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Server Merge Discussion Thread


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I hope they've kept up the game's funeral insurance. I think if something isn't in the road map to fix this, then they will need that insurance for funeral costs.


Nah. They cancelled the life insurance policy because they needed that money to help fund Anthem :D (don't take this post seriously).

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I hope the issue of server merges will be discussed in the Roadmap which is due monday. The issue of declining player population is starting to be even slowly noticeable on the populated servers such as The Red Eclipse. While merges won't permanently solve the issue it might be one in many steps that will save this game if not the first step that needs to be taken.


Thus, I stick to my suggestion of 2 US servers, namely The Harbinger and the Ebon Hawk with the other servers merged into them, and 1 European megaserver and let's call it The Star Forge, something we are all familiar with from KOTOR.

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I hope the issue of server merges will be discussed in the Roadmap which is due monday. The issue of declining player population is starting to be even slowly noticeable on the populated servers such as The Red Eclipse. While merges won't permanently solve the issue it might be one in many steps that will save this game if not the first step that needs to be taken.


Thus, I stick to my suggestion of 2 US servers, namely The Harbinger and the Ebon Hawk with the other servers merged into them, and 1 European megaserver and let's call it The Star Forge, something we are all familiar with from KOTOR.


Yeah, would be nice if they mentioned something about that! Even if it isn't merges imo. We haven't heard much about their thoughts on the subject.

Edited by Eshvara
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Yeah, would be nice if they mentioned something about that! Even if it isn't merges imo. We haven't heard much about their thoughts on the subject.


If they have another idea how to fix the dead servers and low population servers I would be more than open for it! But right now I myself can't think of another more effective way to solve the issue or at least remedy one of the many critical points that are causing the health of this game to decline, than server merges.

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If they have another idea how to fix the dead servers and low population servers I would be more than open for it! But right now I myself can't think of another more effective way to solve the issue or at least remedy one of the many critical points that are causing the health of this game to decline, than server merges.


Yeah me neither. ;/ But I really hope we'll be given some insight on anything related to the server problems. It's been too long.

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Yeah me neither. ;/ But I really hope we'll be given some insight on anything related to the server problems. It's been too long.


And as can be seen from this thread it has also been too long since we had a response from the developers as to what their thoughts on the subject are as you already pointed out. It is one of the crucial points I hope to see in the Roadmap if I am to honour my agreement with myself and renew my subscription which is ending in several days.

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And as can be seen from this thread it has also been too long since we had a response from the developers as to what their thoughts on the subject are as you already pointed out. It is one of the crucial points I hope to see in the Roadmap if I am to honour my agreement with myself and renew my subscription which is ending in several days.


Can I have your stuff lol j/k

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Merging servers isn't the answer because it limits growth to the capacity of the consolidated servers. Cross-server integration would allow players (and especially guilds) to stay home while having more players to group with. If there was a way to integrate the GTN across servers as well ... problem solved. WoW does it. Rift does it. Wildstar does it. Why can't SWTOR? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Merging servers isn't the answer because it limits growth to the capacity of the consolidated servers. Cross-server integration would allow players (and especially guilds) to stay home while having more players to group with. If there was a way to integrate the GTN across servers as well ... problem solved. WoW does it. Rift does it. Wildstar does it. Why can't SWTOR?


Cross server has already been adresssed by the developers and due to technical limitations they say it is simply impossible to do it. They have said that we shouldn't count on cross server play as that is not possible in SWTOR. Therefore server merges is the only way to start reviving the game.

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Cross server has already been adresssed by the developers and due to technical limitations they say it is simply impossible to do it. They have said that we shouldn't count on cross server play as that is not possible in SWTOR. Therefore server merges is the only way to start reviving the game.
Bummer. No avenue for growth other than to open up new servers ... we're toast. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Bummer. No avenue for growth other than to open up new servers ... we're toast.


New servers? Surely you see how that would work detrimental to the entire issue of solving population problems? Server merges will be the best solution for now, but the devs will have to do more than just merge the servers together. Sure, if the US servers are reduced to 2 and Europe will get a megaserver then for a time the servers will have higher populations, but then it will be up to the devs to revive the game in such a way that at least players will stop unsubbing/leaving the game and at best even attracts new players and subscribers. But some significant changes to the course of the game as well as it in its entirety need to be made if that is to happen. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the upcoming Roadmap is that beginning of a new and better course :)

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New servers? Surely you see how that would work detrimental to the entire issue of solving population problems? Server merges will be the best solution for now, but the devs will have to do more than just merge the servers together. Sure, if the US servers are reduced to 2 and Europe will get a megaserver then for a time the servers will have higher populations, but then it will be up to the devs to revive the game in such a way that at least players will stop unsubbing/leaving the game and at best even attracts new players and subscribers. But some significant changes to the course of the game as well as it in its entirety need to be made if that is to happen. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the upcoming Roadmap is that beginning of a new and better course :)
"Server merges will be the best solution for now, but the devs will have to do more than just merge the servers together" (sorry ... for whatever reason I'm not allowed to embolden text) ... I wasn't concerned about for now. For now equates to status quo, and the status quo is bleeding this game of subscribers. By current standards that's duct tape & bubble gum damage control stuff. I'm concerned more for the game's future. They aren't planning for growth or there would be an obvious path for it. :(
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Yeah, would be nice if they mentioned something about that! Even if it isn't merges imo. We haven't heard much about their thoughts on the subject.


I agree, but also I think if nothing is announced in the road map to fix the declining population and dead servers, then that's it for the game. There are still some people here holding on by their finger nails to see if this problem will be fixed. If no information is forth coming in the road map, I think those hanging on will just let go and that will be it. The only people who will be left are those who don't do MMO stuff or care enough that others can't do it. At that point the game implodes because EA can't make enough money off those people alone. They may keep the game on, but there won't be any support or new content. That's when they'll put everyone left in the game on one server and close the door. At some point they'll turn that off too.

So to those arguing against server mergers, you are only hastening the demise of the game for yourselves as well. Without the MMO people to pay for subscriptions, EA won't be able to keep the lights on and your part of the game dies too. This is something those against mergers don't get. We are all in this together and if one side dies, it all does. There is a big picture here and if people can't see that, the game dies,

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I play on Bergeron Colony, and my Imp guild and my Pub guild are both virtually dead. It seems like the new players who are guildless aren't planning on sticking around long enough to join a guild. If you try to engage someone to recruit for a guild, odds are they won't even talk to you (they'd prefer to think of SWTOR as a single player game, and being sent a /tell from a stranger isn't even welcome) or they're "just checking things out, and don't want to commit to anything."


So, yeah. I feel like the game does need to merge or die. I do respect that people are worried about losing their names, and that's fair... but if you lose a name because of a merge, you do get a free rename, right? Also, with the new relaxed restrictions on names (you can name your character with first/last names now) there are more character name options for people... this won't be as bad an ordeal if you lose out on the Name Lottery in a merge.


....I mean, my dream option would be a SWTOR II, with a modernized engine, but let's not get too ridiculous here.

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Merging servers isn't the answer because it limits growth to the capacity of the consolidated servers.


Keith mentioned a mega server at one point. However, for 5 days straight no server has gone over light. Unless they do something major to the game, they don't need to worry about over limiting their resources. It's sad, but that's how it is.

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Keith mentioned a mega server at one point. However, for 5 days straight no server has gone over light. Unless they do something major to the game, they don't need to worry about over limiting their resources. It's sad, but that's how it is.


I agree. The amount of people active on even the busiest server, Harbinger, isn't enough to go over Light. That really says something about the health of the game. I'm certainly not advocating one server only, I think people know my thoughts on that and I think one per coast is the best solution for the time being. But with the current amount of people active, you could probably merge all US servers into one of the current servers and not go above standard. I highly doubt they would even come close to being stressed with the current activity. You could probably even add all the EU ones too and not have too much stress on the hardware.

PLEASE let me state this before someone takes what I've said out of context. I don't won't one server for the whole game. I think one server per region is what's needed, so three servers in total.

But if this doesn't happen soon, it will be too little, too late and the game dies and they'll probably make it one server for the whole game and put it in permanent maintenance mode of no updates or support from then on.

Edited by Totemdancer
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I play on Bergeron Colony, and my Imp guild and my Pub guild are both virtually dead. It seems like the new players who are guildless aren't planning on sticking around long enough to join a guild. If you try to engage someone to recruit for a guild, odds are they won't even talk to you (they'd prefer to think of SWTOR as a single player game, and being sent a /tell from a stranger isn't even welcome) or they're "just checking things out, and don't want to commit to anything."


So, yeah. I feel like the game does need to merge or die. I do respect that people are worried about losing their names, and that's fair... but if you lose a name because of a merge, you do get a free rename, right? Also, with the new relaxed restrictions on names (you can name your character with first/last names now) there are more character name options for people... this won't be as bad an ordeal if you lose out on the Name Lottery in a merge.


....I mean, my dream option would be a SWTOR II, with a modernized engine, but let's not get too ridiculous here.


Swtor 2 or a paid expansion that revamps the game with a new engine and other stuff we've been talking about in this thread - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=933425

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Just make it simple and do like ESO does, one European server and one North American server. Be nice to have guild structure like that too. Member of up to five and buying/selling is within guilds for the most part.


I US server wouldn’t work for a lot of people due to geographic locations and would be detrimental to the game. 3 servers is the answer. One in each region,

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I US server wouldn’t work for a lot of people due to geographic locations and would be detrimental to the game. 3 servers is the answer. One in each region,


Try it in ESO before you decide it won't work. Works there fine. But, location of the server is important. It needs to be located in a data center with the fewest hops from various parts of the country as possible.

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Try it in ESO before you decide it won't work. Works there fine. But, location of the server is important. It needs to be located in a data center with the fewest hops from various parts of the country as possible.


Try playing it from Australia 😔

We’d need it on the west coast or the ping jumps 30-50ms

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At this point, unless merging servers saves Bioware money or less maintenance, it's pointless. So few players you wouldn't even feel a difference. Many have already transferred to the bigger servers. The old pvp servers will add nothing to populations on the bigger servers. Again, unless they save BW money or less maintenance at this point it probably will cost them more now to merge any server than leave as is. Just my opinion. Don't ask for proof or numbers. The window of opportunity has closed.
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I hope they merge severs im new to the game and the population is verry low so hope they do merge European severs


In case you don't know you want to play on The Red Eclipse server. And transfers are very cheap at the moment.

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