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Server Merge Discussion Thread


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Excuse me? I am one of the BEST dressed players you'll find. Outfits are absolutely one of my weaknesses on the freaking Cartel Market...I've bought more than most players have, less than some, but far more than the average player. The gooder I look, the gooder I play. I dress for success Ian!!!


What I meant by that was, anything they have unlocked will transfer - it does now. The players who stamped dyes into slots years ago when there was a bug that allowed you to do that without using up the dye, they'll be screwed because that will not transfer...but it was never unlocked or applied properly.


When I've transferred characters to the PTS, I've lost appearance slots, I've lost access to strongholds, and because of that, yes, I've lost stuff I expended in "The proper way." I've always lost the dye module when stamping into an outfit (which is why I try not to do it that way, instead putting it into the item and THEN putting the item into the outfit designer, and then keep the item lying around).


If you didn't pay for it with CCs, it's not account-unlocked; and you might lose it when you transfer. So, no, until they sort out a way for unlocks with credits to transfer, then, no, it's a pretty big deal.


(And short of making names non-unique, that's a big dealbreaker for a lot of people, myself included; for all that I've never had a name collision)

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It would be nice if strongholds could transfer intact - outfits not at all. If you've truly unlocked an outfit the correct way, it only takes a few minutes to update your character look. Minimal time should be given to outfits imo.


If tens of thousands of people lose all of their stamped outfits, you can be sure some of them stamped gear they no longer have and can no longer get and/or used expensive dyes directly on stamped gear. (Some gear can only be dyed on the stamp, not on the original) There are undoubtedly a few players out there who stamped a cartel bought black/black dye and would thus lose a $20 purchase.


And then there is the credit cost of stamping outfits. At lvl 70 it's about 40k credits per outfit. If you have all 16 outfit tabs that's 640k per character. If you have 52 characters at 16 tabs that's over 33 million. Again there are undoubtedly a few people that do have that many stamped outfits.


And then there is time investment. If you only have one or two outfits on one or two characters, sure documenting their outfits and then re-creating them is quick. If you have numerous outfits on numerous characters it will take hours to document them and then hours to re-create them if they can be re-created at all.


And then you will have people who were unable to prepare for the move for one reason or another who will log in and have all of their outfits gone without any documentation. For people who don't care about their outfits, sure, no big deal, bur for others, each outfit has been carefully crafted to have exactly the right look which can easily take over an hour per outfit.


So how many hours is it reasonable to expect people to tolerate losing? How many credits? How many cartel coins? Yes, losing hundreds of millions if not billions of credits in guild assets is a much bigger issue, the individual loses from losing stamped outfits is minor, but for some players it is still significant enough to quit over.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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I have Bob. I did it almost 2-years ago. It needs to happen again for many servers. Reapplying your outfit isn't an issue I have any concern about. That is not a very good reason not to merge servers...at all.


As I said, you don't play or exist in a vacuum. There are more people than just you to account for.


There are, indeed. Of all the people playing, how many are really having a problem? If a server can be pronounced dead by BW, then it needs to be merged into other servers. However, as I said before "No queue at 3 AM server time" isn't a valid "the servers are dead".

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I've got six strongholds and only one is 90% complete. If something happened to erase that 90% I probably wouldn't even bother trying. They are just for the future when I get enough decos I want. I just don't see the logic is forcing everyone to undergo some kind of sacrifice because you don't want to use the options available to you. There is nothing stopping you from going to an improved server. I think I'd still want mine around even if I'm the only one on it (I'd just make new characters on new servers). I have sixteen or severnteen character slots all in various states of the game. Nothing stopping me from doing the same on other servers but I'm staying on mine because what I have there not because I don't have group finder issues.


I even started some on west coast servers when the east coast (my home) was having issues. Why is this not possible for you?

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They should merge server without people loosing their guild sh, ordinary sh, outfits etc. not sure though if they are capable to do so :D Anyway iam sure there will be some consequences like nick/guild name collisions, however it is a small price for keeping the game alive.
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Ahem... ...PvP... ...Ahem!


All The Best


Hmm as much as I hate pvp, the few times I did (for the droid companion) I don't recall my healer standing around. I am a firm believer if you going to do something even if you are horrible (which I am in pvp) at least contribute. Don't do something and stand around and make it bad for the other players, that is unfair to them.

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It would be nice if strongholds could transfer intact - outfits not at all. If you've truly unlocked an outfit the correct way, it only takes a few minutes to update your character look. Minimal time should be given to outfits imo.


I'm not against transfers or mergers. I should have been clearer.. Grouping tools however is another story entirely.


However if they do commit to transfers players should suffer no harm in the process.

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Messages numbers from different players in server merge discussion thread which voted FOR implementation of merges:

2,4,5,11,12(Not directly, but it is for server merge),15, 16, 19,20 (Not directly, but it is for server merge), 26, 31, 33, 39, 43, 52 (Not directly, but it is for server merge), 57, 70, 72, 77, 94, 98 (Not directly, but it is for server merge), 105,107,116 ETC.


Learn to count. AND IT IS only first 12 PAGES.


Those who are against are mostly the same rp-persons (retajack, Cesarabit and a few others) repeating their messages to others, and these players are in minority.



This is the most telling thing of all.

The same few leeches have saturated this thread by replying to everyone's comment multiple times then they claim they are the majority lmfao


This game would die a slow miserable death if it were left to them. It's a good thing there are some rational people that want to see this game grow and succeed.

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Spend your 99CC and move then.


Instead of insisting Bioware force the rest of us to move to you.


Talk about selfish and entitled...


All The Best


People use the words selfish and entitled without even knowing the meaning.


Selfish is wanting a dead server to exist for a handful of players to play dress up in peace.


Entitled is paying for an MMO subscription and expecting to actually play MMO content



All The Best

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What a lot of the anti merger/want the game to die vultures are forgetting is that the pro merger/MMO crowd want mergers to happen but they also DONT want assets to be destroyed and for multiple servers to exist for multiple play styles. Just less servers than there are now.

Beyond that, there are only selfish reasons to be against a merger.

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People use the words selfish and entitled without even knowing the meaning.


Selfish is wanting a dead server to exist for a handful of players to play dress up in peace.


Entitled is paying for an MMO subscription and expecting to actually play MMO content



All The Best


It's also expecting others to be fine with giving stuff up so that you can get your MMO content, when you can simply transfer your toons somewhere where you'll be more happy. What happens if your ability to play MMO content doesn't improve after a merger? My favorite response to that question to date was back a couple of years ago, when someone claimed that one of those servers has a surplus of healers and tanks waiting for DPS players in the queue. It was hilarious then, and it makes me chuckle today to remember that.

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People use the words selfish and entitled without even knowing the meaning.


Selfish is wanting a dead server to exist for a handful of players to play dress up in peace.


Entitled is paying for an MMO subscription and expecting to actually play MMO content


All The Best


The players who will lose assets, names, strongholds and guilds in a forced server merge are also paying customers. Why should they lose something they paid for (very often stronghold decos and other stuff are purchased with CC from real-world money) for you, especially when you already HAVE an option to move to a different server if you feel your current one isn't satisfactory?

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It's also expecting others to be fine with giving stuff up so that you can get your MMO content, when you can simply transfer your toons somewhere where you'll be more happy. What happens if your ability to play MMO content doesn't improve after a merger? My favorite response to that question to date was back a couple of years ago, when someone claimed that one of those servers has a surplus of healers and tanks waiting for DPS players in the queue. It was hilarious then, and it makes me chuckle today to remember that.


Again, this is an example of selfishness


Read my post directly below the one you were so eager to quote

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The players who will lose assets, names, strongholds and guilds in a forced server merge are also paying customers. Why should they lose something they paid for (very often stronghold decos and other stuff are purchased with CC from real-world money) for you, especially when you already HAVE an option to move to a different server if you feel your current one isn't satisfactory?


More selfishness on your part. I should lose assets and pay real money for dozens of toons so you can keep a dead server to yourself. Critical thinking isnt strong among the anti server crowd but just go back and read my statement directly below the one you so haphazardly quoted and then get back to me.


BTW my main server is now SL and its doing ok since the last update. Game health is my concern but you have far more selfish motives.

Edited by Baith-Na
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Again, this is an example of selfishness


Read my post directly below the one you were so eager to quote


So, stating that a merge may not improve your situation is being selfish? Pointing out that entitlement also means expecting others to sacrifice for your potential gain is somehow selfish? That word, I don't think it means what you think it means.

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More selfishness on your part. I should lose assets and pay real money for dozens of toons so you can keep a dead server to yourself. Critical thinking isnt strong among the anti server crowd but just go back and read my statement directly below the one you so haphazardly quoted and then get back to me.


BTW my main server is now SL and its doing ok since the last update. Game health is my concern but you have far more selfish motives.


Insulting people by saying they lack critical thinking skills doesn't help your case. And I happen to be on one of the most populated servers, actually.


You might want to merge servers while keeping assets intact, but there are plenty of people here screaming for mergers NOW, regardless of the issues, and downplaying all the reasons people don't want that - such as keeping their characters' names, strongholds, the particular personality of the server, etc. They don't want to lose *their* names or guilds, but hey, it's NBD if someone else is forced to. They want the sort of Fleet experience that appeals to them personally, but hey, it's selfish and wrong if someone else wants the same for themselves.


You don't want to lose the names, toons and other things you have paid for in the game, which is fine. Why should I lose mine? If you don't like your server, you have options right now that you can take, without involving anyone else. Move, or don't, but leave other players out of it.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Personally, I think server merging should be a "last resort" type of option. Cross-server queues would be interesting (and fix a lot of things), but I imagine that would be limited by region, or even where in the region you might be, right? Say for example for servers in the U.S., cross-server queues would be separated by West coast and a East coast from each other, due to server locations.


Or would it just make sense to have cross-servers queue no matter where in the region they may be? Not sure how it would work with tech, since I don't know where servers are physically located and I'm no expert.


If server mergers are bound to happen at some point, then I would suggest creating a RP instance for all servers (at all open locations - fleet, planets), and see if folks naturally migrate over time, say 90 to 120 days.

Edited by Aikon
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People use the words selfish and entitled without even knowing the meaning.


Selfish is wanting a dead server to exist for a handful of players to play dress up in peace.


Entitled is paying for an MMO subscription and expecting to actually play MMO content



All The Best


I am not on a dead server thanks. I am on a server and in a guild that means I don't need to queue.


Please feel free to use YOUR money to transfer to such a server, rather than asking Bioware to take things from me that I paid for with my money, so I can act as Queue Fodder for you.


All The Best

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Again, this is an example of selfishness


Read my post directly below the one you were so eager to quote


Actually both sides are selfish. Now that we have determined that can we move on to the next topic and stop with the childish taunts, about who is selfish and a person's IQ?

Edited by casirabit
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Yeah the one where MOST of the players said yes to server merges. Some are against server merge but majority as i showed it in my previous messages are wanting server merge.


If you want to think so, go ahead.


I know you counted a few distinct posters in favor of server merges in the first couple of pages, but how about you go back and count BOTH those in favor of server merges, and those AGAINST server merges before you try to make a claim that you have not produced the hard numbers to back up.


Bias will always cloud a person's perspective.

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If you want to think so, go ahead.


I know you counted a few distinct posters in favor of server merges in the first couple of pages, but how about you go back and count BOTH those in favor of server merges, and those AGAINST server merges before you try to make a claim that you have not produced the hard numbers to back up.


Bias will always cloud a person's perspective.


I'm only against them for people losing SH,guildship setups but other than that if they work that out then it's time for a merge player names are nothing everyone signed ToS and Bioware can change anything they like anytime so nobody can cry because you signed your life away once you got into this game.

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But we all still keep posting right ?


Discussion yes, using childish behaviour (calling one side selfish, making comments about someone's IQ,) no. For the most part the discussion has been respectful minus a few but it doesn't need to get into calling names if we want to continue discussing both sides of the coins because once that happens the community in itself loses.

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