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Command Rank Needs to Be LEGACY Wide


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-What you want is to be able to level a character, let's say 10 Command Levels in an evening, then swap over to all of you other characters and have 10 Command Crates waiting for each of them in their inventory. Let's say you have 20 other characters... that gives you 200 Command Crates to pop open and get lots of set gear and top-tier companion gifts for one evening of an operation or two. How ridiculous would that be?


Um, no. What people want is character one gets levels 1-10 and gets 10 crates. Then you log on character 2 and run an operation and get levels 11-15 for 5 for that character, then you go back to character 1 and get levels 16-22 for 7 crates on that character. Then you level a new toon to 70 and do some endgame content and gets command levels 23 to 25 for 3 crates for that character. That would be 25 crates total spread over 3 characters, all of them now GC 25.


If you don't get how that works, go look at ESO champion points. (Which from what i have seen is a better system all around, but it doesn't get you crates of random junk and doesn't get you gear.)

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How about instead we drop the Galactic Command and go back to what it was before because honestly I'm not going to grind all my characters up on the GC. If i get bored I will go play some thing else. You guys lose players every time you make us regrind armor. IT happened year one, millions quit over that, it was a beast to grind pvp armor then. Then over night you changed it and every one had to regrind armor which ticked off the whole community. Then you did it again and again and every time the community gets smaller and smaller. The Galactic command had every one upset because like me if you have multiple characters you like to play, the idea of grinding the GC makes you just want to give up and quit, instead of having the hassle of all your characters being under geared. I work, I don't have time to play all day and grind characters for gear. Because I work I can subscribe and pay for crates. But you make it a hassle to play this game with crap like the Galactic Command. Edited by Fallensouls
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I'm still at a loss of how making it legacy benefits someone. It seems to actually decrease the chance to gear your alts but reason I guess.


I suspect that 248 gear has a lower chance to drop than any of the other tiers and in my experience its almost non-existent so it would take hours upon hours of CR to gear in this fashion and still would probably not fill i everything. There's just no way I would believe BioWare is going to make running a few heroics equivalent to running Ops. We're more likely to see GC go legacy by removing the chance to gain the highest tier completely. Which is only right as the system right now rewards for doing any type of content.


So its already impossible (almost) to gear through system and going legacy would impact Ops even further as people will take the path of least resistance. I know I would. Right now my playing alts limits how many crates I gain. But if that's what I want to play then that's what I play because the drop rate is so bad that it doesn't make sense to grind CR. Like I said, its almost non-existent in my case. Or there's definitely a lot of repeats if I do get a drop.


The best way to gear up is to do the content that provides the gear. Galactic Command just isn't that system. it may have been once. And maybe the drops were better which i can understand playing an alt impacts it drop rate. But I'd much rather enjoy myself than grind at something I have some terrible luck with. If I was going to grind GC, i'd be doing it in the Ops that drop the gear I need to ensure in one method or the other I'll get what I need.


Gearing through Ops is the preferred method today. Look at your Galactic Command screen and realize that not a single thing there will give you gear reliably except for Operations. So it doesn't matter it all character pour into that pool. Its still going to be terrible rates unless your doing hard modes or Ops. Whereas before if you had two or more character at 300, you'd have that many chances to gear those characters instead of the one.


I don't even know how this is supposed to help since now you're having to share that rank with all your characters and so one crate for six character or whatever. That just looks worse to me than keeping it separate. I'm saying that as someone who plans to get several characters to 300. Only with legacy instead of enjoying the same leg slot on my knight, I get to enjoy the same leg slot for my knight, sorcerer, consular, operator, etc. That's just terrible with these drop rates.


And I hope folks aren't hoping they increase the likely hood of drops. They want you to actually play the game including hard modes and such. If you don't want that then you've got a terrible drop rate from crates to depend on. That's how a multiplayer game should work. Do the group content, get the gear to make it easier. Don't do the group content, make the gear you get harder to achieve. Its designed to push you towards joining everyone else in the game. Not running a few heroics and get a crate that rewards you as if you just did the hardest content in the game. That would be horrendous game design for a multiplayer.

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