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Thanks for mentioning the game at E3.


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...oh, yah, I forgot, you didn't.


I am a bit worried that EA didn't give SWTOR some screen time or at least mentioned them at E3 :( I've had the slight (and likely irrational) fear that they're going to pull the plug on the game, but maybe there is other reasons why SWTOR wasn't mentioned at E3, it could be that they have something special in the makes for the end of this year so they want a separate moment to announce it? At least, that is what I hope is the case :)

Edited by Ylliarus
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E3 is about hyping new games coming in the pipeline... not hyping existing games that are more then 5 years old.


5 1/2 years in.... people either know about SWTOR and have played it, or they are simply not interested. And it's not like anything they might tease out at E3 for a 5 1/2 year old game is going to be taken at face value anyway with players that most often demand information. I think it's more about waiting to pounce on the next thing they wave in front of you.

Edited by Andryah
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E3 is about hyping new games coming in the pipeline... not hyping existing games that are more then 5 years old.


5 1/2 years in.... people either know about SWTOR and have played it, or they are simply not interested. And it's not like anything they might tease out at E3 for a 5 1/2 year old game is going to be taken at face value anyway with players that most often demand information. I think it's more about waiting to pounce on the next thing they wave in front of you.


Well they did so every other year and had no problems with promoting SWTOR all that time so it may strike some people as odd, but it could be that people overthink the situation. I really hope that they have something awesome and new in the works for us waiting to be announced after the Crisis on Umbara update :)

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Well they did so every other year and had no problems with promoting SWTOR all that time so it may strike some people as odd, but it could be that people overthink the situation. I really hope that they have something awesome and new in the works for us waiting to be announced after the Crisis on Umbara update :)


You're overreacting. They wouldn't have hired Keith, having him do his best to open lines of communication to make the playerbase happier. If there was nothing then they probably would not have gone to such effort.

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You're overreacting. They wouldn't have hired Keith, having him do his best to open lines of communication to make the playerbase happier. If there was nothing then they probably would not have gone to such effort.


I'm not sure where I am overreacting in the reply I wrote, but okay :p I already stated in the reply people could be overthinking it. But yeah, Keith wouldn't have come in if EA had serious plans to shut the game down

Edited by Ylliarus
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You're overreacting. They wouldn't have hired Keith, having him do his best to open lines of communication to make the playerbase happier. If there was nothing then they probably would not have gone to such effort.


The last few years of SWG life had some of the best dev communication that game ever had, and they were implementing a lot of the things that players wanted back into the game and releasing new content as well.


Despite that, game still got shut down. The new hire for Keith and the transparency of the devs recently is still a good sign but not a sure sign if ya catch my drift.

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The last few years of SWG life had some of the best dev communication that game ever had, and they were implementing a lot of the things that players wanted back into the game and releasing new content as well.


Despite that, game still got shut down. The new hire for Keith and the transparency of the devs recently is still a good sign but not a sure sign if ya catch my drift.


Ah I do catch your drift :) I don't want to be a doomsayer of course because I absolutely passionately adore SWTOR, but I still can't help but fear EA is done with the IP. I fervently hope that is not the case though.

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The last few years of SWG life had some of the best dev communication that game ever had, and they were implementing a lot of the things that players wanted back into the game and releasing new content as well.


Despite that, game still got shut down. The new hire for Keith and the transparency of the devs recently is still a good sign but not a sure sign if ya catch my drift.


There is literally nothing comparable in any way between SWG and SWTOR other then they run off the SW IP license. This is apples and potatoes you have going here... just to sow some more fear uncertainty and doubt.

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There is literally nothing comparable in any way between SWG and SWTOR other then they run off the SW IP license. This is apples and potatoes you have going here... just to sow some more fear uncertainty and doubt.


That is not entirely true. There are parallels between the two games, especially in regards to the final years of the games. I haven't been a part of SWG but from what I heard they implemented new/"revolutionary" gearing changes as well as endgame stuff which put off a large chunk of the playerbase which subsequently left (correct me if I am wrong). We got a new gearing system in SWTOR too which also put off a chunk of the playerbase... so there are similarities between the two and you'd hope SWTOR has learned from SWG. But I could be mistaken of course regarding the comparison.

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That is not entirely true. There are parallels between the two games, especially in regards to the final years of the games. I haven't been a part of SWG but from what I heard they implemented new/"revolutionary" gearing changes as well as endgame stuff which put off a large chunk of the playerbase which subsequently left (correct me if I am wrong). We got a new gearing system in SWTOR too which also put off a chunk of the playerbase... so there are similarities between the two and you'd hope SWTOR has learned from SWG. But I could be mistaken of course regarding the comparison.


Having played both... I find no similarities at all besides use of the IP. They are literally very different beasts in the MMO world and the studios are completely different in how they approach their games.


But.. we will probably just agree to disagree on this point.

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Having played both... I find no similarities at all besides use of the IP. They are literally very different beasts in the MMO world and the studios are completely different in how they approach their games.


But.. we will probably just agree to disagree on this point.


Hmm, well I could have heard wrong of course as I haven't played SWG (sadly) so I will take you on your word :)

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Ah I do catch your drift :) I don't want to be a doomsayer of course because I absolutely passionately adore SWTOR, but I still can't help but fear EA is done with the IP. I fervently hope that is not the case though.


Me too , I like the game. Don't want to be a doomsayer either. I hope it sticks around for many more years.

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What SWG did is Nothing like what is happening here. Not even close. SWG redid the entire way you build your character,...as in took a classless open skill based character and locked them into Classes. What is happening here is like a weekday patch compared to that.


That said,..it Is disappointing to see the game we play not get any mention but it doesn't mean the doors are closing anytime soon. Hedge your bets,..play how you like until you don't,.or can't. Not much more we can do.

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Wasn't the plug pulled on SWG because Lucas Arts wasn't going to renew the license with SOE for the Star Wars IP? At least that's what I heard when I was at the SOE Fan Fair - the one that was held after the announcement was made that SWG was ending but before the game itself actually stopped. If what I heard was true then this situation is nothing like that.
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EA has given up on SWTOR. It also shows how bad things are for SWTOR that Galaxies of Heroes has been making more money then a AAA MMO for over 2 years. SWTOR's time had come and gone; and it looks like EA is putting their money into other games. I would say by the end of next year the game comes to an end..
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I am a bit worried that EA didn't give SWTOR some screen time or at least mentioned them at E3 :( I've had the slight (and likely irrational) fear that they're going to pull the plug on the game, but maybe there is other reasons why SWTOR wasn't mentioned at E3, it could be that they have something special in the makes for the end of this year so they want a separate moment to announce it? At least, that is what I hope is the case :)


I was there in-person, and no one would even know, and a Lot of people don't know that a Swtor even exists. And no company does that unless "said Company doesn't care about said game" usually. EA really needs to do a Lot more for this game, it's very sad truthfully, especially being there and knowing there most likely there could have been at least an official EA/Swtor Cantina event.

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What SWG did is Nothing like what is happening here. Not even close. SWG redid the entire way you build your character,...as in took a classless open skill based character and locked them into Classes. What is happening here is like a weekday patch compared to that.


That said,..it Is disappointing to see the game we play not get any mention but it doesn't mean the doors are closing anytime soon. Hedge your bets,..play how you like until you don't,.or can't. Not much more we can do.


SOE was a Star Wars Killer, they butchered Everything that was good and screwed it big time. All of us Elders know how good the game could be, until SOE put in NGE. That was the Final Death-nail for SWG, and LucasArts had had enough of SOE, along with a good excuse to rid themselves of SOE, because SWTOR was coming out soon. Swtor was in a very good position at the time, including Us Elders that left SWG fot Swtor.

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Also, All of us that could use the Forums on SWG were Not Allowed to ever talk about anything negative about the game, or you could get /banned fast. No one here, including me would be allowed to even Post on stuff like this, it wasn't permitted.
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I was there in-person, and no one would even know, and a Lot of people don't know that a Swtor even exists. And no company does that unless "said Company doesn't care about said game" usually. EA really needs to do a Lot more for this game, it's very sad truthfully, especially being there and knowing there most likely there could have been at least an official EA/Swtor Cantina event.


The writing has been on the wall for a long time now; SWTOR was a net less for EA in 2016 and hasn't been talked about in EA financial reports ever since. EA is just going to get whatever money they can out of the game; you can tell already that Bioware has a very limited budget and limited support from EA. Like I said, the game has about a year left before EA pulls the plug.

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The writing has been on the wall for a long time now; SWTOR was a net less for EA in 2016 and hasn't been talked about in EA financial reports ever since. EA is just going to get whatever money they can out of the game; you can tell already that Bioware has a very limited budget and limited support from EA. Like I said, the game has about a year left before EA pulls the plug.


Hope to God your wrong. EA put over 120 million in this games Launch, and EA, in my view has a responsiblity to help make this game good and awesome again, because it sure as hell can be.


I wish Disney would pull EA over to the side, andf tell them if this gets to such and such a place, then the contract we signed with you will be null and void when it comes up soon, at least with this game.


I know that EA had that other Mobile game at the event, and it's wrong from a business point of view as well as my moral point of view not to have Swtor there as well for at least all the people that don't even know about Swtor.

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You're overreacting. They wouldn't have hired Keith, having him do his best to open lines of communication to make the playerbase happier. If there was nothing then they probably would not have gone to such effort.


Thats not how it works. City of heroes was a week away from releasing an expansion when NCSOFT killed it with no warning. These decisions are made at a level that doesnt really care you just got hired etc.

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Having played both... I find no similarities at all besides use of the IP. They are literally very different beasts in the MMO world and the studios are completely different in how they approach their games.


But.. we will probably just agree to disagree on this point.


The game play in both games has nothing to do with it. Corporate management has a complete different set of metric that they go by than bw has. They have knowledge of what other games they are developing, the actual profit levels and subscription levels etc. That being said, they will most likely not be planning anything bad for swtor. The game is a huge investment that you usually dont throw away on a whim. If something were to change we would most likely find out the same day that the bw employees find out that they need to look for a new job. EA wouldnt telegraph changes too soon. Not being mentioned at E3 is most likely oversight..ooops

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So anyone there that can answer? Did EA talk about every single running game that they have? (Was the Sims mentioned? my curiosity) I mean was SWTOR the only game missing?


Point taken' on that, their are a lot of things EA won't share, that i can't say. But, do believe this game will go on longer than some think, personally saying. But EA needs to get on the ball to protect this Mega-investment.

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