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Cynical behaviour deserves a cynical response


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So I am an average PVP player whose main toon is a Madness Sorc. I have persevered through the nerfs in 5.whatever and sought to compensate by using my utility to help my team. Putting slows, spreading dots and stressing their healers. I try to help others finish of their targets as killing 1 on 1 is unlikely for this spec. I spread bubbles off-heals and HOTs. In short I try to be useful and I try to improve.

When it was announced that Madness was getting a damage buff I was very happy as I had been making do as it was and have 50% BIS gear as it stand so finally it looked like there were fun times ahead.


Lying mofos! Turns out that between self heals and bubble nerfs the miserable pair of 5% passive buffs we get will be net nerf. I don't parse stuff because PVP is dynamic and I can only go on what it feels like during a game. It feels weak and pointless btw.

So Sorcs are about to be destroyed in all 3 disciplines. This is a fact. What remains is how we respond.

If we unsub we can't play and given that the game has lost more subscribers over the last several years than they actually have currently, people unsubbing does not motivate them.

They only care about perception.


I strongly suggest That we as players mothball our sorcs and switch to something else. Playing through the pain will only give them the ability to say that the class is fine. If almost nobody is using sorcs, pvp healing will be crippled and there will be a knock on warzone effect which the overall community will feel. If there is almost zero participation by sorcs in the game, they will be forced to make it more attractive by giving it a genuine boost.


I myself will send my gear over to my assassin and convert to hatred which did slightly better for 5.3 and perhaps send it on to my marauder which has been in mothballs since reaching 70. (it's not as if the set bonuses are any good) It will be a blast!

I would prefer to play my sorc, but to do so now would be to allow these inept and apathetic clowns to punish my loyalty, which aint happening.


So I will have some fun on melee for a while instead of being made miserable and not wanting to log in. You can either do the same or try to continue on but if you choose to continue, you allow them to point to you and say "There are players who think it's fine. Look there!"


PS I know there are those who like to debate every thread zzzzzzzzzzzz

This is my considered opinion and as such is not subject to change based on opinions held by others. This is what I think and this is what I'm doing and the devs can go eat a ****.

Stealing a living every one of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: I took my assassin out of storage. I had originally played a tank that was set up to be completely survivability orientated. Back when the game started I would sit on snow etc and scream like Ned Flanders when I had incoming and basically not die before help came. It was actually very effective if boring and stressful at the same time.


In advance of 5.3 changes I either made or bought a full set of 246 armour/equipment and ran a few WZ's to get the feel. I started with Deception.

To be completely honest, I was like Bambi on ice skates but holy hell as a DPS I did 985K protection as well as comparable damage to my Madness Sorc!! That is insane!

It did feel very clunky and overly busy using my Naga but that will improve in time.

My Sorc is 95% BIS anyway so they can shove their stealth nerf. I am gonna feel the power for a while.


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I agree, it is sad because I love my sorcerer..had to switch to heal as I was almost doing as much DPS as a healer lol ;)


Hopefully it will be resolved, would be good if sith and jedi would be the 2 upper power class..as in the story.

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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I agree 100% on dps sorcs being the runt of the litter of class and their roles. However just stating they're bad isn't going to allow the devs to accurately see what is actually wrong with the class. Most of the devs don't even play the game and Kieth he plays but he's mostly the only one who plays on a regular basis. We as a sorc community need to be more detailed of why it's bad what mechanics are not working point out what's wrong and why and provide a possible solution.



Personally, I find the dot spread mechanic of the sorc and the class's heavy reliance on the cleave damage is hurting the class than actually solving it. I mean let us take a real good look at what we're dealing with. Affliction and creeping terror do the same damage around 2.8k-3k damage each tic, over the 18 seconds on the dots they do a combined damage of 33.6k that's over 18 seconds. When you have classes like mara in their dot spec that has an ability that can and will crit over 30k! That's just one ability in a single gcd and the spec is considered sustained dot spec!.


Now a dps madness sorcs burst consists of Force Leech and death field and demolish and if you use them together with recklessness you get somewhere around 25k to if RNG is on your side 30k that's 3 abilities not to mention you have to cast force lightning to get the 4 four stacks of wrath. So a madness sorc has a setup time to even do its damage. Roughly about 10 seconds to get your damage rolling if you're fast and stat stacking alacrity to speed things up.


So our ramp up time is super slow, our damage is still low for the amount of time it takes to start moving, and on top of that our DCDs are really bad. Now, let's compare DCDs with our ranged examples. Snipers can pop their DCDs without sacrificing dps output/pressure, Mercs can pop DCDs and not sacrifice DPS output/pressure. Then there are us sorcs where our only notable DCDs is force barrier, it takes us out from doing dps for a solid 8 seconds unless we break it early than there is an after effect of what they call a powerful shield *Enduring Bastion* which dies to 2 or 3 abilities and now you're left defenseless for the next 3mins or 2 and a half minutes if you take the utility. Static barrier is a poor example of a DCD so I will not even consider it one. For self-healing, if we consider self-healing a DCD than anything can be argued a DCD.


So sorcs are still at a big disadvantage compared to other classes and we should continue to have our voices heard till they are met with reasonable and respectable buffs.


We as a community like I stated above cannot continue to act the way we are by saying "WE'RE BAD BUFF US" or "IF YOU DON'T BUFF US WE WILL UNSUB" no one is going to listen to you complain like that. You must make an effort to explain why we need a buff and show examples of what is actually going on. The Devs are not perfect they make mistakes and do a lot and yet we act like animals and instantly want to crucify them, they're humans too they can over look things and mess up a lot.

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Well, people like bringing up parsely data as a proff that this or that spec needs a look at. Of course many others are quick to shake the pitchfork with the 'it's only a minimal % of players that use that'.

well then, how about we all (those that think that our chosen spec is not quite where it needs to be) take the bit of effort and actually upload them parses, not just those that got a very good one they want to show off. that way the statistics on parsely might be a bit closer to the actual situation. because really, saying that this spec is no good based on data provided by what.... 30-40 parses?

if anyone got other ideas on how to gather said proof feel free to share lol . :D:D

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I agree 100% on dps sorcs being the runt of the litter of class and their roles. However just stating they're bad isn't going to allow the devs to accurately see what is actually wrong with the class. Most of the devs don't even play the game and Kieth he plays but he's mostly the only one who plays on a regular basis. We as a sorc community need to be more detailed of why it's bad what mechanics are not working point out what's wrong and why and provide a possible solution.



Personally, I find the dot spread mechanic of the sorc and the class's heavy reliance on the cleave damage is hurting the class than actually solving it. I mean let us take a real good look at what we're dealing with. Affliction and creeping terror do the same damage around 2.8k-3k damage each tic, over the 18 seconds on the dots they do a combined damage of 33.6k that's over 18 seconds. When you have classes like mara in their dot spec that has an ability that can and will crit over 30k! That's just one ability in a single gcd and the spec is considered sustained dot spec!.


Now a dps madness sorcs burst consists of Force Leech and death field and demolish and if you use them together with recklessness you get somewhere around 25k to if RNG is on your side 30k that's 3 abilities not to mention you have to cast force lightning to get the 4 four stacks of wrath. So a madness sorc has a setup time to even do its damage. Roughly about 10 seconds to get your damage rolling if you're fast and stat stacking alacrity to speed things up.


So our ramp up time is super slow, our damage is still low for the amount of time it takes to start moving, and on top of that our DCDs are really bad. Now, let's compare DCDs with our ranged examples. Snipers can pop their DCDs without sacrificing dps output/pressure, Mercs can pop DCDs and not sacrifice DPS output/pressure. Then there are us sorcs where our only notable DCDs is force barrier, it takes us out from doing dps for a solid 8 seconds unless we break it early than there is an after effect of what they call a powerful shield *Enduring Bastion* which dies to 2 or 3 abilities and now you're left defenseless for the next 3mins or 2 and a half minutes if you take the utility. Static barrier is a poor example of a DCD so I will not even consider it one. For self-healing, if we consider self-healing a DCD than anything can be argued a DCD.


So sorcs are still at a big disadvantage compared to other classes and we should continue to have our voices heard till they are met with reasonable and respectable buffs.


We as a community like I stated above cannot continue to act the way we are by saying "WE'RE BAD BUFF US" or "IF YOU DON'T BUFF US WE WILL UNSUB" no one is going to listen to you complain like that. You must make an effort to explain why we need a buff and show examples of what is actually going on. The Devs are not perfect they make mistakes and do a lot and yet we act like animals and instantly want to crucify them, they're humans too they can over look things and mess up a lot.


Thank you for taking the time to explain the shortcoming of my own class to me in a thread I created about ......

I did however like your inference that the Devs need to L2P.

I personally think they need to learn to do their job. I have spent a lot of money on this game and they are not providing value for it.

If you wish to be an apologist for what they have done and continue to do whilst being paid for it by our money, then I am sorry but you and I have no common frame of reference to discuss the subject matter and should not engage on the topic further.

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