room) next to the rooftop garden, the underwater rooms, all of it is so incredibly beautiful. There are a few bugs here and there but I am confident they'll be worked out sometime soon. Overall I'd say 7.5/10 for the Manaan Stronghold, if the three problems I adressed would be worked on I'd definitely say 9/10!

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