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Are Powertech tanks viable in NiM (master mode) operations?

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Are Powertech tanks viable in NiM (master mode) operations? My understanding is that with the 5.0 changes, Assassin tanks are a fair bit ahead of the other two tanks in terms of damage mitigation and overall survivability. Is it viable to run one Powertech tank / one Assassin tank for NiM (master mode) operations, or is it much better to run two Assassin tanks?


And another question: Are Powertech tanks in general much harder for healers to keep up compared to Assassin tanks, due to the lack of DCD’s Powertech tanks have compared to Assassin tanks?

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Are Powertech tanks viable in NiM (master mode) operations?



Is it viable to run one Powertech tank / one Assassin tank for NiM (master mode) operations, or is it much better to run two Assassin tanks?

Both are viable, on some encounters two assassins are better and on others, one PT is better.


Are Powertech tanks in general much harder for healers to keep up compared to Assassin tanks, due to the lack of DCD’s Powertech tanks have compared to Assassin tanks?


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Are Powertech tanks viable in NiM (master mode) operations? My understanding is that with the 5.0 changes, Assassin tanks are a fair bit ahead of the other two tanks in terms of damage mitigation and overall survivability. Is it viable to run one Powertech tank / one Assassin tank for NiM (master mode) operations, or is it much better to run two Assassin tanks?


And another question: Are Powertech tanks in general much harder for healers to keep up compared to Assassin tanks, due to the lack of DCD’s Powertech tanks have compared to Assassin tanks?


As my former raid leader said "PT is acripple".


To answer your questions: PT's are the easiest tank-class because of uncomplex cd-usage. You are just standing around and eating damage. One may argue with oil slick, how ever, the most damageing single attacks in the game are FT, where juggs and sins can use mad dash, reflection, shroud and force speed. PT's can just hope for the rng of explosive fuel and their shield genereator. As a compensation for crappy dcd's they have a very high basic damage reduction. So, PT's are eating more attacks, but from these attacks, they eat less damage.


However, a well played PT is more then viable for every content in the game, without saying, Sin is better. :D

Edited by Exocor
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As my former raid leader said "PT is acripple".


To answer your questions: PT's are the easiest tank-class because of uncomplex cd-usage. You are just standing around and eating damage. One may argue with oil slick, how ever, the most damageing single attacks in the game are FT, where juggs and sins can use mad dash, reflection, shroud and force speed. PT's can just hope for the rng of explosive fuel and their shield genereator. As a compensation for crappy dcd's they have a very high basic damage reduction. So, PT's are eating more attacks, but from these attacks, they eat less damage.


However, a well played PT is more then viable for every content in the game, without saying, Sin is better. :D


This in a nutshell. I will clarify further on a point, PTs on average will suffer less from spike damage than the other 2 on average even when they end up taking more DTPS on a fight. As have been said, PTs are fine for any content. They do have disadvantages on 2. Styrak- You'll need to bring another KB as it lacks it. Brontes- Can't cheese Orbs except rng Explosive fuel, thus is weak on orbs in the burn but can be made up for by burning her harder.

Edited by FerkWork
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To clarify, with 5.0 assassin tanks were better than the other 2 tanks because they had a utility that gave them 30% aoe damage reduction, and many of the hard hitting attacks are AOE (as well as just the regular damage doing out), so sin tanks had a great advantage there.


But, that was removed with 5.1 I believe, so while I'd still say sin tanks are probably the best (mostly because of the 60% dmg reduction every 15 seconds on force speed), it is by a small enough margin that you should play what you like.

Edited by LordTurin
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I'll throw in my two cents.


As a tank main, Vanguard specifically I have to agree they are viable. They do suffer some disadvantages on some fights though. When we do Brontes or other fights where Vanguards and PTs suffer I bring my Shadow instead. However they have advantages as well. We've found that I take less damage on my Vanguard then my Shadow co tank does when holding double monsters on NIM bestia.


Vanguard Tanks are also monstrously ahead when it comes to "Tank DPS" which can be very relevant on some fights. In some cases it can be better to take a bit more damage but do a lot more. I have no trouble doing 4-5k DPS on every fight and sometimes more on fights like Thrasher and Grob'thok.


Vanguards....at least we aren't Juggs :D

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We've found that I take less damage on my Vanguard then my Shadow co tank does when holding double monsters on NIM bestia.

I've found your co-tank can't time his force speed and shroud right :p

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We've found that I take less damage on my Vanguard then my Shadow co tank does when holding double monsters on NIM bestia.


I'd be interested to know your DtPS numbers and biggest hit numbers for both of you holding two monsters. If your shadow is using every DCD properly I imagine the discrepancy isn't too large between you both, but confirmation is nice.

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