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Command Rank Needs to Be LEGACY Wide


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Stop thinking "What's the one activity I should play to maximize my CXP rate? I'll do that and only that over and over again".


Start thinking "What content can I successfully do with my current gear? Oh there's tonnes of content I can do, and I get CXP for doing it, cool!"


This can apply to all your alts, and it only requires an actual appreciation for the game's content.


That may work for you but some of us have been around for years and we already did that when we first reached the required gear level.


CXP is an artificial grind that set everyone back.

Think about other people's situation before giving advice.

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This thread is similar to the Server Merger thread in that there is an overwhelmingly large group of frustrated players pushing for something to improve the game while a small group of sadist advocate for detrimental systems. The larger group will win because progress is inevitable, the devs see the negative impact that other courses present and simply, the game's future depends on it.


The difference in the two is that the anti server merger crowd were extremely selfish and wanted servers to themselves even if all logistical problems were solved before merges. The anti CXP legacy group isn't as selfish just ignorant and lacking any form of foresight or empathy. There is also an odd sense of "anti-entitlement" when they suggest that people want free crates or fast gear. Their logic is incredibly flawed and by their own line of thought, we'd never develop planes, microwaves, cars or anything that has eased the struggle of human existence. These people likely have deep rooted problems and they seem to be ignorant to the fact that life always looks for the path of least resistance but that's a topic for a more intelligible forum.


This is a video game and it's not that serious or complicated. Paying customers have created this game's second largest mass exodus because of this extremely flawed system. Server merges became mandatory because of it. CXP will eventually be legacy wide whether you like it or not. I can honestly go on and on about why it's inevitable and give countless examples of how the game has suffered because of CXP but that would be a waste of my time because the future of this system is obvious. In truth, I only mean to speak to the anti CXP legacy people. They need to see beyond themselves and realize that they are the minority in a losing battle against inevitable positive progress. They can either see the error in their way of thinking or become as frustrated as those anti server folk that stuck their feet (and head) in the ground and are now either backtracking on previous statements, are currently threatening to leave the game or have just grown unusually silent as of late.


Tl;DR Save yourself the grief. Legacy CXP is inevitable if this game ever hopes to retain subs or grow. Get with it or prepared to be just as sad as the others fighting against inevitable progress, the anti merger people.

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That may work for you but some of us have been around for years and we already did that when we first reached the required gear level.


CXP is an artificial grind that set everyone back.

Think about other people's situation before giving advice.


What's stopping you from doing that content again?

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What's stopping you from doing that content again?

The law of diminishing returns.


That's why you need a good reward system to keep things interesting and exciting. Sadly, the definitions of those two words are not necessarily the same in Austin as the rest of the world ;)

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The law of diminishing returns.


That's why you need a good reward system to keep things interesting and exciting. Sadly, the definitions of those two words are not necessarily the same in Austin as the rest of the world ;)


Perhaps you're just bored of the game then? Have you considered playing something else?

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I too have multiple characters. Creating those characters was my choice, nobody elses. Each character is its own independent entity and as such each character needs to earn its own place in the galaxy.


No, they aren't. There is only one player and the character's aren't real people. I know this will be a surprise to you, but it was YOU all along. They're ALL YOU!!!! It's a video game!!! Shocking I know.


(Watches as your mind is blown)

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No, they aren't. There is only one player and the character's aren't real people. I know this will be a surprise to you, but it was YOU all along. They're ALL YOU!!!! It's a video game!!! Shocking I know.


(Watches as your mind is blown)


Using that logic, everyrthing you do on ONE character should be automatically granted to EACH AND EVERY other character you have, PRESENT AND FUTURE? After all, it IS the same player, right?


Every time that alt gains a percentage of the XP required to reach the next level, each and every other character, PRESENT AND FUTURE, should gain the same percentage of XP? After all, it IS the same player, right?


Every time a player loots a piece of gear, each and every other character, PRESENT AND FUTURE, should gain an equivalent piece of gear? After all, it IS the same player, right?



(Watches as your mind is blown)


Some things are better left character specific. IMO, CXP is one of those things.

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However I have over 20 characters. I would love to hop in and level them but my highest command rank is like 70 something so I just feel like I'm wasting my time.

The bottom line (IMHO) is that no-one actually needs Command Rank for anything. CR doesn't directly make your character more powerful or whatever. Gaining CR only gets you Command Crates which can net you some better armor. But, a CR300 character with 240 armor works no differently than a CR2 character with 240 armor.


The better armor is really only needed for high-end endgame content like Master mode FPs, Veteran OPs, and Ranked PvP. The rest of the time, basic 230 level armor is more than adequate. So, you only need to grind CR if that high-end content is what you are interested in doing.


Plus, of course, you can hand-me-down your higher level mods to your other characters. My "main" is CR 300 and in the course of gaining that rank, I've handed down so many mods that I have 6 other level 70s that have at least 240 armor, with a smattering of 242, 244, and 246. (Not counting earpieces, implants and relics.)

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This thread is similar to the Server Merger thread in that there is an overwhelmingly large group of frustrated players pushing for something to improve the game while a small group of sadist advocate for detrimental systems. The larger group will win because progress is inevitable, the devs see the negative impact that other courses present and simply, the game's future depends on it.


The difference in the two is that the anti server merger crowd were extremely selfish and wanted servers to themselves even if all logistical problems were solved before merges. The anti CXP legacy group isn't as selfish just ignorant and lacking any form of foresight or empathy. There is also an odd sense of "anti-entitlement" when they suggest that people want free crates or fast gear. Their logic is incredibly flawed and by their own line of thought, we'd never develop planes, microwaves, cars or anything that has eased the struggle of human existence. These people likely have deep rooted problems and they seem to be ignorant to the fact that life always looks for the path of least resistance but that's a topic for a more intelligible forum.


This is a video game and it's not that serious or complicated. Paying customers have created this game's second largest mass exodus because of this extremely flawed system. Server merges became mandatory because of it. CXP will eventually be legacy wide whether you like it or not. I can honestly go on and on about why it's inevitable and give countless examples of how the game has suffered because of CXP but that would be a waste of my time because the future of this system is obvious. In truth, I only mean to speak to the anti CXP legacy people. They need to see beyond themselves and realize that they are the minority in a losing battle against inevitable positive progress. They can either see the error in their way of thinking or become as frustrated as those anti server folk that stuck their feet (and head) in the ground and are now either backtracking on previous statements, are currently threatening to leave the game or have just grown unusually silent as of late.


Tl;DR Save yourself the grief. Legacy CXP is inevitable if this game ever hopes to retain subs or grow. Get with it or prepared to be just as sad as the others fighting against inevitable progress, the anti merger people.



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Using that logic, everyrthing you do on ONE character should be automatically granted to EACH AND EVERY other character you have, PRESENT AND FUTURE? After all, it IS the same player, right?


Every time that alt gains a percentage of the XP required to reach the next level, each and every other character, PRESENT AND FUTURE, should gain the same percentage of XP? After all, it IS the same player, right?


Every time a player loots a piece of gear, each and every other character, PRESENT AND FUTURE, should gain an equivalent piece of gear? After all, it IS the same player, right?



(Watches as your mind is blown)


Some things are better left character specific. IMO, CXP is one of those things.


No, my mind isn't blown. You're not using it right. You don't ask a question, you state something obvious and... nevermind.


Anyway, that's what's called a false equivalence.


A commando, for instance, gains abilities with that XP that are unique to that class. The experience points in and of themselves are meaningless outside of progressive unique class based skills. So an assassin will get something different and unique to assassins. Hence they acquire XP separately. So even if they were to ever introduce "Advanced Class" changes you'd have to level each separately. Random loot is also unique as opposed to being provided the same thing at the same time in every case. Whereas the command rank itself is not unique. It's the same thing no matter the character. The player earns it. The crates are still random, but the player gets items representative of where they are at in order to operate at the same level they are accustomed to. Now as I understand it there are players who feel they are being punished by playing alts. If that's the case something is wrong here.


You must have been pissed when they made the datacrons legacy wide, huh?

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No, my mind isn't blown. You're not using it right. You don't ask a question, you state something obvious and... nevermind.


Anyway, that's what's called a false equivalence.


A commando, for instance, gains abilities with that XP that are unique to that class. The experience points in and of themselves are meaningless outside of progressive unique class based skills. So an assassin will get something different and unique to assassins. Hence they acquire XP separately. So even if they were to ever introduce "Advanced Class" changes you'd have to level each separately. Random loot is also unique as opposed to being provided the same thing at the same time in every case. Whereas the command rank itself is not unique. It's the same thing no matter the character. The player earns it. The crates are still random, but the player gets items representative of where they are at in order to operate at the same level they are accustomed to. Now as I understand it there are players who feel they are being punished by playing alts. If that's the case something is wrong here.


You must have been pissed when they made the datacrons legacy wide, huh?


So alts are their own independent characters then and should earn CXP seperately.

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The thing I don't get is why are those who want it legacy wide grinding CR?


I just don't understand. You aren't being denied groups are you? "Only CR138? What a noob!"


Its terrible for gear. No one can tell me different unless my CR is just broke and bugged gear isn't a usual occurance unless its something I already have.


So what are you grinding rank for and how will it make an alt more attractive to play if it was legacy. No huge explaination just a reason because I still don't see the point. It keeps looking like you're talking about GC from 2016.

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No, my mind isn't blown. You're not using it right. You don't ask a question, you state something obvious and... nevermind.


Anyway, that's what's called a false equivalence.


A commando, for instance, gains abilities with that XP that are unique to that class. The experience points in and of themselves are meaningless outside of progressive unique class based skills. So an assassin will get something different and unique to assassins. Hence they acquire XP separately. So even if they were to ever introduce "Advanced Class" changes you'd have to level each separately. Random loot is also unique as opposed to being provided the same thing at the same time in every case. Whereas the command rank itself is not unique. It's the same thing no matter the character. The player earns it. The crates are still random, but the player gets items representative of where they are at in order to operate at the same level they are accustomed to. Now as I understand it there are players who feel they are being punished by playing alts. If that's the case something is wrong here.


You must have been pissed when they made the datacrons legacy wide, huh?


Players are NOT being punished for playing alts.


Those players are being rewarded by receiving CXP on the character they are PLAYING. If they want to gain CXP on their ommando, then they should play their commando. They should not expect to play their Juggernaut and have their commando reap the rewards.


Sure, they can use legacy gear to send the mods in the gear their juggernaut gets to their commando, but the JUGGERNAUT is the one receiving that gear, NOT the commando. What happens to the gear after the juggernaut gets it is up to the player, but the JUGGERNAUT is the one who received the gear.



If BW decides to cater the lazy, then that is up tot hem. Thankfully, they have so far chosen NOT to do so, with regards to CXP.

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No thank you. Don't want to play to get GC points on alts then don't play alts. Are you not the same players who said in the past players should have to earn gear? same thing here, earn it.



How do you have 52 toons per server? just curious? Buy extra slots?


I have 40 per server so can easily see players having 52.

I don't want GC to be legacy-wide same as you. Other players using the fact they have a lot of characters should not be a factor, be that 5 characters, 20, 40, or 52. Or even the possible 156 characters you could have after the merge per server (EDIT: actually this could be 260 on the new Star Forge sever.) . In-fact after the merge players should gain GC a lot quicker as characters that have reached GC 300 on different servers may well end up on the same server. So there combined total will add up according to road-map.




However it's this part that I liked


So instead of getting a lot of crates per character going from rank 1 to 300 the OP only wants me to get 1 crate per what is it 5000 GC points?


Now the OP and indeed some others might not want chance cubes but you don't get to demand that on my behalf.

Edited by Thunderisaclone
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Might as well make it so that once you collect one set of gear, you are done forever, as it will always update to max stats, and will change stats and set bonuses automatically to optimize for any toon you decide to play/create ever again.


Lets also require all games from here on out to utilize the same engines, and remember your personal progress as well, so you dont have to ever start at level 1 again. Got a max level/geared WoW toon, great you can create an swtor acct and you will already be ready for master mode day 1.

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It's funny how when you request a quality of life feature, people automatically assume you want to have literally everything handed to you. Without even asking for your reasoning, without knowing a thing about you irl, without knowing anything about how you like to play or what your situation is.


If they did, I imagine they'd grow to realize how ridiculous it looks when they jump to insane conclusions or exaggerate beyond believable parameters.

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It's funny how when you request a quality of life feature, people automatically assume you want to have literally everything handed to you. Without even asking for your reasoning, without knowing a thing about you irl, without knowing anything about how you like to play or what your situation is.


If they did, I imagine they'd grow to realize how ridiculous it looks when they jump to insane conclusions or exaggerate beyond believable parameters.


I think players have given there reasons just fine. Regardless whether they are for or against this.


Funny how players like you auto dismiss anything anyone else says because its not what you want. Without knowing anything about them or how they play and think you represent everyone else.

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So alts are their own independent characters then and should earn CXP seperately.
I guess there are several concepts here that are all not identical and falsely summarized as legacy CXP. The most prominent ones as I see it are:


1) Make the rank legacy - so any char will automatically receive crates of the max rank, but still needs to grind the crates individually

2) Make rank and CXP legacy, so each char adds to the legacy CXP and if a crate is received then any one char can access and open it (but obviously only once, in contrast to what I have read in here).


I am torn a bit I must admit. I am in favour of individual characters being just that: individual. Then again we have legacy gear and similar to allow for easy progress even with alts. Having to grind all your chars to level 300 just to get "rewards" in terms of gear is not a good idea tbh.. As an example: I run a Mara at GC300, legacy gear with 246+. On a Sent I am still in GC60 -> so nothing I receive is really worth the while. Not a big issue gear-wise, because content I am running doesn't require maxed gear, but still doesn't feel rewarding (except for credits obviously).


Maybe a compromise was to tie the GC-rank to advanced class?

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Legacy command ranks aren't happening, too many people have a lot of time sunk into their command ranks for BW to basically erase that progress.


If you want the system to be more legacy friendly, you should be asking for legacy implants/relics/earpiece.


Personally the only thing I want is for the crafted DPS relics to have proper (crit) stats.

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