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agent roll in huttball end zones


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since bioware doesn't allow jedi and troopers to jump into the end zone anymore since that has been disabled you should also disable any other movement effects on agents, and shadows and other classes with them ALSO in the end zones in huttball


i just out of out a huttball match that lasted for barely two minutes where an imperial agent was able to go through the toxic slime and NOT take ANY damage whatsoever.... but then again the player was an imperial so i suspect a exploitation hack of some type to bypass the damage from the toxic slime since imperials always hack


this really needs to be addressed to make huttball an even playing field in the endzones

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since bioware doesn't allow jedi and troopers to jump into the end zone anymore since that has been disabled you should also disable any other movement effects on agents, and shadows and other classes with them ALSO in the end zones in huttball


i just out of out a huttball match that lasted for barely two minutes where an imperial agent was able to go through the toxic slime and NOT take ANY damage whatsoever.... but then again the player was an imperial so i suspect a exploitation hack of some type to bypass the damage from the toxic slime since imperials always hack


this really needs to be addressed to make huttball an even playing field in the endzones


Just so you know... scoundrel's are exact copy of operatives, they are mirrors.....anything an imp can do, republic player can also achieve.

MAKE HUTTBALL GREAT AGAIN! :D sorry had to be said!

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The key words here are 'end' and 'zone.'


Once an operative is already in your endzone, his roll isn't of much use unless you have an entire team up there. He will most probably have used it to get up the ramps and past the acid trap. And they still take damage from rolling through active traps - about 30% of max health, if memory serves. The operative was probably running with a healer, so you were simply unable to see the difference. Hacks are almost nonexistent in regs.


In Quesh Huttball (not in normal, as far as I know; they can still leap there, period), Guardians can still Leap up to the acid trap right before the end zone, and then Blade Blitz through, making them essentially equivalent to operatives. As such, there is little merit in doing as you suggest.


The counter play is to push/pull when the ball carrier is not immune to such moves, to burst him down, and/or to control the spawn point.

Edited by Sabachthanus
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Imperials always hack huh. :rak_02:

There are some cases where things still work, like phantomstride. Mostly leap never works but oh well. I do think it's a bit unfair in some ways but generally I find it pointless to take a huttball seriously when there's a good operative or even multiple ones on the enemy team.

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since bioware doesn't allow jedi and troopers to jump into the end zone anymore since that has been disabled you should also disable any other movement effects on agents, and shadows and other classes with them ALSO in the end zones in huttball


i just out of out a huttball match that lasted for barely two minutes where an imperial agent was able to go through the toxic slime and NOT take ANY damage whatsoever.... but then again the player was an imperial so i suspect a exploitation hack of some type to bypass the damage from the toxic slime since imperials always hack


this really needs to be addressed to make huttball an even playing field in the endzones


You don't need to hack to avoid the damage. Any speed abilities or leap beats the slim...


But I agree, the removal of leap is bad.. especially if you are defending... you can't even leap to your own line.

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"*****ball" aka Queshball needs to just die, it's a dumpster filre warzone that has been buggy and broken since it was on the PTS and never fixed. Instead of fixes so call "issues" they the devs make it so many abilities don't work in the endzone it's bad programming simple as that. Best thing they can do is delete that warzone.
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The mobility arms race that was 4.0 pretty much ruined huttball for me. It's not just operatives.


Not being able to leap into the endzone is both good and bad, but yeah op/sc are pretty...advantaged when it comes to huttball. Especially now.

Edited by teclado
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The mobility arms race that was 4.0 pretty much ruined huttball for me. It's not just operatives.


Not being able to leap into the endzone is both good and bad, but yeah op/sc are pretty...advantaged when it comes to huttball. Especially now.


I'd argue that a decent sniper or merc are considerably better at carrying the ball now because of their DCDs. Especially sniper. Having CC immunity while entrench is up without being in cover is huge.

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since bioware doesn't allow jedi and troopers to jump into the end zone anymore since that has been disabled you should also disable any other movement effects on agents, and shadows and other classes with them ALSO in the end zones in huttball


This is already the case. Operatives can't use holotraverse and assassins can't use phantom stride. Roll is not only a movement ability it's also a defensive, so without redesigning it or the huttball maps it shouldn't be touched.


I guess the idea behind introduction of this movement limitation was to encourage team play, more passes etc. This would make sense if we had a huttball league (8v8 ranked), but as it is now it would be better if it was like before. Too often pugs are clueless what to do in huttball and it usually comes down to few players to win a match.

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I'd argue that a decent sniper or merc are considerably better at carrying the ball now because of their DCDs. Especially sniper. Having CC immunity while entrench is up without being in cover is huge.


What, we only have cc immunity in cover with entrench...

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Why bother with rolls and teleports? You can pass the ball from lowest level to highest... and not on that small spot before slime-pipe but right after slime-pipe. :eek:


I saw it twice in one game. Top-notch map design! :rolleyes:

Edited by Glower
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I'd argue that a decent sniper or merc are considerably better at carrying the ball now because of their DCDs. Especially sniper. Having CC immunity while entrench is up without being in cover is huge.


Even an engineering sniper running in support of the carrier. Those who camp have zero idea how to play that spec in HB. It's all about damage for them and any half witt can do heaps of damage spamming a rotation from a sniper nest.

An engineering sniper with massive damage is usually the team member who has done the least to help your team all match.

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Why bother with rolls and teleports? You can pass the ball from lowest level to highest... and not on that small spot before slime-pipe but right after slime-pipe. :eek:


I saw it twice in one game. Top-notch map design! :rolleyes:


I think the issue is some classes have had it removed, while others get to keep it. If they want to remove the lot I would support it because it would encourage passing.

But I do think defenders should be able to leap in their own goal area. That's just stupid to remove.

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I'd argue that a decent sniper or merc are considerably better at carrying the ball now because of their DCDs. Especially sniper. Having CC immunity while entrench is up without being in cover is huge.


Not....really....Snipers can roll twice if they use their dcd reset, only one spec is immune during rolls to being pulled, thrown, etc. Operatives on the other hand can sit in the endzone and rollol their way to score. There should be no jumps/ leaps, / teleports at ALL available , or all of them should be usable, it is ridiculous to punish only a handfull of classes and then leave the others to laugh at the classes who had their mobility moves disabled.

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As a sorc, I would like to be able to teleport with the ball. Seeing as how agents can roll about the same distance.

Not even nearly the same distance. And especially in Queshball the vertical level changes would allow Sorcs/Sages travel monstrous distances with Phasewalk shenanigans.

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They should just never have touched leaping there to begin with.


If you are stupid enough to let a Warrior leap to the end zone you deserve whatever comes next.

Hell, they should knock off with these restrictions and restore it to the way it was.

Not being able to leap to come to your own teams defense is just *********** dumb.

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How many concealment ops even queue regularly? On TEH I can pvp for 4-5 hours and only see like 2 other ops..


They are a cancer on TRE. Imp groups consist of sorc heals, jugg skanks, snipers and mercs. OR groups of 4-6 operatives.

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