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Server Merge Discussion Thread


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Wave 1 just migrate now 90 cc and go. Money easy to make in game.


That is the point, though.


Everyone can transfer NOW for 90 CC, yet how many are choosing not to do so and choosing to remain on their current server?


Note, I am not saying that they should not bring one or more new larger capacity servers online. I'm just wondering how effective that will be until BW resolves all the issues surrounding transfers.

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1 German Server

1 French Server

2 or 3 US Server





Based upon Keith's interview, I doubt we will see that happen, as Keith said they do not want to force anyone to move. They want to allow anyone who is happy on their current servers to remain there.

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1 German Server

1 French Server

2 or 3 US Server





I would hate for that too happen, I'm from the UK and would actually like to have an English Server myself instead of having to go to a US server.

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Existing servers stay as is, those were new servers as if BW was listening to focus populations


Would be great if they could bring back the Server Tags for them atleast, PVP, PVE and RP tags on the server were great to get the population to go to the right place, now I see people having to ask where to go for these things, at the very least having RP servers marked to not dilute them.

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Would be great if they could bring back the Server Tags for them atleast, PVP, PVE and RP tags on the server were great to get the population to go to the right place, now I see people having to ask where to go for these things, at the very least having RP servers marked to not dilute them.


Yeah this I can agree on for new players it can be a pain now that aside they need to lock down the servers that are not very healthy like new players can't make characters on that server. Below I posted a video link showing the most unhealthy server in NA and this type of server for a new player is very bad and the video can show you why.


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Yeah this I can agree on for new players it can be a pain now that aside they need to lock down the servers that are not very healthy like new players can't make characters on that server. Below I posted a video link showing the most unhealthy server in NA and this type of server for a new player is very bad and the video can show you why.



Had a quick scan through that video, but thats pretty bad on the population right there...thats the thing for both points, one the fact someone may start a character, get quite abit into it before realising that the population is low everywhere on that server and having to A) Transfer at a cost or B) Make a new character.


Same can go for the Server Tags, people may choose a server, thinking it doesn't really matter too much past the language and whether they like the name of the server, to only find out later on that there is a better choice for their style of play.

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Yeah this I can agree on for new players it can be a pain now that aside they need to lock down the servers that are not very healthy like new players can't make characters on that server. Below I posted a video link showing the most unhealthy server in NA and this type of server for a new player is very bad and the video can show you why.



That is terrible. I've been on Bastion and it's been like that sometimes, of course it depends on the time of day. But even at peak times I've seen 10 people on the Bastion fleet, 4 on Korriban (SHs) and 6 on Cor (SHs). I jumped to end game sections like Odessen and found less than 10 people.


Jung Ma is bad and I think Bastion isnt far behind or may even be the same. It's a shame that YouTube vid didn't go to those areas I went to on Bastion to see how many are in Strong Holds or in End game.


Those servers should be closed to new players or people transferring to them. If new people roll on a server like that it gives the wrong impression of the game. They should also stop people transferring to them. Eventually the server dies from natural attrition and they can merge them because there aren't any active players. Then if people come back to the game and they've been moved it's not an issue because they've not been playing the game and should know changes can happen while they're away for long periods of time. I mean if they'd not left the game to start with, maybe the server would have stayed viable :rolleyes:

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That is terrible. I've been on Bastion and it's been like that sometimes, of course it depends on the time of day. But even at peak times I've seen 10 people on the Bastion fleet, 4 on Korriban (SHs) and 6 on Cor (SHs). I jumped to end game sections like Odessen and found less than 10 people.


Jung Ma is bad and I think Bastion isnt far behind or may even be the same. It's a shame that YouTube vid didn't go to those areas I went to on Bastion to see how many are in Strong Holds or in End game.


Those servers should be closed to new players or people transferring to them. If new people roll on a server like that it gives the wrong impression of the game. They should also stop people transferring to them. Eventually the server dies from natural attrition and they can merge them because there aren't any active players. Then if people come back to the game and they've been moved it's not an issue because they've not been playing the game and should know changes can happen while they're away for long periods of time. I mean if they'd not left the game to start with, maybe the server would have stayed viable :rolleyes:


I left Bastion 2 years ago, I guess it's a ghost town now?

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We dont need server tags, BW has an instance of non pvp or pvp.


I strongly disagree with this point, we do need server tags, i understand that there is now instances between PVE and PVP, however it can still be useful for people who may prefer PVP content to be able to go to the server that will be more common for it.


Although due to the instances I would find it quite reasonable to merge the 2 PVE and PVP servers together now.


HOWEVER for RP servers they certainly do require the tags to keep it a RP server, because now you'll have people joining that server unaware that it is made for RP, creating random names, and bunny hopping everywhere and creating guilds that have nothing to do with RP at all, and diluting the server designed for RP completely, which ruins it for all the RPers that have been around for years creating their characters there and paying money into the game which would eventually make some RP'ers leave if it hasn't already.


Now also let me say i'm not telling people NOT to join RP servers if they are not going to RP at all, they are not forced to RP, some people just like to be immersed in the world of others RP'ing around them which is just fine, but when you join an RP server, expecting RP and then later on down the road see so many guilds being advertised for PVE/PVP based guilds, you realise that they have no clue as to what kind of server they are on, and that is a problem.

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I strongly disagree with this point, we do need server tags, i understand that there is now instances between PVE and PVP, however it can still be useful for people who may prefer PVP content to be able to go to the server that will be more common for it.


So.. let's say they put the tags back on.......


I think everyone knows that The Harbinger is the most popular PvP server in NA these days. So.. putting the tags back on would mislead players seeking PvP as Harbinger has always been tagged as PvE. If they put the tags back... said players would be fooled into heading to Bastion, or PoT5, or Jung Ma.


You know what is helpful to new players entering an MMO? Actually spending 10 or 15 minutes searching the internet to find out where the PvP action is in SWTOR at this point in time. And I'm sorry.. but any player that cannot be bothered to do a tiny bit of research that is in their own best interests...... gets no sympathy from me.

Edited by Andryah
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So.. let's say they put the tags back on.......


I think everyone knows that The Harbinger is the most popular PvP server in NA these days. So.. putting the tags back on would mislead players seeking PvP as Harbinger has always been tagged as PvE. If they put the tags back... said players would be fooled into heading to Bastion, or PoT5, or Jung Ma.


You know what is helpful to new players entering an MMO? Actually spending 10 or 15 minutes searching the internet to find out where the PvP action is in SWTOR at this point in time. And I'm sorry.. but any player that cannot be bothered to do a tiny bit of research that is in their own best interests...... gets no sympathy from me.


I think they should only apply the tag to certain servers like The Harbinger , The Ebon Hawk, The Red Eclipse but all the wasteland servers need to be locked down so people can't transfer or a new player can't create a toon on them those servers won't get better over time they are going to get worse so if a player wants to stay on his empty server they can but new players won't be joining them and that's how it should be because we have no cross server and as stated it's never coming.

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I think they should only apply the tag to certain servers like The Harbinger , The Ebon Hawk, The Red Eclipse but all the wasteland servers need to be locked down so people can't transfer or a new player can't create a toon on them those servers won't get better over time they are going to get worse so if a player wants to stay on his empty server they can but new players won't be joining them and that's how it should be because we have no cross server and as stated it's never coming.


I think they should clearly label those old PVP servers as very low population and require any character who chooses to create a character on, or transfer a character to, one of those servers to confirm that they understand it is a very low population server and they are not "accidentally" making a "bad choice".


I do not think they should "lock those servers down" and prevent people from creating new characters on them or transferring to them, though.

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I am ok with new level 1 or coupon 60 or 65 new toon lockdown.


The populations are way too low in relative numbers to keep them in that status. New toons need to be grouped as they level together for Estes or Hammer time on a standard or heavy server for obvious reasons.

Edited by IntegrationArch
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I am ok with new level 1 or coupon 60 or 65 new toon lockdown.


The populations are way too low in relative numbers to keep them in that status. New toons need to be grouped as they level together for Estes or Hammer time on a standard or heavy server for obvious reasons.


Having a character creation server, one where a new player creates his first character, would be a good idea. Have the player select a region instead of a server the first time they create a character then they are automatically created on the most populous server in that region. They should be allowed to transfer off or create additional characters on other servers to fit their playstyle after that first character is created.

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Given that this topic is urgent and overdue for AT LEAST 18 months now it seems outstanding incompentent and ignorant that they are just now only starting to think about it with no concrete plans/time schedule (see Keith's podcast interview). Ok, there was a change in responsibilities meanwhile but does it really matter/make a difference for us as customers? Of course not. Bottom line is, those of us with full extended guilds and a working community within these now very small guilds are trapped on plain dead servers with infinite queues even for veteran fps, then with NO pvp or gsf since 15 months and so on (not exaggerating here, there was not one pvp/gsf pop on Jar'kai Sword since then, how should there be with 120 "players" total on super prime time (both factions summed up), minimum 40 of them bots, and regarding the rest minimum 50 % low level/free player chars?!). The others, solo players without guilds, have to pay, even if it is not much nowadays, for a problem Bioware has to pay for and has to solve. Super duper business model Bioware!

It's unavoidable to come to the conclusion that Bioware is by far the most incompentent, ignorant and impudent company in the whole MMO business. You just have to compare how others reacted to the very same problem, and in which time frame they did so.

Edited by Khaleg
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